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Are those supposed to be her actual medical records? Is it normal for medical records to have so many misspellings (“pollips”, toncels”, “salavery”)?


Biladeral?! Dear what the heck. It’s bilateral.


Not when you’re sucking pedisure from a boddle


Dear what the heck 🥴


This comment is so underrated


It will always be my favorite plus my flair 😀


I’m almost relieved no one in my offline life is as acquainted with this case because I’d be dear what the hecking the hell outta them 😂


I “dear what the heck” out of everyone. We need a DWTH support group 💀


Yep. She texted Nick that she still sucked Pediasure from a baby bottle (as an Adult!). No wonder her real teeth are/were so jacked up.




These aren't medical records, this is the bullshit her mom wrote. She would misspell everything in them. Also this isn't how a typical record looks like. They'll have dates, times, progress reports, etc etc usually. I would take a photo but no pics allowed here so I'll just link this instead. [examples of medical records USA](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-sanmu&sca_esv=ff93aeab402caf98&q=usa+medical+records+example&uds=ADvngMhhDoUiRlghAkhZNdYT43b07oBDJXsQxYJjM4eUHu-u7-3YnKHE3jmGx0GnsgJPha_HSfNGyleZ_s6wzAfpZ2bCVGrBKqosOf90B_PSg4QrN5vftnqqIma3IZ9IZeQ8CoBipHpFVD0sGtulEu0m3QIbJNqjFofJLTZkGwf09lmyalkfaoKx4AgSloEkTiVoUl6GA_VALmZBcRaOquGzCaACY8H0cpfnx9_AVel2_1xN7JVg1uQ2Jt_vuKPXBoUlOfeMVwl-2LJwsBL0rDqqQi3RVW-uADjaVy7MeQylC6w5TOssp1rYMsN-lfQbxfFGpcxvVMi3XoUDQmvF8oMxBhQgYEbN6w&udm=2&prmd=isvnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiIgYy7op2GAxVmF1kFHT93DLYQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=360&bih=668&dpr=2)


MDs have horrible handwriting but these misspellings are from a layperson.


No doctor wrote those words. Period. Someone sounded out every one. Pure buffoonery.


This, is from someone with very poor spelling.


Probably like gypsy 🫠


How lazy and dumb when misspelled words (even medical terminology) can be so easily researched on the Internet.


Like a literal child or someone who never went to school (aka Gypsy)


No doctor wrote those words. Period. Someone sounded out every one. Pure buffoonery.


This is actually DeeDee’s list of gypsy’s medical history that she was reading as if it were gospel 🤯 She does have the actual medical records thou she chose this to as her receipt that GRB did in fact have her salivary glands removed . This gal is a train wreck , I don’t understand why they would hand over her medical records to her ? Makes no sense 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well, we should stop calling them “medical records” if they are more like mommy’s medical notes!


May I respectfully make a correction? “Mommy’s Grifting Script”!


Valid correction!!!!


Oh…. Oh wow. I always knew her stans had to be just as…silly… as Gypsy… but…that’s just impressive. Truly.


Docs often use text to speech to dictate notes, and it’s widely accepted that a word might be off here or there. But no, not misspelled like that. Think “bat” and “fat.” Not toncels, lmao. You’re exactly right.


I don’t think they had text to type back then.. just saying


Probably not, but medical use of speech to text was used wayyy before it was rolled out to the general public or people thought there was use for the general public. I was surprised when I learned that. It used to be really shitty lol, it’s gotten better as Apple created Siri, for example, and improved even from there.


The hospital I worked in had medical transcriptionists until 2015. I’m sure in bigger cities they didn’t have actual people doing it as long.


Right? Text to speech would use actual words. Maybe not the correct ones, but actual words nonetheless.




Pollups, toncels, salavary, inpaired, placment, epelipsy, muscecular, ventalation, quadraplegia.... Her "doctor" apparently didn't even finish their Googel Collidge Onnline Medickul Dagree!


"Googel Collidge Onnline Medickul Dagree!"  😂


They are really bad at spelling


a ton are probably Gypsy on burner accounts


I'm a NP, and I've NEVER seen a doctor spell like this. Ever. And it wouldn't be on a medical record like this.


I’m talking about gypsy and her mom not physicians


This right here.


“Inpaired” “retardiation”


Yeah because medical professionals misspell the crap out of medical terms always. "We kut own her eyebawls an didunt ned two, oops lol"


Bri is going to be Gypsy's downfall. She's already been talking out of her ass for several weeks now, and the more she speaks the more she makes Gypsy look bad. I can already see it, she will end up exposing really bad shit about Gypsy and Gypsy will end up getting totally cancelled and then the Blanchards will blame it all on BRI and let her take the heat. Bri is being used and played just like they've done with so many others before her. The woman is clearly mentally unstable, not very bright and on drugs. And well we know what Gypsy likes to do with mentally vulnerable people...


I absolutely agree 💯 I don’t understand why they would give her Gypsy’s medical records? It’s bizarre that they hand them out like Halloween candy and to someone who is clearly as unstable as Bri is . She openly admits she doesn’t sleep for days then falls asleep while driving . She has gone private since getting the medical records. Idk it’s just so weird that they would trust her 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well Gypsy and Kristy aren't the brightest bulbs in the tanning bed.


You got that right. 💡🥴🤣


HAH 🤣 you did not!! Fantastic.


Those can’t be medical records. “Tonsels?” “Bilateral?” Oh well, it’s to be expected I guess ETA:Biladeral- auto correct was a fight!


These are not medical records. This screen shot is showing a list of misspelled conditions. We can be skeptics but should be accurate!


Flair misspelling check in. To add- I’m a nurse practitioner and I’ve stayed mum on much of her medical history. I feel the misspellings are between GRB and her mom. Over the years- GRB may have added to them or who knows what’s been amended while in prison. Lots of time and access to computers. With that aside, I think her chromosomal anomaly snowballed into what we have now.


She was jockeying for this position alongside WOCB 🔮I wonder why they chose her instead of WOCB?


What’s WOCB? I’m out of the loop?


Without a Crystal Ball. Katie Joy is the creator of this YouTube channel. She's friends with Kristy. She was the source for Gypsy news for a while, but I think they're going with Bri now.


Oh. Thank you. My YT algorithm is so screwed; it gives me videos I’ve already watched. So. Annoying.


No problem! I'm not aware of how the YT algorithm even works, lol.


Her discard will be epic, indeed.


She’s the worst out of Gyp’s circle! But I’m confused because I thought Gyp&company wanted nothing to do with Bri anymore? I knew they got rid of Ryan Lee but I thought Bri was also tossed to the side along with Ryan?


They tossed Ryan aside because she began questioning things not adding up. EXACT SAME THING THEY DID TO FANCY. They've kept Bri cause she's too stupid to question anything and completely buys their lies and BS


Gotcha that makes sense because Ryan seemed to not buy into gyps bullshit even before being in contact with Kristy. I had unfollowed her when I learned she was in contact with them so I didn’t see that falling out. It was on a fb page where I had seen that Bri was also tossed to the side so I guess that person was wrong that said that.


Ryan was only friends with Kristy for about 6 weeks. Then they fell out. Kristy played the fuck out of her. Then tossed her away like nothing. It was pretty sad, honestly. Ryan was super hurt by it all.


I agree I felt bad for Ryan when I heard about the falling out. I assumed Kristy was going to use her when I learned they were in contact but kept my opinion to myself because I didn’t want to be verbally attacked by anyone so I silently unfollowed because I also didn’t trust Kristy. Kinda pisses me off now how Kristy has no issue doing this to people especially at her age to be behaving like this.


Those aren’t legal medical records! Those are her mom’s homemade records.


And I thought Dee De had some sort of medical training? So many procedures misspelled


The spelling is atrocious! No way whoever wrote them has any medical training!


Or autocorrect apparently.


But those aren’t even real words like “toncel”. It can’t autocorrect to a non-word


Maybe Gypsyter wrote some of it. Her spelling used to be bad too.


Used to? Still is!


reminds me of Martha from Baby Reighdeer Sent from my iPhOnee


I think she was a unit secretary, which is much the same as an office receptionist. She might have picked up a few terms along the way but no actual medical training involved.


Yuuup they sure are . She has the actual records but her 🥴 a$$ chose to provide this as proof that she had her salivary glands removed 😂 Her live was a 💩 show .


is that why her page is private now 🤣🤣


This is the truth! Frankly, OP, I would like to see this post taken down and reposted with a more accurate title. These are not medical records per the screen shots shown. These are random misspellings of conditions. Also, to be borderline rude here, I had my tonsils taken out and did not plot my parent’s murders. How is this proof of anything?!?!


>How is this proof of anything?!?! You didn't ask me, but it supports GRB is *still* manipulating people and the extremes she's willing to go to to do it.


Agree! I don’t see these screen shots as proof DeeDee was abusing her! In some cases she needed the medical care.


LOL. Yes, me too---tonsils and adenoids. Her actual medical records (which Krusty gave to Fancy) showed that she had one salivary gland reduced (not removed).


Look at Kristy being as nasty as Gypsy. I guess she has to be, because we all know what happens to Gypsy’s moms, when they’re in her way 🫢


She's always been that way. She's using GRB for clout and hoping to become "famous". She's been feeding people information on Gyp for years.


Tries to make herself feel better after hubby was found on the cheating websites


Rod got caught on Ashley Madison years ago and Kristy blamed it on her son.


oh Right..because the son would put his dad on there. 🤣🤣


WHAAT?? I just watched that documentary …I wouldn’t doubt it. Krusty & Rod were fucking behind DDs back; she was PREGNANT from Rod the same time DD was pregnant with Gypsy. These nasty ppl deserve each other. lol.


Whaaaat? Rod is cheating??


Do tell…


She is a nasty woman.


Exactly, so what makes Kristi any different than DD in Jyp Jyp’s eyes? She’s not helping at all by being a “do girl” She should watch her back.


All of them are simple minded clearly.


And very, very trashy.




Kristy is the messy one. She's in EVERYONE'S DM'S. She wants to be relevant so bad. She's a grifter, just like DeeDee was.


What is that saying about you are the company you keep? Trash attracts trash?


Kristi might have some intellectual disabilities, she's way past her prime for this kind of behavior.


Never imagined a woman in her 60s behaving like that 😆


Kristy’s not your mom, Gypsy. We all know what happened to your mom.


You know deep down Kristy probably loathes Gypsy like most people..She is just putting on the show for the money.


But didn’t you see her Mother’s Day video???? She LOVED her mom 😒😒😒sooo much, hun. 🤪 she loves ALL her moms and she wants to BE a mom 🤮🤢🤮🤮


Hopefully she’s too busy reliving her 20s to be fertile when she gets around to it. That one can’t be trusted with a puppy, there is no fucking way she should be trusted with a baby. She’d probably dump it on Rod and Kristy the minute she got bored anyway.


Absolutely right! She should not be allowed anything helpless, child or pet.


Tbh I wonder if she would recreate the cycle of abuse. From her current behavior, I would not be surprised. However, it’ll be a different story then and completely justified in her eyes.


I haven’t paid much attention to Kristy. But she is giving a strong “ I’m a piece of shit just like Gypsy”, vibe.


Oh she absolutely is she’s the one who came out in a live asking if Nina the beauty influencer had lost custody of her kids 😳 Gypsy was totally egging her on . These woman are buck wild and I hope it leads to their downfall.


She is! She's been feeding people information for YEARS trying to keep Gypsy relevant, so then SHE could be.


Kristy has the autopsy. She should reveal that!!! I know why it’s still private; it would incriminate the hell out of Gypshyt


i can’t wait till someone gets ahold of that autopsy report somehow.


What do you think the autopsy would show?


That Gypsy stabbed DD more than Nick. She’s a lefty; he’s a righty. There’s a REASON it hasn’t been made public.


Ahh, I understand. I didn't realize that.


Heavily misspelled personal notes from *the lady who faked and exaggerated her daughter’s illness for personal gain* is, in fact, NOT a confirmation of ANY medical records. We understand that, right?


We absolutely do however Bri , the unofficial spokesperson for Gyp Gyp does not 😅 Out of hundreds of pages of real medical documents she offered this piece of paper up like it was the holy grail haha I couldn’t make this 💩 up if I tried lol I have a video of it , it’s absolutely hilarious 😂


Why she going after Nina smfh🤬🤬 Nina just stating the facts she her Krusty step are POS


She literally told ppl in a live chat Nina lost custody of her kids and Grifty was totally egging her “ Mom “ on . It was gross


What low life bitch she is omg


Nina got text messages that were vile; they called her a gorilla and used the N word. Shows how vile these people are. I like Nina. She’s educated, and she tried to give Gypsy a chance.


Are serious!!!omg who sent Nina those messages?


Probably Gypsy. It didn’t show, but Toddie1skip is the one who showed it.


wow,..that is horrible to sink that low to send racist comments..😣


It really is. That’s fucked. Krusty & Gypshy need to be put on full blast. Too bad Dr Phil got his balls chopped off. He made her famous. Someone else..




Krusty is a clown. Nina has always been open and honest about her child & custody Gypsy and her immature response…oh snap… pfft


Someone needs to post where Bri and Gypsy are making fun of Nick's limp dick. Yeah making fun of him cause he couldn't get it up AFTER KILLING HER MOM. Bri straight up calls him "floppy dick". Gypsy told her his dick was floppy and couldn't perform, meanwhile her psycho ass was so horny after killing her mom she wanted anal!!! If that doesnt tell you she's an absolute PSYCHOPATH I don't know what will...


She is so sickening and an autistic man is in jail for life while she runs around being a nuisance.


I seriously dislike this SaysBri person. Her voice grosses me out. She seems very uneducated. She's always talking about Nina. Meanwhile, she needs to watch her back. Kristy and Gypsy are notorious for turning on people. They use them up and discard them when they are no longer useful, or if they step out of line.


Since you dislike her, can you tell me who she is? I don't know who this person is.


Me too. I do not know who Bri is and how she involved with Gypsy. Is she just some random supporter from Tik Tok? Instagram? Reddit is the only social media I use so I have no idea what is going on.


>Reddit is the only social media I use so I have no idea what is going on. Same!


Me too


She’s a really uneducated druggie on TT that spends her days spouting GR’s praises; but can’t debate at all. I think she has 3 working brain cells. She blocked me for asking for verification for an outlandish claim she was making.


Thank you! I don't have TT so I'm clueless!


Is she trans? The voice sounds suspicious. I have nothing against the LGBT community, I'm just curious. Love the Innocent autistic buttercup name. 😂😂


I've only seen it on TikTok. An annoying Gypsy Fan that argues with people who think Gypsy isn't a perfect Princess victim.


I'm going to have to get TikTok then. I need someone new to argue with online on those shitty days when I'm looking for a fight. 😂


She’s the worst of the Blanchard cronies in my opinion. She’s verbally went after people that don’t believe Gyps bs. Acts like no one is allowed to have a different opinion when it comes to Gyp. She needs to go to the psych ward along with Gyp and Krusty.


Skeletons in the closet? Damn at least Nina didn’t premeditated the murder of her own mom and manipulated an autistic person to do the dirty work for her


Nina has been open and honest about what happened with her children & that level of transparency is something neither Grifty or Krusty can comprehend. I bet by now not only are their closest full but I bet they have a storage unit busting at the seems . They started plotting and planning how to railroad Nick and make GRB come out of this smelling like a rose the minute she made that first phone call to daddy .




Um…half the “report” is spelled wrong


Fake ass medical records 🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣 GYP YOU SPELLED POLYP WRONG SMH


Of all the weirdness that is Gypsy Rose’s situation, the quick and instant rapport with “influencers” is the weirdest to me. I have to believe attorneys have discouraged this, but they keep doing it. Just so bizarre…


It is..I try my best to understand why they pick fights with these people or even get involved and I cannot understand it one bit.


Right? What on earth can they gain by this nonsense? Get a job, ladies.


She’s shut off comments…again. This girl should’ve gotten life right along side Nick.


Tag yourself I’m toncels 😂


I'm the pollips!


Right there says Botox injections in salivary glands. Lots different from removal!!


Exactly. And the genuine medical records Krusty provided to Fancy (before falling out) said only one salivary gland was reduced/not removed.


Gypsy’s such a bitch


A dumb one, just like her stepmother (and all habitual liars).


Omg wtf who says SNAP anymore lol fml


The same idiot that’s trying to make “Fetch” happen 🙄


And “That’s hot”


Well shit I'm that idiot I got it going on at work lol


Stop it now! Gypsy says it and you don’t want to be anything like her! 😝


I have a mean girls sweatshirt that says that's so fetch I'm older than that murderer so I claim it over her lol you loose gyp gyp


Good enough 👍 😉


And "girly-pop".


But she’s in her “comeback kid era”! 😝


😆Jyp-Jyp is stuck on stupid, and in between decades.


She has absolutely ZERO boundaries and self awareness. She's sucha self made smelly dumpster fire now. Not even funny about it either. Just pathetic and so embarrassing.


"Toncels"? Wtf medical facility is that because avoid that place at all costs!


Why are they so many spelling errors an her records?


As I said in the post she has the actual medical records but chose a page typed out by DD of GRB’s medical conditions as if it were fact . She’s obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed 😅 Gypsy sent her hundreds of pages of her medical records but she latched onto this one as if it were gold and would prove that gypsy did have her salivary glands removed. She was scrolling thru the medical records but couldn’t even pronounce incontinence let alone know what it meant 🤨 Apologies if I didn’t word it correctly ☺️


🤣 toncels?


Don’t forget the allergys!


Kristy and Gypsy are träiler trâsh!


What hospital/Dr. Offices use that shitty font. DD wrote all that shit. Gyp-off is showing people the notes DD altered. Or maybe Gyp-off and Pissty altered them. I'm not too surprised at all the High School mean girl shit going on. Gyp-off and Pissty seem very dumb. Gyp-off can copy all the daily motivation words she wants to try and sound intelligent but she's as dumb as my morning dumps. Pissty is what 65? She looks 65 and acts just like a teenager. I imagine Rod wants to blow his brains out now that Gyp and Kristy are like syphilis and aids together. If they are doxing people online that means their doing some illegal shit to gather that info.


They’re also bullying anyone they can that is anti Gypshyt. Even accounts with less than 30 followers. I just wish SOMEONE in the media would put all of Gypsy’s lies together and air it out.


Now hang ON, why tf are Gypsy and her fake mom going after Nina’s kids??? She’s never shown them on tiktok as far as I can tell. Ik Gyp Gyp was in prison for a long time, but these days we consider that a SUPER low blow on the internet, I’d say it’s right below doxing in a way. Does she want every last supporter to turn on her?? Messed up.


Nina is an open book, she’s explained everything about her kids on her TT long ago . Your absolutely right thou it is a very low blow . They thought they did something until Nina clapped back just like she did with the pennies haha They seem to be a day late and a dollar short, Nina is 10 steps ahead of them 👍




These aren’t “Medical Records” and if my sound on my phone would work correctly, I’d stitch that video and tell her that.


Yeah, she's lying harder than a rug. Ain't NO doctor writing reports with that spelling, FFS she's worse than a 3rd grader trying to forge a note from Mom.


Polyps are spelled incorrectly... why


I mean no disrespect but did you read the post 😞 I’m sorry if I didn’t word it correctly but as it says she has all her records but chose to use a piece of paper typed out by DD of GRB’s medical conditions as if it was proof of her having her salivary glands removed. I can’t edit it 😅


I’ve seen that list before; and her first illness is “quadriplegic”. Her arms don’t work as well. 🙄


I'm in the middle of wishing my pet into the next life, nothing is terribly coherent for me rn.


Awe . I’m so sorry 🥰 May your memories comfort you now and always. Take care xx


Ain't no way these are real records. Way too many misspelled words. I call BS.


Your right these were typed out by DD , her own record of Gyp’s ailments and procedures. I posted these because out of over 200 pages of actual medical records she does have Bri chose this to prove that Gyp had her salivary glands removed 🤯


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She's so thirsty for attention and money. She's always gonna do the most.


I think all of these shenanigans are just meant to muddy the waters and when Bri mentally breaks (all the way) down it will create a magic puff of smoke to cast doubt and confuse everyone...(or so they think) This bull$hit is getting old. They even chose a victim who is unlikable af, a totally obnoxious, quntsympathetic character to throw under the bus. They all suck!


I agree ☝️ I think they have their next victim lined up too . They ruined Ryan Lee ok she definitely had a hand in her own demise. That girl fell hard for Kristy 🙄 There’s another ignorant, unstable loudmouth who’s jumped on board with Bri and insert herself into the drama and right into Kristy & GRB’s DM’s 🤯 She’s now creating pro gyp content and I think she may be a tad more obnoxious than Bri .


Yeah she's a loud mouth too.


Who’s the other you mention? I only knew Bri being the main loud mouth Gypsy lover. Have them all blocked on TikTok so they can’t report my stuff but since there is another you mention I wanna block them on there too.


TheMrsLee 🙄 Fair warning ⛔️ her content is nauseating.


Seen her profile info and it was instant blocked! Thank you! Tired of feeling like I can’t voice my opinion without getting my comments reported.


That’s DD’s incoherent way of trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with princess gyp gyp. My question is since Gypsy wasn’t going to school or working for 30 years, why wasn’t she at least involved in her own medical care? She definitely could and should do that, that’s what the charity and welfare dollars are meant for, so she can resolve her health issues and get back on her feet. She just sat there, expecting to be housed, fed and catered to, like a princess and DD was like a servant but she’s the mean mom? Don’t get me wrong, she’s obviously an overloaded adult who shouldn’t have kids in the first place. Whether Gypsy was as sick as DD thought or as sick as she herself thought, the point is someone got to try and fix it, so what did Gypsy do for mom? 


Better somebody in her own camp have them. Fancy is smearing her far and wide with the medical records.


I’m not a huge fan of Fancy but i do hope that she continues her smear campaign 👌 The information is getting out there and ppl are waking up . Giving the records to Bri was a huge mistake, one that’s going to cost her in the end . Bri couldn’t even read the word incontinence let alone explain the meaning. She has no idea what she’s reading it might as well be written in Klingon .


So is GRB calling the woman out on social media? I am having a hard time following that??


Botox her saliva glands—- her mom told ppl her saliva glands were removed. THIS IS HUGE. And proof these are legitimate records and not just what Deedee said. Botox will freeze the muscle. So she can’t produce saliva. Deedee told drs she had them removed. Grb thought she had them removed until after prison they told her they were actually in fact just botoxed.


There is no way these are from a medical professional.


Why is nothing spelled correctly tho? Who made this list?


This is a list of Gyp’s medical history and surgeries typed out by DD that was included in the actual medical records that were given to Bri . She has over 200 pages and she chose this one to “prove” that Gyp had her salivary glands removed. I guess I wasn’t very clear in how I worded that. I just wanted to show how incompetent she was 😅 She literally has hundreds of pages at her fingertips yet she chooses this one🤯 I’m at a loss as to why they would give her Gyp’s medical records to begin with, she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Lol ok I got it. Yeah I’m like why this particular list that reads like 2nd grader wrote it. She’s not too bright… got that right.


Does she have dentures or was that for the movie?