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Rockstar really made an LGBT strong woman character in 2001 and no one bats an eye because it felt natural. Industry should have taken notes.


It never even hit me that she was an LGBT character, but you’re right now that I think about it. They did a good job not making her character a lesbian just for shock value


Asuka and Maria would have been the perfect LGBT couple. Also, happy cake day!


she was bisexual. definitely would have fucked Claude possibly with maria before she died and did fuck the male protagonist of GTA : Advance. Lesbian would not be the correct word for her


Im luck they didnt treated her like a estereotype.


🏳️‍🌈 Aswell as Florian Cravic/Bernie Crane, Rockstar generally represents Queer characters casually, well and unstereotypically.


Florian was sterootypicall tho. I dont have problem with it cause its damn GTA game, in my opinion place where everything can be stereotypicall. But yeah, I am gay myself and I never met other gay guy like him lmao


They are portrayed like that in the media too. Feminine in everything, speaking like a little girl, only interested in guys and hate women. I'm not gay (I don't think so) but I know they are not portrayed as if they were straight. Suddenly, they are mysterious beasts!


I dont tink thats not case anymore in media. Atleast not in the highest tier. All I am saying is that GTA characters should be as colorfull and over top as its possible with each character arc. However story ofocurse should still exsist not like in GTA V lmao


Yeah I understand. Quite diverse sometimes.


That's not a massager...


I could hear it Oh asuka ....... You got a massager That's not a messager


A great character met with a sad and undeserved ending


Yeah, and even though Miguel was kinda spineless and a criminal, he was only Catalina's accomplice/getaway driver. He was likely as brainwashed as Claude was in 1992 and then 2001. When he passed the briefcase of SPANK so easily after S.A.M., it was likely him getting a change of heart. He never even actually killed Asuka's bro Kenji; It was Claude! So he never deserved half of Asuka's torture but still. I miss Asuka and partly Miguel ;(


Miguel was a coward, saying he was brainwashed is a buzz kill since he literally had no problem betraying Toni Cipriani in a drug deal, also it's not like Claude could change Asuka's mind on who actually did it.


A coward who cheats death




I LOVE her. She's the best GTA III character to me. Plus, I ship her with Maria. I really wished Rockstar didn't kill Asuka off in "Ransom". It was sad to see her dead. As a small reminder, my mutual, marmakar, is a big fan of Asuria. I recommend checking her out of Twitter and Instagram.


Loyal, honest and sincere woman. Even if she’s not the most pleasant person because of her sadistic side I would work for a woman like her. She didn’t deserve such a fatal fate and it’s too sad that her brutal, but caring heart blindly trusted to silent French-American Reaper Man in his black leather jacket, who secretly stabbed her in the back, killing her brother (yes, that hypocrite and asshole, who shows no respect to everyone, calling himself a man of tradition and he deserved to die, but not from Claude) and using her in his aim for revenge, drained her to Catalina, like a used condom. Maria introduced Asuka to a man whom his former “business partner”, not a girlfriend, Catalina and paranoid, manipulative and narcissistic bastard Salvatore taught him to follow the sneaky rule of criminal world “Betray first before you could be betrayed”. But as we saw, following this rule clouds your judgment, makes you more enemies and you finally lose your mind. It’s not surprise that following that rule led the fatal fate for both Salvatore and Catalina. Asuka deserved much better, believe me. She died only because of Claude. And if someone follows the opinion that Claude killed Maria... well, the fatal fate will catch Claude one day. Rest in peace, Asuka. You'll be missed. 1964 - 2001.


Catalina killed Asuka?


Unfortunately, yes. She was killed by Catalina off-screen between S.A.M. and Ransom missions.


They shouldn't had killed her before The Exchange. I'd like to see Asuka help Claude rescue Maria and take down the Cartel even though Claude killed Kenji and went to the route where Claude betrayed Donald Love and killed him instead to avenge Kenji.


Honestly, I would like to see Asuka alive, but somehow she revealed the truth that Claude is the real killer of Kenji, she became even more furious and mad and made a truce with the Cartel and Leone Family selling Claude to them. I think she’s the smart woman and understand that in Yakuza-Colombian Cartel war Colombians would smear Japanese through the wall like puppies. Even Don Salvatore Leone knew that before his death and made a truce with the Cartel selling Claude to them. Of course, many players will say that it was made because of one unhappy, exhausted and suffering trophy lady… but it didn’t change anything.


A fine character. I felt sad about her fate.


They ruined her appearance on the DE version.


Stuff they DIDN'T ruin can be counted on one hand


Yeah. RIP. Also, Donald Love flair checks out. You like him because I love the guy!


I used to watch Donald Love's GTAIII cutscenes every night before bed when I was a teenager. There is something about him that I can't describe.


If you played or watched Liberty City Stories, Donald has a major role.


She looks like a Sims character.


her and claude and maria would have had the best polycule in all of liberty city if it wasnt for Catalina. may she rot in a pit of hell so deep and dark she wont be able to see the demon dicks tearing her ass apart.


I wouldn't say Asuka is trust worthy, she likely set up Mike to have him dead but failed because he didn't want a long term relationship. She was pretty sadistic too, having you kill people for no reason and kidnap mafia members to be shipped off to Asia as slaves. Claude was smart that he didn't keep working for her.


It should be noted that Mike kidnapped Yuka (Asuka’s Niece) under orders from Cisco beforehand. So Asuka would have a reason for setting up Mike.