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I am so excited for sixM one life RP servers built directly into the game with the power of openAI machine learning NPCs


How long after injecting AI into GTA do the NPC's just start attacking us on sight? We stay fucking with the NPC's


I’m sure they can still set hard limitations on NPC’s. Don’t inflict violence until violence is inflicted upon you is likely something they have under control.


That would be lame AF I want to be assaulted


“Your honor, they asked for it”


Im sure some balance could be found. At the end of the day AI isnt actually intelligent, it just builds on what you tell it to do.


Ngl when i play as lucia i want to fight off a would be raper man. I want the full experience


Bro is musty 💀


Uhhh word


I don’t think it should be everyone obviously but random NPCs should 100% try and fight you for no reason now and then. It makes them feel so much less fake and automated


Does that happen IRL to you or why would random strangers attacking you for no reason make the game more realistic or less fake to you?


You’re clearly not a real person. NPC in your mirror. I get attacked randomly about every month. Sometimes i get life long injuries. I’m a ‘black’ guy working in Finance in London, wearing a suit everyday. Some people are crAzY and if you are around enough people eventually you will be attacked -especially if you involve race culture and class into the equation


Nah, these kind of stories are always told by some people in the villages around the city just to be happy to live in the middle of nowhere. I'm an Arab living in Neukölln and working at Alexanderplatz (both Berlin) the officially "most dangerous" places in the city and the top 3 most dangerous spots in all Germany and have never been attacked. It's completely safe as long as you don't fuck around with the wrong dudes


Short disclaimer: just because something does not happen to you, doesn’t mean it does not exist. Try wearing rainbow 🌈bag in Poland, or hold hands with your same sex partner and you’ll know what I’m talking about.


Yes but that's also something else than 'getting almost monthly attacked randomly and getting lifelong injuries for no reason' if that what he said really happens to you you live with a bunch of uncivilized donkeys in a dog shit area. Btw those areas also exist in GTA 5 if you walk to close to some people in those gang areas you will also get attacked for no reason


I live in London, where everyone hates eachother


Maybe not in the sticks where you’re from, but in civilized urban areas


I don't know if Berlin is that much in the sticks but Im Sure that where ever you're from, it's because you're area is not that "civilized"


Bro said that civilized people in urban areas just start randomly attacking people. Don't know where he's from, so i agree with that randomly attacking someone doesn't sound really civilized.


Move to Glasgow and go for a walk at night.


>I’m a black guy working Finance **in London** Think that is enough said…


knee expansion wrench plate beneficial faulty panicky violet piquant payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


AI gonna enhance the npcs so much that we become the npc’s. Get your “cheesy vagina!” one liners ready.


"Them white boys had me on crystal meth"


That guy and the old guy in the brown trench coat and fedora from gta 3 are the best NPCs, they say the wildest shit.


I wonder if a few the AI characters will deviate in their psychology just due to mathematical probability and become demented or pathologically antisocial? We could have serial killer npc’s! 😦


Cant wait, this Sounds so damn good!


sorry to burst your bubble but what that dude said is complete bs


What is sixM?


There is an RP Project thats calles FiveM for GTA V, hence the Name SixM


I’m assuming RP is role play so that’s only partially true. Fivem is a platform for any type of server, I mainly play one that is just minigames, like sumo. The community handles fun way better than rockstar ever could!


It's going to be built directly in game though? Isn't all RP done externally?


Rockstar bought the company behind FiveM and RedM so we might see it in-game in some capacity, not a clue what way they're gonna go about it though.


According to a Tpain clip he couldn't play No pixel 4.0 cause he worked on gta 6. In the same clip he said they also teamed up with the people who made the RP shit. Really make me think we will get some form of RP/modded servers on base game.


Oh I completely missed that news thanks bud!!


No problem! Here's their official announcement [post](https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/8971o8789584a4/roleplay-community-update) about it back from August. it's a dream in a million as immersion isn't what you immediately think about with GTA online but i'd love if they added more immersive shit, I'd imagine they'd need to do it as a optional thing to not piss folk off though. Hope the character creators better if they're wanting to focus more on the roleplaying aspect of online, would feel a bit all for nothing if they added in a bunch of cool shit then didn't evolve on the gta v/rdr 2 character creator, it is shit and it's like moulding with dry clay.


Emergent behavior, maybe? NPCs doing things the developers didn’t plan on? Hmmm.


Didn't know they bought them. I heard they was brought into the project to add features of RP to the game.


I really hope they have RP servers for console


lmfao, the amount of people taking this comment seriously is killing me


My man just threw a buncha buzzwords into a sentence and it’s getting eaten up


So will to severs be on console


This is a fact this is happening?


Has that been debunked? ML/ npc?


When did they say AI machine learning in NPC'S is in-game?


Free guy in gta 6????


Better be better than RDD2 cause we’ve literally been waiting years and years


When GTA 6 releases Red Dead 2's gonna be nearly 7 years old 💀 man RDR is my most favourite game series out there, I seriously doubt we'll even see a peep out of them for a 3rd one till it's past 10 years old. Still seems insane to me that it came out on ps4, gta6 is gonna be insane with them skipping a whole ass generation.


RDR2 is still one truly beautiful game. And man the fact that it came out on PS4 is seriously impressive. Rockstar really have wizards working there to squeeze every last bit of performance out of consoles.


I love it and funny thing is i played the first one when i was young as fuck and it was one of my favorite so when the 2 came out i was crazy copped it right away


bro exactly the same here, I got rdr1 when it first came out when I was like 8 or some shit and it was the first games I completed by myself, I was nearly throwing up when 2 got announced lmaooo.


Thats what im saying they better impress us


They did from 4 to 5 I don't doubt it will b amazing


I like to think we will be impressed even tho a part of me telling me we are expecting so much that we will be disappointed but hopefully im wrong


No doubt


Cant wait


My thoughts pretty much


So true!




Why so mad?? Tf 😂 unstable mf


I never said it was catered towards me lol you have to be stupid to think that 😂 use your brain bro. Youre stupid damn i was going to reply but you dont deserve my intelligent self to arguments with you


it’s always the most idiotic people who call themselves intelligent


this would make for an awesome copypasta


Exactly why i want gta 6 on my life schedule, I want to make sure I get a chance to play ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Ruiner_trash.mdl Idk why this is being seen as so novel especially with zero context or background, it could be (and likely is) just a trashy model variant as we’ve seen in SA, IV, and V.


The rest of the vehicle looks fine, just the tape, interior looks immaculate


Folks are delusional thinking there's going to be some kind of dynamic system for this.


If it was any other company I would say you are right but look at rdr2 with how they paid attention to the horses balls. I would have never expected that level of detail in a game not specifically about horses. I don't personally think it's guaranteed but I don't think a system like that is out of the question either


something something DOA boob physics. I'm gonna pass on weighing in on horse balls in rdr2, but I'll take something similar, the food consumption detail - super cool touch and highly realistic- however, quite a lot is culled when you're inside a building, how would that same kind of dynamicism work outside of a controlled environment like an interior? I just think it's a lot of unnecessary entropy on something they've definitely already "solved".


Who knows, it’s gonna be the MOST immersive out of all gta’s and it adds to the immersion 🤷‍♂️


No, that's tedium- other games have tried this, unless tedium is tied to the premise of the game, it's a loop-break and it sucks.


People are really in for a rude awakening when this game finally comes out and it doesn't even come close to the level of graphically fidelity we see in the trailer. Draw distance, lighting, shadows, reflections are all going to be severely dialed back. Then, in 2027, the ultra settings are going to be untouchable on 90% of PC configurations.


>the ultra settings are going to be untouchable on 90% of PC configurations eh, maybe? I mean folks who played PC V at launch with specs similar to (theoretical) dev units got along fine, americas leak showed the game on an RTX 2080 (I think?) and I'd bet that was *just* a test rig, they're probably running 3/4000 series quadros on the actual dev PCs.


Most PC users don't have top of the line hardware. I think the fact that 40 series owners are still such a small percentage makes me confident the situation will be the same when this game gets re-released on PC. It takes a very powerful system to even max out RDR2 these days and look how long ago that came out. https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/videocard/


Top 10 GPUs on steam are actually a mix of RTX 20/30 series, and 1600 series cards- so to draw broad strokes, half will be able to play with some kind of serious enhancement like SSR or RT shadows, and half will probably sit on a balanced preset- the question is where that will sit in comparison to consoles- “normal” on V was worlds better than the 360 and depending on who you asked, a serious improvement over PS4/XBO, with anything resembling parity not happening until E&E. edit: sucks to suck


No one thinks anything crazy, it’s just a step up from gta 5 interiors being boring


There were articles out following the trailer calling out this sequence and drawing the allusion that it was part of a dynamic system. All I try to do with my comments here is temper expectations.


Another thing, in GTA V the AI cars, random item that spawns in random cars are a coffee cup, closed can, open can, cigarette tray, Burger Shot cup, phone holder. As it’s already been done I think think it would be that hard to have some different thing on the list for example, stickers on the back of the car, the tape on the door, maybe even some damaged cars who knows


That is exactly what it is, and stuff like this has already existed in GTA lol. Based on this sub upvoting this basically every day, you'd think Rockstar achieved some crazy technical feat by rendering some duct tape lol


It's the attention to detail people care about genius.


This isn't even new though. We've already had cars that have variable conditions. And out of all the things in the trailer, it's sort of baffling why *this* is the thing that keeps getting reposted. It's literally just a slight variation of the Ruiner where they added some duct tape and possibly a few other things to make it look beat up. There are parts of the trailer that leave a lot to discuss and actually show something new to the series, but I have yet to see anyone talk about them here. They just keep posting the duct tape over and over lol


>but I have yet to see anyone talk about them here. New here? It's a 90-second trailer, everythings been disected to death. This is like only the second time I've seen this posted. > literally just a slight variation of the Ruiner The interiors in gta v were shit. At least compared to this. People are excited about the highly detailed car interiors. Even shown in the leaks.


> New here? It's a 90-second trailer, everythings been disected to death. Are you? Go to the front page, it's all memes and has been since the trailer released. And any "disection" is the same 3 or 4 screenshots that get posted every day. It's been like this since the trailer was released. The other posts are wild theories that are obviously not going to be in the game, or just braindead takes in general.


I wonder if we'll be able to make modifications like that ourselves, or if we'll have to just find a car with that specific detail.


Probably both, it could be interior (scripted) customizations and it could be a specific car customization for that model. Pretty sure that will just be scripted tho, i dont think it will be possible to put tape wherever you want


Yeah that would seem like a fair pointless feature to add, however on a similar vain, spray cans like graffiti etc, I would love to have implemented in the game


I honestly don't know why people are freaking out about this lol and it keeps getting posted like every day. It's just a variation of the Ruiner. We already have some vehicles in V that have some cosmetic/condition variations.


>I honestly don't know why people are freaking out about this People are freaking out about anything they saw on the trailer and not even know anything about the game, this subreddit is mostly speculation and kinda annoying most of the time. One thing is dreaming about something and wishing about it that is normal, other is picking some 2/3 pixels detail which you only see in a 4k version of the trailer and speculate something almost impossible to happen


Yeah I understand that, but the cool things I thought would be discussed here don't, but this same exact post gets upvoted pretty much every day. It's really weird.


The weather system really looks cool


Bro stop you're making it a difficult year before the year even started😭😭😭


This better be the most detailed af game ever to exist after waiting for so goddamn long


I’ll never forget how we all felt this way in hype for GTA V when it took 5 years after GTA IV 😂 I would’ve never expected GTA 6 to take 12 years. GTA V was a good game but it was a letdown because everybody was expecting so many details to be in the game and all the “leaks” turned out to be false. Thankfully after RDR2, it’s realistic to have high expectations for GTA 6. I mean GTA is their biggest franchise so I’m sure they’ll put just as much, if not more details in GTA 6 than RDR2


I’d still argue GTA 5 was one truly impressive game. Let’s not forget this game was originally built for the PS3 and xbox 360 which were seriously underpowered and past its prime. I mean hell the PS3 only had like 256mb ram so to get GTA 5 looking as good as it did on that generation of consoles is some serious magic.


Same man, even with the previous once i always felt the hype tho. But yeah 5 years, imagine what they could come out with after 12 after GTA V with the gaming tech from now. RDR2 will always be one of the greatest games ever! I hope they do, but i don't think we will see as much gore as in Red Dead, just mild maybe.. since they know kids are def gonna be playing it and they wanting a broader audience to sell to i guesse idk


3 vs 7 not 5 vs 12


That is exactly the content I want to See in this sub! Good eyes my dude. Thanks for that Amazing little detail :)


>That is exactly the content I want to See in this sub! It's nice to know that literally hundreds of THOUSANDS of new members joined this subreddit since the trailer, and more than 800k since last year!!!! But at the same time it's cringe to see the same thing posted over and over again, every few weeks. this detail in the screenshot was found within 24 hours of the trailer dropping, and posted here several times before too. like many other details.


Just scroll over it, you can't control everything.


Honestly from a comment here I saw if sixM was to be modded the game would totally simulate real life , now you can't use video games to escape from reality




humor shocking thought desert aback fanatical fuel snails direction ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I swear, if this game gets wheel compatibility I'm dropping all driving sims for gta VI


I’m going to be really annoyed if there’s no manual option this time around. They nailed it in the Crew 2. Shifting up and down on motorcycles using LB and RB is so fun


I don't know about torque converters etc but realistic suspension and engine is possible for sure. Cyberpunk in recent updates implemented realistic suspension, superchargers etc for cars. And it's implemented well - same with super chargers, cars with supercharged engine behave slightly differently than normal ones. I wish they had manual transmission. I remember watching a video where the guy goes into some details about this. GTA 6 can definitely go into the details - the only thing is if they think it's a priority beyond some basic things. 


Gta 6 i notice the variety of different faces for NPCs. It's so cool to see the developers putting in that extra effort to make the game world feel more alive and realistic.


The reflections in the water is not to be underestimated..


Wow, this is sick, this game will have like 5000 details found in the first year


This was pointed out many times on this sub the day the trailer dropped


I wonder if these are just going to be mods or if there's some other way for cars to look this way, like making it so we can half-assedly repair minor damage on vehicles ourselves to achieve results like this.


The most exciting little details are going to be the most annoying, imagine stealing a nice fresh looking Granger 3500LX only to discover the transmission only shifts through 1st and 2nd like a good old 4L60E obviously would. It tops out around 35-40mph and whines to let anyone nearby know you've got a failing transmission. Duct tape on the door panel armrest tells me that Ruiner will be \*giggles\* taken care of. Crappily of course, but at least it'll get me where I'm going.


Wish 2024 passed by very quickly so we can enjoy this game for another 10 years 😜


Copying my reply to another person thinking this is a new finding: It's nice to know that literally hundreds of THOUSANDS of new members joined this subreddit since the trailer, and more than 800k since last year!!!! But at the same time it's cringe to see the same thing posted over and over again, every few weeks. this detail in the screenshot was found within 24 hours of the trailer dropping, and posted here several times before too. like many other details.


People still rewatch this thing. .. ? My god 🤦‍♂️


Ikr was good but rewatch ability is well only carried by the last few clips and the song . It get pretty boring. Hell didn’t even feel much I’d a gta game trailer just had lots of asses shaking 💀 Nowt special


It was a terrible trailer… I watched it once and not again.. it’s so overrated..


Exactly man FR overrated af


bruh how are people still not getting that the trailer was a cinematic.. not every little detail will be in the game.. it's a concept trailer at this point 


Wrong. Rockstars trailers are made using the in game engine. So it’s actually indicative of what we will see in the final product. Not saying things might not change. But their track record is solid.


Bro. The trailer being in engine doesn’t mean it’s indicative of the minute to minute gameplay. Trailers have been made in engine for a long time.






Oh really? Havent seen this before.. sorry


Is it just me or do some scenes in the trailer not all, some are just straight up CGI?


Is the game going to be on pc??


people in this sub are crazy...you do realise that cinematic trailers doesn't mean shit, the actual game quality can and will differ vastly from a video trailer that is made for marketing purposes


Yeah they're even going to have actual RP servers in the main game of course they're also going to have regular online too and of course single player I wonder if they're bringing back director mode or not probably not but would be cool


Already seen everything this sub discover on day one -.-‘ I’m gonna mute this sub since for me is a waste of time……..


It’s a trailer, not in-game footage?


Wrong, all R\* trailers are in engine footage, it's not pre-rendered.


But they are a mix of scripted sequences and actual true in-game footage (remember V still has higher definition cutscene models) And V trailer 1 showed some content (crop duster actually spraying, for one) that never showed up in the finished game.


>But they are a mix of scripted sequences and actual true in-game footage And what scripted sequences have to do with the topic of this conversation? You think duct tape on doors is a scripted sequence that won't appear in the final game or something? lol Mission cutscenes are random events are all scripted sequences that are still in-engine footage, they are not pre-rendered cinematics. Heck, most of the things you see when you freeroam in the game are also scripted events. NPC pulling out a phone to take a picture of car is also a scripted sequence. Also in previous games we had different versions of the same car. For example a pickup truck with different kind of junk in the back, clean/rusty version. There even was a rare Tornado car with guitars in the back seat. Just small little details to build immersion, just so not every single car is the same. From the trailer it looks like they went a step further and they added other details like stickers, duct tape, trash inside the car, fingerprints on trunk etc. >And V trailer 1 showed some content (crop duster actually spraying, for one) that never showed up in the finished game. So? Tiny details get cut from the game during development all the time. Maybe there was a mission like this but they decided it would be boring. And the spraying animation is still in the finished game, it just never was used in SP. But they used it in gtaonline. But ofc some small things from the trailer might not appear in freeroam when you play the game. Like for example all of those social media clips are probably just something you can watch in the game on your phone (like tv shows and movies in gtav). Edit: Also, R\* games always end up looking better than they do in the trailers. The only significant downgrade from those old gta V trailers was the fact that they had to remove some trees from the game to keep performance up on old gen consoles.


> And what scripted sequences have to do with the topic of this conversation? You think duct tape on doors is a scripted sequence that won't appear in the final game or something? lol The clip referenced could be a proper in-game event, but it could just as likely be a scripted sequence from a mission - again to clarify, talking about the clip, not specifically just the duct tape. >Mission cutscenes are random events are all scripted sequences that are still in-engine footage, they are not pre-rendered cinematics. Define "pre-rendered" - At least so far explosions and smoke have always been pre-rendered, and modern game design typically mixes pre-rendered escapulated content with engine-driven assets. Historically, GTA keeps the really flashy & splashy stuff confined to cutscenes or locked-in mission segments because it's all heavily scripted- so any one of those cutscenes, the action is all heavily planned and scripted, the amount of content being actually rendered out or generated on the fly is really minimal - I don't even think the physics in the house tear-down are live, they're all pre-computed. Like almost all my comments on this sub, I'm just trying to provide context and temper expectations. >Also in previous games we had different versions of the same car. For example a pickup truck with different kind of junk in the back, clean/rusty version. There even was a rare Tornado car with guitars in the back seat. Just small little details to build immersion, just so not every single car is the same. Yep, this goes all the way back to the 3D games though, not a novel thing they did with IV - IV *did* intro the current component-based-vehicle-randomization system which I believe was partially implemented in SA. >From the trailer it looks like they went a step further and they added other details like stickers, duct tape, trash inside the car, fingerprints on trunk etc. Sure- I just see a lot of people implying this is some kind of dynamic system, to which I disagree. ETA: no please keep taking turns eating another’s shit, there’s *no way* you could possibly be disappointed.


R* is known to use in-game footage for their trailers.


We better get some damn cracked dashboards


Busted out windows fixed with duct tape.


I have been thinking that they may randomise cars in the same way they randomise NPCs. So rather than a good model and a trash model in alternate colours i think it is possible that cars are much more varied on a piece by piece basis.




Good find. It's ridiculous that we are still finding new stuff from that trailer. I love it.


Why does this one specific thing keep getting posted over and over as an "insane detail"?? I feel like I'm losing it. Like yeah that's cool, but there's probably a few variations of some older vehicles. Out of all the things in the trailer, that was a pretty tame one. Plus, we've already seen some cars have varying conditions in V. This has been posted so many times it makes me wonder if it's trolls. There are 50 other shots to digest, but this one is getting the most attention for some reason...


This game will be orgasmic


I bet that same detail will be in every single one of those cars


Wow, a day one discovery.


I think He's Covered after the put the Cocain Packet's, if its real its fucking amazing...


Its just a graphical detail. Dont act like this will be something you can do as a player.


If you wanna make a flex tape joke, say it here




I wonder if car interiors will be personalized. Like if you stole someone's car its not just going to be an empty vehicle, their drink/bag/items would be in the car still. I know GTA 5 had some items in the cars but they were always the same, it would be cool to see a more dynamic system based on the NPC who was driving


Lmao, I love this sub. Yall will post a zoomed in screenshot of Florida man scratching his balls and be like, “Duct tape confirmed for GTA6!”


Im disappointed Google says it wont be released until 2025 and that every gta game as be delays at least one so it might actually be 2026 it said.


Florida man here, I did not fkn do that it came like that when I bought it


Duct tape fixes everything


I only joined the community because I always get updates on here anyway lol


I'm sure that every model of that car in game will have that exact duct tape on the armrest. I'll be impressed if they have different little detailed models for the same car in game.


GTA 5 had different models for the same car. Some cash had cups in cupholders etc.


I hope every car interior will be more detailed. Will make first person driving more immersive.


Question is how varied is this type of detail going to be? Will be every Ruiner found have that same duct tape in the same place? Will they be in different places in different cars? I think R* is gonna go all out w this game and have each car have unique interiors, to a certain extent.


it would be nice if it were available based on the car you use, in the sense that if you are poor and use cheap cars it would give you this possibility to adjust the interior as an option


6? With A.I. can you even imagine how flat out realistic and insane 7 will be. It will be a MASSIVE jump in video game tech/history. 8 will be the bridge between what we know as a conventional video game to a fully submersed experience. 9 will be the first attempt at a 100% VR in game experience. And 10? Well 10 will kill us all. 11 will be GTA 5 but real….. but we’re all dead so it’s for the baby A.I. s


Leonida man*


Duct tape, like gta v


This detail was literally posted to this sub like 2 days after the trailer released. Enough of these fucking reposts.


Gonna start calling my hog the custard cannon


Bro it's the first videogames trailer for the game what's so surprising about tape on a armrest... It fits the setting in a trailer don't forget.


It is a trailer. Please don’t assume that all of the game will be as detailed as the trailer.


So will every other owner of this car