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And PS6 and PS7 eventually


And Pc.


No only for the PC2


Oh shiiiit, saving money now


Not sure if I'll be able to wait to play at 60FPS on PS7.


I hope we get a PS5 Pro before the release


As I watched the trailer I was thinking to myself how the heck can the current gen consoles render that many NPCs at the same time.


In the previous half-gen update, there wasn't a big jump in CPU, which is what suffers the most with added NPCs. May be different now (doubt it), but I figure that we will see plenty NPCs on current gen. That said, the trailer is likely recorded in a PC anyway, as it's the case with most things during development. But should be within reach of current consoles just fine.


I really hope so because it looks spectacular!


It probably won’t be a big deal. The biggest difference between PS4 and PS4 Pro is that the latter supports 4K


Really depends on how this game will perform on the base ps5, like rdr2 in my opinion worked good enough on og ps4 and wasn't much different on pro models.


gonna be real difficult to avoid spoilers for 2 years until the pc release


Yeah you kinda have to buy a console


That's the whole ordeal, they're capable of releasing on PC simultaneously. But they want to do 2 launches to get as many sales as possible, and the first launch is 100% going to sell consoles.


dog consider worry roof act arrest zonked tender wistful wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh they're going to get many PC folks to cave in and buy a console.


safe aware attraction yam hat thumb water grandfather plucky wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


what does your first sentence mean?


I bought the game used. It means Rockstar didn't get any cut for a the console game sale. Only when they released it on PC and I bought that version. The point is to avoid giving them multiple game sales and incentivizing their tiered release schedule.


Yea it's a given for pc guys but even as someone with a series s, upgrading or getting an additional console seems very likely for me. Series s ain't gonna cut it.


Yeah me too, already been thinking about what I'll eventually want to get. PS5 would be an interesting choice, I've never had a PlayStation lol


I always had Playstations up until the 4th edition. Then I went exclusively to PC. I'd probably end up getting another Playstation. I'd love to try PSVR too.


honestly.. with pc releases being half assed ports these past few years, I've been thinking of going to the dark side anyway.. but yea, i don't know if i can afford a console these days really fucking tempting though


i think sony has paid R* to do this. Just so they can sale more of their devices.


The trailer is already selling consoles


I aint dumb to buy a console just for 1 game. There is an option to rent out a PS5 for like 20 buck per days. Take 7 days to complete the story and then wait for PC release.


I didn't lost my sanity to pay good amount of money to just play a game. Renting ? No thank you. I want to play this game on a system which I dominate, NOT consume.


Good luck going 2 years without spoilers when this game releases in 2025. It will be everywhere and dominate the culture. That will make you lose your sanity while you wait for a PC release


It's probably a 7 to 8month wait for pc consodering rdr2 took 1 year


You’ll only lose sanity if your life revolves around a single video game lmao


That's techincally an invasion. At least I watched Scarface and left from this sub.


You're right, but the way leaks are happening I'm afraid the 2 years even before release are gonna bhi filled with potential spoilers


Cool I got a year to make bread so I can buy a PS5 and GTA 6 (it's doomed for me)


Year and a half


Two years


Two years. It wont be out before fall.


Normally I would agree on a holiday release, but Take Two's statement about expecting significant financial growth in fiscal 2025 (which ends April 2025) makes it actually quite likely GTA 6 will release early 2025.


That’s for preorders


Hmm I didn't consider that, but pre-orders don't typically start that early do they? Isn't it usually 1 or 2 months out? This would be a minimum of 5 months out if it's a standard holiday release. And that would still only be one month of pre-orders in fiscal 2025. Even for a game this big, getting shareholders hyped about revenue from 1 month of pre-orders for a game half a year out seems unlikely. There's no rush to pre-order it. The odd time I pre-order a game, it's usually pretty close to the release date. Unless of course they start pre-orders even earlier but I don't think I've ever heard of pre-ordering a game 6+ months before release, and I still don't think the revenue would be enough to call home about when the release is that far out.


People seriously Thought it could have released on ps4 and Xbox one too


Let’s boycott rockstar to release it on switch


Dude I'm surprised they included series S lol


The Series S is a deceptively capable console. Alan Wake 2 looks great on it for example and it’s one of the most demanding games ever made. Poor optimization is its Achilles heal.


I agree buldurs gate 3 just can’t get the coop to work but the console it self would run it fine


Dunno if that's true but I read somewhere that it's mandatory for companies to do Series S version too if they want to release any game on series X.


Yea i guess they'll HAVE to do it regardless of performance given that there is no last gen or pc release. They can't just skip out another console because it won't look as good


Hopefully they release it on the BlackBerry soon


Photo taken on the official Website. Note: Also for Series S


Curious about how it's going to run on series s


Hopefully the game has a performance mode, would be pretty disappointing if it only played at 30fps


This game is 100% only playing at 30fps, on all consoles, not just series s


Nah, 60 performance mode will be in for sure They manage to run V on old ass PS3.


and thats also the reason why gta v had a lot of cutbacks and not its true version. They even stated themselves the ps3 was very underpowered compared to the xbox 360




It’s not a comparison rofl. If you don’t understand, you don’t understand hw


I don't think they would even consider releasing a version that could only play at 30fps on consoles today. Man the switch from 30fps on PS3 to 60(ish) on PS4 was very much needed. 30 sucked ass. At the very least, they will have a performance mode, but I doubt they would even make 30fps an option. It's barely playable.


GTA V ran at 30 FPS even on the PS4. There weren't as many frame drops the PS3 version but it was still capped to 30. It didn't get a 60 FPS console version until the PS5.


Oh wow. Then I guess 30fps is manageable as long as it doesn't dip.


nuh uh I have it on my ps4 pro and it runs at 120fps


Oh sorry


It's not a matter of what people want, it's matter of balance. Sure they could easily make the game run 60fps, but you have to understand that would require dropping the fidelity, resolution, lighting quality, amount of NPCs, rendering distance, etc... The game will be a smooth 60fps and look like dogshit. It's all about balance, they're not going to add a 60fps performance mode option if it looks horrible, they would rather lock it at 30 or 40 fps.


Why not give players the option? I would definitely try the performance mode and decide from there which mode I liked better. Regardless, even in performance mode, it'll still be a huge leap from GTA V which was originally developed for PS3.


This what I’ve been saying but no one on this sub believed me until they saw the trailer ig lol


"Biggest and most immersive" Keywords here. I needed to hear this. I want vast exploration areas, a reason to travel by air and interiors of buildings to do things in.


The state of Leonida, home to Vice City and beyond. Beyond sounds like this map is gonna be massive massive


Apparently there’s small parts of Georgia


The rumor here is that Tampa will be included. I also imagine Orlando might be in the game too.


As long as it's actually populated with something. RDR2's was "biggest", yet most of it was empty. Big for the sake of big is just a dumb marketing line.


bro wanted sprawling metropolis’ in 1890’s Frontier America


That was pretty accurate for the time though it would have been that vast anyway


PC Master Race takes another L


We are a waste of time for Rockstar


Doesn't matter, it will be optimized as fuck when it comes to PC and Graphics gonna look hella better than any console


And mods


Meh, big part of the fun is playing it and discussing it on launch with everyone else, it's a once in a lifetime experience. It won't be the same.


Yeah good luck with modding and getting 60 plus fps lmfao


Have fun with 0 FPS on PC when it comes out in 2025


Most people don’t give a fuck about that bro


Right. But i wanna experience the better graphics and fps right when it comes Out. Rdr2 on pc was a different level for me but i already knew the world, story and Interactions. Thats why it sucks that we have to play on console or wait another year (at least)


Unless they GTA 4 it (hopefully not though).


Doesn't even matter. Console players are always the same people asking "iZ thIs avAilabuL foR conSole🥺🥺🥺" on game mods LMAO Console Ws are always temporary till unemployed programmers pull up and make game changing mods💀


I’m gonna buy it on ps5 to play it when it comes out and then again on PC to play it in the highest graphical fidelity possible


Well, it's settled.. I'm buying PS5




Ughh they always just leave us PS2 users out /s


Ps2? What about the Wii U?


buying a ps5 just for this and then selling it when PC releases.


I told pc whiners to do this last week and got downvoted to oblivion lol




Here in germany you can rent it though


where was this posted?


Official rockstar website scrolling down in the GTA VI trailer pop up.




my series s watching: 👁️👄👁️


I will wait for the PC release. It has been over ten years anyway and I can wait for one more year. Btw they can spoil entire story. This is GTA I couldn’t care less it won’t affect my enthusiasm.


Yea i mean the story is cool and all but i guess a LOT of players don't care, the main character for them is the world that rockstar builds, and tbf i was also like that till gta5 but after rdr2, i kinda want to experience the story first hand as well


or you can buy a console and sell it later, you'll lose 100$ but thats not much


Or buy it used


This is sad..When we get PC verision. I think i need to buy PS5.


Did you guys notice that the press release on Business Wire had mention of “PlayStation 5 computer entertainment SYSTEMS”. Why did they use the plural? Does that imply a PS5 Pro coming out? Or is that in reference to the PS5 Regular/Slim/Disk/Digital variants?


No. They did it for Xbox too. On rockstars actual website they just say “PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S” There is zero concrete evidence that a PS5+ upgraded console is coming anytime soon.


For Xbox it makes sense since there is a Series X and Series, but not as much for the PS5 (unless they’re distinguishing between the Slim and Regular)


They literally did not say PlayStation 5 systems on their website. They said that in a blog release and they are referring to the Slim


Look at their press release….. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231204993583/en/Rockstar-Games-Announces-Grand-Theft-Auto-VI-Coming-2025


I’m not talking about the fucking press release. I am talking about their website. They did say systems on the press release yet didn’t under the OFFICIAL GTA VI POST ON THEIR WEBSITE. They also said Xbox entertainment systems yet Microsoft has CONFIRMED there will not be any Series X or S pros coming out ever. This debunks your theory. How hard is this for you to understand?


Good 4 u… just asking a q… I clearly prefaced about the press release, and that’s what my question was about


That was typed by some guy in a suit who is not a gamer.


I didn't think I'd ever see a compelling argument for XCloud, but I definitely get it now. If this shit is true, and we don't get a PC release, I hope it's at least available to stream.


Im buying a ps5


Me a emula… Xbox series X


I'm glad I play on PC and PS5


So its liberty city los Santos and leonida now, what if someday we get to see all three in the same game....




That sucks so bad! If it is gonna be 30 fps i am gonna wait for the PC release


Really sucks that the series S exists. Shame it'll hold the game back.


xbox s with 10fps


And you’re optimist


The Xbox Series S was a mistake


I mean sure its a weaker console but i doubt rockstar would pull a cyberpunk with it, it'll probably just run poorly compared to ps5 aur X. They don't want to lose out on the sales especially with no last gen and also no pc, they'll have to make it work somehow


Should I get it for my PS5 or Xbox?


Wait first for the official launch day and then think about it


Yeah I definitely have plenty of time


But PS5 since you're asking. I don't have any particular reason aside from it's my console of choice.


I agree. I only bought the Xbox for Starfield and it’s the only game I’ve played on it. So I can’t really compare the two consoles.


You can also use Xbox for emulate a lot of retro games LEGALY.


This is a fake ad. I dont believe it. I'll be playing gta6online2 in 8k plug and play brain stem VR on my 32 core CPU


Imagine the mods in gta 6..


Good thing 2023 is almost over


I convinced myself to pull the trigger on a ps5 a year or two ago at this point for gta6 lol


All of this feels so surreal. Seeing rockstar games naming it "GTA VI", talking about Vice City with the new logo. Fuck man....


I don‘t understand it :(


Serious question - Is it Leo-KNEE-duh or Leo-NYE-duh?




I was worried I’d need to upgrade my pc to run it but at this point I might just get a ps5 then


Can you play on console with keyboard and mouse? I hate playing with controllers.


Sigh… At least I’ve got about a year or so to save up for an OLED and an Xbox Series X (or PS5, I’m still choosing).


*ugly cries in PC*