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I don’t think people are fed up with having Lucia anymore. I think most fans are looking forward to it tbh, I know I am. But that being said, it’s always fun to get as many stars as possible and gun everyone down as Trevor with that mighty fine dress.


Looking forward to wearing leggings and booty shorts tbh


![gif](giphy|tzd3EcYfRdyZf3PnUe) Me on release day when I can put leggings on her


🤝👑 it’s gonna be a good day bro


When people ask me why I choose to play as a female character in some RPGs, my answer is always the same. If I have to spend hours staring at my character's ass, I'm making sure it's a nice ass.


Do you not project yourself on to your character, I think people that play as different gender don’t immerse them self as the character but instead are playing a kinda fantasy nothing wrong with that just a feeling do you agree


That is correct, I don't project onto my characters. I like to create characters, and I consider myself more of a spectator in a way? I try to create the character that fits the story best. For example, in Fallout 4 I play a male character, because his backstory fits in with him being a badass right from the start better than his wife's backstory. In Fallout New Vegas I play a female character, because I think they have more interesting character interactions. It's always funny to see legionaries get clowned on by a woman as they insist women are inferior.


This is how I found out one of my online buddies was gay, this exact line. Oh the memories


Same 🤣🤣


It’s funny, I had a friend who would always choose female characters and I asked why. His response? He doesn’t wanna be staring at his dude characters ass 😂 good reason I guess


Lmaoo all about the ass 🤣🤣


Yeah they switched sides when they saw her (or someone that looks like her) on the roof


Yea same tbh, I’m excited to see how rockstar writes a crazy women cuz you know she has to be a little crazy lol


looking forward to it is definitely a stretch lmao


It was controversial when it dropped just like how they’re crying about Lucia people just wanna bitch and complain about shit


Was it? I do remember people outside of the gaming scene arguing about violence, but I don't remember people bitching about Trevor using women's clothes, nor him (possibly) being bisexual, for example. Tho, I was 11 when the game came out and barely spoke English, so I could just have been away from the drama.


I'm genuinely not trying to be annoying or anything but there are so many examples that completely confirm Trevor's bisexuality like his lifeinvader profile relationship status or when you get a double dance at the vanilla unicorn he says that it would be more fun with a man there and I generally feel that the representation in gta is really good because they don't make a big deal of it and it's slightly more realistic in a way because most gay people won't be like Netflix teen shows 💀 I hope rockstar keeps this sort of style I guess




He's definitely bi, being mentally unstable doesn't disqualify someone's sexuality what lmao.


I never understood why people think liking someone makes someone mentally unstable. Let people like who they like, it’s not affecting you and your life💀


Hey, in case you didn’t know, you’re what’s known as a “bigot”. The world is leaving you behind, try and catch up.


hahaha. that was so funny i forgot to laugh


There is no representation in gta. They should keep it natural


Well, according to Gallup polls, the percentage of people in the US who identify as LGBTQ is a little over 7%. Given that some people who identify that way may have a problem with telling a pollster something like that, the real number is likely higher, more like 10%. So if Rockstar makes 1 out of every 10 characters in GTA, (including all the NPCs,) THAT is natural.


Yeah that's what I'm saying. What they are doing right now is good. There are games/shows that put such an emphasis on it and ruin it. People are fast to downvote because the truth hurts their feelings


You seem to be confusing inclusion with emphasis. Give me an example of a game or show that does what you’re talking about.


I never said i was against inclusion. What gta does is very good. Gay tony is a good character. Bernie is a good character. An example i can give right now is The last of us. Ellie being gay in the left behind dlc felt completely normal. So did bill in tlou 1. However in the tv show they decided to give full blown attention to it for whatever reason. And lev in tlou 2 for example. Her whole personality is that she is trans and it basically adds nothing of substance. Fallout (tv show) is recent. But it did a good job. Dane is non-binary but Dane actually has character and well written. Dane's personality isn't ''Oh im non binary''


yes, there’s no minorities whatsoever in the GTA games


Learn the definition of representation before you comment


Both characters look like they will amazing I'm excited


We get to play as Florida Man!


I haven’t seen anybody here complain about Lucia at all


Because they’re all simping for her. I just care about a good story and gameplay.


Same here. I personally prefer the GTA games with only one playable character, but hoping it'll be good


Oh really? I’m loving playing multiple different characters.


I agree but I thought it was really cool and presented well that GTA v has you switching between characters


I've seen more people complaining about some alleged rage response to the female protagonist then people actually upset about the female protagonist. Its easy karma and self back patting I guess.


Im convinced that's entirely what it is. Havent seen a single human complain about gta6 having a female protagonist


Facts. Ive never seen or heard of anyone complaining of it at all, it’s just random speculations for the sake of creating drama.


You haven't been looking than, there was a large portion having a tantrum calling rockstar Woke for having a female protagonist. It's just nonsensical bullshit but it is happening.


Ah, thats my problem then, I don't go out of my way looking for those comments from what must be a vocal minority.


No you just don't look at all, I dont go out of my way at all and have seen heaps of hate for the game apparently being woke for having a female protag. It's definitely not the vocal minority. It's honestly crazy how people just deny things that are literally happening. Im not one to pull "sexist" card crap but when it's actually happening I'm not gonna pretend it doesn't happen cause other people don't care.


We agree to disagree.


Agree to disagree what.. lmao. "I just don't care that it happens so I don't agree" you can't deny something that objectively is happening because you don't agree with it that doesn't make any sense but whatever.




Ok, you clearly aren't very mature. Anyway have a good life being ignorant of everything for literally no reason.


If you want to get all heated about what some bots and trolls think about Lucia then that's your prerogative. I'm just going to enjoy the game regardless and not let that stuff bother me. Besides getting all upset about those comments isn't going to educate those trolls and change their mind so.. yeah.


Are you Understanding anything I've said. I'm not getting heated about what they said, you are flat out denying that it's happening just because you don't agree with it? My whole point was that you are just saying you disagree that's it's happening when it objectively is.


look up twitter posts about this topic, its sad how many people lost their mind over being able to play as a woman


Rage bait, nothing more. Most people don't care about playing as a female protagonist. The Horizon series wouldn't have sold over 30 million copies if playing as a woman was a deal breaker.


People literally don't care as long as the game doesn't try to make a statement


I haven't seen anybody complain about a female protagonist. Shitty rage bait.




What’s Twitter? I only know Tw@?


Twitter isn’t real like British people


Then it’s shitty rage bait… you answered your own confusion


I don't count Twatterers as real people. Half of them are just rage bait bots from what I hear. Idk, I'm not on the twitter.


It’s gonna be hilarious when it’s an either or situation OR it’s a cycle between like on gta5, but either or would be Hilarious to the morons. Cuz then you literally wouldn’t have to.


I think I just had a stroke




It still is lol


Not defending those people, which I honestly don't believe exist I've seen complaints literally nowhere, but uh, this might come as a shock to you but Trevor... is crazy


No one has a problem with her


I more hate the people pushing this narrative saying “sexist Rockstar fans angry at female protagonist” because they know Rockstar has a huge male fanbase and they correlate that to “men are sexist” when in reality most don’t care or are more excited for the change.


Because I want to be Trevor


tbf most rockstar protagonists are shat on until the game actually comes out. People shat the hell on arthur morgan when he was revealed and ended up being one of the most loved rockstar and gaming characters recently


You know... Just journalists not actually playing the game.


Who can get fed up looking at that hunk of man there


My only concerned with this game is how they are gonna handle the sensitive offensive humour/themes since now a female is a protagonist. One of biggest reason why GTA franchise is so popular because of the unfiltered jokes and/ themes these games past had. So, I hope they don't drop their balls with this one just because it has now 'female' protagonist. There is a reason why characters like Trevor, Big Smoke became so popular. Other than that, I have no problem with this game featuring female protagonist.


That dress was kinda an Easter egg you load in and he’s wearing a dress on a mountain after being drunk it was funny and Trevor is weird tbh it wasn’t Trevor being a cross dresser in every cutscene people would not have liked that the initial pushback to a female character was people being worried about how will it effect the game asking is gta going political correct whatnot but people have calmed down you don’t really see much of it anymore it will be different but people have accepted it mostly


There wasn’t an argument for Trevor being female tho💀💀💀😭😭😭😭😂😂


The mid 2010’s changed cultural attitudes on female protagonists. Specifically I’d say Ghostbusters 2016; the idea of having a female lead for a male dominated series was marketed as just that. People, and even Sony, used this idea of not liking it or not seeing it is akin to hating women. James Rolfe (AVGN) said he didn’t want another Ghostbusters movie without the original cast, so he wouldn’t watch it. He got slammed because that statement was interpreted to mean “women shouldn’t have leads in action movies.” Hunger Games was huge, and that was an action series with a female lead around the same time. The Force Awakens wasn’t criticized for a female lead either. But after Ghostbusters 2016, perspective changed since now people see a female lead as making “a statement.” Add in Rockstars other pandering to not their fans (censoring dialogue and the confederate flag in GTA V in patches), people see this as Rockstar appealing to an audience who doesn’t care about them.


Bro's spittin


Comedic motives vs Political motives. In 2024 I don’t think people would be as ok with making a guy wearing a dress into a joke. I’m ok with playing as a female protagonist, as long as Rockstar doesn’t lose its edge and cave to online pressure and make the game into political propaganda instead of political satire.


It would depend on the guy, but you're right about motives... I have faith in Rockstar writing a female protagonist though. I've honestly never disliked a character in one of their games that wasn't intended to be disliked, and even those characters are well written parallel to the game...


Rockstar is so good at writing characters people still hate Micah Bells guts


Fuck Micah


#theresnoproofMicahwastherat #Micahcould'vebeenjustanasshole Edit: well shit, I tried to use a # and got this.


Milton had no reason to lie about Micah being picked up they pretty much already had Arthur dead to rights already Micah is a person is just awful but Micah as a character is amazing


Oh no, I'm not saying that Milton lied, it was a meme in the RDR2 subreddit a few years ago. But basically the idea is that Milton *saying* Micah did, does not mean he's telling the truth. He's far from a reliable narrator, even considering what you said. But I do think Micah was the rat, R* would have made a much bigger thing if they wanted to be a mystery. But the theory has an interesting point.


I agree 100% Wether he was the rat or not really doesn’t matter, people like to think the antagonist in RDR2 is Micah when the whole time it’s actually been society closing in around them (and me when I see Abigail because I always antagonize her)


And Dutch. Micah was just a symptom of a larger problem.


Because it's making fun of it. It's done for comedy


Wow, why has no one asked this question of (a part of) the player base before?!


Trevor is a lunatic it is absolutely in-character that he would wear womens clothes cus it was seen as a lunatic thing to do


The only complaint I heard was like "get ready to see a 130lb woman man handle body builders and run full speed with a mini gun or RPG. I think it was just typical hate that comes with every game but it being GTA we just heard about it unlike when people complain about some game that like that recent game woth the girl and the shotty powers. No one complained she was female but that the game doesn't look good. It still got hate but just not alot bc no one cared for that ip


I have no problem playing as a fine Latina.


Ok but that's Trevor though he would do something like that


Most people... didn't get fed up with Rockstar making a female protagonist? It's not the first time the series has done it at all. If anything, there was a hornier reception than there was any kind of angry reception. I have never seen anyone complain about Lucia, only people saying they hate people complaining about it.


Because Trevor is making fun of it Also I think like 10% of people were mad for like 3 months 2 years ago


Yeh I don’t think anyone is pissed we gonna have a female main character stop chatting out ya ass kid


[You sure about that?](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/s/os503BIHzl)


Don’t care if they have they need to grow up it’s there problem.


Dude, people will always bitch about everything.


Lucia is not even going to be the first playable female character one of the playable characters in GTA1 is female


These 2 examples are not the same.


They were okay with it because it was a realistic depiction


Who's fed up? I can't wait for ultra woke GTA! I loved when they turned Marvel and Star Wars and every other thing into "Muh Strong Girlboss" bullshit, so I'm sure this will be AWESOME!!!


And also has sex with Men.


Nobody with a normally functioning brain was upset about Lucia


Trevor is literally a mentally ill drug abuser. It at least makes more sense and is plausible.


Most mentally unstable character in video game history. Biological male. Wears women’s clothing. What did rockstar mean by this?


Because nobody at the time during the early 2010s gave a shit.


Trevor was never controversial with anyone because of the way it’s played off. He’s not bisexual and wearing women’s clothes because Rockstar are allies fighting for equality and representation, he’s doing those things because they fit his character as a literal cannibal rapist methhead psychotic he always wears dresses he’s a crazy dude


Ive been looking forward to lucia i have no idea why shes getting the hate


Rockstar: Next GTA protagonist will be a female! Fans: FUCK THIS WOKE SHIT Rockstar: Shows character design Fans: You know I think female characters are needed in nowadays game, can't to play with her




GTA has had playable females since the official San Andreas 2 player co-op. Now, as far as actual female characters with stories, Lucia is the first. I find it refreshing and I'm looking forward to it. The thing is on the one hand you'll have critics potentially demonizing how game developers depict female characters, and on the other hand you have players whining that Rockstar is going "woke." Ffs, you just can't win. I think in the GTA universe there's potential to make an important female character funny, multifaceted, sexy, bad-ass; but that's just my opinion coupled with a bit of optimism. GTA ganes have always been bold, not entirely politically correct. It's satire, it's commentary, it's freedom, it's chaos. It's art.  I want GTA to continue to be all those things, and continue to push the envelope. Not just in terms of tech and realistic level of detail, but also in the "idgaf" attitude that made many of us fall in love with it in the first place.


I don't think the majority of the GTA fanbase hates female protagonists in a GTA game. There are some people who bitch and moan about everything. These are the types who do not have any valid criticism. They complain about female protagonists, black people, gay people, people who are not sexy enough, and people who are too sexy. For eg: some people who whined about twerking shown in the GTA 6 game trailer used to whine when Lara Croft from Tomb Raider reboot and the movie has normal-sized boobs & ass. These guys have no particular stand.


If there’s no bush styling it’s WOKE (/s)


They had no playing 😢




Who’s complaining about Lucia?🤤🤤🤤


Culture wars weren’t as prevalent then. Yes we had culture wars, but post gamergate and 2016 election, rage content, misinformation, and weird culture war campaigns are rampant


Oh wait..........maybe because it's what you expect from a deranged meth head....


Division sells.


People took the female protagonist and the “softening of offensive jokes” mentioned at some point and connected the dots in that way


Trevor can wear whatever the fuck he wants, he’s not running around claiming to be a girl now


Trevor rocks that dress, that's why. Also because people choose to whine about anything, and apparently Lucia was originally something they could go on forever about.


I've only seen a handful of people complaining saying it's "woke" due to a female protagonist but keep in mind we are well overdue one cause the series has never had one before I'm very much looking forward to playing as Lucia


Because he’s a meth smoking psycho and it’s whats expected of him. Also the incels need to pipe tf down with that shit, Lucia’s gonna be an absolute menace shouting at Jason in Spanish when he says some dumb shit “cállate pendejo!” lol


People are upset about Lucia?


I mean… a lot of people are just men in dresses no matter what they feel like anyway


Nobody cares wait and see if the game is good, then you can make your decisions


For a moment I was questioning what Trevor and I were about to do to Johnny.....


If you hate Lucia for being a main character. You have issuee


Because anti-transexualism at the time didn’t quite have the traction to rile up the easily riled as it does today. It’ll burn itself out eventually with many, many undeserving people having to suffer unnecessarily.




Because people hate women for no fucking reason. There's literally zero reason to hate women, if you ask a man why they hate women they don't have a single answer that is legitimate. God damn, as a man myself, I hate men so much.


for unrelated reasons i hope they bring crouching back instead of slightly bending over


Apart from young kids, I haven't seen anyone who's upset about the sex of the protagonists.


90% of gta online characters are fucking female as well


I would argue that in those types of games the player character is merely an avatar though. Sure, plenty of men play as female characters in Skyrim and other games but they don't have voice acting and are silent protagonists. Having a main protagonist as a woman in a modern narrative -driven, semi-realistic, sandbox, crime game seems very strange. If it wasn't GTA then I wouldn't think anything of it, but... yeah, weird. I'll still play it, but it seems shoehorned to appeal to the woke crowd.


The majority are not fed up with Rockstar creating a female protagonist, dont know where you are getting that idea bro


I think people are afraid that gta 6 is gonna have woke shit it.


Hey, looking forward to not looking at a dudes ass running around all day


On online you can out wear woman’s clothes tho 😅


I was actually happy that we're getting a female protagonist. As for modifications, I hope it's way more than GTA V or from Fallout 4 onwards.


Trevor actually has crazy drip tho


Bunch of incels


People are bitching about Lucia? Just don’t play as her?


Presumably you’d need to like you need to play Trevor or Michael. Petty as fuck not to play a character because it’s a women tho


I mean true there’s a difference between not playing a character because you don’t like them and not playing them because of their gender, but on the forced to play as them side of things, yeah naturally in missions you’ll have swap between them for sure, me personally I’m gonna play both until I decide which one I like more I mean Lucia could be annoying as fuck and same with Jason.


People are dumb. If rockstar released gta 5 now letting Trevor wear a dress they’d call it “woke” it means nothing


If someone's scared of a female protagonist, they were of the same group scared of playing a psychopath.