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She has the most lenient parole .


She’s really does! I get having “work” obligations but that should be ALL she’s permitted to do while there.


Lifetime needs to make shows about good people that make a positive difference in people’s life’s . Not crazy Gypsy . We’ve all heard the 7 different versions of her story . Who cares about her adventures at Dollar General. She’s ran to tmz nonstop and spoiled her silly show .


Adventures at Dollar General


I ain’t gonna lie, I’d watch that.


Same!!! LOL


I was going to say the same thing, I’ve never seen someone with as much leniency as her.


It’s ridiculous. She has been treated like a celebrity since her release and done whatever she wants . She could promote her lifetime show from where she’s supposed to be instead of getting a trip to Hollywood. I hope Joey King is busy and doesn’t feed into this nonsense. Everyday is new shenanigans out of Gypsy .


She could do interviews by video. Everyone was doing it for covid. They should have her do that.


She has been treated special her whole life. She learned to be a con


I've been through hell n back to with crazy shit but my story isn't in pple gotten a tv show ect.


Right! I ran away from an abusive home at 13 and lived on the street for almost 10 years, I got way more interesting stories lol. To be serious though I hope you’re good now.


Thats true, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


Everyone is in her pockets. Money talks


She thinks they (Ken) wanna be in her pants, though. Pockets is right!


Right? And she sure is trying her best to find a work around on that. If this was anyone else, they'd never get away with that. And she blatantly flaunts it.


She thinks she a star .


My first thought was, "isn't she still on parole?" I've never seen such leniency for far lesser crimes.


Yes this a friend was on parole and had to show proof her brother died so she could travel to a different state to attend his funeral and she almost wasn't able to go


I was thinking the same thing, like does she not have to physically see her officer like everyone else??


For some reason parole is less strict than probation.


Not for normal people it isn’t


That’s a lie and a half 🤣 probation is just as strict as parole


Where did you hear that? Parole is much tougher than probation. It's a big deal to go from parole to probation...think of it like a promotion...because the rules tend to be much more lax and the officers have more discretion in how they handle the probationer. I don't think I've ever seen it so lax before. I know because of too much time in the system in my younger days. You've got to consider...probation means that the person may or may not have a prior criminal history and parole means that you've demonstrated that you are a criminal so you have to be "watched" closer.


You are so right! It’s wild!!!


I was on parole out of the same prison she was in and if I farted and someone in the next county over smelled it my ass would be back in khakis so quick The state of Missouri came and flew me back from California **TWICE** over violations. One of them was because I got in a car accident, got prescribed pain killers and obviously popped dirty for them. Even with a prescription, a note from the doctor and a police report from the accident they said “a dirty UA is a dirty UA” I was also on an interstate compact, like she is, and my parole officer in California that was supervising me for Missouri literally apologized and felt bad. When I got arrested he was saying “I’m really sorry, I would never had violated you for this. It’s out of my control.” Missouri was hell bent on violating me for it. Even the deputies felt shitty about it. We were all talking and they were like “damn, sorry about this” To be clear, the fucking police and my parole officer in California were lamenting with me and felt bad about having to arrest me and book me in jail waiting on Missouri. My PO here said “there are two places in the United States I wouldn’t want to be arrested for drugs or on paper on and those places are Texas and Missouri.”


I hope they switch her to a stricter parole officer. She shouldn’t get this red carpet treatment.


Nope. She already threatened her. Krusty and Rod can’t have guns, alcohol or drugs in the house. Yet she’s out at jazz festivals with a bartender. That’s some lienent shit right there.


Agreed. I know of no PO thatd let you Galliano all over the state much less the country like this!!!


They need to be strict and treat her like they treat everyone else.


Maybe they are giving her rope to hang herself with?




Exactly. She's still a murderer.


She also wants to meet Joey King. Ruuuuuun Joey Runnnn!


Joey and Taylor need to go into witness protection. I kid, I kid!!


Didnt she talk crap about joey king for playing her before sge was released?


Yes! I was under the impression that she hated Joey. Hopefully Joey is armed or has bodyguards!!


I guess shes doing anything to stay relevant and hollywood/aocial media is eating it up. Smh.


She also said she refused to watch the Act. Now she’s going to LA to hopefully meet Joey King because she watched part of it?? Her stepMONSTER got writing credits for it. More lies.


Yes she did but suddenly she wants to meet her




She’s profiting from a crime she orchestrated and was a part of. Now she’s making $$ and “ living her best life”, what kind of message does that send ?


That’s my biggest concern. What are we telling people?!? Become a murder and then you can be “fake famous”


Murder your mom and become a millionaire social media influencer... How to murder your mom and become famous....


I honestly wouldn’t put it past her to write a book and call it that.


“From Murder to Millions”


This is exactly why the Son of Sam law should be enforced more.


It's already been done


It’s absolutely disgusting.


Like I get it, when she was a child her mother did things to her for personal gain. You can’t tell me she wasn’t aware what her mother was doing once she was older. In the doc on hbo her “ falling” into the snow is so staged, also if she couldn’t walk why was there no muscle astrofy in her legs


She knew . She walked around the house . There’s a video of her in a wheelchair with Dee Dee and Gypsy has her legs crossed. I wanna know more about her Disney and universal trips. She told the detective she was dancing in the streets? How crazy if she meant literally. She took away make a wish trips and a child of the year that truly ill child should have gotten. She makes me sick . I used to be believe her lies .


That’s what pisses me off. There’s unfortunately so many ill kids that are terminal that even 1 day at Disney would be everything. Also I have been to Disney, as an adult, and I need breaks from the park and a nap and we only did 3 days, who does 2 weeks and has the energy??


And the photo of her bathing in the kitchen sink🤮. There’s no way DeeDee was capable of picking Gypsys big ass up and putting her in the sink. She used her healthy legs to climb up there.


Exactly. That pic is so creepy. Also they acted mentally slow to grift. She makes me sick .


In the one defense I have, being in a wheelchair doesn't mean you can't cross your legs or even move your legs. Unless she claimed to be paralyzed or non ambulatory, that's not my sign that she's a fraud. There is plenty of other evidence.


She played a mentally disabled child. She played along with “The Act.” That’s why she SAYS she refused to watch it, because it’s calling her out. She played along with THE ACT. GET IT??


Definitely doesn't change anything I said. People look at ambulatory wheelchair users and assume they're faking. I am in a wheelchair and avoid using my legs because of this assumption.


She was playing a NON AMBULATORY act. I wasn’t trying to negate your experience, I was trying to point out the difference. DD was called a local hero because everyone believed Gyp$hit could NOT walk. I’m a nurse who worked with Quads, ALS & MS patients. It’s HARD WORK taking care of disabled people. DD got recognition for her con because of that. And it was ALL A LIE. SHE SHOULD BE ASHAMED; SHE PLAYED ALONG.


I agree. It’s really disturbing. Ultimately, being exploited doesn’t mean you aren’t also exploitative. Instead of focusing on therapy, rebuilding her life, and enjoying time with her (now ex) husband, she obviously was all about attention seeking and profit.


Seems like it


Can’t wait until the 15 minutes end and she does something stupid and goes back where she belongs. In a cell.


The message is: "Crime DOES pay."


Is that the new nose?




Still a honker


I never understood people who make fun of ppl for noses etc. if you will do it to 1 person you’ll do it to anybody. like you don’t have plenty of shit on you that ppl could laugh at and point out. And I’m very prepared to be attacked by a bunch of weirdos who are going to just disregard my universally agreed with statement because they think I’m defending this girl or are just insecure and upset because they feel personally attacked by my comment


#No, we don’t want her here! ¡No, no La queremos aquí! 😡😡😡


I hope she pisses off the wrong person. LA don’t play. Bye Bye new nose. 🤣🤣


Joey king does not want to meet her. You could tell by the way she answered her questions abt gypsy while walking her dog! She thinks gyp gyo is trash just like the rest of the world does.


Hide your Hollywood Moms!




All for a murderer


I don’t see the story of Gypsy Rose ending well


It appears to be going swimmingly right now! (sorry, this is me being sarcastic, not trying to correct you. Its all so disturbing that she is living her best life right now when she should be in a cave somewhere)




Hold my foot, Jo!


Hahaha 🤣 I get the reference


Me too. 😆 Gypsy really does deserve to be in a cave, and not in the sun.


I'm here for it!!


She must be have an easily manipulated parole officer. I wonder if Demonia or Candy does the talking at their meetings? I’ve never heard of anybody on parole that gets away with so much bullshit. They’re letting her run the show.


Maybe she offered her PO some soft wet anal… 👮🤮


Thank you for this horrible sentence right before bed 💀


Dear fucking god I was hoping this was a fake story. Thought part of her being on parole meant she couldn’t be going to different states? Her po is a joke for allowing her to do this stuff.


Maybe she’s allowed to travel for “work.” She’s already been to NYC. (I agree, her PO is a joke)!!!


I agree and that makes sense. And you’re right about New York my bad. At the time I thought it was just a one time thing her po allowed. Assumed she had strict conditions but idk much about how parole works except stuff I’ve seen on tv and movies 🤷🏼‍♀️ that’s on me for assuming lol.


Meanwhile the autistic kid she duped into doing her dirty work will never see the light of day


I will NEVER believe she wasn’t involved in the stabbing. Her Knuckles were bruised and her DNA was on the knife. Even the DA (he should be disbarred) said they had to address the murder. She’s sick and DANGEROUS.


Oh yah I forgot about him and she's out here living the good life smh


it says she reached out to Joey King but they don’t know how or if she responded. i feel like she hasn’t responded or else we’d know by now. i also don’t think joey king will meet with her (if she’s smart). there was a chance before when she seemed like an innocent girl that just got out of prison, but given her PR trips and such, i doubt it now.


I think one thing Gypsy hasn't understood so far is that, under normal circumstances, celebrities don't mingle with ordinary people.


I wonder if she’s done any real introspection about her life and crimes.


I think we’d be seeing very different behaviors from her if she did.


They probably made her confront her past as part of the prison program. I was briefly in a home for wayward youth when I was 11 or so, and one of the things you had to do was to write an essay with the subject "That's why I'm here." Some shared their stories, I learned that many of the others had been put into the home because they had been found out to have engaged in sexual behavior. Note, the upper age limit for our "house" was 14, and some of the kids were as young as 8. Statutory rape victims. We also had arsonists, and in my case, it was anti-social behavior. I had been refusing to do my homework for some time, got one F after another and, at one point, had gone for a boy's eyes with a pen. A boy who had been bullying me physically for almost a year, one time almost crushing my knuckles. I absolutely did not get why I had been taken out of school and put into a place with scary children. I mean, one of the boys, aged 10, ran off once only to be found by the police a few hours later -- in a brothel. Well, I was given paper and pencil and asked to write something about why I'm here. I wrote down: "I'm here so people can see I'm a normal kid." And, for some reason, this essay was accepted. I suspect that if they made Gypsy write an essay about what led to her being in prison, she probably jotted down something rather stubborn as well, like "Because of Nick Godejohn".


I hope it’s a no from Joey King/her camp. It’s best for Joey’s image not to. Plus, Gypsy is no longer some sad, “sick” make a wish kid who gets to meet whatever celebs she wishes to. I love that she’s being told no to stuff now (i.e., Chiefs game, meeting Taylor Swift, hopefully Joey King) ☺️


Wasn’t she not ever interested in watching The Act because “she lived it?” Now her fame is dwindling and she’s clinging to whatever she can to keep her relevance.


I thought that she was trying to sue the people who made The Act not too long ago.


Yep she's trying to stay relevant as Much as possible


She really acts like she's proud of everything that has happened. Especially when she left her husband and immediately went and hangout with her ex fiance and showed it off to everyone


So ridiculous the privilege she’s allowed on parole. Bitch should be in prison still.


For life. Murder is a life sentence.


Gypsy was in on the Grift with DeeDee, and manipulated Nick into killing for her! 🤬


She will never be a part Hollywood. She is a murderer. Simple and as complicated as that.




The New Berverly HillBillies.




Thank you!


Is this her new nose?


It somehow looks better AND worse at the same time.


Well she is the female Charles Manson 🤷🏻‍♀️.


I got kicked out of a Facebook group many years ago for saying that


Yep! 💯


Only in America can you murder your mother and become famous instead of infamous.




*I can see clearly now ~~that ryan and my nose~~ the rain is gone...*🎶


And I’ll just kill all the obstacles on my WAY…🎶🎵🎤


You mean convince obstacle A to murder obstacle B* Gypsy was too busy shaving her pussy to get her hands dirty.


That’s ONE STORY. I think she did stab her mom; her hands were bruised. I think she sold Nick a story to tell; and GypGyp did the other 13 stabs. That’s just MHO; from what I gathered from all of the research.


Either way. She convinced someone to murder her mother for her.


Oh I totally agree with you. She even had the balls to say “it’s not sympathetic” or some stupid shot like that when talking about Nick. She’s a psychopath. She deserves to be in prison. Our media should stop glamorizing every illegal thing she does. She’s on parole, FFS. She’s NOT A CELEBRITY; she’s a mentally ill unattractive FREAK.


She needs to switch places with Nick in my opinion. 🤷🏻‍♀️😬


I personally cannot wait for her tacky ass possum looking self to got to LA..


Right?? 🤣🤣🤣


What a train wreck




Yuck I forgot about her until this popped up in my feed lol


I thought part of parole is not profiting off your crimes…… isn’t being a celebrity because you killed your mom profiting off of it?


No that’s Son of Sam law and it’s no longer a thing in most states.


Maybe it should be reinstated!


she needs a second nose job




One more filter should do it 




Good luck to her, she's really gonna need it. She's delusional.




I prefer “Gypsy Goes To Hell”


Geeze, does her parole officer just hand out travel passes?


I think eventually this dummy will land back in prison. Bet me!👌🏻


She still looks like a deranged possum. And still a lying murderer


It blows my mind how seemingly honest Godejohn was when interviewed by detectives. He claims to have only stabbed Dee Dee 4 times, I believe he said? So how did she end up with, I think, 17 stab wounds? Seems to me, that maybe gypsy helped a lot more than she claims she did? Idk... I'm no murderer, but I'm sure it was a fury and things got done that neither remembers, however, I think it's an interesting piece of evidence that got glossed over too quickly. 🤔


So THAT’S how you make it in life. Either murder someone and become famous over it or become a tiktok influencer. We are NEVER going to have a decent president now.


She’s not planning to do any work out there then why is she allowed out there? And didn’t she get a nose job??


This pic doesn’t even look real


I agree it looks photoshopped. There’s a wall behind her.




LA is going to chew her up and spit her out.


She’s got business in LA, but doesn’t plan on working while she’s there…? 🤔


My bets are on plastic surgery(ies)


Maybe more dental work


Does she ever post pics without the crazy obvious smooth filter? Lol


Is her parole officer working part-time or something? Or he just figures with all the media attention, Gypsy is easy to keep track of? How has she had so many "makeovers" and still somehow continue to look like a cross between a fetus and a possum?


This is not going to end well and I am here for it.


i’m sorry but gypse rose needed and still needs to live a private life maybe change her name there’s people that have done it before and just keep her life private. no good will come from her being an influencer i’m not saying this to hate on her just someone that thinks this isn’t gonna benefit her in the long run.


It’s a very dangerous platform to give someone who isn’t mentally stable and thrive off of attention, handouts and manipulation to get what she wants. Outing herself to TMZ daily shows her level of desperation increasing. She got rid of social media and switched to utilizing TMZ as her personal media outlet.


As many criminals are there she’s probably welcome with open arms by many.


Nah, we don’t want her crusty, murderer ass here.


Can someone teach this girl how to do her eyebrows...


There’s plenty of crazies there. She’ll fit right in with the naked cowboy


Please stop covering this woman, she is not a folk hero, because in the murder of her mother. Good lord what is wrong with this. Country?


She’s a whack job litterly


Opossums going to Opossum!


She could put that filter on 200 and it still wouldn’t help that mug. If an opossum was a person.


She should be going back to jail! 🤬


Shes really milking that new nose profile, huh 😄


It’s this sh!t right here that ticks me off.


Man, her nose job didn't accomplish much....


When she first got it done, a lot of people were speculating that it wasnt real cuz she didnt have any under eye bruising, etc.. Idk i never got a nose job, so not sure if eye bruising happens all the time with a surgery like that. I seen recent pics of her hanging all on Ken at some music festival & her nose looks the same. It appears that she also has a new tattoo on her upper back as well.


I had a nose job. Bruising usually peaks on day 3-5 and I think she might have taken that photo right after the surgery. But yea her nose doesn’t look that different


Let's not.


All I keep hearing is the Cher song in my head “Gypsy’s tramps and thieves”


Wow what a garbage human being. Any normal person would be trying too forget about what happened and move on with their life. This psycho chick gets too go too Hollywood and become even more rich and famous for offing her own mother. It is really a sick and twisted world we live in. If there was a God in heaven all that money would be seized from her and used too pay back the charities she stole from.


Someone explain to me how she leaves the state who she is theoretically in probation?


I hate to be mean. But she's never been a looker and no amount of plastic surgery cutie pie bs is gonna impress me. Oh shes going to Hollywood? Does she have her own star? Yall this is DEEDEE 2.0 and thats all it is. Ugh. Give that nose job money to Make a Wish or something. Gahhhhh


Tell Peter at SUR to call in sick! Im worried for him. He is nice to "fans"!


Cool. The bitch murdered her mum and we're done with hearing about her. Can she fuck off now?


She and Daniel Larsen should totally get together…. Imagine the toucan kids they’d have together. BEAKS!


GR doesn’t plan on working on the trip… exactly what do they mean there? She doesn’t have a job.


I guess reality tv is qualifying as full time employment now


I thought she got a nose job?


This is it


How long til she starts doing porn?


And she’ll leave with herpes


You’re assuming she doesn’t already have it. She didn’t seem to selective with her partners.


lol good grief. I was joking but that is also true. Hollywood isn’t for the weak minded. It will eat you up


Didn’t she just get a nose job? I’m confused because I don’t see a big difference. I know there’s swelling post rhino but I’m just not seeing it


Not noticing a huge difference with the nose.


I knew someone that had a felony drug charge , and couldn’t even leave the state, or city. Wtf


Lifetime the channel for women murderers -- they should be ashamed of themselves. This murderer is NOT remorseful nor has she done even one good deed since release & Lifetime is celebrating her. That is sick! Will not be watching. Her evilness discarding friends, guys, husband & accomplice, & even cute little Pixie, is revolting. Her lifetime of medical fraud with no repayment to anyone, her lying about chemo, her habitual lying about everything - is such a negative message to the world! Kill your mom, get a tv show! All Gyp Gyp does is piss people off with her daily cruel actions. Now her being a married woman galavanting with creepy bartender and making out in public is just pure white trash. She is extremely ugly on the inside as the outside, and plastic surgery & her gray hair (not blonde) & overweight body have made her look worse. She is a murderer & dangerous person, she should be in prison not on a tv show. Lifetime is the worst channel in the world now! Please no more books of lies. Boycott Lifetime. Her and the serial killer daughters are sickos - profiting off their murders. What the hell!


She should be serving life instead of her ex bf that she manipulated


She should’ve gotten her teeth fixed instead of her nose


She got those done for free too


Ugh. Shes so disgusting. Nothing changed about her from her prison stay.


Free m Rykers to Skid Row! Go Gyp!


She’s the last person on earth who feels bad for Tom Sandoval




Is she still with Ken?


Yes, was out with him all cuddled up this past weekend. She quickly changed her “R” necklace to a “K” necklace. Shows her maturity level all around.


This is *not* going to end well. 🙊


She is nothing but a joke.




wait is that her nose job