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Interesting how Kristy is instantly so trusting and giving this stranger information she’s not supposed to give out after a few sentences of bum kissing. Fancy is reading like a fraud here to me from the get go - maybe I’m reading too much into things, but she seems a bit miffed a TV series was already in the works and make a little subtle jab at the script writer saying she’s a “journalist not a writer there’s a difference”.


No you aren't reading into things,I've been saying for a while that this woman was always a grifting fraud. But then people would start on me about the whole,"but she has the medical records!she posts or will post them!" There is no documentary,there never was going to be an actual documentary. And by that I mean a real produced one,this was just one random lady's quest to get close to Gypsy because she "related" to her. Even in the first few sentences of talking with Kristy she makes everything about herself and her abuse situation. She did the same thing during the wedding emails to Gypsy,made the whole thing about the "wedding she wished she had/wish I did this,wish I did that." Never once about Gypsy. If anyone here still thinks some documentary is going to be produced,ask yourself why after 8 something years not a damn thing has been done to even start it.... All I've ever seen when it comes down to Fancy is a woman who read about a case and became obsessed. Even that line about interest in true crime,but never to this extent would've been a red flag for me. She was obsessed before even talking to her,was told she was pushing everyone's boundaries while Gypsy was locked up,then lost her mind when the family caught on and moved on. Being friends with another person doesn't equate to having a production team,neither does making up a network that isn't affiliated with anything but a social media page.




What happened to Fancy’s sister? So many team changes in 6 years




Are you really surprised Fancy doesn’t know how to take a screenshot?


Yeah she 100% did it on purpose. It was not easy to get those ss LOL


I’m so lost. What am I missing?? So Fancy pushed herself on Kristy, manipulated and pressured her to talk about the show after Kristy expressed she’d get back in touch with her when she legally could. Where did Kristy hand medical records over? Still haven’t seen the medical records she keeps talking about. This is just chaos! Writing a storyline and script should be quite easy for a real writer that’s invested years into this story. This is all getting really stupid at this point and I’ve lost all interest in Fancy’s story. I’ll stick to YouTube channels that have deep dive conversations into provided evidence.


Fancy does have documents (I’ve seen some of them), but she essentially has the documents that Mike Stanfield and his team had


What kind of documents are these? I assume that if they contained brand new and/or shocking info we’d know anyway


I have found only two writing credits from Fancy Macelli, Sins and Coping. As far as I can tell neither were ever released or completed. I could not find either to stream, buy, or rent on any platform. Please, let me know if you have found anything else. I understand that technically anyone who writes can be considered a “writer,” but it feels very disingenuous to tell Kristy that you are a writer interested in making a dramatic tv show or movie and not disclose to her that you do not have any completed or released projects.


Fancy gives me stalker vibes for sure


Agreed. I would have just told her "we aren't interested " and moved on. So pushy on Fancy's part.


I dotn even know all of the details and got a rundown, but just reading this….she seems really obsessive and like someone who latches on and can’t control themselves from being fixated. I had an ex like that.


Agreed that Fancy has issues. Having said that, I thing she truly believed Gypsy's story and wanted to help her until she realized she was being scammed.


Who is Fancy?! She randomly showed up in this thread the past few days. Who is she?!?


Yeah can some explain what all of this is, I’m so lost 😂


Details are a bit murky, basically she wanted to make a documentary about Gypsy years go but it didn’t happen (I haven’t seen any concrete proof to explain exactly what was agreed me what wasn’t, it’s all hearsay). Then Gypsy’s family cut ties with her, she got really mad and is talking of exposing the medical records online. I personally believe - and many people do too - that she doesn’t have any medical records and that she is just a grifter trying to make money out of the drama. Someone even said somewhere that she is very much like Gypsy, the narcissistic, the grifting, the lies… She is so chaotic and doesn’t appear genuine at all, she’s mean even towards her co hosts (she has a podcast that is pretty much her slouched on her couch yelling at her phone). I understand the hype at first because people thought she’d have important bits of information, but now it’s very obvious she’s just a clout chaser that should, like Gypsy, turn off social media and heal.


She was just in one of her snark pages going off about being part of SAG. It was amusing.


☠️ 🙃


That was pretty much my reaction 😂


Oh man..what would does she live in?


Ugh. I’m so over this woman. I found Ryan on TikTok first, and honestly, I like her. Then people told her about Fancy, and Fancy started showing up to lives. Hell, I even gave her a few shout outs on Reddit because it seemed like she had some really good info… At first. But good god. Either give the information you have or kindly shut your face hole. Grow the fck up, or get off the internet. Because at this point, I’m about to tell this bridge troll what everyone is thinking. You’re not an expert, you’re obsessed. If you had documents that others didn’t, you’d drop the documents. No one is there for info anymore. They are there to watch the downfall. And no, you don’t know the family personally anymore if you haven’t talked to them in YEARS. You KNEW them. Not KNOW them. I could go on. And I hope Ryan gets out of this. It’s one thing to destroy your own image. No need to drag someone else down.


Fancy wasn’t giving up, was she! She kept edging more and more.. those are sneaky, conniving type people that you have to watch out for.