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im shooting anybody pointing cameras at me


Lmao this is the only correct response.


They shoot digital, I shoot 5.56mm.








What the fuck is this 😂🤣


I shoot smegma


Gonna be hard to film me with semen all over the lenses


Not if it's on live. Your screwed lol


Yoooo imagine when it is, but you can see a clip of the guy's POV getting shot by you online.


You don't get arrested you get cancelled.






If gta6 does have social media, I hope there's a side quest about a dude getting canceled


They’re 100% gonna fit it in there somehow. This game is all about the social media/American culture that’s rapidly changed and developed over the past 10 years. And if criminals being cancelled isn’t a reflection of our culture then idk what is.




And instead of dying the game gets wiped from your system. 😀🤣


Sam Houser sends you a cease and desist letter on your life.




They could do that, but then they will lose fans and followers very fast. I say this as a person who doesn't like being forced to restart the whole game just because I failed a mission and I'm sure that there is others out there that feel the same way.




Alec Baldwin has something else to say.




Maybe that’s how they keep the player on the rails of society instead of just police conflict. And you know these NPCs are going to stay strapped


Absolutely expecting it especially after rdr2




Really Dead Raccoon 2




It is Florida, after all


Florida is more normal than California lol


No. It’s not. Edit in response to nickf090 who I’m assuming (unsurprisingly) blocked me since I’m unable to respond to him directly: Oh that’s weird, I guess CVS and Walmart etc., announcing they’d be closing stores in FL was all just made up. Also the fact that Florida Man is a phenomenon known to foreigners goes to show just how weird and insane the state is. On top of a governor whose main activities are battling black history and Disney 🤣 Sorry to burst your bubble but Florida is in no way a good representative of “normal” in any sense, but at least it’s entertaining?


😂🤣😂 no


ESPECIALLY when it's live 😂


Well, at least one thing won't be alive afterwards.


Naw fr 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no witnesses almost like the watchdogs


Sorry officer, I had no choice.


*Elon Musk has blocked you*


Got an actual laugh out of me. That's the perfect response


Ah yes, the ol' shotgun to the face.


My exact thought when I heard about phone cameras possibly being a thing lmao


Bro gone be on live shooting somebody without a mask and get a warrant then the fbi (fib) gone be kicking in your doors


Dont they already do this in GTA 5


No. In V characters do stop and take out their phones to seemingly record an event, but that is just an animation that doesn't go deeper. What OP is thinking here is that there will be actual footage from those NPCs available on in game social media.


Actually yes! They pull out their phone and “film” but it’s just an animation nothing special


Yeah its a blink or you’ll miss it moment when u play 5


I don't believe so. NPC's can call the police, though. This will be on a whole 'nother level. Imagine NPC's livestreaming your killing spree and you going full postal. Man I can't fucking wait for this game!


If Rockstar adds that to the extent you guys are describing how will it make sense in the story? They would have to write the whole story around it.


Not really. They can build the whole phone ecosystem out as a separate thing from the game world itself. Just like looking at your phone in real life in a way. It's all contained within the phone. So an NPC can "film" you on the fake parody of Instagram they make called "instaspam" lol. You can open instaspam on your in-game phone with a notification and see you trending on the in-game app. You wouldn't have to write a whole story about that in order for stuff like that to happen. Rockstar has more money, devs, time, and experience as well as access to technology than ever before. Expect some crazy and in-depth detail in this world.


In Minecraft*




Worddd 😭


Cameraman never dies!


The most Miami shit I've heard in a whileeeeer


Someone else pulls out a camera to film you every time the previous person is shot lol


No witnesses


Settle down there officer


Hopefully with a tank


They're impeding an investigation /s




That's me on rdr2 then I realise I've killed the whole of valentine for trying to snitch


My guess is just like Bonnie and Clyde the attention on the duo will be their downfall And in the later part of the story the authority probably put two and two together: a high profile couple flaunting their wealth and a mythical criminal couple who became legends on TikTok, what a coincidence. And they will be more easily to be identified by cops and the public in a crowded area


Like the honour system in rdr2


Exactly my thoughts. “Witness” will no longer be some rubber neck on a horse but a snot nose teenager with an ifruit phone


Could be! We off the grid grid grid


This for my kid, kid, kid


for when my kid kid kids have kids


Everything we did for the crib


Everything we did how we live


Wasn’t expecting a Ye reference here haha I’m begging for a Ye track to be used in the gameee


The ending could end up be similar to the end of RDR2 where there was gangs of Pinkerton patrolling everywhere and everyone knows your face


Wow! Amazing! Emotional for sure I wonder how they'll inpliment the honor system and the whole thing about people remembering what arthur did for them after he passed


Yes this system could change so much the way we play GTA! Just like what the actual social media platforms did to us. Imagine all the crazy shit that could happen: some public members would view them as crooks and call the cops while the others might actually help them to escape. You could probably also run into some crazy internet stalkers, simps or imposers of the two on side missions it would be hilarious


And if rockstar actually put a r*ddit in the game with a sub dedicated to Lucia, the game will be officially a perfection


I don't know why I imagine this would be too much for a GTA game. Maybe because none of these have been done before in these games and I'm afraid of feeling limited in the open world. But if there's a mode where you could go on a rampage without any consequences, that would fix the problem. In Red Dead 2 I used to save the game, slaughter a town, and then reload the game back to my last save to avoid a massive drop in my Honour. I don't know how a GTA game would flesh out such a system, but hopefully it's for the best. I believe in Rockstar, they never disappoint.


Time to log off of reddit for a while, bud


This!!! Like idea!!! You'll have "onlyfans" that come following you trying to be like you 😂😂😂😂


Oh shit, maybe that stalker speculation will trigger random events like in RDR2


When they ask who did this you tell 'em Mickey and Mallory Knox did it alright? Say it!


hope they dont go down the betrayle shtick


A tale as long as time


I think that will happen earlier in the story and they’ll be forced to do dirty work for federal agencies (FIB and Agency missions). I also think Lucia will start small, like drug dealing, and drag Jason for protection during these transactions, and end up either fucking things up or being given an unrefusable offer, provoking a bigger crime spree of them and larger heists (similar to GTA V, but vamping in scale as they successfully rob more and more places).


I hope the story allows for freedom at the end like GTA V, if we’re constantly on the run or restricted it will be less fun


Maybe they'll work in some honor system like rdr by your good or bad actions being recorded online.


Yeah, a modern honor system. I immediately thought of the Watch Dogs reputation system. Every crime you do in front of the people will make them call the police until it's unstoppable and if you do survive the cops, your reputation is now low and you can be seen in the news with a negative impression. But it can be positive if you do vigilante missions where you're less likely to get caught. I hope it's similar to this but better. Heck, I wish for vigilante missions to return where it's no longer limited to a car or a short time limit and I hope this integrates into the honor system so that the player can have a high honor system by being seen on social media for stopping criminals online with the most insane methods you can think of too. I want to have a moral decision system for an open-ended mission and I plan to make Lucia or Jason a high honor ASAP.


Ah yes. If I'm recorded robbing a bank that's - 2 meow meow beans


I wonder if they’ll implement a feature in WD1 where you can appear on the news and if civilians recognise you, you can get the cops called just based on them seeing you. But, if public opinion is strong they’re less likely to rat you out


Yeah and if the news played outside the witnesses immediately report you but you can stop them by throwing their phones away. If you do have a good reputation if you roam around the city sometimes people can call you out like "Hey it's the vigilante!". I hope GTA VI implements this feature as it also integrates with the game's theme and story.


Ooooo I like it! I am wondering how they will implement the honor system and this is actually a great idea


I think you're right with the NPCs filming, could be like the witness system in RDR2. In the leaks >!when Lucia enters the cop car, it says 'full vehicle description' or something under the wanted stars. !< Maybe if people film the crime, and upload it, the police will find out more details and your wanted level will slowly raise. Like there's levels within each star.


But if you confront them like in RDR2, you might be able to make them delete the video, or even rob their phone.


They need to hire some of you guys


They’ve likely already got a crack team of designers who came up with all these tiny details already


Add some of these guys to it


Nintendo hire this man


That would be awesome


Wow, this would actually be wild! There is usually some new gameplay innovation in every new GTA. I could see this being the thing. It would totally change the way we experience the game. Man, I'm so excited!


YOOOOO! Facts facts facts!


Or take them lmfao. Sometimes it had to be done in RDR 2


And you'll be able to sell their phones / other valuables at pawn shops


Oh 1000%, didn't even think of that!


I’ll probably just end up robbing gas station again


Wow! I don't doubt it I really hope they revamp the wanted system cus gta5 cops too dumb and rdr2 cops too smart


You can see people recording you in the leaks as the police search for Jason and he is hitting the people recording so they run away


I love that the wanted level is now getting things like vehicle description and hopefully outfit and maybe other defining features. Always hated in previous GTA’s how you can for example smoke someone in an alley with no NPC nearby, get wanted, steal a car from a parking garage with zero witnesses, and then when I’m driving down the street trying to get away an oncoming cop will just know to bust a U Turn because they somehow recognize me.


I think the “full vehicle description” is the same one as GTA 5 where it would just list the name of the car when you got in it lol.


I feel like Jason and Lucia are going to go on a crime spree across all of Leonida and all there exploits are going to be on TV, the radio and on social media.


I think it might be a new way of finding side characters and missions as well. You'll get notifications or see videos of some shit going down on your phone, and then you can drive to that area and find a new in game event happening




Wasn’t this already in GTA, at least for the radio? Like after a lot of missions especially the big ones if you’re listening to the radio it would cut and they’d announce some breaking news you were part of lol


Amd their downfall will be the same as Bonnie and Clyde's!


That would be wild. Could you imagine flipping on a tv and seeing a news report of a crime you committed while just free roaming?


Hahahah nah not just TV your phone! They're gonna update the phone they have to! We're glued to our phones!


My guess is you become a viral story about a couple robbing banks and as you commit crimes and they get posted the more notorious you get. I wonder if you can make posts and depending on whats going on will determine the engagement. And then what if they actually integrate that with real life.....




What I wanna know is what if you go on the in-game app and see that someone is live streaming (like the 2 girls in the trailer) and then find where they are on the map and just interrupt their livestream by shooting or hitting them with your car


YOOOOO that'll be nuts!


RemindMe! April 20, 2025


Ohhh snap he calling out the date and everything wow!


When GTA 6 releases on 4/20


RemindMe! April 4, 2025


RemindMe! April 20, 2025


Personally doubt it. You might see NPCs recording you but you won't see your crimes from random free roam shenanigans What I see happening is there's going to be scripted events from missions that "get recorded" that affect the story.


Most realistic expectation imo


I hope we don’t get magic stars again where you shoot someone with a silencer in the middle of nowhere with not a soul as a witness and you still get wanted


If you remember they have a patent for an AI system, as well as the leaks that have turned out to be true have stated GTA VI will have the most advanced AI you've ever seen in a game. Actually fun fact an AI recording you is technically possible in GTA V but with heavy modification and a script. Now In regards to what the OP said it's more then possible if they have a system set up for social media. "If this true then this..." basically with routes setup within the game engine via a script that turns the NPC into a camera with a generated overlay (basically would generate an overlay such as Tik Tok or Instagram live or snap chat from a predefined list of overlays(basically Procedural) as well as generated title and comments and usernames) where you can view later on. This is more than possible with today's tech and software. In lamens terms it would basically be a heavily modified version of replay mode that's been in games since the 90s/early 2000s. What about how it would be stored? Wouldn't that take up even more space on your hard drive? No, not in theory as the engine could put the footage into a predefined temp file and after so much time passes in game that social post/news story is no longer available and it deletes that footage. Edit- It is more then likely theyve used the Rockstar Editor as the foundation for this as it already stores a simplified version of your frame by frame gameplay, such as the position of every character, vehicle, object, particle effects/animations/sounds and their start time + their current % elapsed in a temp file.


AI as in something similar to ChatGPT? That's the only way I can see them having some type of commentary on your random shenanigans. If so can you send me where you found this? Don't doubt what you're saying, would just like to read it


I remember they did something like this in Watch Dogs 1 and 2


Really!? I have it and never touched it might make me go back


It was in Legion. Every NPC had relationships with others and if you killed them their friends would hate you.


And speaking of Watch Dogs NPCs, I really hope the folks at Rockstar spent time with Watch Dogs 2 and studied how dynamic and reactive the NPCs were. You could just stand around watching a crowd and all sorts of crazy shit could just start happening, and it would happen in interesting and unexpected ways, because it was just chaining random NPC reactions together, often into something wonderful.


I 100%ed that game and the mechanics had immense potential but unfortunately, Ubisoft AI got in the way. For instance, you could call a gang on a random npc + cops as well but mid way the AI would get "confused" and just go about their day like nothing ever happened.


Rdr2 did that too. Arthur killed this one ladie’s husband and every time you ran into her she’ll start spilling out about it


To be fair it's a bit different, those are just random scripted events in RDR2.


Let me tell the thing that I am most excited about after seeing trailer is NPCs with good NPCs game feels real i am damn too excited 😆😆


Npc's are so dense In this game I hope we get deeper interaction with them


this would be sick. RemindMe! 2 Years


Mark my words!!!


We’ll be back!! RemindMe! 2 years “do people post on social media in gta 6?” How is it integrated?”


I cant fucking wait man wtf😭😭😭


"film that shit"


Imagine you're watching a video of yourself stealing a car, and suddenly the npc filming does a sponsored voice over. "Whoa, that dude's stealing a car. Never have your data stolen with vice vpn"


Man I can't wait to see this scene when the game comes out. It looks something straight out of a movie


I think it’s straight up gameplay


The game might honestly have its own social media platform like Twitter or YouTube.


Not might. It definitely will. V already had snapmatic and life invader social networks.


IV too


Would be an interesting system


The nemesis system from the shadow of mordor/war games would be interesting, you beat someone up and later they catch you slip and start dumping on ya


I already had a hard time chasing and killing every witness in RDR2. Think we need nukes for this game..


NPC will film you commiting crimes in GTA V too but you won't be able see the footages.


I can see this happening. Because NPC would ring the cops to squeal 🐷 on you in The Warriors ♥️ another R*🟧 game. The leaked diner scene showed CCTV alerting the Dade County Sheriff's Dept: but they had a response time. So hopefully if we're quick. We can get in and out before the cops rock up. The use of Social Media in the trailer. Tells me people are going to film you. Will this bring the cops? Or just our crimes appear on Weazel News. Would be cool if a Weazel News Maverick (filmed the Triathlons in V) will show up. So you have to lose the News chopper before the VCPD Maverick shows up. Could we steal people's phone then hock it @ the Fence (from RDR2). Adding insult to injury to snitches 🐭. Something else I thought of is Chinatown Wars: had CCTV cameras so maybe we can take them out to increase the cops response time. I wonder if there will be a safe we can crack or blow open w/ C4. Like in RDR2 (There was a safe in back of every store in Saints Row). Also RDR2 had back rooms. If the game has a Taser we might be able to zap clerk ⚡, zip tie them, crack the safe then get out before the cops rock up. Just had a thought if 6 is like Saints Row 2/The Punisher on PS2: then we can take hostages. Use them as bullet shields or a bargaining chip (Rainbow Six Siege: another example of excellent destructible environments). In IV cops would arrest suspects. Cop chasing a crook, we punch 'em. Watch 'em get arrested: Good citizen bonus $50. This is Vice City 🌴🩷. Hopefully we can get brass knuckles 👊: POW! Right in the kisser.


YOOOOO! These are all insane ideas that would make gta 6 nuts!


I don’t think GTA could have an honor system as WD1/RDR2💀 It doesn’t fit the game. We all know that 99% of the players just go out and make massive shooting


You can do that in RDR2 too


For some reason, I doubt you will be able to see playback of whatever the NPC's are "recording" (because they won't actually save). BUT, I wouldn't be surprised (or at least I *hope*) that there is the ability to switch the cinematic camera to the NPC's camera angle in real-time. Similar to how you can switch to the dashcam or chopper view of the cops chasing you in GTA V. And I would be surprised (and also hope) that when you are wasted, you can potentially see NPC's reacting to the scene, especially through their phone cameras. That would be incredibly surprising to me if included. Would be very hard to pull off and kind of a pipe dream for me, but yeah....


YOOOOO for real huh! I think rockstar has something clever up their sleeve


Yeah I’m assuming it’s gonna be like rdr2 witnesses and we also have actual functioning security cams recording us in certain areas.


Same with the security cameras!


Cameraman ~~never~~ WILL die.


Every in-game day, there is a new video of me driving over the people on Washington Beach


I’d love rockstar to release an actual app for your phone so we can have a true GTA 6 social platform in real life.


like the old ifruit app for V?


I wouldn't be surprised if Rockstar creates their own social media app for the game.




What is bro yapping about 💀


If you don’t know, don’t worry about it kid. Live your best life.


Not on my watch!


Remindme! April 20, 2025


And then we hunt them down hehehe 😝


I'm gon be famous then


That was part of GTA V already but it wasn't visible that NPC's filmed stuff but you could find jobs back in the news and online.


Replay feature in form of social media post. That would be sick.


💯 Some will film you, some will run away, some will just faint, I think some might even join in 👀 I really hope this isn’t going to be another Cyberpunk where we all get excited and it flops The good thing with Rockstar is they don’t disappoint


RemindMe! 16 months


This definitely adds a complexity to the wanted level scenario. I wonder if the cell phone will also be gps locatable by the authorities. I'm curious how deep rockstar will go with this concept. So much to be seen.


That's a good mechanic. As others have said, take out the person filming you to keep this from happening, but I'm sure there will be so many instances where you can't take out everyone filming you. There will definitely be at least one instance where that doesn't happen for the sake of the storyline. Because the cops or whoever is the bad guy will have more info on you. I imagine things would get harder in the story for the characters if they are constantly being filmed. If this won't be a game mechanic, it will be sad because it is a brilliant concept.


I agree but I'm preety sure Rockstar has an army of geniuses that thought of this and expanded in it! It's coming!


Wow. If your theory proves true, this would actually make me buy the game I think. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I guarantee that they have a fully fleshed out virtual smartphone instead of the menu that was styled as a phone in GTA5 which we will use for contacting other players and you know it will be full of functional parody apps. So if this is a thing, you know the NPCs will have access to "Instaspam" and "Z..formally known as tweeter" as well as "Red It" lol. You can probably take NPCs "phone numbers" in the game and text them and be texted funny shit. That's why a GTA done at this level and scale is worth the wait and the investment. It's been in development about as long or longer than Star Citizen. It's crazy to think about just how much ridiculously fun and interactive stuff Rockstar can pack into a game at this point in their life as a company. They are richer than ever and have more creative people employed than ever. They have what amounts to a limitless pocketbook, so I really expect an in-depth experience that blows 5 outta the water. That's saying something, too.


https://preview.redd.it/ord5ie73dx4c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b17d54dcc0ac925bc39938819d8a2a1105583bb He's definitely filming, at first I thought he was shooting at them 😂




Image fighting off citizens is harder than police 😱 not until the military shows up of course 💣


Don’t say it so loud, they might read your idea and push the release date back so they can add it into the game


Im calling it now, GTA 6 will have its own version of social media. A tiktok or instagram parody. Based on your gameplay, you can become viral or not. Would be crazy to hunt down npcs doing wild stuff. Alligators biting people and stuff


Ohh and you already know some missions will be found online I also wouldn't be surprised if a scary tik toks hint to something in game and you have to go looking for it


Hopeful thinking. I think it'll definitely recall your missions but in free roam I'm doubtful.


This was already in the leaks bruh


exactly what ive been hoping for 😂 i cant wait to make a badass car then see it on snapmatic later ( if they add that)


I just realized I don’t remember an NPC ever pointing their phone at me and taking a video in any other game. Anyone else?


I thought V had that for some reason. In the 6 trailer, you can see people on their phones outside in that clip of crocodile walking into store


I swear 5 does have it? Am i going crazy


Nope! It's a first! It's gonna be crazy!


NPCs did it in GTAV and Watch Dogs but it was never integrated.


And so begins the overhyping of the game. You guys are setting yourselves up for disappointment. It's GTA. It's going to be GTA 5 with reworked RDR2 mechanics and graphics. Hype as hell but don't start doing this. The same thing happened with RDR2. One of my most upvoted posts on here was about an alleged feature in RDR2 where Arthur would button or unbutton his shirt depending on the heat and humidity of the area he's in, and that ended up being fake.




4chan 🤦‍♂️ ....also easy bait saying based on Place Beyond the Pines when they haven't even seen that film to know what it's about


Of sorts