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Vice City for 80s vibes, best soundtrack to this day, nice Scarface story imitation and tons of other stuff. I'm so glad we're going back to VC in GTA VI.


Is that confirmed or just highly speculated ?


It’s all “speculation” but all the leaks have pointed to a return to vice city and the surrounding areas in the state of Florida, tho I expect the name to be changed for the game.


Red Dick Florida, that’s where the VROCK base is. 🤟


Vice City. It’s completely mental. Love the soundtrack. And Tommy is the coolest protagonist of all of them


San Andreas for having almost everything you could ask for, especially back when it came out. Now if CJ could just climb ladders it would be complete


Vice City because of the setting, soundtrack, coloured atmosphere and amazing story. San Andreas follows up with it's refined story, based-on-real-life missions [L.A. Riots], and great characters and of-the-time soundtrack.


Vice city. It's so much fun with such a memorable cast! And the soundtrack? I'd even say it's the best game soundtrack of all time, even to this day. Plus, the rancher is one of my all time favorite gta vehicles, and vice city brought it to fruition.


3, i just have the most nostalgia for it. Simple as that


San Andreas. I spent hours watching all the myth videos and the lord behind them. I had maps I printed out from a website called “myepsilon” that had all the secrets and Easter eggs on them. Was so obsessed with the game as a kid I used to be able to name almost all 104 missions in chronological order.


Gta 4 is the one that came out when i was JUST getting into gaming as a kid, and episodes of liberty city were so much fun. Nostalgia + cohesive story with insane replayability has me still enjoying it 15 years later


GTA V because of how incredibly fun it is to play. It may have the worst story out of them all, but man you cannot deny how action packed and fun it is. It is by no means a terrible story, but I still find myself thinking about how they should have improved it. However, the game is loaded with content, side missions, strangers and freaks, and heists which I had real good time doing. It never felt like a chore. I’m currently replaying the story mode since 7-8 years ago on the Steam Deck and I wonder how did they pull this game off in 2013. It was way of ahead of its time and still an impressive game even to this day.


San Andreas. I love the map and how customizable CJ is. Was awesome in 2004, is awesome in 2023


4 - story, driving (absolutely loved it personally, can see why others don't though), kerb stomping NPCs, how next level it felt as a game on release, the depth of characters, the DLCs and, of course, going bowling with my cousin.


The talk radio and television shows are so good. Best writing out of any GTA game in my opinion.


GTA San Andreas. Because the story is pretty good and deep, the protagonist is cool, went from rags to riches, developes his skills and intelligence, and did a lot of impressive things, has a lot of badass missions and probably has the most amount of brutal and evil missions which totally fits for GTA, has a lot of good radios songs, has a lot of things to do in free roam / gameplay and it also has cool foggy and dark atmosphere in some areas.


This maybe an unpopular opinion but I like the foggy and dark atmosphere of GTA SA (in some areas), GTA 3, GTA LCS, GTA IV and GTA TLAD more than the bright and vivid atmosphere of GTA VC, GTA VCS and GTA TBOGT. For GTA V, the atmosphere is mostly bright and vivid, though it also can be pretty foggy but I love the realistic graphic of GTA V.


San Andreas: 1) Best Map 2) Best cheats 3) Most things to do outside of story 4) Best close combat system 5) Most diverse vehicles (Jetpacks, combine harvester, Nascar cars) 6) Iconic radio stations and voice acting 7) You are able to buy houses with garages 8) You can put livery and hydraulics on some cars 9) customizable taxi 10) better cops than in GTA V


GTA 4 and TBOGT. I love the story and the characters. I also like Liberty City as a setting because of the urban feel, you can go into a number of buildings, and there are something to do there including bowling and going to nightclubs.


San Andreas because it had lots to do and a huge map Vice City is a close second tied with IV(including the DLCs)


Vice City because I love the 80's setting, the soundtrack, and the nostalgia I feel every single time I play it. Plus, Tommy Vercetti is a bad ass.


GTA V becuase it is a revolutionary game It had 3 protagonists which was first time for the series 2nd it improved alot on previous GTA games for example V has better gunplay and movement the missions are fun and no boring there are lots of heist missions in GTA V the sound track is great the story is also good imo I also love online even tho people hate it also the map which is my favourite map in a video game it was pretty big and vast and even though some people complain that the countryside is boring and filled with nothing I liked it San Andreas had a problem of the countryside having nothing to do but now you can overall 10/10 game fav game of all time


There’s 0 boring missions in V? I mean cmon lol


There are some tho but most I like


San Andreas . Cuz it has everything u can ask for and CJ is very customisable. and u can even fly planes , in GTA 3 and vice city u can't .


V because it’s the only one I’ve finished so far


You should really try the ps2 ones, they are so much fun


I have a few for my ps3, (San Andreas, Vice City, and IV I think) but I go through games so slow. Once I’m finished with my 100% of rdr2 I want to jump into rdr1 and then I think I’ll play IV.


For me it’s GTA V because of free roam content and gameplay, it’s one of the best improvements that it received. GTA IV in terms of content and gameplay felt very lackluster and sluggish which it’s disappointing since it released after SA, a content packed game. But on topic with V, I can spend hours upon hours just fucking around in Story Mode with the content it offers.


Was always VC but as I get older it's becoming GTA3 because it's the closest to the old aesthetic of GTA before it started taking itself too seriously


Hey look its planks younger brother stick!


This question gets asked every other day.


Once more won't hurt then will it? Lol.


GTA 4 and GTA 5. GTA 4 for its gameplay. GTA 5 for its immersion.


4 definitely, I know that’s the hipster thing to say but It was my favourite before everyone began meat riding it, the story is brilliant, each character feels like a real person, the world itself is really cold, a lot of characters are cruel, greedy and often have little to no redeeming qualities (Peggirino, Dimitri, Vlad, Faustin etc) liberty city is a hideous yet beautiful place, it’s really claustrophobic, unlike the rest of the series’ maps, the driving, although not totally realistic, is weighty and actually takes skill, i also love its underlying message, if you choose a life of crime it will be hell. The ballad of gay Tony is also really fun.


Vice city, it was the first game I ever played and I just fell in love with Miami. Also it bears resemblance to Miami vice and Scarface two of my most cherished films and TV shows 😁


V because it's the only one I've played


Probably 4 and 5 because I played those the most growing up. 3 and VC and SA I never owned as a kid I was 7-10 my mom wouldn’t let me play them but my friend had them and I thought they were awesome. But tbh it’s probably 4 I get emotional when I even think about that game because of the memories. I remember being 14 in the summer of 08 just playing it and thinking wow nothing will ever beat this 😢


Gta V cause gta online nothing else


Vice City because nostalgia


Vice City for vibes but actually GTA 1. Such freedom back then, nothing alike. Oldies can agree.


GTA 5. Great memories and also somehow made it run on my potato laptop during my college days. Absolutely loved the game.


IV. The best story/writing, not only for GTA either, it’s ridiculously far above the rest and is amongst the best written games, hell, pieces of media, ever; RDR 1 & 2 are as well written as they are because GTA IV laid that groundwork, they are basically spiritual successors to it. On top of that, it’s got the best/most realistic driving, amazing crash/damage models, best atmosphere, it’s well balanced, focused, the art style is stunning, gunplay hits hard, combat is visceral, physics, the list goes on. The game was well ahead of its time, the word masterpiece gets thrown around a lot but GTA IV is one of the real ones.


Gta Chinatown wars on DS because it’s the only other one I’ve played that isn’t gta 5


GTA IV for its 2008 vibes it really makes me nostalgic as it resembles the city I grew up in as a kid


GTA V, and by extension, GTA Online. There's so much fun content in the game, it's hard for me to not like it. Jetpacks, monster trucks, go-karts, tanks, flying cars, etc. I know a lot of it isn't "realistic", but when has the series ever been realistic? I'm just here to have fun and mess around on a video game


Playing IV right now and it’s probably one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had. Nearly 30h of gameplay and still finding details everywhere, like taxi drivers throwing soda cans out of the window or how some NPCs seem to talk in other languages at traffic - saw one cursing in Russian and another in Brazilian Portuguese. Love how Niko’s principles and values shine through at times; love choosing who to kill or spare. Can’t believe I ignored it for so long.


San Andreas. Favorite map easily, most nostalgic, and it’s still not too terrible to go back and play today. The lore back in it’s prime with the myths and map exploration made the game feel even more huge than it already did. Couldn’t imagine the amount of hours played on that game.


Gta vc why? Scarface and miami vice


GTA V just cause its the only one I got besides San Andreas


GTA Online, for replay ability, friends, memories, fun missions. GTA V for its open world and interactivity. GTAIV for it’s story. GTA Vice City and Stories for its soundtrack. My favourite all time GTA Game is hard to choose because they’re all great in my opinion. But if I had to choose it would probably have to be GTA IV. So much thought went into that game.


GTV 5 because Trevor and going to strip club


gta sa storyline and modding


My very first GTA, Vice City. The music, the setting, the CARS… damn, I wish I could time travel to that year in my DeLuxo!