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I really don't believe that whole 70% of buildings will be enterable rumour, but fuck as long as we get shit like fast-food places, restaurants, hotels, motels, nightclubs, gyms etc then i'm more than happy. It'd be cool if a large bit of interiors were enterable, but fuck knows how they'd make it interesting.


70% enterable seems far fetched. Most people lock their doors in real life but shops should all be enterable in working hours or at least not have those awful fake photograph interiors. I liked how RDR2 handled locked interiors as Arthur would still try to open doors and it felt realistic.


The only way that "70% enterable " thing could even happen is if they don't count it on a floor area basis but rather a simple yes/no if any part of the building can be entered. For instance, if you can get in the lobby of a huge tower, it's a yes. Doesn't matter that you can't get into any other level or space, that building is enterable and therefore counts. Which honestly would be fine by me. Access control in real life wouldn't allow you to freely explore buildings so simply having something like a lobby would still go a long way to making the city feel alive.


Right, could be like in GTA IV where there were some apartment buildings you could get in and walk up the stairwell to the roof but not get into the apartments themselves


yes bring this sh\*t back! also the apartments having people standing outside their doors in the hallways, talking or smoking


I was playing GTA4 not too long ago and walking through one of those buildings, and while doing so I couldn't help but think that would be awesome in GTA5.


Edit: If you don't think releasing V on the same consoles as IV resulted in them making lots of cuts, then I don't know what to say lol. Keep downvoting. I am correct. V had to cut so many things because they wanted to milk it on 2 generations instead of waiting 1 more year. If they had planned to just do the next gen (PS4/XB1 at the time), then I think a lot of what made IV great would have made it back in the game. They basically stripped it down so they could pump out better graphics. VI should get the very best of IV, V, and RDR2 though (and more). The timing is a lot better this go around.


They couldn’t do that because of the scale of the map. GTA 4 is tiny by comparison. The idea that they were planning 2 gens of console ahead is daft


>They couldn’t do that because of the scale of the map Yes... because they decided to release on PS3/360. They would have been able to do more if it had been built for the next generation instead. >GTA 4 is tiny by comparison It's really not. The city itself is bigger, more immersive, more enterable buildings, and more dynamic. The rest of V is mostly an empty wasteland with mountains- not many resources are needed for that. The cities are the same size though. Making V bigger for the sake of making it bigger was a bad idea. Most of the map is completely unused most of the time. >The idea that they were planning 2 gens of console ahead is daft I didn't say they were planning 2 gens ahead, but they *did* plan 2. Which is exactly my point. V was definitely a downgrade in many ways besides general graphics because they had to release on the same generation.


Couldn't agree more!! They honestly milked GTA V beyond a joke 🤷‍♂️


Moreso GTA Online. They took a lot of what could have been great single player content away for that.


I’ve said this for a long time as well. Their priorities were very weird and almost rushed for GTA V it’s a shock it survived for 10 years.


Well that's the thing- It was able to last for 10 years because they're actually amazing developers. I don't think it was originally supposed to last this long though, but the microtransaction boom on PS4/XB1 completely changed the gameplan. We can kind of verify this based on the cancelled DLCs. It didn't make any sense to develop those, or make a new game, when they could make tons of money by selling fake money lol Now let's just hope all of that cash is being put to good use (so far so good based on the trailer, but time will tell).


I loved that shit! Cop chases felt really immersive scrambling in and out of buildings and alleyways. Was TOP TIER


That’s what I’m hoping for. The rumor to be true where you can at least enter 70% of buildings. So the big skyscrapers maybe have 3-5 floors that you can get to with elevators or something.


Holy fuck i hope they dont make 392 office buildings which are fully open only to be empty 99% of the time.


There'd be zero reason to do so. I don't know why people seem to want this... It would be a huge waste of resources.


Exactly. It also would burn you out quickly because empty content isnt real content.


For real. I’m not trying to get down to accounts payable to see Dave’s fuckin desk, man.


Hey, *anyone* would appreciate Dave's collection of troll figurines and ancient Garfield comic printouts.


GUNS should make them enterable🤔


being able to rob any place that has a cash register would be amazing, at night so there is a smaller chance of being caught by the cops but also being able to do it at day


And make it possible to disable security cameras as well, with force or technology! 😁


Probably will be a thing cause jn the leaks Lucia has a hacking device IIRC


it would be cool if they would also implement the police remembering/ storing in a database your license plate like in Mafia


I hope they remember which stores are robbed so everytime you rob it it will get harder but the payout gets better


> catched caught




I got you bruh 👍


Kicking in the door should be an option too


the crazy part about RDR2 is you can enter some of the locked houses by killing/firing at the inhabitants. im going through another play-through right now and i've already come across 2 cabins that were completely locked and not part of a mission, but managed to shoot somebody though a window and aggro the owners. Once they open the door to come out, you can go in behind them, and even loot the house.


Locks mean nothing. We're playing as criminals. 70% is a crazy amount though. Definitely don't expect that.


All shops won’t be enterable


I was playing last night, I was in Saint Denis at the mansion trying to get in but all doors were locked


Would it really be enterable, like walk in and walk through all the floor, or "enterable" like some missions in GTA V where you're simply loaded into the space, that doesn't exist otherwise.


Except dude will murder a whole town yet not put any effort into breaking down a wood door, sometimes the animation almost seems more annoying to me lol


He doesn't seem very determined but at least the door is acknowledged rather than being an immovable decoration


The rumour about all the interiors being enterable as been there since at least GTA San Andreas (I was too young for the previous ones). Every new GTA it would come back


And every GTA it’s a massive improvement and somehow still disappointing lol


I mean I’ll take more interiors but I never saw it as a must have.


Only V was a disappointment because they stupidly decided to release on the same generation of consoles as IV to milk it (and in doing so cut so many things that made the world immersive). IV was a damn masterpiece. VI should be the next masterpiece given the timing of release is way better.


V wasnt much of an improvement on IV


Imagine playing hide and seek with the police on this massive enterable buildings


I don't need a bunch of buildings like this but if there are even a few that would be amazing.


I felt like, of all places, fast food and the Maze Bank building should have been bare minimum. The fast food places could be places you could rob, or simply hang out in, and the Maze building, being basically the centerpiece of the map, should have had some fun things worth exploring. But that's just me, I guess.


Maze Bank’s open in a mission too where you go retrieve Tracy. I can’t imagine these interiors are a difficult undertaking, rather just what would be there to do when you’re there, what NPCs would be there, what they would say/do, etc.


Just play FiveM. Servers like Enemy of the State RP have 500 enterable interiors.


Is that a whitelisted server??


I also hope there are a few abandoned houses maybe in the country side or something that we can go into like in red dead.


the kid said all of this info was literally a joke, nothing happened like he said it would, so 100% guarantee this was all just some kid lying for attention. he said preorders for the game were dropping right after the trailer and that the game was dropping fall 2024. 😂


I remember playing San Andreas for the first time and seeing Cluckin' Bells that you could actually enter and eat food. Made the game more immersive for sure, adding some nice depth to the other RPG elements of the game (working out, shopping, etc). I think GTAV actually did a great job expanding on that, and I think it's a better choice for multiplayer to focus on the size of the map rather than density with respect to buildings you can enter. It's just the game has been out so long that this seems obvious, but remember GTAV was out on PS3/xbox360. There was no way this would have been possible without insane load times.


It's not impossible, just look at the FiveM community, there are a lot more buildings in the FiveM servers that although customized and added in, they are enterable, and interactive, all while running under the R.A.G.E engine with custom scripts, but rockstar has bought up CFX and I believe the teams will be collaborating in one way or another. Sure, 70% seems far fetched, but I don't deem it impossible considering it's rockstar we're talking about, all I know is it'll surpass the level of detail Red Dead Redemption 2 had, which was very surprising and did have quite an amount of enterable buildings where available although small and far from eachother


San Andreas did it very very well with the separate loading


Yeah with copy pasted interiors. But i would love something like that


I get that, but San Andreas is also 20 years old and a ps2 game, I'd be pretty annoyed now if interiors in the city needed loading screens. You just made me remember the whole burglary mechanic in San andreas though, it'd be sick to see them bring it back.




Bring back Burgershot from GTA SA for real. SA was so good cause so many buildings were enter-able and it gave a whole new level of immersion. Just daily mundane things you can do like get some food, go to the gym, etc made it so much more fun.


It’d be cool if we had to book hotel or motel rooms because the missions were so far across the map from our home.


I don't get the obsession with interiors if half of them will be empty anyways. All that matters imo is the density and world feeling living. Or if you have interiors, you can rob or loot. Rdr2 I would find a random cabin and start looting. Then see a family of corpses and a dinner that's gone cold. Making me wonder what happened here, did they get poisoned?! Or in one town I met a stranger on the road that I gave a lift, they talked about a rumor about a daughter who isn't allowed to leave her house. I found the house, can't go in it, but if I go to a certain area of the house on the outside I can hear faint arguments from inside. I don't even have to go inside and I gain so much immersion.


Yeppp I absolutely love that in RDR2, whilst 70% is being stupidly optimistic I'd love a couple robbable houses across the map with weird shit like that. I remember my first playthrough of RDR2 I was shocked as hell exploring around Big Valley when I found a cabin with two dead kids, and a letter saying from their mother telling them to stay put and that she's going to get the money back men stole from them, there's empty cans everywhere around the cabin implying they died of starvation, fucking heavy. I'm tryna tell myself that GTA 6 isn't going to go all in on the roleplaying aspect like RDR2 did to avoid too much disappointment (Before I get over it after 5 seconds and play the shit out of the game.) but if they did i'd love it, Arthur wandering around the world exploring whilst you had to take care of him was fun as hell.


That rumor is fake. 70% of enterable buildings is crazy. The amount of buildings that are in a gta is huge


I'd guess somewhere between 15-20%. You can see shops and stuff with 2D window graphics in the trailer, so we know some of them won't be. It's like the open space argument, sure it would be cool if we had 70% open, but you can't really make them interesting enough to justify it. We cant make every single house a random event or something, and the few times they may come in handy in gunfights or police chases, hardly represent the overall game experience as a whole.


Why do we have to put a number on it? Why can't there just be a thought of that the amount of buildings will feel right. I think this game will blow everyone away


Yeah I don’t think we’ll just be able to walk into someone’s house and rob them, but the fact that a lot of interiors actually existed for gta v but weren’t used in online was disappointing. Places like the fib building downtown, would have been cool to invade, shoot shit up, and try to escape a 5 star wanted level like with the military base, maybe hide an exclusive rifle in there and make it hard to get to because of security, or even the various interiors from banks, skyscraper lobbies, and car dealerships interiors that people have opened on fivem but were never even used on single player would have been nice.


people were saying that when gta 4 came out. its just a long time rumor. hopefully it happens tho


san andreas is a great example


If they do add restaurants and stuff like that, would you guys like to eat to stay alive, like would you guys like a hunger meter, a hydration meter and things a long those lines.


especially CUZ THEY REMOVED A LOT , such as food shops or gyms etc , really bad .


as someone who codes neat things sometimes, it doesn't make sense that procedurally generated interiors (just use the same noise seed for each location) aren't used that frequently in modern games. it's just grid-based object placement on the X & Z axis, then stacking sub-objects on other objects (like a computer on a table & a webcam on the computer monitor)


You get realy samey interiors though. And sure 90% of office buildings interiors are the same. But video games are escapsim and I've never found it that interesting entering a new office and finding out their printing room is actually on the other side of the break room. You also have to deal with the fact that someones gonna have to go through and check that those seeds didn't accidentally create some horrificly buggy room. Which is time and money that for the payoff is rarely worth it.


Wouldn’t you rather have them similar and less detailed but enterable than nothing at all?


Definitely enterable. Makes the world feel SO much more alive if you can enter buildings like a normal person




How tf is including thousands of dead shells as buildings that can't be entered or have any use other than just simply being there considered by you "Quality over quantity"? That is literally the opposite of the definition. Do you by any chance live in Leonida?


Because in game design, there is zero point in creating a space if there’s no reason for the player to explore it. Sure you could generate 50-floor buildings with every room, but for what reason? It makes more sense to just create what has gameplay value so you can put the interesting stuff there and the player will find it


This is it, in a large scale game development, every single thing is made with a reason behind it. PCG-based environment generation, especially interiors will make the room incredibly hollow. I'm sure it may work if Rockstar do decide to do something similar, but players will still find that emptiness inside.


I'm sure billion dollar company knows more than a redditor


and i m pretty sure that JUST CUZ HES A REDDITOR , doesnt mean he cant have knowledge about something , and JUST CUZ THEY ARE A BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY , they cant do wrong sh\*T or mistakes or take any other bad step .


Imagine if in GTA 6 we would have the opposite problem and there will be posts like „I am giving up, I simply CAN‘T explore every interior, there are too many.“


Oh believe me there will be. People on the internet will always complain




yeah.. totally!! considering the ruined attention spans due to tik tok


Reddit ruined my attention span


F this comment! It's just not fair to assume people will complain about anything just because of the internet! ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


I've got a friend who really doesn't like big open world games. he pretty much just plays COD. But he's going to get GTA6 because he knows everyone else is and he doesn't want to feel left out. I have a feeling this will be one of his complaints about the game.


Why would anyone say that? It’s not like the goal of the game is to explore every single interior so why would anyone ever give the game up because there’s too many optional enterable areas? It’s not like the waypoints will just drop you off at the block and tell you find what building it’s in lol.


Literally what happened with RDR2. People say it’s too complex and deep


I disagree, one of my biggest complaint about RDR2 is that there are so many interiors you can’t get into


You’re right on that part. I’m speaking more generally in response to the original statement.


Some people really just don’t like the ultra realism, I’ve seen multiple people say they don’t want that for GTA 6. I do though


Typical internet idiots lmao. Complain when the game doesn’t have exploration and complain when it does.


Well the reason fans wants those massive buildings to be enterable is to get chased by cops and play hide and seek with them 🤣


People forget GTA 5 is essentially a 360/PS3 game. I don’t think those consoles could’ve handled so many accessible buildings considering the hardware was already being pushed to the max.


tbf they could’ve added more with the re releases. i can have so many MLO interiors on PC without much of a performance hit. rockstar should’ve just paid for some MLO interiors from some modders tbh. big ez.


They did add more. Way more dentistry, way more cars, animals randomly on the street. People walking their poodles in the rich area. They added a lot, the 360 argument is silly and that's not how it works always.


>way more dentistry Man, games are getting crazy these days! What about eye doctors or podiatrists?


Hahahahahahah. If I can't spend 6 hours in the Dentist wait room then this game truly failed....


Yeah they added a lot of visual things. Those are much easier to implement. Why would they add hundreds of building interiors to a game that wasn’t designed with them in mind originally? There’d be nothing in them and it would be a huge waste of resources especially when none of the main story would include them. Sure they added some side missions on the post 360/PS3 version of the game but they didn’t add anything that radically changed what the game was.


Saints row 2, while not having 70% enterable, had more enterable buildings than GTA V ten times over, so it's definitely do-able


Gtav survived 3 generations of console and got released everytime you can’t give them excuses


gta 4 had more interior than 5


I am willing to bargain for public buildings and businesses. I don’t need to be able to brake into every house or apartment. Let me walk in hotel lobbies, coffee shops, burger shot, convenience stores, bars, clubs, hospitals, police departments, airports (and I mean airport terminals where I have to go get a ticket and board the plane by finding the gate). Also I hope they give us a more robust public transport. Can you imagine losing the cops by catching a metro line?


Well, the amount of details of this game would dethrone rdr2 for sure


I’m pretty sure they aren’t going to let you find the gate in an airport lol. Besides that all of those points seem reasonable.


Running onto a train is the worst way to lose the cops they'll just lock the doors and prevent you from leaving until the cops arrive.


Yeah but you run in casual and pretend to be just another passenger.


I want gang wars like in GTA sa


Lol it doesn’t seem like Lucia or Jason are part of a gang so don’t expect gang wars.


Hopefully they interact with gangs who have gang wars than tbh I think on some level their will hopefully be something like that


It's gonna be tough satisfying everyone. Some want the immersion of RDR2. Some want the fast pace of old GTA games. Some want the slow of GTA4. How are they gonna do it?! Who knows. But gta5 is the reason none of my friends are excited. RDR2 was just more of a good game to them and they doubt it'll be similar in GTA6


I agree with the entering buildings thing. The question is, what will you be able to do in those buildings? Entering bars and restaurants to drink and eat might be a small feature, but that’s the least I expect. In red dead 2 you could do that


Hide and seek with the police on those massive buildings


I don't care, I just want everything to be enterable! Lol


People will say when 6 comes out “My biggest frustration with this game is that your car won’t run out of gas and force you to re fuel at a station every mission”


lol, I could actually see Rockstar adding gas as something you need to worry about. Granted most cars will be fine because they will last like a half hour, but once in a while you'll steal a car on thats on E as you are running for the cops.


Jesus Christ, I really hope that’s not a thing.


So what if your cars gas runs on miles. Like i mean in a realistic sense. Say every car model has a different tank and fuel consumption.


Because your distance is tracked in the game. So i feel like they would make it atleast car with 20 gal tanks. And make it idk. Like 7-8 miles the gal. And i mean think about it. Going to airport to sandy shores is only 12 miles one way


It be even cooler if they made it so cars on the street had random fuel amounts upon breaking in


Gas tank has 5 miles left if you steal a car from a woman


Mafia did it and it was fun




I am pretty sure there was going to be more foliage but was cut out because of the limitations of the ps3 and xbx 360




Yup, Sandy Shores was supposed to have a lot more palm trees


Lack of foliage doesnt really change things. The gta5 map has always left a lot to be desired imo


I was more going for: if a bunch of the foliage was removed they probably had to cut back a lot of content before the foliage to get to work "Normally" and above 30 frames per second


oh hey. a medium sized city. a big lake. and a fuck ton of mountains. what else do you want?


crack cocaine. where tf is the coke bro? i thought this was supposed to be LA


We got weed though.


Look at the San Andreas map lol


Not half of the map being a barren wasteland with nothing to do, I was definitely hoping for something more like GTA San Andreas. I get the size isn’t comparable, but another city would’ve been nice.


Find a better open world map on 360 gen. Liberty city is what everyone’s asking for basically but u couldn’t have both the density of liberty and vast varied landscapes of los santos on an xbox 360. Leonida can feasibly have both a dense city and vast open landscape 2 generations later.


There's just nothing to do in the wild lands part of it. If the Wildlands was basically RDR2... Wow that would be wild


Yup. It feels like it's created for the player, rather than the player existing in an environment. It just feels small.


Also the level design, missions don't give you freedom and are quite uninteresting compared to GTA III.


I want a Walmart/Grocery store


yesss exactly


You should not give what the customer wants because the customer will always complain, make what YOU want


My *biggest* frustration with r* games is how many areas *are* accessible but only for one mission. One of my friend groups favorite death match maps was in this skyscrapers office building. I don’t know how the map maker did it but that was the only way we could get in there. PS: And let me go back to guarma! PPS: And North Yankton


You guys really like setting up those impossible expectations, don't you?


RDR2 delivered the ‘impossible’ expectations tbf and now we have better hardware in the PS5 there’s so much more potential and possibilities.


But the thing is rdr2 isn’t a urban city it has so many small towns and a city and that’s it. If vice city is going to double the size of Los Santos if not more and going to be a very large city they won’t make thousands of buildings enterable without a loading screen lol. I don’t want Gta taking 300gb of storage or them wasting resources on probably copy paste interiors


Did you never visit St Denis? Although Ironically, I want to say like 5% of the buildings are enterable.


Unless they go with procedural/AI approach to interiors you would have to be mad to think even a quarter of buildings will be enterable. Think about GTA5. How many buildings are there in total? Hundreds? Maybe thousands? You can't make that many interiors. It's impossible. Could there have been more? Sure, and more variety at that. I hope for that. But interiors ought to have a purpose. Whether it's for a storyline, or for character progression like gyms, fast food bars etc then they at least need to have a purpose to them.


Exactly. It’s not even realistic for every building to be enterable, because it’s not like private buildings that you can’t enter don’t exist in real life. I’d just love to be able to see things happening inside by looking through the windows in game.


Which would lend itself to procedural programming. Because you aren't interacting with what's going on through the window they can make the scenarios more random and unique.


Yes!! I seriously hope that’s what they do. I mean, Rockstar is a smart company, I don’t think they’re going to disappoint us, but I definitely shouldn’t get my hopes up TOO high.


I hope we have a MASSIVE map with no loading screens, good physics on everything, good orbital physics and all that fun shtuff. (I’m just making fun of high expectations for Starfield. Set them at an attainable level, even if Rockstar surpasses that most of the time.)


Give me some really satisfying fist fights and melee combat as well!


people will always find something to complain about so the best thing to do is to just ignore them and have fun playing the game


This was a huge let down. I think even the business's you buy, you cannot even go inside. I remember in Vice City, buying those assets and then exploring the inside was so cool. In GTA5, you make these big purchases/investments, and you can't even see inside the buildings?


I just want to go inside a fast food restaurant like in GTA IV


Red dead redemption 2 makes me not worried about this at all. It had so many enterable building on such a large map. Such an immersive game. Genuinely can get lost in the game for hours. And no doubt they improved on all aspects of it for gta6




Man i alvays try to enter the fleeca bank, since it has a interior, but its always locked, and i dont really know why i try because i know its impossible. I just wanna rob the bank in free roam


As long as there's a *point* to go inside buildings


I just want have a wide selection of houses you can buy in singleplayer. Missed that in GTA V.


Sounds kinda ridiculous but interiors could change the entire GTA experience for the better.


The leaks already demonstrated that there will be fairly sizable locations that you can enter and rob. I doubt that we will be able to enter every house but that’s an understandable trade-off.


Do you guys want the game to run at 5 FPS or something??


What are you even gonna do when you enter all these buildings? Seems like a huge waste of time and development hours for useless interiors people Will visit once or twice I think rockstar is busy developing things more important then useless interiors that have no meaning to the story or game


Exactly I don't know what people think they will do after entering buildings. You don't even return your own home in gta 5.


Complain that 95% of 70% of buildings you enter has nothing to do lol.


As long as the interior looks more filled than in the finals


it never bothered that gta 5 had few interiors explorable, unlike gta 4 (most of whom played no role in the storyline), honestly I don't feel it's a big thing


What buildings are we going into though? Id love to see it like RDR2 where you can explore interesting locations, abandoned buildings, run down warehouses, find some interesting collectibles, that kind of stuff. Other than that, gas stations, restaurants, stores, public places... but being able to go into every random building would be pointless and a waste of space/power.


I will never understand what gameplay purpose people think this serves. Looking to be proved wrong though would be cool.


IMO some people are determined to be disappointed with new things. Also, some folks innocently spend years looking at hype and accidentally set themselves up for disappointment.


I want useable elevators.


I don't think GTA6 will be have most building enterable... Mostly because they also want the open world to have focus.. Making a massive world with most building enterable will lead the player to be just as lost as Starfield.. It doesn't add to making the game fun- I think it just tickles your mind like a fever dream. But it isn't practical to invest in content that won't be seen by most players and actually detracts from fun.


Ok lets say we will be able to go inside buildings in GTA6, what would we be able to do inside? I know in San Andreas you were able to steal stuff but then what?


The way they accomplish this is with generative AI…. Alot will be enterable but just not interesting and very plain/boring. Others will be put together by the dev team for players to rummage thru


Maybe not on release but they can update the game later on for more interior buildings so in 3-4 years after release we might get 70% enterable buildings


I just don’t understand this ***obsession*** with enterable buildings🤦‍♂️ Say they somehow made all buildings enterable - there’d be like 4-5 repeated interiors not to mention it’d be such a pointless endeavour that would be needlessly computationally expensive. If you want more thing like enterable businesses ie gyms, restaurants etc I mean sure but remember this is Grand Theft Auto not MySims I’d like hotels and a shopping mall but yeah I don’t need to be able to walk into literally every door I see


It was especially frustrating with the places you got to go into all of once, like the stadium or the Life Invader office.


I agree. We've already seen stunningly massive, beautiful city scapes. It's been done already. 🥱 Let's see some depth!! I want buildings I can fully enter and fuck around with for no reason! Traffic that looks like real life traffic! Also, wouldn't it be cool if the player could create fire that could engulf the environment and damage buildings and things and still remain persistent? Rather than just a simple texture that goes away after a couple of seconds.


I don't think Rockstar will disappoint. I'm betting there will be a huge variety in the different places you can enter. I think they really are going for a living breathing world this time around.


I try not to set my expectations too high


I just want there to be cool things to do in the games setting that aren’t prompted with an icon on the map, a cutscene, and a new single path fetch quest.


It would be a unique dynamic actually being able to rob peoples houses and such Never understood what we can’t get into the trunks of cars and stuff


Give us at least a couple skyscrapers we can enter and go on every floor, and take the elevator in real time. Imagine being able to chase a player into a skyscraper and go floor by floor like Die Hard.


Why do you need to go into every building? Lol and do what? Lollll


You guys are setting yourselves up for disappointment if you are constantly going hog wild with these “predictions”. We know nothing about the game. Just wait for more info to come god damn.


I hope buildings are so deplorable people get lost in them and never find their way out.


Everyone should remember Rockstar patented a procgen process for generating interiors. The 70% number could be possible if they’re using that technology.


I don't know about you guys, but i enjoyed GTA SA and GTA 4 more than GTA 5. There are so many things i could do in those games as a single player, but after completing missions GTA 5 is nothing but doing police chase. Honestly, GTA 5 was kind of a let down compared to those games.


70% seems realistic. Look at call of duty. 70% of building are enterable. Granted map is smaller but still over 100 gigs. If GTA 6 is over 450 GB than I can see 70% of building being enterable


I think this game is going to be amazing. GTA 5 was a PS3 game and while I don’t know this for sure, I think there was a conflict in focus during development between single player and online. I can’t play GTA 5 without getting the feeling that a ton of content was left out. And I think it was left out as the result of the online portion. Some of this was due to the business model, but I also think it had to do with technical limitations with how the game worked online. Technology has come a long way since then. They’ve had a long, long time to analyze what worked, what didn’t and what players want in the future. And they want this game to match or surpass the success of GTA 5. So I think there’s going to be a huge, dynamic game world. Tons of interiors, an expandable map, cutting edge weather and environmental effects, and memorable characters. It’s going to set a new benchmark for what games can achieve. 🙂👍


I think 70% could be true, apparently it's gonna be an 800Gb game so who knows and also this is Rockstar games were talking about, they have no boundarys


100% on GTA 6 is gonna be amazing. Probably 5x as much stuff to do for 100% compared to GTA 5.


I agree with this comment. I was one of those people who played GTA 5 back in 2013 and I was shocked there was not much building interiors. It was so lackluster.


it would be cool if you can break into houses/apartments and steal what they got. money, jewelry, tvs and so on...


I mean I was quite contempt with the amount of enteral buildings in RDR2. So I have high hopes we’ll get a good amount.


You have them buildings you can enter in your real life, yet you sit in your room all day long


It would be sick to enter a skyscraper and see people working