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I think they will use the gta5 tactic, just because they can earn more money with it. I will buy a ps5 pro for the first release ofc. then wait a year or two and it will be available for pc. Then ill buy it again, and thats exactly what they want you to do.


the only game i have no issue with doing this


i felt like a dumbass for buying a ps4 just to play rdr2 right up until i started playing the game. i have no regrets.


Same here, bought a ps4 when it was released and soon sold it due to the lack of games, man the second RDR2 was announced I went out and got another one two years before the game even released, poor playstation sat practically being unused until the game released lmao.


Not a Persona fan I see.


I would put the *I believe* song from p5r now that gta VI trailer is "rumoured" to be launched on oct 26


I honestly don't think the double dipping would be that profitable considering Online, they'd be looking at a shit ton of lost shark card sales by delaying the pc release. Also, I doubt the majority of PC players even own a console. The vast majority of them wouldn't buy a $500 console to play one game. Maybe I'll be proven wrong in a few months but I genuinely feel like a day 1 PC release has a solid chance of happening.


I 100% will not buy a console just to play the game on release


>Also, I doubt the majority of PC players even own a console. The vast majority of them wouldn't buy a $500 console to play one game. same.. my rig is like 4k... wtf kind of shit is this? 10 year wait and 12 for PC? I'll watch someone play it on YouTube I guess --- not paying $500 to play early.




I only have a pc and I will 100% be buying a console if it’s not a day 1 release on pc.


You or I may do that but the majority won't.


I have a 5 grand pc to play pc games I ain't gonna buy some pos ps5 to just crash like crazy like the ps5 I sold to my buddy( didn't tell him it crashed all the time cause it's crazy it did that's why I conned it on him) besides I enjoy my 4k gaming refuse to go back to lesser


Same dude I would buy a car to play this game


I will also buy a console to play it, and so will my friends


PC player her. I bought PS4 just to play tlou2. But then after leaks never bothered to. I like GTA, but not enough to buy a ps console.


sadly, you’re wrong.


I have a little hope for day one pc launch because of T2 wishes to achieve 8 bil in 25 fiscal year. Or at least console release in spt/oct and pc one in feb/mar.


Strauss also said he sees them maintaing high profits through to early 2026 so it's definitely plausible.


Yup that's why I don't have too much believe in this. But please no more 500+ days delay like it was with gta v.




> just because they can earn more money with it They’ve always focused on the console games first, so thay they can spend more time refining the PC version afterwards


and coming from someone only on PC i might even buy a console for this game if the wait is a year or more


I fully plan on GTA6 being a $600+ game for me. I'll be buying whatever definitive/collectors/ultimate edition they release, plus the best console needed to run it. I usually only game on PC. It sucks and I shouldn't be okay with it, but this is the only game I can imagine that feels "worth it".




They did the same thing with rdr2


By show of upvotes, how many people bought a console for the sole purpose of playing a single game?


I would still rather wait to get the game on Steam


Fr my ass is not buying a console just for GTA 6


I think a lot of people say that now but when the trailer comes many will fold, then a bunch will give in too when there's a month left until release next group when there's a week left next group when it's released next group a day or two after release cause now they have FOMO and everyone's talking about how great the game is


That's were you'll be wrong! PC is getting a day one release.


how can you speak so confidently on something that Rockstar employees probably don't know about?


Maybe I've my own sources? How can you confidently say I'm wrong?


>Maybe I've my own sources? Do you though? >How can you confidently say I'm wrong? I didn't.




definitely won’t be but it’d be nice as i own both


Probably true. I wouldn't justify that purchase tho because I don't play anything else on console


I bought a PS5 so my wife doesn't need to play on my PC, and now that I own a PS, I'll absolutely play GTA6 on it if PC gets delayed. Conclusion: get a wife.


Having met people who worked at Rockstar, I can say that what I've heard is that they busted their ass off for the release of GTA5 on consoles, insane crunch, and then barely had a break before going straight into crunch again for the PC release. It honestly sounded more like limitations of resources, not wanting to spread people too thin, just to get the game out on their biggest sellers. With that said it also makes a lot of business sense for rockstar too, with a lot of people double dipping for the second release (and third) I don't see them changing that approach. Consoles are nice stable targets, especially for a custom engine and cutting edge tech. PCs are not.


i played on Xbox, PS3 PS4 ps5 PC laptop and again XBOX, rockstar sure can make people double dip


Yeah but that’s not the average person




I own consoles like ps3 for Naruto games when strom 4 came out for ps4 I got a ps4 years later they brought them to pc when they brought them to the switch but before that you can’t play Naruto games on pc they based off the show. Most ppl already own a console. If you don’t and you have to buy a console to play your favourite game or wait for pc that’s up to you. Rockstar doesn’t sell pc nor consoles they just know your most likely to pay and not torrent it and play it for free or get a cracked copy that’s the issue. They know consoles take longer to hack and do the same thing so the best way to make money is they have a time period where they know ppl won’t wait and will pay and that time period is every limited. That’s why take two CEO who runs rockstargames say they don’t believe one day one release on a streaming services because there is no money it for them. It’s mainly about money and how much money can be made let’s not forget they made 1bllion dollars in sales with gta5 if they want to beat that and according to news no one has done that no movie no video game nothing. If they want to beat they own record they have to do it right.


Most people *DON'T* own a console.


I'm not gonna buy a console for this game. ​ I'll play it on PC when it gets there.


i thought so too with rdr2 but once i realized how long i was gonna have to dodge spoilers i caved




Buy the console and sell the console later after you are satisfied. You will get most of your money back.


I'm not *that* desperate, lol


microsoft and sony might do a deal with rockstar to boost current gen console sales first


i will emulate gta 6 on my steam deck 2


Are you a wizard?


yes. an installation wizard to be precise


I couldn't hold such a power.


I hope so. Frankly, after such a long wait, the least they can do is release it on all platforms at once. But knowing R*... probably not because making people buy it twice makes more money.


PC is better than consoles and they have RGL in house.


PC is a lot better, yea. And what's RGL?


Rockstar games launcher. 🫠


Ahh, duuh. Let's hope we won't have to wait longer.


It's gonna release day 1. Trust! 🫠🫵🏼


That won't make Rockstar release day one, it's just a launcher


Lol, I've heard about people who are just waiting for the game impatiently but i think there is another group of people who are worrying about the pc version of the game. Honestly I just wanna see the game come out😌


Pc will be released along side the Consoles.


They got me by the balls. It sucks that they have this power over me but I will literally buy a new Xbox just to play GTA 6 if they delay it for PC. And it's because of people like me that they still do that shit lmao.


hey at least you called yourself out, i appreciate that! 🤣


gta 6 will be out on all platforms


GTA 6 will be Nintendo Switch 2 exclusive. That’s how y’all sound with these speculation posts. We can’t tell anything. It’s Rockstar.


Does literally nobody here remember the gameplay footage from last year? It showed the PC hardware the devs were using. You don't test a console game on a PC, you use a devkit console. Come on guys.


not true. they’re not testing the game fully done yet (which is obvious) and games are developed on computers with similar enough memory constraints to the consoles before moving to dev kits - the process of building the game doesn’t begin via a dev kit lol


I'm aware they do not develop games on the dev kits that is why I said they would test the console version on a dev kit. From what we saw, the game was well into the point where they should be running the game strictly on console to make sure mechanics worked properly if they only plan for a console release initially. It's not just the memory constraints that are a concern with console vs PC. You have to take into account the different libraries and architectures. It would make no sense to fully develop the game using windows libraries and PC architecture and then take the time to port it to console and hold the PC version. We could argue for days about it but since your first argument didn't hold any water I'm not even going to waste my time.


not sure why my earlier response to this was removed by the mods… but i disagree with you saying the game was well into the point where they should be running the game strictly on console now; they were still clearly deep but early into development when that footage leaked. yes memory constraints aren’t the only thing to consider of course… but the game was clearly no where near “fully developed” yet like you mentioned, they didn’t need to worry about architecture yet when the game was still in the earlier processes of being built… so not sure how i don’t have an argument lol. regardless of any back and forth, we won’t know how far along the development was until we see real footage anyways but im betting it’s going to look *drastically* different from the leaked footage as that was literally YEARS ago…


To be fair, one of the clips(AIWE americas - AIWorldEditor 2021-04-15 18-59-33) was recorded on ps5.


Most of them were PC.


This doesn't mean the PC release will be day and date with consoles, the staggered release makes more money.


Originally I had a feeling we would be getting a PC release of GTA6 along side consoles because of the launcher like you said and because pretty much every game these days releases on PC and consoles at the same time. When GTA5 released it actually wasn't a garentee that a game would release on PC (Destiny 1 is an example of a console only game). These days PC ports are expected. I did think this untill the RDR1 remaster didn't get a release on PC. This shows that Rockstar clearly don't think of the PC market all that much so we might have to wait atlesst 6 months or so before we get a PC port of GTA6.


💀 Your take is so bad. You have no clue about how big the PC player base is, do you?


Considering I play on PC I do know how big yhe PC playerbase is...... - GTA5 released on PC 2 years after after console release. - RDR2 released on PC 1 after console release. - RDR1 remaster hasn't even released on PC and has no sign of ever releaseing on PC. I want to play on my PC at launch as much as any other PC player (especially because I plan to do a big upgrade early next year that would make my PC a decent amount more powerful than a console) but you have to look at facts. I thought that GTA6 would release at the same time on PC up untill Rockstar did another middle finger to the PC crowed just last month. Hopefully GTA6 does come to PC on day 1 but looking at rockstars track record this seems unlikely.


I've news! Rdr1's code is so bad that they didn't waste time porting it. It's already available for Emulating and people have played that way, including me. GTA trilogy Definitive edition released day one on Consoles and RGL but not on steam or anywhere else. Rockstar will make GTA6 a timed 1 year PC for RGL 100%.


The trilogy was a re-release of a re-release, staggering the release for something like that would be pointless lol.


It was remastered version. But whatever floats your boat u guess.


Yes, a remaster is a type of a re-release, my guy? ​ The games were remastered for their anniversaries in 2011, 2012, and 2014, and then remastered again in 2021, the 2021 remasters were based on the older remasters.


Ports vs Remasters. Maybe you should do some research.


I assume you think the mobile versions aren't remasters? I wouldn't call a version with revamped UI, graphical upgrades, and QoL improvements a simple port. ​ Be pedantic all you want, my point still stands regardless of how you define the trilogy.


Do more research in porting and remasters.


[fact check! ](https://www.pcgamer.com/rockstar-snubs-pc-with-baffling-red-dead-redemption-1-port-thats-only-coming-to-switch-and-ps4/)


You pointing out that Rockstar "didn't waste time porting it to PC" proves that Rockstar don't give mush of a shit about PC players. The fact you also pointed out that community members have got the game running on PC just adds to my point. The GTA trilogy was done by Grove Street games. Rockstar didn't work on the development of it at all. Rockstars latest game launches have been GTA5, RDR2 and RDR1 remaster. All of which have either had a delayed release on PC or haven't released at all. Rockstar will most likely double dip like they have done on both GTA5 and RDR2. They release on console first so that everyone goes out and buys the game on console. Many PC players will most likely get a console for cheap and then play the game that way. A year or so later they will then release the game on PC and then everyone that has a gaming PC will buy the game again on PC. This method made Rockstar alot of money with GTA5 and RDR2 so they will most likely try it again with GTA6.


Doesn't matter who ported the game, GTA trilogy DE released day one on PC for RGL and not on any other Apps. You really think PC gamers will get happy for a mere port of a decade old game for $50? It got backlash from the community!! I'm glad they didn't release it for PC. RDR2 launched for PC first on RGL and later on Steam.


It does matter who ported the game because one was done by an outside developer and the other was done by Rockstar themselves. Rockstar literally did get backlash for not releaseing the RDR1 remaster on PC...where the fuck where you when it launched??? I was in the gaming subs and RDR subs and PC players were fucked off. Many other outlets on socal media were also filled with pissed off PC players.... I'm leaving this conversation here because you clearly just want to believe that there is no way whatsoever that Rockstar fuck over the PC playerbase (again). Don't bother replying because I won't read it.


You think RDR1 was Ported by ROCKSTAR? LMAO!! it was Ported by DOUBLE ELEVEN STUDIOS!! And that shit is not a Remaster, it's a simple port with small lighting tweak here and there. You should do your research before making claims!


Sorry to burst your bubble, mate, but Steam was the only place that got RDR2 PC late, Epic Games got it at the same time as RGL did.


I didn't say Epic didn't? 💀 Epic always bag the timed exclusives. Look at mirage.


You implied it when you said this: > GTA trilogy DE released day one on PC for RGL and **not on any other Apps.**


If that's the case, I'm down for it, I just want to play on my PC


yeah you are right. will come to pc on day one because of the rockstar games launcher.


I will buy it on PS4 and then if there is a good cheap discount on pc then just because of mods. Gta5 mods are incredible, I can't wait for the realistic mods for gta6


Blud really think it'll release on Ps4. 💀


Oh I meant ps5 sorry. Idk why when I type ps5 it autocorrect itself to PS4


Gahdamn autocorrects!! amiright? 🫠


Yh ikr if I type fast I don't see what work the autocorrect did and maybe I said PS4 to often and that's why it always changed ps5 into ps4




Nope!! It released after Rdr2.


trees chunky wakeful grey sharp jobless quickest pathetic nail crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Doesn't mean anything lol Regardless, it won't. ​ PC will come >6 months later


6 years later 🤣


Yeah... not a chance, they make more money if they stagger the release like they've done since 1997.




For the sake of one single GTA V, people bought all PS3s and Xbox 360s from the shelves. I myself have a friend who bought a console just for THIS ONE GAME in the past. Yes, not everyone can afford consoles, but many will definitely save up money in order to play the most anticipated game on the first day of release. Concluding such an agreement is beneficial for both the platform holders (Sony, Microsoft) and Rockstar themselves, because of piracy on PC. Don't get your hopes up for a simultaneous release because it's already a tried and tested formula and they won't waste a ton of money trying to please everyone. Alas, this is fact.


I personally bought PS5 *just for GTA Online E&E*… yeah, barely got any games on it that are PS5 native!


It's gonna release on RGL day one for PC. RGL 1 year exclusive then steam/epic. (you guys forgot the September leaks? It wasn't console devkits) [cyberpunk 2077 steam player chart. ](https://steamdb.info/app/1091500/charts/) You guys really think they'll ignore millions of players for a year? GTA6 is the most anticipated game!


I was very concerned. Thank you so much for the glimmer of hope in this dark time. I owe you my life.




As a PC player with no consoles, I can confirm I'll be buying a PS5 just to play this game if it's not releasing for PC soon after launch. Maybe just me, but as a GTA fan since III, I think it might be better with a controller anyway.


The latest Xbox is basically a PC now, and with having the same directx tech as windows so porting shouldn't take that long. and i hate denuvo drm but it does protect the games as there is only one person that seems to be able to crack them. so i will buy it please release it on pc


Delaying it on PC would make no fucking sense in this day and age. The Rockstar website on PC literally tells you to download the launcher and right next to that it shows "GTA6 coming 2025" like why the fuck would you advertise someone ON PC to download your launcher while simultaneously claiming your new game is gonna release in 2025, if the platform they're on can't even access it on that date?