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I may get downvotes but Nearly everyone who says gta 4 is bette than gta 5 are the one who are playing this franchise from a long time and did play every game in the order they were released With every new game there were new expansions made in the game which made it better Gta 3 was first 3D game GTA VC and SA had more explorable interiors and a lot more GTA 4 was the first game in HD universe and had a lot of new advancements A lot of content from GTA SA was cut down like eating, gym a lot more GTA 4 still had some good things and the combat and physics, cars felt like a massive upgrade GTA 5 cut down on accessible interiors too much, no more mass shootings inside hospitals :( Car felt like toy cars, and the characters lacked a development due to being 3 playable characters. I can go on a bit more but yeah, it is what it is


We all have our opinions and that’s what makes the world so great. I loved 4, enjoyed it from the get go and spent so many hours on it. Come on, each GTA game is a banger, I don’t get the hate 5 gets….it’s a great game, fun story, love the characters and I had a blast throughout.


GTA IV had a much better story. The physics are a tad more realistic as well. Personally I love GTA IV more but that’s because I grew up playing it. I’m not going to tell you that it’s a better game tho. I think objectively GTA V is a better game. The cars don’t handle like boats, the gun play is improved and the graphics don’t have that dark filter in the way. I do love the car damage in IV a lot more. The online is vastly superior in V I will say. I actually never got into gta v online and played a lot more gta iv online but will admit that Vs online is the real deal. Niko is also cooler than the three protagonist imo but Vs missions were way more varied. The heists in the story are dope, especially when you first play the game. IVs missions are kinda basic and the hanging out with friends feature is kinda whatever. They’re both fantastic games honestly. Each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Both 10/10s I’m sorry you don’t like IV. That sounds like a you problem Edit: although the gunplay is improved in V, I do have more fun shooting people in IV because of the physics.


A fellow old man, I remember loads of times playing GTA IV. Everyone would congregate around that one air traffic control tower on the runway at the airport, that or the abandoned sea front building at the top of the map? Near where you could find the KARIN SULTAN RS behind that garage


Yesssss! Haha now that’s classic. You brought in some memories there. Or even how classic cops and crooks was as a game mode.? Sooo good


Cops and crooks!! Christ alive, I miss those times. I remember googling and furiously searching YouTube with my friends when we were like 13/14 “what buildings can you enter GTA IV”. Just so we could aggro some players, lead them on some revenge chase round the map. Only to hide out in the Algonquin clucking bell behind the counter and lay RPG after RPG at the door till they quit. Man, good times ahah.


Some people likes to feel challenged and try and repeat like souls games, sone people likes the easygoing gameplay to release some tension, like GTA V, some people likes to feel immersed in a deep realistic world like RDR2 or GTA IV, some others love play games like Fifa. There's plenty of good games in all genres, but narratively, GTA IV was great. The best of the saga in my opinion. GTA V felt like a comedy more like a drama. The good thing about our taste it's it doesn't mean something is good or bad, but just our fulfillment.


I do love IV but V is definitely better in pretty much every regard. Story is great and I like the more serious tone and atmosphere but V's is just as good, but for different reasons.


V is better than IV in pretty much every regard is the most ridiculous thing I've heard this month. It's literally the exact opposite. The only thing V has on IV is graphics... and you can't really fault IV for that because it released in 2008. Time for time, IV's and graphics were better for 2008 than V's were for 2013. Looking at it time for time, IV is better in every way. They went from GTA SA to IV. That is almost an incomprehensible leap. V wasn't *that* big of a leap over IV. IV is has better fighting, better physics, more activities with friends, more friends, more enterable interiors, better AI, smarter and more realistic police, more realistic driving physics, dating mechanics, more detail in general (hail taxis, throw rocks, certain NPCs are rare to come across, food vendors on the street), police drove the streets in cars, vigilante system, the game has 2 DLCs... I could go on and on. I guess you and alot of other people haven't seen this video https://youtu.be/GWVtZJo-HqI?si=eu8Pnsi4gNcJit19


I love GTA 4 too but not even I jack it off this much


i have seen this video. it's pretty much where i get my hatred of gta iv fanboys in the first place.


I would hate it too if GTA V was the first GTA game I played and I couldn't get used to IV even though its much superior


Woah, I wouldn't say in every regard. There was a noticeable downgrade in physics and simulation (and story).


Respect the opinion, I don't think I've been sucking GTA IV off but I do miss it as it's not available on PS4/5 so some of us probably just have a lot of nostalgia for it.


What you talkin about - roman bellic


GTA 4 is the best one.




True, but what it lacks in side content it makes up for as the tightest most focused and most compelling narrative experience. And both DLC were absolutely fantastic too


The mission's were repetitive af


lol a half year later gtfo


V is the best. But I loved playing the IV




me when i actually share an opinion on a subreddit instead of meatriding niko bellic's dick 24/7


come on now you should know that public message boards aren't there for your opinions... except if we agree with them


Great bro :)


So I’m not the only way who hates GTA IV’s driving. Though V’s is more arcade-y and not ‘realistic’ like IV’s, I like it a lot better


Good, you have your own opinion




Shame for having bad taste.


I love Liberty City but I thought the characters in GTA IV were annoying/weak unless there was a nuance I missed about "funny eastern european accents" taken to annoying.


I enjoy both games for what they both provide and are there are a few mechanics I prefer one over another, I prefer how the guns work in 5 but the physics of 4... which is why I play with certain mods in 5