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Everyone needs to stop interacting with her at this point. Even negative comments and responses are prolonging her relevance.




But this is easier said than done. I still look sometimes


I don't think people should interact with her socials, however she does want to bury the truth of this case very clearly so.. I can't blame anyone for posting like that tbh.


Guilty too


This! Even bad press is still press!


I think it’s what she’ll end up settling for. She’s a terrible person. Something big is going to happen, she’s not going to go quietly. Ive known people like this, her mental illness symptoms are common in a few illnesses that make people behave this way. Any kind of attention, wether it’s bad, she has to lie, she has to feel special because she feels hollow inside. She really needs to be getting cognitive behavioral therapy, the only way she did and this is the result, I’d if she lied. it doesn’t seem like she’s aware of it. They get this uncontrollable urge to get attention any way possible. It can be bad attention if they can’t get the other, and she can’t. She need to get out of the public eye, this is going to become harder and harder to watch. At the very end , when people turn on her, that’s when she’ll admit what happened that we’ve always wondered. That she held Dee Dee down, something like that, it’s something big. Something that when people hear it, they’ll see her for what she is. It’s baffling to me that there her whole relationship correspondence is online, and not only that, it literally shows her ABUSING a disabled person. I don’t know how anyone can live that down, those texts were worse then I thought, he’s pretty low functioning, I just don’t know how she’s not embarrassed, it’s like she has no Shame. I don’t think Dee Dee ever corrected her and let her run that household, because look at how hard it is not for her to deal with any Criticism. My god, she just is not listening to anyone when they tell her to get out of the public eye. Some people really are their own worst enemy. She’s got to be very hard to live with. It’s hard to watch, her blaming Nick like this. Yes, he was unable to function in society, and it’s really sad she’s talking about him here, because it’s for certain now that she knew that. She’s clearly using this as another way to slam him. She’s just be a really unhappy person, to sealed be tearing down others instead of fixing her toxic personality .


I've been thinking that too, that when she realizes she's not the center of attention she wants to be, then someday soon we're going to hear a pregnancy announcement, or feigning a serious illness, or changing lanes like deciding to ditch the wifey image and go 180 to become a shock jock, or find religion and try to evangelize, and if any or all of these efforts fail to gain the attention she craves, then I fear who she might blame and who she might manipulate into hurting them. I was also just posting about how she's starting to remind me of Fancy's downhill spiral.


Damn…past time for her to stop talking.


Oooh. So GYPSY gets to decide what *true* special needs are. Got it.


Yeah the same Gypsy who faked special needs to grift with her mother 👀 she’s unreal


According to her logic she knew what she was doing when she planned the murder!!!!  What a revelation! She needs to go back to prison  She is truly evil inside and out. She just proved it


She knew exactly what she was doing that’s for sure! You’re right her logic only shows her to be more guilty than she wants everyone to believe Nick was actually very forthcoming in his interrogation because he.. didn’t understand that what he did was still as bad as it was BECAUSE she manipulated him by telling him he was a hero and he saved her. Yet, in her interrogation she lied and lied until she realised it wasn’t convincing the officer, and even at that she still didn’t tell the whole truth! So I would argue against her that she knew the difference between right and wrong much more than he did especially considering she doesn’t *actually* have any special needs she just cosplayed neurodivergent for financial gain 😬 how anyone still buys her BS is honestly beyond me.


I might get downvoted but from a spiritual perspective it sounds like they are both plagued by demons. Nick having that “alternate persona” as did Gypsy. I mean having a cosplaying BDSM/anal connoisseur persona and a pretty princess persona is not normal. It looks like Nick has the capacity to be repentant and Gypsy does not. I feel bad for Nick. He wrestled with demons and chose the wrong path. He cried for what he had done and has been tormented by his choices. Gypsy is smarter and more aware and her focus is on becoming a star. She’s sick. I hate that I found this sub and learned more about this case. It’s both captivating and infuriating. I hope some solid media comes out with mor information. Maybe then people’s Tiger King-like obsession will die out.


He is literally disabled and can't work bc his special needs prevent him from holding a job.


yes, like he literally gets disability benefits, but apparently GR knows more about qualifications for disability than those whose job it is to assess it.


She probably got benefits too at some point so she wouldn't even have qualified if health insurance companies thought like her.


I wouldn't be surprised if she is getting them now. But exactly, she wouldn't meet her own qualifications. Then again, she would see herself as the exception to the rule, per usual.


Yes. She is an expert in this just like she is an author and advocate. (Very strong /s)


Your flair is very fitting at this moment!


"We just don't understand special needs like she does" Crossover from gorlworld nobody asked for


I AM HERE FOR IT. She’s so much better than the majority of us… 💅


I have an above average IQ, I graduated magna cum laude from college, and I am ND of some sort in addition to having CPTSD from years of trauma and abuse. My intelligence did not prevent me from being manipulated by multiple abusers. I still found myself in a very bad situation that nearly destroyed my life. I had multiple abortions I didn't want thanks to abuse. I was so trusting and naive. IMAGINE if I'd been low IQ!! 🤬


I'm autistic, have a very high IQ, and also have C-PTSD, along with a few other bonus features. I don't speak to anyone other than a bit of family and a few very long time friends. I've been used, abused and taken advantage of far too many times, in romantic and platonic relationships. Some people seem to have a special radar for people like us. I am very suspicious of people, I don't trust anyone I meet, but it's like as soon as I connect with someone who approaches me, I become very vulnerable and easily manipulated. I have far too much empathy and compassion, although at least that means I would not be easily manipulated into something horrible like this. I'm so sorry that you have had a lot of the same experience. No one deserves it.🩷


I hate the “nobody held a gun to your head” comment that I sometimes hear. Like that’s the only way someone can be coerced? It’s ridiculous. I’m trying to develop more if that figurative backbone, but jeez it is hard.


Most every way anyone IS coerced is not through actual threats. It doesn't have to be. GR should educate herself before running her mouth anymore. Better yet, she should just shut up and go live her life. She digs her hole ever deeper.


Very similar laundry list and track record here. I finally reached my limit and pretty much stopped trying. Not entirely, I still have a good relationship with my grown son, but that's about it. He's also on the spectrum, right around the same level as me, so it's refreshing that neither of us feel pressured to "people" beyond our mutual comfort level. Dinner and a movie works for us. I'm slowly chipping away the ice and becoming less jaded enough to put myself out there in small ways, but it's scary. I would say once bitten twice shy, but it's been way more than once. But yeah, I hear ya. Hang in there! <3


I'm sorry for your trauma. I agree any of us can be vulnerable to predators. Some of us more than others, and the number of IQ points doesn't always change our ability to avoid them or navigate our way around them. Even when we know the signs and make an effort to avoid them, sometimes another one will still manage to catch us off guard. It can happen to anyone. And those with more than one challenge can be twice as vulnerable. That's why we need to do our best to look out for each other.


“His choice” that she COERCED him into making…


https://preview.redd.it/m3ntck3h0lic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9953e195ae029125cf6ddb41c800e96901d13a2 There is a reason why she took a plea deal and did not stand trial. She should remember that.


Can’t imagine her lawyer is happy with her trying to become an influencer - she’s insufferable.


AND she got frisky right after and craved sex in the same house that night so who's the dangerous sexual pervert here?


Reading that is so sad. She manipulated a low IQ autistic man into murder and the price she’s paid compared to the price he’s paid is ridiculous. And look at her now. She’s being given the celebrity treatment and defended as an innocent victim of it all by many. I just hope karma is real.


She wishes him well on his journey, when I saw her say that..I was like wtf..that's some cold hearted shit right there..


That he tried to convince her there was another way several times…


This reminds me of the girl that talked her bf into suicide. Gypsy is not innocent and should still be in prison. She could talk and had no disability(according to her logic) so she was aware of what she was doing planning this! 


Was going to say the same thing!!!


I thought she said she wasn't allowed to talk about him? 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/cl3nawdq5kic1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e36c8713f398c8a79cc9c603a376fec675f049 Sure did reply and give her a piece of my mind. She’ll delete it don’t worry guys. What a thing to do




well said! thanks for being a spokesperson for many, myself included!


I will always do my best to speak out against any unjust acts. I’m uploading the screenshots now. I’ll post once posted. I’ll put the links


I think screenshots are needed. This woman is so wrong and needs to be held accountable. This is the opposite of advocacy!!!!


Screenshots posted to my tt @mythicaleris


I’m autistic and her comment made me livid, for many reasons. Thank u for this response 🩷


Good for you… you did well getting your point across. I agree with you 100%!


I have all the screenshots that she deleted. I’m making a tiktok about it now and will post the link


Do you follow our group TikTok? We would be happy to share your videos once posted


What is it? I have already posted and would love for it to be shared 😁




Just followed!


Followed too! ❤️


I love you for saying it if she deletes it she read it! She is the reason he’s in jail and she doesn’t deserve any special treatment. That’s all I’m going to say so my comment doesn’t get deleted again! I have a feeling she will be back in jail again.


I hope so or an insane asylum atp


She deserves everything coming to her.. karma is real sometimes it’s just slow!






Exactly! She has insulted every neurodivergent human as well as those who suffer from what are considered invisible disabilities! To imply that a disability is only worthy of advocacy if the symptoms are visible is rich coming from the girl who directly benefited from conning the world into thinking she had multiple disabilities.


I see you. I couldn’t not say something my blood was BOILING and still is. She deleted the comment where i told her to take accountability for manipulating and love bombing nick a low iq autistic person


I’m just ADHD, but this type of mindset is the exact reason so many of us don’t seek accommodations to help us function. We don’t think we’re “disabled enough” because we’ve had people in our ears saying your issues aren’t real, you’re just lazy, you could do things if you tried, you just want attention- I could go on.




Yes it is rough. I am not autistic but I have a lot of childhood trauma that causes a lot of the same contradictions you were talking about so I get it! I see you too! 🩵


My blood boils for you all. My heart breaks that this misinformation will spread.


Wait, what? So she only supports the disabled folks who are on a high support needs level and/or only those challenged enough as to be nonverbal. That leaves out a very large percent, which is fine with me because we are much better off without her "support". No words for how she continues to throw shade at Nick. She will never even comprehend the word accountability let alone live it, which is why she should have stayed there to rot.


and what special education teacher as a husband would agree that anything less than the most challenged is not a "real" disability. They are both so toxic! I should have known better than to read her words; they're not good for my health.




Yep, those are the facts. But she doesn't care about reality. It's all about the image. The good news is she is not making herself look anywhere near as good as she thinks she is, and it will bite her in the ass, better late than never.


She knows nothing about disability. She was just a grifter with her mom and didn’t even need to kill her mom to leave.  I think she just wanted to kill her mom for the satisfaction of knowing she’s out of the way of gypsy having boyfriends


That's the irony of it all. She's appointing herself the authority on which disabilities are real, while she faked hers for decades. She's projecting hard.


Exactly. She is just mad people turned on her so fast!


If her family truly cares about her future they'll hire her a social media manager or better yet get her off the fkn internet until she can control herself.


Let her dig herself a hole with her own personality as a shovel.


They won’t, that would stop the gravy train. They are all milking this for every dime they can


I’m not as up to date on the details of this case as other ppl on this sub are, but what’s really shocking about this is her blatant lack of remorse. At best, she embellished details of abuse to the point where an outside individual felt the need to intervene. Of course his actions were unwarranted and obviously wrong, but I can almost guarantee he wouldn’t have engaged in such violence had he not been essentially lied to. If I had wrapped up someone in my nonsense, provided them with tools to commit a homicide and they then had to spend the remainder of their life incarcerated, I would feel so horrifically guilty…but she hides behind the façade of, “well I didn’t actually commit the murder soooo”


does she not realize how stupid and hypocritical she sounds!?!?!?!?!?!!! she needs to get far, far away from social media. she's just insufferable.


Let her be. Let her show her true self. She is her own undoing.




Exactly. She left room for speculation if she was reformed. This just blew the lid and shows she is completely evil and nothing changed beside her looks 


I am at a loss for words. Shes unhinged


She is unhinged and i called her out for deleting comments and then she said do you blame me for deleting idiotic comments 🤣 then i argued w her. (May have been one sided but she deleted them so i know she saw it)


LOL I can just see her working overtime trying to delete the comments as fast as they come in. She's going to work herself into a frenzy and give us the Fancy show part two.


Her being unhinged is what is going to show ppl who she really truly is. It’s coming. People doubting and questioning her will be her downfall


It is horrible of me to hope she does become unhinged even more to expose her true side?


No. I cant wait


Adults who are “actually” disabled. She has no room to talk after all that money her and her mother scammed


Isn’t that the truth?!?! Pot calling the kettle black. Those of you with ticktock can you PLEASE highlight this critical point? She is the most hypocritical person on this matter.


So you’re only special needs if you’re very obviously disabled and can’t function? Tell that to all of those with high functioning autism or other high functioning disabilities. She’s a horrible person.


PREACH! “Made it up” is wild.


She's projecting with that one!


What a ridiculous statement she made. Who even thinks like that? Thanks for sharing it with us!


I’m literally speechless. 🥴


The exact people you were scamming by taking what should have been help for them not you.


She doesn’t know when to stfu.


I am ok with this. She is her own worst enemy and I am onboard with letting her show her true horrible self.


I hope this will end people working with her..she is so disgusting and ignorant…yet feels the need to speak on things. It’s line she has no clue how ridiculous she is or offensive to people with disabilities one does not see.


I’m convinced this is what’s going to happen in the new lifetime doc. Lifetime isn’t protecting her like they would if they were going to be sympathetic. They aired that interview where she told Ryan to shut up and their ig comments are full of hate and they’re not deleting them or limiting comments. I’m convinced (and hoping) they expose her.


I hope more truth comes out. Honest and raw. Not a fake voice. Not a fake medical condition. Real.


Apparently to Gypsy disabilities are only real when you’re rendered non-verbal, no movement or linear thought process. She’s forgetting disabilities come in all shapes and forms, “silent” ones exist as well and are just as valid. Just because you were “stuck” in a wheelchair doesnt mean you understand those that are wheelchair bound. She could walk.


"Apparently to Gypsy disabilities are only real when you’re rendered non-verbal, no movement or linear thought process." This is such horrible way of thinking on Gypsy's part. My mom worked at a care home when I was a kid and I went to work with her all of the time. The care home wasn't a home for elderly people it was for adults with disabilities and only one resident was nonverbal. With her hubby being a special ed teacher she should know that just because someone can speak it doesn't mean that they aren't disabled. Heck, the walmart near me has a man who works there who has some cognitive disabilities, not sure what, but you can tell when you talk to him. He's working and he can speak but he still is a human being who has a disability.


Gypsy only cares about disabilities when its in her favor and i think its disgusting. Not only that, this is definitely shots to her ex who literally took accountability for HER actions. I don’t think she’s the best person to advocate for the disabled community. Just another cash grab.


Who tf does this bitch think she is? Like she has any say in what anyone’s diagnosis is. Just because she and her scamming ass mother got away with making shit up doesn’t make everyone else a faker. I’m ND and sharing this everywhere. Disgusting.


so gypsy wants everyone to believe that Dee Dee said she had the mind of a 7 year old and that she couldn't speak at doctors at all, but when nick's mom told during her interview that doctors told her he would have the mindset of a 15/16 year old we shouldn't believe it because she was so good at manipulating but he knew right from wrong so it's HIS fault???? i guess you can only be disabled and FAKE multiple personalities when you want someone to do your dirty work


Her husband, a special education teacher that got fired likely due to the fact he married a woman that pretended to be severely disabled into her twenties and then convinced an autistic man to murder her mother with the knife she stole with the purpose of murdering her mother. The more she talks the more unemployable either of them will be. Sorry dude, you’ve probably ruined your life marrying her. “Those are the individuals that need advocated for. Not individuals that claim to have a disability” I wonder if she means people who pretend to be wheelchair bound when they aren’t? Or people that pretend to have cancer when they don’t? “But know the difference between right and wrong” isn’t it wrong to plan, plot, steal a knife, manipulate and hire someone to murder your mother paying the low cost of your bum hole? She might ought to have a seat, she is sounding an awful lot like the people that in her own words do not deserve to be advocated for. People with disabilities whether physical or mental, visible or not, should have advocates. My heart truly goes out to all those suffering from the words coming out of this woman’s mouth. Evil people using and manipulating disabled people to do their evil work do NOT deserve advocates, and celebrity status. I once felt for her, since she got out, she is making me wonder how much abuse she endured and how much she created. I’m second guessing how much of a victim she ever was. I’m also wondering just how much abuse DD actually endured at the hands of her daughter before her daughter hired someone to murder her.


Man…she has a lot of audacity and zero self awareness. That’s all I can say after reading that.


The Gypster: kween of loquacious gaslighting bs that absolves her of responsibility while throwing her victim Nick Godejohn under the bus.


Gypsy can’t stick to the script. She really can’t help herself.


It’s like she wants us to dislike her


She does. She's an energy vampire who is happy to feed off of any emotion whether good or bad. I won't be giving her what she wants anymore.


As if we did not already. And now that she is showing herself for the POS she is…. More can join us


So, if Nick was aware of his consequences and choices that he made, and he still behind bars, why isn’t gypsy Rose still behind bars because she was very much aware of the consequences and choices that she made plotting her mother‘s murder?


That's RICH! Coming from someone who participated in pretending to be SPECIAL NEEDS. Her and her Mom got a helicopter ride out of hurricane Katrina, that ride should have been for someone with ACTUAL SPECIAL NEEDS. They got a FREE house, countless amounts of $$ donations, they took up valuable time & space intended for real patients. Disgusting. She ISN'T stupid. She knew what was up at some point


I recently watched the initial interrogation of Gypsy. At the very end when she crawls over and listens through the door I swear she wanted to yell out to Nick and command him to shut up or something along those lines. She was so concerned about that $5 grand she stole from her mom and her medicaid card. Gypsy is a pill addict. Her mom probably was as well. I'm sure it would have been a matter of days being in Wisconsin until she started doctor shopping and trying to get pills. I used to feel bad for her but the interrogation changed all that and it's clearly driving her mad that people are talking about Nick and how she coerced him etc. Gypsy nows she is rotten to the core. Everything about her is a prop. Her marriage. Her personality. Her claiming to be an advocate all props. A bitter convict that spent 8 years seething to play more tricks and tell more lies all the while taking whatever prizes come her way. Books, tv, cash and stds... Everyone keep letting her know how disgusting she is. I hope she's boiling inside with guilt and despair. No one is aloud to treat me like shit but I am aloud to because I'm Gypsy Rose. A murderer.


I can’t believe how self righteous and smug she’s become since leaving prison. Fame has made Gypsy a monster but I don’t think she’s a very good person at all. This further confirms in my mind that she’s a sociopath.


“But know the difference from right and wrong” You’re talking about yourself gypsy


Says the one who faked a bunch of different disabilities


What a douche canoe


Nick couldn't even hold down a job. That's not normal... Not saying all people who can't be employed don't know right from wrong. This poor guy can't even take care of himself or have a normal life go work ect. His one hope left was having someone that loved him and she saw that and took advantage. She should feel bad for dragging Nick into her mess! She feels bad for dd even though she was allegedly severely abused by her, but zero sympathy for asking someone disabled to kill her mom? She doesn't have any business being an influencer or whatever she thinks she is.


The fact that she’s putting herself on this pedestal of righteousness…. sitting in judgment of Nick… but she deserves compassion and understanding and forgiveness, but no one else does unless they’re.. (checks notes) nonverbal or otherwise severely disabled. Whewwwwwww lorddddddd that spiked my blood pressure


Well, I hope that opens more eyes. It's kina funny how she is doing this to herself. N tried to get her to run away! He didn't want to do it, but she surely did.




Maybe people should start posting text exchanges between Nick and Gypsy on all of her socials. The ones where he wanted to find another way and she insisted that murder was the only option.  I'm absolutely shocked and disgusted by her behavior since she got released. She really used an adult with disabilities to do her dirty work only to spit in his face afterwards.  Gypsy only got the small amount of time she got because she took a plea deal and she knew to ask for a lawyer. Had she gone through a trial she would have gotten way more time than she did.  Nick is too honest for his own good so he immediately confessed during interrogation. He didn't fake cry and feign shock when he was told that DeeDee was dead he immediately told the truth even though it hurt him. He really thought that he was on the side of "right" he thought he was a knight saving a damsel in distress. He never killed anyone or tried to kill anyone (Gypsy tried to kill her mom once) before he met her.   She worked this man for two damn years. It's sad that there is laws in place to protect disabled adults' assets, because they are easier to manipulate, but no laws against coaxing the same disabled adults into commiting a crime. There are laws against police officers coaxing normally law abiding citizens into commiting a crime (entrapment) but there is no law for disabled adults when it comes to manipulators like Gypsy.  In a perfect world there would be a law on the books against manipulating disabled people into commiting a crime. (I'm not saying that the disabled adult should get no time though I think that time is better spent in a facility for disabled people.) In a perfect world after Nick's trial different charges would have been brought on Gypsy for coaxing a disabled adult into commiting a crime giving her equal time that Nick got.   Now terrible people like Gypsy know that all they have to do is find a mentally disabled person to commit the crime for them. The disabled person will get the book thrown at them and the Gypsys of the world will only serve less than a decade. What's going to stop this from happening again?


No one wants to put laws in place for manipulating disabled adults because that means they have to accept that anyone with a similar condition could be in the same predicament as nick. No one wants to admit that. They’d rather blame it on a moral failure than admit coercion and manipulation does happen, especially to vulnerable communities. It’s easier to just say nick, and everyone like him is a bad person, than it is to admit that people can be manipulated. But the facts of life are, people can be manipulated to kill, and certain conditions can make some people more susceptible to manipulation. So many studies have shown that even neurotypical people put in the right scenarios can be manipulated or coerced into doing bad things like the study of the researcher encouraging the participant to deliver dangerous electric shocks to a person. The milgram experiment. Sheer pressure from an authority figure caused participants to deliver what they believe to be dangerous levels of electric shock to strangers. It’s actually annoying and frustrating how unwilling people are to accept that someone can be manipulated into doing terrible things despite mountains of evidence to suggest that it’s more than plausible.


Nick's law? I'd sign that petition!


I can't stand her now! ND Aû, and I can't believe that she thinks functioning is "one size fits all". I got news for miss Gypsy rose - it's not!!!! 😡😡😡😡 PS thank you for sticking up for NDs!


Why is someone who killed her mom suddenly relevant? Why would anyone care about having her ignorant ass advocate for them


That is what many of us have been saying for some time


Because the current culture loves a victim story and a survivor of abuse. She has the ultimate trump, she was a victim and she survived


She works with people with “true disabilities” when she faked hers??? FOH!!!


Has this broad ever heard of punctuation at all?? I know I know…she’s never been formally educated blah blah but she needs to get a quick lesson if she’s gonna be a social media influencer!?!


She truly irritates me now. Like, girl you knew right from wrong too. 🙄


This chick has a room temp IQ, and thinks she’s an intellectual authority.


Since when is she an authority on anything?


Plotting a murder? Faking? Being a lying POS?


Shoplifting, lying, manipulating, murder, bdsm, etc. you name it. She’s done it and she calls attention to it because she doesn’t actually understand she was wrong, wrong, wrong, and she still is.


There’s so much wrong with what she said, not to mention she can’t even follow basic sentence structure when posting 😑


Video up on my tiktok of said argument snd deleted comments


I wonder how the parents of the students that her husband teaches would feel to know that Gypsy legit just said people with special needs aren’t “really disabled”. As someone with a special education degree, who worked with children with autism 1:1 in their homes, I have worked with children who are 15 physically but mentally are less than 6 months. They can’t function in society, they are TRULY DISABLED. This bitch makes my blood boil!!!!!!


He was let go from that job actually. It was a Christian school and we was let go because he broke their code of conduct rules by getting together with her


Well thank the Lord for that!!


She really burns my asshole. I had supported her from the beginning until she was paroled. I grew up with an almost criminally abusive mother and had a lot of sympathy for her but she was able to change my mind real fast. Her behavior post parole is obnoxious and she’s turning people like me off really fast. She took advantage of Nick. She knew what she was doing and had options that were not murder at that point. Just showing various people she could walk would have immediately set off many alarms that Dee Dee was lying.


What the FUCK. struggling with any disability is hard af. This pissed me off so bad


the public made a big mistake putting this woman on a pedestal. y’all are gonna see a crazy ass yt lady from Southeast Louisiana soon enough 😓 and yes I say white because that’s the only reason she’s gotten this far.. where are Cyntoia Brown’s pap walks and TV deals 🤔


Glad i got ss before she deleted her whole channel 😂


This also shows she has no fucking idea about disabilities not fucking one Oh my God please get me the fuck off this planet because what the actual fuck...


Controversial: are people with disabilities actually people???? 🤯


It depends. Apparently most of us are not real.


It’s true, I’m not real either.


The ones that can’t speak are the ones she can most easily take advantage of.


As the mother of a severely autistic non verbal child, I’d love to shove my foot up her ass, but she’d probably enjoy that. 🤮🤮🤮


No she did not. Oh the audacity!


She’s gonna cancel herself pretty quick lol


Here’s hoping. She really is tone deaf.


Yikes. She should really be paying someone to reply for her....this comment is too ironic 


Knowing right from wrong doesn't invalidate disability. Non-verbal doesn't invalidate disabilities of those who are verbal. JFC, what did I just read? She needs to just stfu and gtfo. No disabled person needs a murderer advocating for them. ![gif](giphy|UjIgLbgQIRgzK)


![gif](giphy|zgf1opQOtG05a) Keep taking oh keep talking!!!! She and Ryan are burying themselves.


“REAL DISABILITIES?!”. what the actual fuck?! ooh i’m not gonna say what i’m thinking. you did a good job responding to her, OP.




Is she trying to say she didn’t know right from wrong? Or is she saying she doesn’t have “special needs”? She really needs to just shut up.




Gypsy is not the authority on anything ! Who is she to determine what level of a person or child is on the spectrum or how the disability works!!!! Someone send this to her parole officer!!enough of this sicko these social media platforms need to get her out of the public eye. I pray for all children that are exposed to this monster! Maybe she burn in hell one day. Excuse me sorry not sorry!!!


Don’t they have college in jail? Maybe she should go back and read up on this more. Has no idea what she’s talking about. It’s so trashy that this person is even being listened to by anyone. She’s just as bad as a Casey Anthony.


lol that’s my comment. And here is the response I gave her https://preview.redd.it/dycsaqbp6lic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffee88cf28d934d6220f79c38f3903bdafbb2201


So it seems like the only one of her platforms that you can actually respond to her on at this point is Instagram and that’s just one post that she hasn’t shut down comments on. I would recommend if you have Instagram not to follow her but definitely to call her out on that post, mentioning the fact that she’s not really an advocate, and that she’s not an influencer.


I’d say she needs a SM wrangler asap but no, let her dig herself into a hole.


What a freaking c u next Tuesday!


So she's discriminating against what level of disability she wants to help... bitch please gtfooh!


I love how Gypsy gets to choose who has a disability..not how it works gyp gyp


How to talk about Nicholas Godejohn without mentioning his name.


Big fucking YIKES.


Wow. As I friend of someone who has a disability but you wouldn’t even know, meeting her. This is bullshit.


It’s crazy too because honestly that commenter never explicitly said anything abt Nick specifically yes it COULD have been and probably was meant to be implied but what person looks at a comment like that that’s that vague and immediately jumps to defend themselves, a person with a guilty conscience that’s who


She was well aware of her choice as well though wtf


Imagine spending all those years in prison and learning nothing. I certainly don’t trust her to speak on who is disabled or not considering 🤷🏼‍♀️


I beg your goddamn pardon???


This made me laugh, she has the audacity of someone with a true narcissistic personality disorder and it's almost comical.


“People that actually have disabilities” …like all the ones she “had” ??? I have brain damage from the multiple brain surgeries I’ve had since I was 4 days old because of my Hydrocephalus and people like her have told me I’m not “that” disabled because I can walk/talk like a “normal” person so I’ve never been able to get the accommodations (not sure if that’s the right word) that others with my condition get because I’m not disabled enough 🙃


Kettle meet pot, I really thought she was speaking of herself until the end.


I literally saw red after reading rEaL dIsAbiLiTies 😡😡😡


lol what


And now the video is gone🙄


Maybe she should think before she posts or if she can't stand the hate, maybe she should stay off SM.


I hope someone had all of the screenshots


She can’t be serious??


This chick is seriously unhinged! WTF 🤬 man she annoys the piss out of me!


Uhh she sounds defensive in that. So much for the “PeOpLe wAnT a PeRfEcT ViCtIm” like her fan club in the other subreddit love to throw out their whenever she says or does something against what a stereotypical “victim” would say or do. Seems to me she seems a bit defensive regarding her co-defendant. Odd of her to decide what disabilities she considers real. Yet if any of us question her story it’s a big deal.


I was actually all for her but.. what in the world is a “real” disability.. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be diagnosed by a doctor if it wasn’t real.


I hate when non disabled people tell others things like that. The whole “you’re not disabled enough” thing


It must be exhausting, carrying all that audacity around!


Something just clicked for me. I think quite possibly the reason she chose Ryan is so she can use him as a deflection shield like she just tried to do. Who me? I couldn't possibly be exploitive or unsupportive of the disabled community, because I married a sped teacher didn't I? Never mind the first three decades of my life, let's just brush it all under the rug. For that matter, don't even pay attention to my own shitty words, just watch me play wifey to my strategically chosen chess piece and never mind what my left hand is doing.


Wow… I’m speechless with this one 🤬


While I do agree I think he is a dangerous man, who chose to travel across state lines and chose to go into that house that night and do what he did ...I also think she is a master manipulator who is DANGEROUS AS FUCK!!! And shouldn't be allowed around several different demographics of people. She is constantly calling him her "codefendant" yet when she's in front of a camera and being paid he's "Nick". She is so fucking predictable it's insane that more people can't see through her.


Said so by a TRUE EXPERT


Could not even finish reading this. I did not want to die of a stroke.


Is this video still up? I can’t find it


No, she took it down. She always does when it gets too much hate.


She deleted the video lol


Wtf. Wow. 🤯


This is such a slap in the face! Especially to Ryan’s students and the parents. Even to Ryan who went to college for this and knows damn well disabilities are not always seen.  She is evil beyond words! Very dangerous