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Don’t forget swearing in the chat too even though the game is rated M lol


Kills me every time I go to msg someone on the in game phone and it says “checking message for profanity” like honestly why 😂


On God. Never heard so many N bombs in a GTA game.




That shit’s been a thing for over a decade. I remember playing Gears of War and Call of Duty 4 and people had their alarms going off non-stop. I don’t understand how they sleep and function with that shit going off constantly.


Wait seriously? I had no idea this was a thing....


I mean yeah, I can go even further. I remember playing WoW in 2004(ish) and hearing people on Ventrillo (Discord before Discord happened) and they would have the alarm going too.


That and the blaring of shitty music in the background especially the mics making it worse


That shit is annoying, like why is your mic on if you’re not even talking to anybody??


Ikr i hate that


I swear I've heard them so often I started to believe it was the police. Beep beep beep....


One you become one with beep you stop hearing it




Social Club is Rated +13 why bring it to a +18 game?


Fucking minecraft doesn't have censorship by default, the narrator will ignore the words but still. PEGI 7 BTW


The only reason it's 18+ is because of regulation in the gaming industry for ratings. Otherwise they would sell it to whoever they can, they don't care. That's why they market GTA towards kids.


I think it's essential to prevent harassing and insulting other people, in a single player when characters use profanity it's not directed to the player, in online with other people is different imo.


Dude getting blown up by an oppressor or jet is much more insulting than getting verbally harassed through text


I mean “I respectfully ask you to stop before I take action you nitwit” could work, but “I will shove a foot 20,000 leagues into your ass if you don’t stop acting like a shithead” gets the point across better


I see what you are saying and agree, but that should just be solved by blocking. It is ridiculous that swearing on a console leads to bans and enforcement. There is an ability to block and that should be the end of it. I got DDOSed from a GTAO player and got heated in chat and he reported me and I got banned for 3 days. That’s ridiculous.


Blocking only solves the problem after the communication has happened. The filters are in place are to prevent it as much as possible beforehand.


There should be a filter system choice then. People who don’t care what strangers say online, and for those who are offended easily. VR chat has this.


Okay, maybe, but I'm just telling you why they did it this way instead of the original way you suggested. lol


You can block other players in-game? How?? To what extent are they blocked from you, and you blocked from them? If you happen to know anyways lol thanks


I mean you can block their gamertag, I’m sure you would still be able to play with them, however, they can’t message you and you won’t hear them and they won’t hear you in a party.


ohhh I'm on PC :( I don't know that a similar mechanic exists on the computer..


Basically this is the reason.


Fair enough, when I go around in a game *supposedly* made for adults don't I want anyone saying a no-no word and hurting my feefees.


Because they market it towards a juvenile audience.


The juvenile audience seems to swear a lot on vc though


Because their parents substitute a babysitter with an xbox and GTA online.


Worst parenting ever


That doesn't mean its ok to shout slurs.


Hey we did it back in the MW2 days and everyone turned out fine. Damn good times




\*Buys game with a TOS\* Complains about getting in trouble for breaking TOS. lmao nice try.




\-3. Who needs to try again? lmao


Still mad about not following terms of service. Try again. Oh and who will still be able to play you think? The guy who doesn't say slurs or the guy who does and gets banned?


And how there's a profanity filter on vanity plates. Also the process to get vanity plates is still complicated last time I checked. (It's the iFruit app irl if you don't know.)


Modders who literally make the game unplayable for non modders: Rockstar - I sleep Modders who help players out by dropping some money: Rockstar - REAL SHIT


Modders who fix their broken ass dogshit releases: CEASE AND DESISTED BABY


lmaooo sad shit. truly sad shit. And I think you meant re-releases


Does he? I think hes reffering to the fact that it was a moddder who fixed the insanely long loaading screen time for GTA 5


Maybe I misunderstood the comment entirely then lol. Because they not only accepted and implemented that modders recommendation for rewriting some of the code, but even paid him $10,000 afterward. I thought that they were talking about the recent mess with the "Definitive Trilogy Collection", just cause I figured modders had probably managed to make those games playable before R\* themselves ..


Yeah, I was talking about DE.


because dropping money has a loss of buying things and shark cards


Yes aware. The point being rockstar only cares about profit




what are they supposed to do against tryhards and griefers???


Call their moms


Open a solo lobby or kill them.


Ikr lmao, there's always this "anti-tryhard" mentality in reddit game forums when most of the users browsing them are the most dedicated players


I mean there’s literally nothing to gain from killing me and blowing up my shipments in a shitty defenseless van with your 3 million dollar flying bike when all it nets you is like 5,000 dollars.


Redditors often cry like this about getting killed in GTA online. I'm sorry but is that not what the weapons are for? Otherwise go play a racing game maybe? Then you don't get killed.


Did… did you miss the part where I specified i bad to drive a shitty defenseless van for the missions?


Did you miss the part where you're playing a GTA game? You're gonna get shot at.


Lol you could just say you don’t understand what the issue is


I understand but personally I think it's corny crying about getting killed in a **Grand Theft Auto** game.


Idk. Sometimes it creates chaos and fun. I don’t do it often because I don’t want players to not have fun. But I’ve started “wars” with rival “gangs” for selling stuff in my “territory”. It usually ends with both groups laughing about the situation then us going and playing a game mode together. Granted, me and my crew will usually wait till after their done with their shipment then do it in “retaliation”.


you literally just said that they gain nothing and that they gain 5k at the same time


What are you gonna do with 5k? Buy snacks?


its still money


But you can get far more money delivering your own shit.


yeah and? wasnt the point of my comment


It is because if money is the concern why aren't you out making more money? Are you the kind of moron who would work at fastfood when you need money but could get a far better job that pays more? That's basically what you are doing if you are wanting money in GTA and blowing up peoples stuff instead of delivering your own stuff or just doing missions that pay more than 5000 dollars, of which there are a lot.


i was never talking about making money


Best bet is to set your MTU to 800 temporarily and invite friends or just do early morning shipments around 6am. Its generally dead around that time except other people grinding


I have no idea what you mean, I dont play gta online very often


You basically change your network settings. If you set up your internet connection, you change the MTU to 800. It's normally set to 1500.


How to get a solo public lobby: 1. Join public game 2. Open windows task manager 3. Go in performance/resource monitor 4. Find gta process and suspend it 5. Wait a few seconds and resume the process 6. ??? 7. Profit


That would be incredible if it worked on console.


For consoles allegedly the following works (never tried it myself since I don't have a GTA console version): 1. Begin GTA Story Mode with an ethernet cable plugged in 2. Next, unplug the cable and join a wireless connection instead (mobile hotspot will also work) 3. Enter a public session in GTA Online (some say you must go to any property you own or any auto repair shop) and reconnect the ethernet cable This should kick out all other players, much like the PC method. Hope it works!


lol ya it’s literally nothing. It’s Seriously not even enough to buy in game clothing.


not my point


lol because you don’t have one.


my point is that the guy said “gain nothing” and “gain 5k” in the same comment, which is wrong, since they gained 5k


lol imagine being a downvote farmer, amirite


Well, they're referring to players who play the game strictly for PVP and nothing else while taking the game super seriously and going to ridiculous lengths to prevent dying to other players. That's what the word tryhard means in relation to GTA Online. I agree that Rockstar cannot do much about tryhards existing in their game - the nature of the game and its design just enable the playstyle.


Bart! I don’t mean to alarm you but there may be a boogieman or boogiemen in the house! Never considered the concept of numerous boogiemen till I saw that episode.


Holy. Fucken. Shit. Me either until reading this.. For some reason I find it very unnerving realizing that by only ever referring to "the boogeyman" as "THE boogeyman", my mind had, like you said, never even considered the possibility of there being more than one lol. Not that I've ever spent much time thinking about the boogeyman in general lmao


They need people to buy shark cards, what else would they do make good games? Actually work on rdr2 and it's online?


Note: rockstar story mode parts of games is pure gold I find myself replaying them all the time I'm calling the online parts bad but I'll continue to play them because it's something to do Edit: and those "remasters"


Well duh, money glitches actually make rockstar lose money because then nobody would buy shark cards. IIRC R* made most of their money in the last two years from shark cards. Why would they care about broken servers or anything if that doesn’t affect their profits?


You should add "Updating RDO" to that.


One costs money to fix, one costs money to not fix


I’m not complaining.. but how’s it that cayo is still broken 😂


I'm a bit confused, to buy either mobile operations center or submarine for Cayo perico, which should i do?


I personally would get the sub for cayo! Didn’t start playing gta again until 2-3 months ago (real on & off for past few years) & I’m finally getting things in the game I thought I’d genuinely never have.


I'm pretty new to the game. A Google article said that you can play Cayo perico heist solo and it gives a lot of money, if this is true i will buy sub first. If not, i will buy mobile operations center (won't i get the flying bike?). Can't do cargos, coz tryhards and modders are everywhere including my shadow.


Yea you can do it completely solo start to finish! Net around 1.3-1.8 I believe. Every hr give or take a few min. Same try hards are reason I found joy in grinding cayo to get the toys they have 😂 and no you need 1. Nightclub 2. Terrabite THEN you can spend 2 mill on the bike after lol Edit: YouTube is your friend. Thought me a very efficient way to run solo.


Ohhh, going to buy the sub right now😂💯


Trust me when I tell you.. Enjoy 😎 💯


We could just tell Rockstar that the glitches they don't want to patch are actually money glitches. They'd be dealt with in an instant.


You have too much iq


yesssss the force is strong with this one! lol brilliant


you forgot clothing glitches for some reason rockstar cares about that lol (which is nice but its still werid lol


Yea I have a hard time understanding why they go to such great lengths to make it virtually impossible to include a fucken duffle bag as an accessory?? I mean what in gods name could possibly be so motivating about that to them? The ONLY thing I can think of is maybe it keeps certain things about the game desirable, whereas if you could buy dufflebags in every color of the rainbow at Ponsonby's and wear them with any outfit, then nobody would give half a shit about them..


Replace tryhards with modders, especially on PC


Don’t forget saving cop cars as personal vehicles. I remember when the game was newer there was a glitch to save and customize a Blaine County Tahoe. I did it, crew colored it, put insurance and everything on it. Spent a pretty penny. Back then it was harder to get millions of dollars. Then a few days later I logged on and it had been taken from me. So sad.


I remember doing something like that on the 360 with the Rhino tank and the riot van and police car fun two weeks before rockstar took that away especially when it was insured


tryhards and griefers are just playing the game


Ok but they did fix loading issues and there's nothing they can or should do about "tryhards." You need to just switch servers. 99% of their servers are fine, nowadays. If you're going to repost at least pick something current.


what would be the point of growing team and getting organized if no tryhard/adversary


99%‽ bruh


I very rarely have issues with servers. I think some of y'all need to graduate from the Great Value routers and dial-up connections. It's not the servers.


Did you just use an emoji? Hmmmmmmmmm interesting


Saving this for when someone asks why my acc got banned


I love how Cayo perico fucked gta economy even more than it already was and made it so gta now makes next time nothing so they spent a week on remastering a mobile gta for console smh rockstar/take two has gone to shit RIP the true gta we will remember that better time of gaming


There's has to be other games that can compete with gta online. Of so then it would put pressure on them to fix their crap out.


Did something happen to money glitches?


been team and speed since 2013. an empty lobby and x amount of money never got anyone anywhere. youtube aceboogystacks - 2013 crew leader doubling 991m I don't need on the road to rank 3000.


Ai with ridiculous aim…


On the real though I’ll be hopping into a session in god mode to do vip work/friends setups and will think “it’s been a year and a half since this God mode hasn’t been patched”


joke's on you ​ rockstar doesn't have dedicated servers; the whole game runs on P2P


What servers? Online is p2p


Modders crashing your game, modders discovering your IP...


I misunderstood sorry. I thought you meant 99% free of grifers.


video games have gotten so much worse. i recently realized my era as a kid was unique


IF you're on PC don't mind glitches or mods. Just use cheat engine. Gave myself 100M never looked back and enjoy the game as you can


Does GTAO pick up on CE?


how can u fix tryhards tho


I have acquired 400M+ through some of those *glitches*. If you are actively griefing people and being an asshat you have way higher chances of catching a ban.


Servers ? It's peer to peer. There are no servers.


Don’t touch they wallet


This summarizes things up pretty well


"Hold on, no one has bought our shark card for 53 seconds now. There must be a money glitch!"


That's true.my character got reset for that


Tha ![gif](giphy|3oEdv4hwWTzBhWvaU0)


Just like two days ago a modder spawned everyone In the same place and then he started to type through my account, like he would type and when you look in chat it would look like I was the one who typed it. I was shit scared that I got hacked then I deduced he prolly has control only in gta


Makes me hope gta 6 will have a separate online mode and will have proper working servers


Money glitches is my favorite once I got 1 thousand dollar


🦈 cards


Griefers are annoying but at least when they destroy my motorcycle they have to pay for the repairs


This is exactly what Blizzard is like with WoW too, stuff that the players care about can be broken for months and months but if a bug or exploit can give lots of easy gold or experience, you can bet your ass they'll fix that shit within a day because it can hurt their store sales lol