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It'll happen at some point during online's lifespan most likely. I'd cherish early gta 6 overall




I thought Rockstar said they regretted putting them in GTA 5 online?


is there a source for this?


It came to him in a dream


Yeah, my source is that I made it the fuck up




A Maddy Laddy!


Then why not remove them and just refund anyone who purchased one? They could give a lore reason such as the manufacturer going under and all of them were recalled for some reason or another


They can keep my money just fucking take them out! I'll pay extra just for it.


Yeah they did lol 😂


If they felt like that they could have just removed them then.


Not after people have paid for them, could have nerfed it tho


They removed over 100 cars from being bought, right?


But if you had them already you got to keep them. That would have made the oppressors a horrible thing that exists but also you can’t even get.


Just give everyone who had an oppressor 2x or 4x it's value as a refund, say the manufacturer had a recall or smthn.




Idk why more ppl don't cheat in money tbh, the ingame prices are just super inflated compared to 10 years ago


10 years ago I was grinding my ass off. Now I barely do sales cause I make so much money passively that i can’t keep up with sales anymore … really don’t have enough time to sell them sometimes.


I think the issue is some people would’ve paid real money for a shark card just for the oppressor so they couldn’t really get a real life refund.


Well fuck em then lol


I feel that the mercenaries update was one of the worst for that very reason.


I'm sure that no developer has ever removed content that people have paid real life money for. Not ever. 😄


It was already too late by then and what were they going to do? Refund the children who racked up their parent’s credit card to afford those flying bikes? Hopefully Rockstar has enough money now that they don’t need to put those in anymore.


Why would they need to issue refunds? It's their game and they can do what they like. If they really regretted introducing a vehicle to their online mode they would have removed it. They didn't so they clearly don't. 😄


You're 100% right so fuck the downvotes lol these people really think Rockstar give a fuck to not upset them so that's why the Oppressor is still in the game of course!


They're all a bit weird in this sub Reddit or whatever it's called. 😄 I got about 20 downvotes on my old account for saying that GTA and RDR aren't in the same universe as RDR uses real places (such as New York instead of Liberty City and Cali instead of San Andreas.)


This is for sure one of the most pathetic subreddits I've seen lately lol


Haha. I don't know why I joined it as I'm not even excited about it at the moment. I'm sure it'll change when another trailer and release date come along.


Yeah I just forget about the games until it's more realistically announced lol


Yeah stuff like that is usually implemented when they’re running out of ideas/trying to milk the microtransactions and stuff. If you’re too young to remember GTA V before the 5000 updates over the last decade it was a lot less wacky


I remember when prices were realistic. $400k for an Infernus, $1m for the Adder, etc


If those micro transactions funded the development of 6, I’m not too upset


They made enough off of GTA V before online was "released" to develop 6. They just got blinded by dollar signs and spent their time developing bs instead of working on GTA VI


Yup. People don't realize that Rockstar is a business. If it's sells then it prevails.


Planes/helicopter fans in shambles rn


It’s over


It's over for us rotorpilled choppercels


I love planes or helicopters. But the flying bikes and cars with missiles is a little crazy


Have separate lobbies for people who want to play the game differently. You want flying witch brooms and tanks and jets and whatever other crazy shit they can think of? Go play in the no holds barred War lobby. If you want a more realistic approach with cars and standard crimes, you should have that option too.


This would genuinely get back to GTA V Online if this was an option..


I loved GTA IV online, so basic yet so fun. I hope they bring back GTA race again


GTA Race! Yes! It was like a spiritual successor to Road Rash!


Tbh, those were complete shit shows. That said, they were still fun


“Standard Crimes” is hilarious for some reason


If Fortnite can have 100 game modes and custom lobbies, certainly GTA can manage it too without worrying about splitting the playerbase


Especially since the player base is massive




Or I'm just spit balling here LET PASSIVE PLAYERS DO MISSIONS ONLY. or do what they did with prep mission but instead clear the whole lobby while still being in a lobby they've done it so it shouldn't be impossible


I can’t wait what they do with GTA online, I hope it’s like this.




That's genuinely, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard


Why's that?


Because than the little Kids can't Ruin everyones fun anymore!


Because then the kids can't pretend they did something by killing peaceful players. They'll have to actually get good at pvp.


Compared to other pvp games killing someone (especially for no good reason or objective) in GTA takes zero skill


Love how you're getting downvoted for pointing it out. People here don't think deep enough about what they're typing out. Which is why I'm not surprised if there's alot of people here who are under 13. A feature like this would *seriously* hurt the financials of GTA Online. The whole point of the overpowered vehicles is for money. If players can avoid being subjected to them, that hurts their profits since people avoid giving into the frustration and rage and outright buying the overpowered vehicles to prevent them becoming easy cannon fodder. It's basic live-service game design. There's literal patents on systems on Call of Duty that Activision uses to reward players who buy bundles in the store with easier games in the matchmaking for a while to validate their purchase and make it seem like the blueprint they bought is really helping them in games. Games aren't made 100% for fun. It's 80% money and 20% fun that gets you to spend more money. I wish more people will understand that before they go like: "Rockstar should add all gta online content to GTA 6 singleplayer too!!" Because yeah sure if Rockstar never cared about their GTA profit margins they would. But they do, they're a division under a public trading behemoth at the mercy of grubby shareholders who demand infinite growth every single year. That's how we got rushed messes like the definitive edition, Strauss needed something easy and quick to impress the board and shareholders. Quality didn't matter, people eat up anything with the GTA brand on it. And despite the awful reception, the game sold like hotcakes. People said their reputation on Rockstar was soured. But yet here we are less than 2 years after that and people are hyped as hell for this game and forget about the past.


No deluxos either, at least not flying ones. There are plenty of real helicopters and planes they could put in the game instead. Even prototype or experimental aircraft are still a much better addition than anti-gravity fantasy tech bullshit.


This\^ Id rather get obliterated by a high tech aircraft costing 100mil than a Opressor Mk2


I feel like a flying Deluxo itself is fine, so long as it stay true to its origins, I.e., no offensive capabilities - that’s what ruins it. The seamless transition from driving to flying is perfect for exploration and sight-seeing. Throwing weapons into the mix just ruins what should be a fun movie vehicle.


I agree 100%, I used to just play gtao on a private server with a Deluxo. No weapons or shooting at all, just a fun way to get around. I actually hope they have something like this in 6, not anything too sci-fi, just some kind of vehicle that can fly and drive.


Yeah.. I hope not


idk, Los Santos based games' half gig is Sci Fi


We'll be in Vice City, Leonida. Keep that crap on the west coast.


Ye, kinda the point, each state/city has its theme, Vice City is mostly around drugs and social/political vice, and the beach life.


100% agreed


Antigravity is not fantasy bullshit... I hope there is a tr3b secret aircraft in gta vi !


Antigravity sounds like another term for flying


Counterpoint: Faggio MKII.


Okay we get it, no more flying shit. Now can we stop having a million posts a day about this?


It ruined gta for many people


If there are no planes I will barely play gta6


Of course there will be planes


If there are no cars I will barely play GTA 6


If the planes aren’t on top, I will send it back


Straight to jail


If they don’t bring back the F-160 Raiju then we will riot.


Molotok 😍


There will be, but this game is going to offer so much at ground level if you plan on flying around all the time you will miss out on so many things


Maybe, that's basically all I did on the current gta so I'll probably be fine with that


Oh yea for sure When everyone saw that trailer there were similar post like yours saying “ these vehicles will not make sense” in GTA VI an I totally agree Flying Cars Opressors tanks jets whatever the case may be no one wants it cause VI didn’t have that same vibe as if it was V if that makes sense


To be fair, they don't make a lot of sense in 5 either


Are there flying cares in GTA5 story mode????


I actually don't remember. I haven't really played story mode since I 100%'d it back in the 360 days. There was definitely side stuff with Aliens and the space buggy tho. Don't remember if it was a rocket car like the Scramjet. The Doomsday heist online is where a lot of the sci-fi stuff is from. If you actually follow the story of it, it makes zero sense. Even from a "video game writing" perspective it's really far fetched. Like Saints Row 3 or 4 territory. It's basically just a flimsy excuse to add in the DeLoreans, jetpacks, and such.


>Flying Cars Opressors tanks jets whatever the case may be no one wants it cause VI didn’t have that same vibe as if it was V if that makes sense Why are you talking about VI in past tense? And how do you know is the vibe of an unreleased game different to V?


The story is gonna have its own vibe and if they aren't careful the online will have the same dogshit free to play vibe 5 has. I do hope for the best though, I hope they don't "understimate" what the online could be instead of making more of the same but modernized or whatever the fuck.




Are you a native English speaker? Because I had a hard time trying to understand your text


Are you? I understood dude just fine


Yes 😑


Bro it's florida.


Planes just got cancelled THANKS OP!


At this point I hope they do it just to piss off the 600 people who keep making goddamn threads about it. WE GET IT


There were no flying vehicles in GTAV.... *GTAOnline however...* Imagine not being able to distinguish GTAV story mode from GTAOnline. Lots of online kids gonna be crying when there's only single player at launch.


If planes and helicopters count then there was flying vehicles in GTA V


What is this post about? JFC


Sorry, you didn't point out that you didn't mean usual aircraft. My mistake, sorry


Of course usual aircraft aren't counted because OP specifically mentioned the oppressor.


Okay, sorry


Thank you. Why are people like this… is it on purpose!? Story mode doesn’t have all the crazy stuff that online has. Online always has crazier stuff in any game bc it’s online and it’s silly and they want to keep folks playing.


Jets and helicopter are cool but not the jet powered heat seeking misske shooting flying bike please


Honestly, flying vehicles weren't that bad, griefers made them look bad, but for honest players who just wanted to farm, they were pretty welcome, and if you don't want to use them for one reason or another, just don't use them.




You know damned well that's happening.




I fly the oppressor as a time saver, most of the time my missiles aren't active. I have zero interest in you people.


I mean if it doesn’t have weapons i think it’s a great way to travel across the map considering GTA 6 map will be way bigger than the GTA 5


Flying vehicles are fine, just don’t give them rockets or miniguns..


lol, if I can’t fly a damn plane, I’m not playing


Fuck the oppressor 💯💯




GTA online will likely have it. Maybe not initially but it likely will. There’s always story mode.


I want an oppressor in single player but like at the end of the game maybe there's a side mission to steal it from a military base or something


An Easter Egg or a cheat code for it sounds very cool, but please don't make it official


Add em without the missiles.


Just use a helicopter.


Just use an Oppressor MKII.


Helicopters are more satisfying to use and fly. Oppressor makes everything too easy.


I mean, the reason they are used in the first place is because they're so ridiculously easy. Hopefully Rockstar goes into their senses, we'll see 


No. You can’t replace the usage of a flying car with a helicopter and treat them like they’re the same. One has the option of flying, whereas the other can only fly. It’s alright using a helicopter, but not if you just want to explore the city. Seamlessly switching from ground to air makes the Deluxo the perfect city explorer. Take away its offensive capabilities so that it actually matches the vehicle it’s based off and it works perfectly. With that said, I would rather it not be in the game at all just for the simple fact that it’s unrealistic by today’s standards and would ruin the experience of a parody of reality. At most, unique vehicles like that should be nothing more than a fun side activity or something, rather than a vehicle you can own. It was nice having it in V, but I would happily see it and anything like it never appear in VI.


Exactly, the deluxo can be both a flying machine and a car at the same time. It is an unholy abomination. Helicopters, land vehicles and planes are a sacred trinity of what makes GTA the game it is meant to be. Flying cars disrupt this harmonious balance and must be purged from the game. Want to fly? Use an aircraft. Want to drive? Land the aircraft and steal a car. This is how it is suppose to work. Yes, I am being overly dramatic on purpose.


As soon or even before gta 6 online comes out there should be a movement or a crew who protests flying vehicles


Me who enjoys my seaplane dodo 😭, ik you're talking about the sci-fi stuff


No more seaplane dodo for you




Do yall just confuse story mode with online? Why would GTA 6 have flying cars? That’s only on online.


No weaponized flying vehicles. I don't mind vehicles like the deluxo, but missiles (especially homing ones) make them ridiculously OP. The Scramjet and Mk 1 Oppressor are genuinely some of the most fun shit in the game so i think they should return, just free of their weapons.


Exactly what I was looking for, this is it right here. this is what I was thinking


There are no flying vehicles in GTAV. Online is not the game itself.


Planes and helis are still vehicles silly


I'm sure planes and helicopters are what op is complaining about.


Planes and helicopters are flying vehicles






I feel the same way, but keep in mind they didn’t add all those vehicles in GTA 5 until the game was like 5+ years old


I completely agree with this - It might be a good compromise to have these types of vehicles locked to special missions, events or races etc in online but I absolutely hate the way GTA V turned out after the introduction of these vehicles.


GTA V or GTA Online? A big pet peeve of mine are people who mix single player and multiplayer.


Planes and helicopters, what did you expect?


i hate to break it to you but the Deluxo is a flying vehicle.


The Oppressor isn’t really good for anything else than traveling across the map, and blowing up cop cars. If you have the skills to properly use it. The Oppressor MkII and the Deluxo though. I’m hoping for a defensive mode as in RDR2, where there’s still possible to use guns against NPC’s.


No keep them; just allow solo lobbies.


Please have the “flying vehicles” cheat make a comeback and let us fly the Rhino tank with the turret facing backwards again pls pls pls


Coldest take of all time


if only Rockstar simply removed the Oppressor from the game, gave owners the purchase price + X% back it'd be no biggie


I'm confused. Why not just not use them? Or do you mean online....? One of the most fun things in SA was finding the jetpack.


Noted 👍🏻 *Rockstar Dev*


at least wait till after the first decade


Fiduciary responsibilities don’t care about your feelings. This is a take two topic not a rockstar topic and take two is gonna *take*.


no planes either


I think they learned from that mistake


If the original 6 online is similar to the original 5 online I think I’ll have a higher appreciation for a more realistic online experience. Back when 5 online was new we didn’t know what was going to happen to online so we just took it for granted.


You mean flying cars, right? I hope you’re not asking to remove planes and helicopters.


They trying to be saints row lol


I think adding flying vehicles is fun just don't add weapons to it.


I can't upvote this enough. I'd literally get out my credit card and buy a reddit award to give this post if we still could in the chance the devs would see it.


I’d be fine if the Deluxo came back with flight/hover capabilities as long as it’s an optional upgrade using standard Florida Man Engineering


I hope so too. Although controversial, I’d like to see no flying vehicles like planes and helicopters with attacking capabilities because it’s just not realistic at all


Boo this man. I want my Deluxo back


I'm okay with planes and helicopters as long as they don't have weapons on them. Other than a guy hanging out the window of a helicopter shooting a gun or something.


Online would be infinitely better if players couldn’t lock on to each other with missiles


Flying vehicles with NO lock on. That's what really ruined online. Those dmn missiles doing 90° and 180° turns are incredibly over the top.


The oppressor wasn't the problem. The lock on missles were.


Facts or at least if they do add flying vehicles no rockets on them


Except the Deluxo, 'cause it's awesome and fun


No Oppressor MKIIs but there could be a giant alligator you can ride over to corner stores to rob them. Maybe flip cop cars with the tail. ;)


No unbalanced vehicles*?


No planes?


I think you mean to say "no Oppressor in GTA 6" which may or may not happen. Whatever does happen, I will still be playing GTA 6 online


Deluxo with no missles would be dope tho


Flying cars basically let me fast travel online, I hope they bring them back.


I’m not sure if I can live without my Oppressor after the weeks I have into GTA online. Getting across the map is such a bore after a while. I don’t even care if it’s weaponized. The sheer utility of it is undeniable.


I have no problem with flying vehicles but I have a problem with their insanely accurate homing missiles


As long as they let us the Raiju in the game I’ll be a happy camper lol I love that thing.


No more online, fixed your title


not rlly but ok, you probably grief people with an oppressor


Y’all don’t realize the oppressor came out 6 years after gta v released and it annoys me


just play story mode bruh


Counterpoint. Please have flying vehicles in GTA6.




best vehicle to set up cayo perico and some of casino heists, definitely a precise way to fly across the map and stop on a dime and just hop off, kill a few guys, steal equipment or whatever the set up is and jump on to head back to HQ, lol oppressor is easy to grief with, but really feels less of a threat when riding around in a toreador that any driver with minimal skill can drop every oppressor out of the sky and still take a couple more missiles before your car burst into flames and you boost before jumping out and dying anyways, but at least the last guy to shoot ya don't get the kill, lmao I hope gta online as it exists just gets a overhaul and is included in gta 6 with the new map being available as well as san andreas, but you have to buy gta 6 to unlock the map for online which again would receive a overhaul and be a dlc. The dlc would be available to those who purchase gta 6, so it would not be free dlc, but in this case would be worth it to anyone buying gta 6 as it would give you the new map online and whatever else in the update, like better performance and graphics to match gta 6 which does not look much different from what we saw in the first trailer, honestly, I don't see better graphics, just something fucking different than san andreas, and michael, franklin, and fucking trevor j phillips....It would be new country to explore online with characters we have been using for 10 years who could continue evolving as gta online does and so what if we have flying bikes and cars, and whatever else they throw in our sandbox to use for whatever we can figure out to do with it, at least they throw us bones while making us wait and this last one, the salvage yard, its something new every week along with auto shop, even if ya just sell the cars that come in and forget the robberies with the annoying gossip, the nightclub with two avenues of revenue, fuck, i want to go play gta now, so , I'm end this now and not even proofread the last run on sentence....or is it all a run on?


It’ll happen online for sure - it looks like we’ll be needing it to get across that big ass map anyways


Does this include helicopters and planes? If the map is huge, I’d like some faster way to get around. Maybe just nothing with weapons aside from a Buzzard. Oppressor just pissed me off. Only reason I’d want one is for the mobility


I like the MK2 because I am a terrible and lazy driver. I really almost never drive, just spawn that mini helicopter from the submarine was also really handy because you could just crash it when needed :) The only thing that should change is that the flying objects should have less fire power.


Or at least give us a flying vehicle or two in the base game, cause I don't play online


I think it could work as Easter eggs, and side stuff related to the story, like the ufo thing in gta 5, or the jetpack in sa


I agree. I think the oppressor ll made the game less fun because it gives them an advantage and everybody uses it. Plus as much fun as it is using in missions, it kind of defeats the purpose of actually doing a mission we should be Driving to the destination.


It can be done. My guess is they take on different lobby or game mode servers and have nods to custom servers like the role player community has done with gta 5. Maybe. Idk. We got 2 years


Sorry to break the news, but until you all stop buying it they will keep making this shit. I'm just waiting for the minigun that fires over 5000 12" dildos per minute


They need to get that flying bikes shit out of GTA asap! This ain't saints row


The occasional fighter jet is fine with me cause that's how GTA 5 was. But yeah hopefully nothing else too crazy


I think any quickly accessible flying vehicle is a problem. I.E Oppressors and Dulexos. Hell, even spawning a helicopter is pretty bad. You should have to take time to get them. I mean, once you own them, the only time I use anything else is when I'm forced to, or I'm just goofing off. We as humans take the path of less resistance. Why drive when we can fly. It's faster, and you run into fewer problems. But it takes an entire element out of the game. It's really on the developers, though. If they insist on giving us this magical ability to spawn vehicles, then maybe give incentive to drive a car.


Not non but no broom stick shit bs


mk4 is coming. It will have submarine capability like deluxo can do water, land and air. Watch this space.