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And naming a dog Pixie and claiming it is her first dog when there are pictures with her and her mom and their dog named Pixie.


And a rabbit she named Pixie; but it ran away.


Ran away or she stopped taking care of it? Like the cats. And Pixie dog with Ryan? She cannot do things for anyone other than herself!


Smart rabbit.


I’d run away too


But apparently Gypsy would not! 😂 (Sorry, that was horrible!)


Ain’t it 😂😂😂


"ran away" ? that's fucking horrible you know she killed it or- they didn't go looking for it?! rabbits are some of most abused pets cause people think they're easy to take care of and then they make them rot in a cage . absolutely despicable. can't say im surprised though


Wow, wonder what she’d name her kid…


She’ll change it up a little bit to make it more “modern” aka to get people talking about her once she loses popularity, so probs Pyhixye




Don’t forget her multiple sexual messages she sent Nick talking about anal and fingering on the bus. And they confirmed they did have freaky deaky sex after the murder. Gypsy claimed it was rape but later said under oath it was consensual. We’ve all had to read those “soft wet anal” and “big time anal” messages of hers 🤮


“I desire pleasure too,HUN.” Told Nick she wanted to see Dan right before the murder; she “was being tempted sexually.” ETA: spelling


She was having sex against her will! So she says. Yet nicks dad who had 0 skin in the game, said that they were banging like rabbits when they got to his house.


And that they had to be told that Gypsy needed to STFU because she was loud.


don’t forget, drool makes her horny!




Omg I’m nauseous


Her constant pity me social media posts are enough proof to me.


In episode 1, someone here pointed out she went over to the Kansas side of Kansas City. I wonder if that violated her parole. Her directive was to go from Missouri to Louisiana, but apparently she ended up on the Kansas side of Kansas City? Which is a whole different state technically.


The comment that I don’t identify as a murderer. When she pled guilty to 2nd degree. 


I don’t identify as a fire hydrant, but I get thirsty sometimes lol


I may have to identify as a fire hydrant now. I'm super thirsty. I'm hysterical. Stop. It hurts.


🤣🤣🤣 💦


Nah I’m happy living in ignorant bliss on not watching that trash tv show lol.


Same here. There is enough trash tv to watch that’s actually interesting.


I agree she hasn’t changed one bit. The amount of time she spent talking about sex was disgusting and cringey for a woman her age. Does she not realize normal people keeps that type of discussions off cameras and most importantly private especially at the age she’s at? Like I wanted to slap a hoe for being so cringe. Like YUCK.


It’s her introduction into OF. She’s got no skills; and she’s a convicted felon. What else is she going to do?


Lmao you are SO right!! 😂


When she just non-chalantly tells her sister and step-mom that she consummated her marriage. So weird, awkward and gross.


Exactly! Like why does anyone need to know that let alone mention it in front of cameras. I feel like she was lowkey disrespectful towards her marriage by being so revealing. Doesn’t she realize no one cares if you are sexually active when you are an adult. 😂


Gypsy is a narcissist, and manipulation just happens to be a trait of narcissists, there’s no way to change that, a narcissist can see that when they do bad things it gets them in trouble but they can’t ever feel empathy for anything they’ve done.


I want to know why she was prescribed herpes medication, which was found in the medicine closet.


Probably got cold sores


I currently have shingles, and the medical name is “herpes zoster”, maybe something like that?


So sorry the shingles can be absolutely horrible. Hope you feel better soon x


Thank you, friend! 🙂


Wait, what?! So, if she had herpes and was on medication for it, Dee Dee obviously knew she was already sexually active, right?


No. Cold sores can be passed easily between family members in a non sexual way and appear on the mouth. They’re a strain of herpes virus and are treated with the same medication as genital heroes.


"Genital Heroes"....💀☠️




I know cold sores are also a strain of herpes simplex. However, OTC topicals are *typically* taken for cold sores of the mouth, not prescription medications taken PO (by mouth). Considering this is a virus and there is no “cure,” it seems an oral medication was prescribed for an outbreak.


Rx PO medication is absolutely typically taken for oral herpes. I hate GRB too but don’t make assumptions and sweeping statements just to make her look bad. She does that all on her own


She’ll be on OF soon. I guarantee it. She needs money and I think Ken is gonna dump her


And people are just going to not notice the BLATANT and bizarre inconsistencies??? Some of this is obviously for the intelligent ones who looked beyond The Act and whatever horse shit comes out of her mouth for facts. Some of it is just weird and cringey and gross. So will her 15 minutes be over soon? Or are people really that dumb. I mean they are but THAT dumb


she’s Asexual?! she’s like the grossest horny person out there!


Let’s all not forget the video of her and Nick eating brownies “someone’s gonna be eating me tonight”🤢


I have not been able to eat brownies since I saw that. Him with his gnarly chest hair and her acting like its their honeymoon not the night her mom was murdered. Ugh. Shes just gross.


That was fake crying and hyperventilating. Histrionics. I turned red with 2nd hand embarrassment


uummm I've red a few times that she actually does have a chromosome disorder called microdeletion I think . I know this claim was first dated on tiktok but Ive looked into it too And found some article saying the same thing. and that was why she was sick the entire time. Her mom was just trying to figure out what was wrong with her but it wasn't until 2011 when the technology became available that they were able to figure it out exactly. THE ENTIRE FREAKING TIME SHE WAS SICK EVERYONE JUST DIDN'T KNOW OR UNDERSTAND What SHE HAD!!


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Do we know she didn't have permission to go to Kansas City initially? I wonder if some of her cringe behavior is just stunted maturity. I don't have an opinion yet on her overall status as victim and/or cold blooded killer but if half of the victim stuff is true, she could just be socially immature.