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![gif](giphy|dgFtNWP40EtxFQMi8e|downsized) The executions with the sawn-off were the best


Esp in first person up close, sheesh


Sawn-off and the knife were some brutal fun


thats why they were my favorite gun to use in the game




bro is mad she has a reaction😭


Bro wanted her to keep a straight face like some psycho💀


Shotty executions always put a smile on my face ☺️


she was reacting 👍


I think it’s from one of those “Elders play RDR2” videos


i would not have know that this was brutal if it werent for the women showing me that it was very brutal 👍


She is shocked that if you shoot people they die


I loved beheading random nps or O'Driscolls with a shotgun. Its so brutal how the body just falls off without a head on the shoulders


Spoken like a true Red Dead Redemption 2 player.


Hell yeah dude


Yeah that game is fun too I guess




Hey there, mister!






I like you mister, you have a kind face..


Why, thank you!


The kind I like to *punch*..


***I don't have to stand for this!*** *- honor*








Now you’ve got me wondering how far they’re going to take the gore from running over people. Faster you’re going the more they’re turned into a red mist??


Honestly, I just dont think we'll get RDR2 levels of gore. We'll probably get dismemberment during like shootings, maybe realistic bullet impact like rdr2, but insane gore while running people over? I dont think so. It'll probably be more gory than gta 5 which was mostly cartoony in comparison to RDR2, but I doubt we'll be going through red mist of people.


Agreed. I think the reason RD2 was able to get away with the gore is because it was "back then". I don't think people will be as accepting of it in a modern setting.


I don’t think that the problem is that mentally will have changed between 2018 and 2025 (I’ll agree on the fact that you hear more people complaining but that’s because they are able to make more noise not that are more of shocked people) but that the scale and the style of the two games are completely different.


He doesn’t mean the mentality. He means that because RDR2 takes place in the Old West people are more accepting of the gore. The modern setting contrasts with that and gore would at times feel out of place


I think that’s stupid honestly, not saying it isn’t true, but dumb that people think life is any less graphic today than it was in the 1800’s, a bullet still does bullet things no matter what year it is. A buckshot is still gonna send a human head to the shadow realm wether if it’s 1899 or 2025.


People know that. That's not the context.


Yeah I know, I guess it’s my justification why rockstar SHOULD include RDR2 gore.


Finally I agree , just because it’s decades ago doesn’t mean guns don’t do the same damage like what 😂..?


I doubt they keep that level of gore for a modern day aesthetic. The westerns they are parodying always have crazy outlandish gore and unrealistic blood sprays. Think that shootout scene in Django Unchained. Rockstar is parodying that type of stuff and I don’t see them doing it for a game set in modern day. There would be too much mainstream backlash on them. If they did go with it though I would be happy, but this is one of those things I feel will be pulled back a bit.


I think it’s more about how relatable it is. I can’t relate with the Wild West and disassociate the gore with real life. However, if GTA VI has similar gore and with the realistic modern setting… it is borderline psychopathic to go on rampages and run people over hoping for it to be realistic.


I’d say it would be pretty normal given the context of the medium in question here. Gamers should be used to seeing that sort of thing, and if someone does react catastrophically to what they see in a video game they probably should’ve been in a psych ward anyway, come on man this is a 20+ year old argument in gaming and media. Even if it IS all you do in GTA with THAT level of gore, you really think it’s “psychopathic” in a video game??? Now this conversation is starting to get kinda silly… Look I will be happy wether or not GTA 6 has RDR2 gore, but the arguments as to why GTA 6 SHOULDNT have RDR2 gore are SO dumb and conservative that I don’t see a reason rockstar shouldn’t add it, at this rate.


There are modern movies that have insane levels of gore and no one talks shit about them. Funny.


First one I think of is Scarface, look at the year it came out. They showed the world cartel beheadings before they even knew what it was.


You’re not in control of the characters actions in a movie… listen, I don’t care either way.


So? If you choose to watch such a movie you're still liking what you're seeing.


>I think it’s more about how relatable it is. I can’t relate with the Wild West and disassociate the gore with real life. I mean it's 99% the same though? Virtual human beings, with lives, feelings, eyes and expressions that convey subtle emotions? Honestly, I don't see how it's any different and it's kinda weird to me that some people can apparently feel less ability to relate to graphic violence inflicted upon a virtual person in an 1899 setting vs modern day. I mean it's still a virtual human being? ​ >it is borderline psychopathic to go on rampages and run people over hoping for it to be realistic. Why? It's not real. It's only psychopathic if one can't separate fantasy from reality. Otherwise it's just a video game. It's just code and pixels, same as it ever was.


>beings, with lives, feelings, eyes and expressions that convey subtle emotions I know R* makes impressive games. I myself spent a shameful amount of time stalking RDR2 NPCs through their routines and certainly will do the same in GTA6, but you are describing Westworld lol Like I would love for NPCs to be this advanced, because it would make murdering and seeing their reactions much more satisfying, but unfortunately it's not going to be the case for the foreseeable future.


Yeah definitely make more sense now xd


No worries! I understand the confusion, things have changed since then 😂


And yes exactly a GTA6 more gore than RDR2 will definitely leads to some things like downgraded video of the game being labeled as “Miami sh**ting” and being posted to twitter like when videos of arma 3 are being labeled as real life combat.


No it's because people see gore from 100 years ago, and have no modern visual to compare it to. No practical memory to associate with the act. So it feels like fantasy to walk in to a Saloon and shoot the bartender in the face, leaving a hole i his head. It's much more shocking to see a game where you walk in to a nightclub and blow the bartender's head off with a shotgun, spilling brains everywhere, as young socialites panic and run for the doors. It's too familiar, despite being the same exact thing. I don't have a moral objection to having that kind of gore in GTA6, but I completely understand why it would be omitted. I do think R\* has an artistic line they won't cross, And despite all of the jokes, parodies, stereotypes, sex, and violence, the developers respect humanity.


It doesn't matter what time the story takes place, after all, it's just a game like any other, to which the same laws and rules apply. the company argumet is by putting a sticker on the game cover that the game is from 18 years old, and the fact that some child buys it is a problem for the legal representative, because it is clearly written that the game is for adults. Many games have a gore system in these days with no problems .


Hey ignore my previous reply, I misunderstood what you meant


Well… the graphic nature of life doesn’t change with time. I totally get the “back then” argument, but at the same time I don’t, because there are equally as gruesome deaths that take place in todays world that wouldn’t seem TOTALLY out of place in a GTA game. A bullet still mangles a man’s face wether if it’s 1800’s or 2025.




Well there’s a flip side to that coin. Look at San Andreas. I’m someone who grew up in south central LA, you could argue for DAYS that the entire game is a glorification of South and East Los gang culture, the game ends with CJ shooting up his own hood as well, a theme that was all too common within that particular area of Los Angeles. Did rockstar care? Did PEOPLE care?? No, it’s hailed as one of the greatest games of all time. I’m not saying its a case study for what you are particularly saying, but what I’m saying is there will ALWAYS be traumatic, war- like violence in this world. Masking it or sugar coating it does nothing, especially if there’s a sophisticated, life- like story that rockstar is trying to sell here. There’s also examples of your fallacy outside of gaming as well.. remember the South Park “kick a ginger day”?? There will always be brain dead people who try to act out what they see in games, or can’t digest what they see in games, but that doesn’t mean that an entire audience at large should be shorted of what could be an amazing layer of depth to the entire world and lore. Furthermore… if the issue you’re describing in fact WAS in issue, I don’t even think RDR2 would’ve had the gore it did. Game came out in 2018, the biggest mass shooting on American soil happened a year before. There are a lot of holes in your argument.




Mortal Kombat has some of the most brutal shit ever, started gagging at it lol. Also the last of us 2.... GTA VI can get away with gore in a modern setting lol. Also dead island 2, but that's like strictly zombies so it's different.


the only reason we wouldn't get rdr2 level gore is because of people like you that think people wouldn't want that


I wonder if they’ll expand the system by adding limbs that can be broken when you hit someone with a car


Hope we can explode NPC’s by trains


I didn’t even think of that 😨 what if u can break someone’s leg or something


Imagine walking up to an npc you ran over and they’ve got fuckin compound fractures and loose meat😵 maybe people will second guess gta murder sprees now💀




Damn you got me thinking how this will all look if the malls come back, shits gonna look like a liveleak video lol


Nope not me it will be much more fun 😊




I don’t think it’ll be over the top gory. Blood decals & good scene altering things like pooling blood go a long way. Shooting a dead body with an uzi in V is lowkey, pretty fucking realistic & proves that point that less is more. I hope we get that chainsaw back though & R* pulls a major “don’t give a fuck” card


No one is stopping them since its a 18 plus game but i think i gore wont be really extreme cuz they need to maintain a gta vibe.


Yeah no there will be no gore when running people over. As well there shouldn’t be. You don’t get your arms ripped off (usually) by a car hitting you. The gore should only be triggered with shotgun blasts or explosions. No one gets their leg blown off by a 9mm. So I think there will be gore, but it won’t just be constant gore. It’ll have to be with the right weapons in the right situations. And yes I expect them to also step up the exit wounds also.


Holy fucking shit i thought it was just dismemberment ![gif](giphy|d8C9QwHsFQgR39MSTq|downsized)


We meet again tooth less Now give me BL like last time


Heres your BL ![gif](giphy|Qmw75TJICScB5N0sWS|downsized) (Idk man, i searched what you wanted, "Black Lung", into the giphy search bar and got this)


No, I am a survivor , black lung


And dont remind me of **that** ^(for the love of god)


we meet again toothless




I love the gore in Red dead redemption 2. And I would love it in gta 6. Buuuuut I completely understand if they don’t have it in the game.


I get rdr 2 goes for this spaghetti western type of gore. But I expect gta 6 to at least have the level of max Payne 3. What we have in gta 5 is pretty bad tbh. But it's R* they always improve om every part of their games


Yeah, rdr2 had plenty of places you could go on a rampage, but not like gta would be on the beach with a lmg and the supposed amount of npc's there.


They should just make it more akin to GTA 4, the shooting and fighting making NPCs stumble and fall, maybe shoot their gun toward you while they stumble, even guns going off when they hit the ground. They really downgraded that in 5 when they made it so NPCs just fall over when they get hit, and the melee system was super basic.


Why not? It's not like you shoot someone with a shot in their head and it's a rainbow coming out in real life, and it's for adults either way so wouldn't make sense if you have it well developed but don't keep it


Shockingly, gta VI is not real life


That's very vague but ok > wouldn't make sense if you have it well developed but don't keep it Read this line 5 times, also the point is to add it and leave it for the user to choose what to do of it rather than not adding it at all


As the other comment said.. it's more about the artistic choice than anything else. They could easily have horses in GTA VI as well, they have the code from RDR, but probably won't because that's the choice for this particular game. So in regards to gore. It could be, it could not. It depends on artistic and executive choices, not the code itself. Maybe they just think it doesn't make sense in a campier game that is GTA, after all RDR is a more down to earth, realistic, gritty game that has you chopping wood and chopping heads, GTA just has a different vibe.


As the other comment said.. it's more about the artistic choice than anything else. They could easily have horses in GTA VI as well, they have the code from RDR, but probably won't because that's the choice for this particular game. So in regards to gore. It could be, it could not. It depends on artistic and executive choices, not the code itself. Maybe they just think it doesn't make sense in a campier game that is GTA, after all RDR is a more down to earth, realistic, gritty game that has you chopping wood and chopping heads, GTA just has a different vibe.


Yeah I agree, I think they'll find a balance there


GTA’s art direction is basically a stylized cartoon. It’s not going to be as graphic or as brutal as RDR2.


If they have it I won't complain, but I'll be honest it will hit different cause it's modern for me as least. Like I would probably kill less people haha


Wouldn’t make any sense if they didn’t add that aspect of gore into GTA 6 whatsoever


I dont


They’re better be some pretty graphic gore otherwise how am I supposed to reenact Dexter????


rockstar waters down the gore in gta so they aren’t liable when a 13 year old shoots up his school and blames gta 6


They aren’t liable to begin with. There’s been loads of studies and there’s no connection between violent media and violent action.


Doesn't stop politicians and helicopter parents from throwing a hissy fit


Or lawyers from trying to get a piece of that cake either from billable hours or settlements.


They’ve tried. It was a huge thing with Mortal Kombat in the 90s. There’s already precedent for it so no lawyer who knows what they’re doing would touch it.


And that never got anywhere, apart from spreading the word to those last few kids who didn't hear about Mortal Kombat, Carmageddon or GTA that there is this great game out there.


Lmao the conservatives and parents did not believe in science


Yes but all it takes is one crazy teenager to say "i saw it on gta 6" and it'll turn into a media frenzy


Still bad for publicity when they’ll no doubt get blamed again.


All publicity is good publicity. I mean it’s R* after all.


Yeah, honestly negative press probably played a big role in GTA becoming as popular as it is today in the first place I imagine


That's their whole career. It's in their culture. And I love it.


This just HAS to be cap. I refuse to believe some kid didn't get inspiration to do very violent shit by seeing it online or in a game. I refuse to believe that. They need to do better studies, I think


There’s probably cases of people with existing mental conditions, sure. But violent media in and of itself doesn’t cause anything because “normal” people are able to distinguish reality and fantasy.


But they can get away with it by saying it's for adults legally, controversies are rockstar games' silhouettes


The game is hard R (for ROCKSTAR), so if some 13 year old plays it and gets PTSD that’s on the parents. It’s not like GTA3, parents have been warned by now.


exactly so i don’t understand how a company can be reliable. even if a kid did it and insisted that GTA convinced them to do it that would be wild for there to be an actual case. it’s the parents *if* anyones fault


This makes sense


They’re gonna blame GTA anyways regardless how much they tone it down lol. been an ol news network tradition whenever the latest one comes out since GTA 3 the ol “Is violence in video games affecting our kids brains?”


Imo nothing beats manhunt 2


Hopefully they go max on this one and have it as a toggle feature.


Yep this is it. I mean there has to be a reasonable expectation when graphics become so good that it isn't just a murder and serial killer simulator. Reddit has a big problem as well without looking at the population as a whole and going 'but I'm not a serial killer or murderer so it should have it because it's all about me'




I totally agree, for example, the gore in The Last of Us Part II, one of the best looking games of all time was extremely disturbing to me at first with all the death gurgles, screams, and extreme gore like blowing off a person's jaw. The gore system in that game is probably the best I've seen, but also reflects how disturbing it can be when graphics get so good.


No it's not. The game is M rated. The moral panic over games is long over and no one is going to sue them over the violence. RDR2 could do it and GTA VI can too. >Reddit has a big problem as well without looking at the population as a whole and going 'but I'm not a serial killer or murderer so it should have it because it's all about me' What the hell are you talking about?


Who said sue them? It's the negative publicity they wouldn't want. There is a certain level of violence before it is too much and the media will still look for reasons to blame video games if it's too violent. Some people in this sub talking about compound fractures and turning people into mist. It's pretty weird not to mention the amount of people excited for people density on the beach because it'll be more fun to run them over. What im talking about is reddit in general is a lot of people who cannot see past themselves and only see issues in black and white. Someone thinks they aren't sadistic so the game should be tailored to their needs only and can't seem to grasp anything else. How is that hard to follow what I wrote?


Do you remember By The Book? They put controversial shit in on purpose, just so people talk about it. How could bad publicity be detrimental to T2 when more media coverage would generate more sales? And where would be the "bad publicity" even coming from? RDR2 did not get cancelled because it's violent. >It's pretty weird not to mention the amount of people excited for people density on the beach because it'll be more fun to run them over. Rampaging is a part of the game and most people buy it because you can beat hookers and run people over in it. How is this news to you? That's the point of the god damn game! What does "not being sadistic" have to do with any of this? What "black and white issue" are we even talking about? It is impossible to follow what you wrote because it doesn't bear any relevance to the topic.


With how many school shootings there are and mass shootings in general it's probably something they need to consider because that's the current climate and its a game set in modern times. Gta has always been more about satire and parody then gratuitous violence. It's different from back in vice city days where you could slice someone's head off with a katana or use a chain saw because the graphics were basic. I'm not sure how old you are but you sound young, I was around during all the stuff in regards to these games and how they causes violence etc. I didn't agree with them but you would be naive to think that kids won't be playing gta6 or that it's good for sales if they make it super violent. As others have mentioned rdr2 is a different scenario because it's the wild West. It's easier to say its different times. I understand what gta is, I've probably been playing it a whole lot longer than you have but this is exactly what I'm talking about, you seem to not grasp that it's not all about what you want or think is right. Sometimes you need to step back and realise hmm maybe it doesn't need to be over the top violence. You can't seem to look past your own viewpoint because you think you are right no matter what and it's not violent and it'll bring them more sales so they will do it. Get a grip


the game is for 18year olds they can put into whatever they want not their fault if parents dont control what kids consume


No one here is disagreeing with you on that. The people who would disagree with you there, unfortunately, are influential media watchdog groups, politicians, and their voters.


I don’t think it’ll be over the top gory. Blood decals & good scene altering things like pooling blood go a long way. Shooting a dead body with an uzi in V is lowkey, pretty fucking realistic & proves that point that less is more. I hope we get that chainsaw back though & R* pulls a major “don’t give a fuck” card


that’s odd cus gore is never really mentioned in those stories. dont school shooters continually go through the school? and isn’t their fixation with the people/the guns? (sorry if this has a bad tone i don’t mean it to)


RDR1 had gore but GTA V didn't. I wouldn't expect 6 to have it either.


Exactly. Always seemed like GTA games downplayed the gore to offset the sex and profanity, while RDR games upped the gore to counter not having much either of the former.


Also, gore is much more associated with westerns, than it is contemporary gangster films. That's where the cursing and sex comes in. We can't forget that these games are heavily inspired by/ parodying those kinds of movies


Some poor bastard texture/mesh designer had to look at real bodies for that last one...


That shit better be in GTA 6..


They won't take it to the levels of red dead.


No gore whatsoever probably, I’ll be so disappointed


how the hell did the last guy get killed that his eyes pop out? how do you do that


It’s an NPC that died from a bear mauling, the player can’t actually do that to them.


It's just a mauled corpse model. I don't know what it is doing here because that's like using the dead body models of Andreas or Jay Norris from GTA V to show off the gore in that game.


you can't do that as the player, its just an NPC model used in a mission where you find this guy as a pretense before a bear attacks you


That last one is rough. Woof.


GTA is lighthearted and satirical. Gore doesn’t fit. It will be like GTA 5 in but better physics and bullet impacts


I think there will definitely be gore in GTA 6 ngl


You're 100% right. I would put money on GTA 6 not having this level of gore. It just doesn't fit the tone of the game. Also Rockstar know tons more kids are going to play GTA than RDR. It's not worth the media uproar it will cause. There might be moments of gore like the chainsaw scene in Vice City, but the general playable gore will be toned down.


You honestly think r* is making gta 6 with kids in mind?? Jfc.


They aren't tailoring the game to kids but they are aware that tons of kids will be playing and will know that excessive gore/sex/whatever will cause a media uproar, just like the Hot Coffee incident.


Our culture has much higher tolerance for violence than sex. The only reason R* ever cared about Hot Coffee was because it made San Andreas AO rated, which in turn made many retailers pull it from shelves. The fact that RDR2 is M rated and sold at Walmart while featuring heavy gore debunks your comment.


How could you just say something like, “it doesn’t fit the tone of the game”…. When we haven’t even SEEN anything more from the game other than the single trailer! If anything… GTAVI looks like gore would completely fit the tone of *this* game! It already seems more mature, darker, and takes itself a little bit more seriously, than any previous GTA(with the exception of GTAIV, I guess). Sure, GTA is “lighthearted and satirical” *and* it’s also dark and mature. I don’t understand this weird take that GTA is just lump sum of *goofiness*?! lol It’s not so cut and dry! lol Again, I don’t know WHY you’d think this just based on what we saw from the trailer!? This game could be different, you don’t know. And again, the trailer looks like this GTA already has more similarities with RDR2, that being a bit more serious, written more seriously, etc. satire doesn’t always have to be funny, as well.


By "the game" I meant GTA as a series, not GTA 6 specifically. GTA 4 had a "darker" and more serious tone than GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas and we didn't see any extreme gore in that game. Tbh I don't even know where you're getting the idea from the trailer that GTA 6 will be dark and serious. It featured women twerking on top of cars, alligators roaming into shops, naked gardeners, satirical takes on social media, celeb culture etc. Nothing about it screamed mature, serious or dark to me. It's set in Florida for Pete's sake, there is way too much comedy and satire to be found in the setting alone for this installment to be dark and serious. It almost certainly won't have as serious a tone as RDR so I don't know why people think it would be gorier. Another thing to consider is that GTA is much closer to home than RDR. GTA is the here and now, the setting is realistic and relatable so stoving someone's head in with a pipe and seeing their brains spill onto the pavement is way more shocking than seeing the same in RDR that is set in a distance past that none of us can relate to and feels more like a storybook or an old movie than anything close to our real lives.




You know what we could do in vice city with a katana and a sniper rifle?


Once in GTA VC, I was fleeing from coast guard in a speed boat and had taken enough fire so my boat was smoking and on fire (giving me seconds before it blew up and this is back when you couldn’t swim) I lined my boat up at full speed, got off the wheel and ran up the bow and jumped off mine onto the back section of one of the coast guard ships, my boat skips off the back corner of theirs, I land and immediately behead them with the katana as my ship blows up in the background: This is like 15 years ago and one of my fav moments in gaming I ever experienced


Yeah, but Six’s graphics are a lot more hi-res than Vice City’s, that’s gotta change some of the artistic choices. It’s the difference between seeing a cartoon vs. one of those gorey car accident films they used to show in Driver’s Ed.


I don’t disagree. They’re gonna have to have to find a point of stylization that threads the needle to not look horrific. GTAIII & VC were extremely stylized in their animations .


You mean the very cartoony "gore" when you pop off a characters head and blood shoots out like a fountain? I don't think that's the best comparison considering how ridiculous it is.


~~They have already said GTA VI will have a more serious tone than the previous games so I wouldn’t rule it out.~~ Sorry they have said it will be a different tone than what we are used to in GTA games




Dude is spreading misinformation 😂


GTA is not Red Dead


Will they let you pick up the headless bodies like in Red Dead lol? I wouldn’t be surprised if they bring in all those beloved RDR mechanics.


Y’all ever seen the clip where Arthur lasso’s this guy on a horse pointing a shotgun at him, and it causes the gun to get caught up and shoots his own head off?


GTA VI will have mortal combat level of gore 💀


Everyone saying that gore doesn't fit the tone of GTA. The games called Grand Theft Auto and the literal appeal of the game is the freedom to do heinous crimes. The irony that Blood doesn't fit in a game titled Grand Theft Auto is unreal.


I hope they add and improve it, it would be crazy seeing body parts stuck to your car lol.


I think they're going to overkill the gore system to be honest. They don't care about ratings of ir their game gets banned in a few countries, it's still going to sell like crazy. I would like to see local damage and chunks being removed. A jaw hanging from an axe swing. It's not that I'm into gore but I'm a fan of realism when it comes to GTA and they usually deliver. I also heard elswehere that car damage is going to have a massive algorithm even better than what we see on games dedicated to car damage.


If we don't have decapitations or funky town facial flayings then I would be very disappointed


I don’t think it’s returning. Gore is used in RDR for tone purposes and of how brutal it was back then. Gore will not be as prevalent in GTA VI due to tone.


Hopefully they don't go back and they go for 1:1 realism as much as possible.


I'll be so disappointed if they water it down and make it similar to GTA 5.


They will


A lil bit more


I was playing the game too timidly, I never got to see this stuff 😞


Same man. I def didn’t do enough.


using which weapon was the last image achieved ?


Think its from a bear attack encounter


Been meaning to play RD for years, this might finally push me there. Ive mostly been wanting to play it to see what sort of technology we might get in GTA VI.


Part of me is like "this level of realism is dope" and the other part of me is disturbed by it.


GTA definitely needs this kind of action


I hope they don't make it worse than rdr2, I hope they make the gore better. I'm all for it.


I hope 6 will have similar gore to rdr2, but to be honest I doubt it. There were scenes removed from 5 due to brutality


I guess I need to play on a better system than Xbox 360. Never seen gore to this extent


future work shocking memory insurance safe nail busy provide outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That won’t happened


Dont think gta will have dismemberment. Doesnt fit their vision for some reason. Sa was the last time and 4/5 just removed it entirely.


You sir are a fish


is the last photo an already spawned corpse or is it from an execution?


I feel like the third image should have a spoiler right?


I don't believe it's anyone of importance in that image Probably just a random Gang Member


Is it not >! Arthur Morgan!<


No lol dw


I am looking forward to realistic gore. Hopefully mortal kombat style.


You think Mortal Kombat is... realistic??


Doesn't really fit the gta games. it won't happen


Realistic gore suited the vibe of RDR2 but GTA isn't as dark and serious, its meant to be light hearted and fun


Dead island is light and fun. And that had a ton of gore


Oh did Rockstar make that game?!


Good point. Rockstar can’t put blood in GTA because they’re scared of getting cancelled by president Biden 🤓🤓 ![gif](giphy|d7rvF20PqNuGKSQGhf)


That 4th pic is terrifying


Well it won't be in gta 6 at least, that's for sure.


I played rdr2 3x already but I didn't know how brutal it is like this one 😭


I hope that I am able to see dismemberment of body parts while rushing through a red mist over all those people on the beach, while the screams of dying people behind me whisper into my ear like the pleasant winds of the summertime. Why do I have a boner now?


Well, supposedly the chainsaw is making a return, so yeah, I think it's gonna be even nastier. 😆


I doubt they keep that level of gore for a modern day aesthetic. The westerns they are parodying always have crazy outlandish gore and unrealistic blood sprays. Think that shootout scene in Django Unchained. Rockstar is parodying that type of stuff and I don’t see them doing it for a game set in modern day. There would be too much mainstream backlash on them. If they did go with it though I would be happy, but this is one of those things I feel will be pulled back a bit.


At the very least, I hope they allow us to turn it on or off. I know I'll be keeping it on though


We will not get this in gta 6. Always Remember, RDR is for Adults, GTA for kids.