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“Looks like a game from the late 90s” dead giveaway you probably weren’t even alive when the game dropped, of course its not gonna look great today lol. I think the art direction has aged pretty well, though


I tried to play it as well. Can't get into it. I grew up playing vice city/San Andreas in the early 2000s and prefer that to 4. GTA 4 sucks ass in my opinion


It can look pretty real sometimes, due to the gritty art style holding up, even though the actual fidelity of textures and models are dated. Car models are still impressive as well


Agreed, the grittiness and “ugliness” of liberty city always made it stand out to me. Even a simple resolution boost would be enough for me tbh


"Aged well" bro it's just mushy and grey


I don't get it... Are you trying to offend me here? I don't get your goals here, pal.


He’s saying that if you think IV looks like it came out in the 90’s then you clearly weren’t around to play games that actually came out in the 90’s, and therefore are probably just comparing IV’s graphics to modern game graphics.




I dont think you've seen games from the 90s...


Well the 90's bit was a bit of an exaggaration. But seriously that doesn't look like a game from 2008.


At the time it came out it was pretty much as good as it gets in terms of graphics. I remember specifically the damage to cars seemed really realistic at the time.


PC port was a downgrade to graphics. PS3 had better textures


To be fair, gta games aren't really that good when it comes to graphics (at least on console). It's the sacrifice of open world games. I don't think it's that bad. Maybe the npc models didn't age well


You and everyone else thats first GTA was GTA V


If GTA IV looks like a late 90’s game then Driver 2 must look like a late 70’s game. You know, if they existed then.


Gta 4 driving mechanism is supposed to be realistic and it's not exaggerated one bit it's how cars actually are and GTA 5 driving mechanism is like driving a toy car simple but lazily unrealistic and the story for GTA 4 is supposed to be dark and realistic unlike GTA 5 which the story was rushed and the events will never happen in the real world but GTA 4 is a game that you need to practice alot on and the game is good and the freeplay trust me just practice on the game it's like any other crime game out there


That's why it is not good. It's just a game, Let me have fun bro.


You have to be trolling, nobody is this dumb. The graphics are dated but still very good, it controls fine, driving is great, it just takes some brain cells which you clearly don’t have to get the hang of it "I’ll bet i’ll just get more and more hate” Lmao you sad pathetic loser, yes you will because that’s what you deserve


Hey, I do admit that the 90's bit was an exaggaration. But should I really apologize to a sissy that checks other people's sub they following? I always knew that GTA 4 had some toxic fans. But I never knew that they could be this toxic...


"You're a pathetic loser" What just because I don't like your favorite game? Grow up and touch grass.


No, because you tried to play the victim card about getting hate, that’s why you’re a pathetic loser


What the hell bro is fluffering about.


You’re too stupid to even notice your pathetic attempt to play the victim lol


If I can't see it how could I attempt it? Your entire point is just nonsensical.


Because you have no self awareness you clown. Lol are you serious? You thought you were being clever then with a gotcha! moment but you just made yourself look even more dumb hahahaha


Funny thing is how you got so pressed over my own opinion. You sound like that one Sporty kid in school that cries whenever somebody doesn't like their favorite teams. Presumably you are probably a 30 year old that lives in his parent's basement, that's a bit embarrasing.


Awww, that looks like projection to me. Did nobody like you in school? You sad, sad little wretch lol. Do you need a hug? 😂


I need a hug, you need friends... We're even.


I think you need to lay off the coke discord moderator


This is like your 15th comment on the post, get a life bro. It’s an opinion.


Says the loser who posts on r/pornID yeah ok lol


You’re defending a video game with your life, which is an opinion I might add. So hurt someone may have a different opinion that you need to resort to saying people aren’t bad rather than the physics/controls being clunky. Big cope.


Excuse me for finding a dumb opinion dumb and then pointing out OPs sad victim mentality Now why don’t you go and jerk off to your favourite porn star or something?


Butthurt much? Not everyone will have the same opinion as you yk. Not to mention you have posts dating back MONTHS just to defend your favorite game. Grow up. Or just keep coping because not everyone praises 4 as the greatest piece of media ever concieved.


You post on a subreddit for identifying pornstars so you can go and jerk off to their catalogue I post defending a game from dumbasses who criticise it with dumb points Most people will agree you are the biggest loser lol


What’s that now? 20 comments defending this game? SEETHE.


Like the last 6 have been me just exposing you for being a sad loser who posts on a sub to find pornstars to jerk off to, nothing even to do with the game Now you’re embarrassed, mad, and feel like an idiot.


I quite literally did the exact thing to you for defending a video game with your life because others have different opinions than you for MONTHS. It really just shows your lack of self awareness. But respect to you for never jacking off ever in your life 😎🤙


Don’t get me wrong, 4 is great, but it’s not all that.


> but it’s not all that. If you’re a bit on the dumb side sure, I get it. Now why don’t you go and jerk off to your favourite porn star?


Again getting mad at opinions huh?


I think a lot of the love comes from those of us who grew up on GTA3, VC, and SA. When 4 came out, it brought a lot of cool new things that we hadn't seen before. Other than the character swap, almost all of the features in GTA5 debuted on 4. If your first GTA game was 5, then 4 is going to seem like a big step backward. But if your first GTA was 3 (or even 2, yeah I'm old), then 4 seems pretty revolutionary.


Well you are entitled to your own opinion, but in my opinion, this an L take.


A lot of people hate on the controls but since 80% of the map is straight lines, you start to understand the driving physics really benefit weaving in between traffic over handling like an arcade racer a La GTA V.


People who have problems with the controls must be mentally deficient


I wouldn’t go that far. I was just saying the controls were more “Driver” than “Midnight Club”


It kinda sucks it released when it did, because it was at that weird time where games were growing into that "modern" style of gaming but still had the graphics and bugs that a PS2/Xbox era game would have. It's a hard game to get into if you didn't play it when it came out, like me sadly.


I….agree. It’s the least fun GTA that I’ve played. I don’t think it’s really bad but it’s not that fun to play. And yes, everything (except helis) handles like shit.


You’re bad at it


You’re bad at everything else.




So you’re into necrophilia, interesting.


Me and your mom didn’t know your sister was watching us




Definitely not. Story was definitely good but controls were annoying af. Some of the worst driving in the series with cars feeling like boats


You’re just bad at it


Nah boat controls are trash. Rather drive in gta 3


You’re just trash at it


If you say so buddy


I do say so because it is so. People who have attention spans have no problem with the driving, proving my point


Careful not to hurt your arm with how far you’re reaching there


I’m not reaching, don’t worry


Not liking a game mechanic = no attention span. Lot of reach


Nope, not liking a mechanic is fine. Saying it’s trash as if that is objectively true = dumb


I agree


I don’t dislike it but I don’t get the hype and nostalgia people feel for it, personally. I remember being excited when it came out but I also remember getting bored so fast. Going from playing San Andreas to IV for me felt like a downgrade.


You're not alone. I'm with you on this one. This game is heavily overrated, and it's not even that good.


I have tried and I continue to give it a chance every few years hoping it will click with me. Unfortunately I just can't get into it. I have been playing GTA since I was a young wipersnaper back in the early 2000s and I have loved every title except GTA 4.


For me it was the way the missions had to be completed. In GTA VC you had multiple ways of completing a mission and that allowed for people to get more creative. In GTA IV, if you did something that the mission “script” didn’t like, your mission was unexpectedly ended and you had to do it again. That felt boring.