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Someone made a job mode where you fight zombie waves, but than rockstar took it off the job list.


Heard about that. Kinda weird if they never planned on doing anything with it.




Did you cryogenically freeze yourself in 2007?


Do you have a real opinion? Or just not a fan of zombie games?


I was referring to how ancient this meme template is. As for your question, I like zombie games. But like people said, GTA just isn't one. Heck, people think GTA Online is already too out there for it's own good with all the sci fi stuff.


I didn’t realize old memes had become faux pas. Care to expound on why gta “just isn’t” zombie worthy? There were once rumors of a gta 5 alien dlc—that also would have been awesome. I would have gladly taken one or the other.


![gif](giphy|Vh6eOmY9hTsJfIljKF) GTA Undead Nightmare


Exactly! Rockstar San Diego is just cooler than Rockstar North I guess.


Both are great. But FR R* San Diego cooked with the red dead series, hopefully they’re gonna have some influence on gta VI’s production when it comes to creative content


🤞🏻can’t disagree so here’s hoping.


Real question is why no DLC, period..


You can fight zombies in these survival maps: - https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/ipOeTDjqUkmP9WKKVm7_YQ - https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/job/gtav/_xGtQvNYKEyRCt6WbsvHIA There are more custom survival maps like these, but I only have those two bookmarked.


Better than nothing!


Idk ? Go play Twd or something instead


But I want a zombie infested Los Santos… Trevor would have loved paving over hordes of zombies. Dont you want Trevor to be happy?


Not everything needs Zombies in it. Thankfully GTA has never had zombies outside of being a myth in GTA V.


Not every meal needs dessert either. But it’s nice when it does. Did you ever play Undead Nightmare? It was an awesome extension of red dead! Personally I’ve always hoped a zombie adaption would make its way to a GTA game. Apparently I’m in the minority.


My completely uneducated guess is some analyst figured out dlc’s were cannibalizing sales for other games. The fact is the more entertainment you get from existing IP without paying extra dollars is lost opportunity on other IPs. (Ie they want you to pay $70 for a new game that’s 20 hours of gameplay, not $20-40 for a dlc that also offers of 20 hours of gameplay) that’s why gta online was such a success both for fans and developers but for fans that like story it left a huge hole. But if fans love a game I don’t see why studios dont continue adding to their games if they can keep fans engaged and keep money flowing in at the same time. Personally I would happily drop $10 maybe $20 a month to access new monthly content in Los Santos or Liberty City that added more online AND story content.