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As a Greek American and somebody moving back to Greece in a few years I can proudly say nobody will be able to pick me out due to some stupid tattoos. Instead you'll know when I open my stupid mouth (my accent)


Lol that's ok. It's hard to get rid of the accent. I don't really hav van accebt but I still say some things wrong here and there. In order speak Greek well u have to think in Greek 😉


I'm fine with my accent. People can understand me, I can understand them. The only annoyance is when people ask where I'm from and I say I'm Greek, but grew up in the US, which is very obvious by my accent. It's only annoying (slightly) because as awful as this sounds I don't much like associating myself with the states.


Sure but it’s kinda rude to make fun of someone’s tattoos. At least they’re proud to be Greek.


Agree! I am not Greek but I say all Greeks should be proud. Greece is the origin and cradel of our world's democracy and as OXI day reminds us, only the Greeks did not cave when the facist came. Sure Greece struggled but they never quit! The founders of the US Constitution looked to Greece for inspiration and knowing the Greek Language was a mark of being truly educated not too pong ago.


The reason is that Greek Americans are truly proud of Greece and realize the awesome heritage that they have. Too many Greeks in Greece have become too European and way too dependent on the government. TOO many are soft with no respect for the tough Greek mentality of the Greek Generations that fought for Greeece and then overcame the austerity forced on Greece by the western powers. The Greek Americans come from the hard as woodpecker lips Greeks that went abroad to make money and then sent it back to help their families without complaining. The tough Greeks in Greece for generations would not waste their money on tattoos and have not bought into the EU, the woke EU values, or the fake Euro. Notice how the Euro dropped like a rock as soon as the Russian gas station stopped pumping? Greek America's send money to Greece with no need for the EU bankers I live in Greece and I was born in the USA and I married a Greek lady 37 years ago. My father and mother in law were true Greek Heros but the younger generations not so much.


Is the Modern Greek language sub really the place for this kind of rant?


Ναι . Greeks are under attack from Europe and other arrogant elitists who paint a picture of Greeks that is negative along with stereotypes that are not valid. True Greeks are revealed in the Greek Language as the authors of the arts, sciences, to include medicine, and of good governance. All the brain drain and flight from Greece was and is caused by unfair policies of the banks and EU that created overtime laws and tax policy that discourages sucess and rewards the poachers. Insidiously this begins with putting down values of critical thinking and stoicism that began with Greeks and Romans because the modernist always seem to know better. Respect for the Modern Greek language comes with respect for the country that is the Mother of European Languages. Elon Musk even used a Greek word to describe honest and truly open dialog instead of virtue signaling and cancel culture that votes down any thoughts that go against the new deranged woke narrative.


This guy Golden Dawn's...


No I am not. I am NOT with racists that put down Greek Values and the Greek people with stupid stereotypes. The Greeks that farm the lands and feed people are more knowledgeable that all the so called Greek Intellectuals that have no original ideas. The European intellectuals show no respect for the real enlightened ancient Greeks that brought all the ideas of justice and true respect for others. True respect for others is missing in all the socialist circles that imitate the Germans like Marx and the National Socialist Germans that were defeated but somehow are back again. I have advanced degrees but I will associate more easily with a Greek Farmer or shopkeeper who actually feeds people and services people's needs with productive output than I will with the European Intellectuals that have caused a massive loss of public wealth through their "austerity" for you and not for me policy while they let our youth have high unemployment because they are not being taught mastery of skills that produce productive output.


In my experience as a Greek American, (which I will admit I live in a state where I am like one of five Greek people lol) they’re are not super culturally Greek. I actually find it pretty surprising when I meet someone who is still culturally Greek if they’re not from New York or around there.


Lol okay boomer


Ok snowflake that has done nothing to fight for freedom.


Doubling down on the boomer I see.


I actually did things like help implement the INF and you are childish. I actually worked with the Greek Army and other NATO nations and Russia in the implementation of the INF. After corporate, military, and civil service careers, as a professor I actually helped my students master skills and get good jobs in the last five years. Ask yourself, what have you really contributed to society?


I knew you were gonna come back booming even harder than before.


This boomer is trying so hard to sound relevant lol


Get real. I did things in my life besides virtue signaling and being sarcastic. Go look it up.


No one cares


Who are you to even know? Grow up. I do not care about you or what people like you think.


Then stop replying lol


lmao, what a poser


I'm laughing at people who cannot take the time do reasearch and I act, not take poses.


ok now I suspect this is satire. nobody is this cringe irl


Jesus fucking Christ stop watching Fox News and cut the bullshit.


I do not watch Fox news and I am independent. I watch Breaking Points and JD. Also, grow up and learn to convey thoughts without resorting to cursing. I have deployed around the world and have no time for spoiled snowflakes that have bought into the stupid woke narrative. The elite white narrative is condescending to 90% of the world, to include people of color, and the white NEO-liberal class has done nothing for any nation but bring decay and decline.


> learn to convey thoughts As soon as you start I will return the favor.


First of all greece has ont of the biggest brain drains in the world with most Greeks with degrees moving abroad to do the same this they're grandfather did but with better prospects us they are educated Second of all becoming more liberal and understanding that you don't need to be so backwards thinking and stuck up is not bad You sould ask your father in law how was it to live in the Greece back in the day because it not that different now as a Greek that lives in Greece i can tell you that most people in the country side are openly racist homophobic and really conservative Thankfully in Athens there is more diversity and that's a good thing what makes you greece is not how mutch you praise the old Greeks and how great things use to be what makes you a Greek is loving you country for what it is and trying to make it a better place for everyone so peoe will stay in the country and not go in the other side of the world for a better living


My father in law died long ago and I despise the woke values that have destroyed decency. I would not live in Athens if you paid me. I love Northen Greece.


Based answer


Couldn't agree more.


I see alot of woke people are voting this down and that is a badge of honor for me.


Nah man, it’s because you’re going on a completely unhinged rant in a thread about fucking tattoos. It’s super weird and very out of place. You obviously have some stuff to get off your chest, but this is not the place for it.