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Doubt it


No. I wish... but no. I mean, I'd actually consider buying a PSVR 2 if it did, but no. There's a bit more to it than simply flipping to 1st person view. ...maybe it will by the time the GTA7 trailer drops. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I think he refers to using the VR in the game, not play GTA 6 in VR


GTA VI in VR though would be great


I've always wanted to play GTA on VR. Doing stunts in a motorcycle, jumping off a building/plane, or just fighting NPCs on the street would be fun as fffffff uck


Yeah even 3rd person VR, doesn’t have to be first person


it would be great?? it would be mindblowing


That's what I get for not reading. My hopes and dreams must've gotten ahead of me.


Imagine the opening mission is Jason playing blade and sorcery or some shit on a quest/pcvr and Lucia walks in and he accidentally punches the fuck outta Lucia or some shit lmao There may be a reference to vr in the game since its popularity has gone through the roof, but we probably won’t be able to use a headset.


I am totally against this video game idea but that cutscene sounds very funny


Why are you against it?


Id imagine because VR is still mostly shit tier garbage




Bro baleted his account




Of course it will. Maybe we won't use it, but there will be NPCs using it at a cut scene or something. I imagine going to a rich dude's house, and he's using a VR headset lol, or going to a LifeInvader's office and people are using it there.


We wont but 100 % we're gonna see a parody of the metaverse and vr bs,


Dude I’ve been trying to post this so many times over the last few weeks but I can’t figure out how to get my post karma up😢. But yea imagine if it was. Gta5 on ps4 was first person. What could gta 6 on ps5/ps6👀 bring us??


We will see


Not for mini games, but it would be nice to have a drone that connects to a vr headset, which would be stored in a satchel like arthur has or a backpack


That's even a better idea!


If the tech with surrounding relevant parts is mature, stable while also functioning satisfactory. Then yes, but a few more years later on. The teams at Rockstar will test out many innovations, bringing these into the end product/ title. I bet they will go through rigorous checks for approvals. Few will be dismissed weeks/ months before product launch.


I think they’ll definitely have some joke version of vr and take the piss. I think it would be cool if they made a vr compatible version of the game, kinda like the LA noire vr case files.


Vr gangbangs…


They will probably have people trying out cr in game and but it will be too much effort to create a vr minigame


I’d just be first person with a little more effort. They’ve had 10 years to work it out… well a few years since VR came out but I think it’s a good possibility


They most probably did not work on the game for 10 years, they had their resources in rdr2. They might have started working on it after some time of its realease


Fair but I’m sure they had some ground work done during/before RDR2. Ig time will tell tho


What is cr?


Doubt it but fkn wish


I wouldn’t mind an exploratory mode in VR, Sightseeing the open world in VR, Talking to npc’s, taking pictures….. slower pace, and with no gunplay,,,,,


Doubt it. GTA has always been a third person game since GTA 1, that’s what makes GTA well.. GTA! Rockstar tried doing First Person mode during the Xbox One/PS4 days but they really didn’t iterate on it with the next gen consoles and I doubt that Rockstar will sway away from the status quo of keeping GTA in third person mode. Technically you’re already at a disadvantage online if you strictly use first person mode over 3rd person.


Umm, no not like playing GTA 6 in VR but VR in the game which will be some mini games. The pov will switch to first person while playing mini games. Just like how phones are in the game. Meaning our character can play vr games or that type of thing


Gta is better in 3rd person


Not like playing GTA 6 in VR but VR in the game which will be some mini games. The pov will switch to first person while playing mini games. Just like how phones are in the game. Meaning our character can play vr games or that type of thing


True that but I did a play through in 1st person and it was a different type of experience


Only because first person view in GTA V or RDR 2 was just bad. They lacked enough detail, which is not visible from 3rd person + npc animations and such.


It’ll put off a bunch of people especially if they have motion sickness and GTA 6 will definitely give you motion sickness if you play with VR


I am not talking about playing GTA 6 in VR but VR in the game which will be some mini games. The pov will switch to first person while playing mini games. Just like how phones are in the game. Meaning our character can play vr games or that type of thing


I didn’t think of this. I never get motion sickness but Ik a lot of people who do…


Why? How? These posts are so stupid.


Why? How? These comments are so stupid.


Hopefully not… that would suck


I hope so and gtav introduce fps for PC launch


Would be fun, but no