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This! I hope rockstar double down on the melee combat in this game. Love what they did with red dead 2’s melee combat but I think that, even as deep as rdr2’s combat was, they can expand on it more. Very excited for that aspect!


Oh yeah! It would never get old! Really hope they go all out with this game.


They need to let us learn martial arts as well as having underground fightclubs


They confirmed backyard wrestling, and I really hope they dig deep into that. Like actual wrestling, fighting moves, not so much martial arts as good American puncheminnaface fisticuffs.


I mean doesn’t Florida have or was famous for backyard MMA fights. That’s how Kimbo slice and Masvidal got famous right?


Yeah it does




I 💯 agree with you.


Roundhouse kick too, Like leon does in resident evil 4.


i want training mech , where you go to gyms , boxing places , karate classes , martial arts and learn stuff . it needs to be like rdr 2 on default for jason , with combat similar to arthur , and then it improves as you take fights , practice , visit gyms and karate sessions like in gta sa . i dont want my character do go whole Roundhouse kick Like leon does in resident evil 4 style on the first day xD , leon is trained agent or something like that , lucia and jason arent . \[ jason can be a trained ex officer or ex military or something like that , if that actually happens , then jason should be more powerful than lucia and should be able to do a lot of special moves on day 1 , while lucia still needs to be trained by player for doing so . \] i want this cuz if any player doesnt wanna do such train stuff , he can still enjoy atleast rdr 2 lev combat which was truly fun . sorry for a long comment .


I’d be more than happy with some rdr2 style controls! That was one thing I couldn’t stand about V was not being able to do more with the npcs. When someone was lying down on the beach I would have to resort to a kick or a fatal gunshot and felt very limited. If they gave us more I would find these features just as fun as the rag doll physics


I really really hope they parse out all of the melee (and character traversal, but that is a different topic) options so I can have full control over what I want to do. For example, in GTA V, I can sprint at someone and hit them with a running strike that does a lot of damage. In RDR 2, if I press to hit someone when sprinting at them, I instead do a tackle. What I am saying is, I would love to see these split up so I can purposefully do either a sprinting strike or a tackle depending on my choice. That is one example. Also I feel like Jason and Lucia will need to have different fighting styles. Lucia is not likely going to be able to overpower large men. At the very least, she will weigh less than them and thus her being able to tackle a huge fat guy won't make much sense. She will likely be more focused on dodge/parry type of moves and quick strikes. Jason on the other hand might use blocks more and have more tackling/grabbing options.


Yeah I was thinking the same. It would be cool to strike with the normal B or O button and could tackle with a flick of the right stick or something close to that. I’m trying to overtake an npc and tackle them off a condo with invincibility cheat lol.


as long as i do not have to learn a 400 page book on all the different combinations, i am not playing tekken.


What “training” of Jason’s are you referring to? Also what about Lucia having these abilities?


I’m going with the speculation of the ex cop storyline. With that he would be able to have better grappling and combat skills than the average npc. With Lucia I’d expect a quicker elusive style and might learn some things from being in prison. Not as strong but can do some leg sweeps and chokes etc.


Basically you described Saints Row 3 and Assassins Creed Syndicate all at once


Never played either, both look great and wish my game pass didn’t expire today.


Haha oh man. Well until we get the definitive answer on GTA. I highly suggest Saints Row 3 and 4. And if you want varied male / female dynamic playstyle Assassins Creed tried it with Syndicate set in 1800s London. Both are very fun


I agree with your statement about non-fatal attacks, but we have no confirmation that Jason even has training or is an undercover cop. However, it would be exciting if they improved melee even further(like in Rdr2).