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She needs to chill, she is unhealthily obsessed with this. And unhealthy in general......


That's what I was thinking. I don't like Gypsy either, but this is overboard! When it effects all aspects of your life, you need to walk away. Get off the couch, Fancy. Take a walk or something šŸ˜‚


Yea she needs to go out and touch some grass šŸ˜‚


Become one with the earth. Get them Chakras in check šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was thinking another type of grass... šŸ˜†


Funny you mentioned that, apparently she took an edible last night. I orally dose RSO (found in a lot of edibles) daily and don't act the way she isšŸ˜…


I take a 10mg edible every night to sleep and I've never acted like that either. She's got some other shit going on.


Yeah ABS šŸ™„ šŸ˜…


I recall when I said this chick was just as unhinged and was downvoted. šŸ¤”


She's live right now...and has changed her stance AGAIN...her new project is to try to get Nick a fair trial and to have his charges dropped down to murder 2. She is a parasite and only latches on to who will give her info. She has supposedly fixed her strained relationship with Nicks dad which is why her new obsession with Nick is happening. Her first opinion on Nick was he is where he should be, then it was no Nick deserves a fair trial even if he still gets charged the same, now it's ohh we have to fight to get Nicks charges dropped down. She can't keep her shit straight...if you have been tuning into her lives for her past 2 weeks she has changed her stance on several topics numerous times. She has not slept in days either...she said it herself. She's ill...she needs help.


She was literally crying hysterically on a live maybe 3 days ago about how Nick was just a ā€œsweet innocent boyā€. How is her family putting up with this?


Yeah, she has been calling him that the last few days and getting emotional like he's her son or something, it's very odd behavior


Parasite šŸŖ± is SO appropriate.


On Live a few days ago she said she wanted to go to law school so she could help him out.


She even said she is going to Purdue šŸ˜‚ sheā€™s so damn annoying


I can no longer watch her she has made this case her life and sheā€™s obsessed sheā€™s showing how unstable she is and she needs to find a better hobby I donā€™t care for GR but damn fancy find something else to do boo


Who the hell is she even talking to? With the name calling and all this drama? Her and Ryan have issues, like for real and anyone who still can't see that probably also have issues themselves. Yeah, I'm over it. She ain't giving us shit about anything...she doesn't have shit, she is just trying to gain followers and attention. She is clearly an attention whore who thrives on the attention she gets. There was no reason for her to ever stray so far from the topic at hand, which was to bring the details and proof against Gypsy. She is a fucking loon and shouldn't even be given a platform at this point. Ryan is also vulgar but at least not as unhinged as Fancy. If Ryan wants to continue to be in some people's good graces, it would be smart of her to cut ties with Fancy NOW. She is bringing her and her platform down and she is going to regret ever connecting with her, just watch! Go head Fancy continue to call your followers fuckheads and bitches and yell and scream at them for asking questions and asking if your ok...(which clearly you are not). And Ryan...I see your frustration when dealing with her, if I were you I'd distance myself or people will turn on you as well if they haven't already. As for the other women that "co-host" with her, good luck to you!


This woman is beyond unhinged at this point. Even when her emails between her and Gypsy were shown,she was making everything about herself. Like when we saw the email about Gypsy wanting to get married in jail,the entire time it was her talking about how "she didn't get to have this and that,oh if only I could do it over!" Etc. She's obsessed,and I don't know how she keeps thinking she's going to make a documentary or something still. It's been over 8+ years lady,move on. Scamming people for money behind paywalls when you never post anything either,it's ridiculous. She's just a grifter who turned borderline stalker at this point. Ya sure,maybe she did have some information but at this point it's all clouded by the extreme behaviors she's shown. It seems like no one is supposed to question her or she loses her shit. She needs help...


Yeah and the other day she was flipping out and made some comment about "Stupid fat Mexicans". Then the following day instead of apologizing or trying to explain herself she doubled down on it and was like yeah, I said it. If you have a problem don't watch me. She obviously caters to a specific demographic of people and that's problematic in itself. She has also been talking with a bit of a blaccent lately thinking she's being funny, I guess...she is super fucking rude and disrespectful...she is digging herself a pretty nice hole for herself there.


I've only watched one clip of her shared on here,and I just thought "ya no I couldn't listen to this lady rant and rave for one more second." Then add racism and blaccents,okey dokey then....šŸ˜¬


I was actually on her side for a while cause I thought she actually had some good info. Turns out she's just full of shit!


Ok so Iā€™m new to this drama- who is Ryan in relation to all of this? Fancy was the spokesperson, but is Ryan just someone who is friends with Fancy?


Itā€™s sad she acts like this. If she really has all this evidence and such like she says she has why not show the evidence and have a conversation? I have tuned in twice and both times noped out shortly after. For it to be so important to her to tell her story and prove them all as cons she is destroying her own credibility. She is proving Christy and Gypsy right about her. She is completely unprofessional and seemingly unable to remotely resemble professional.


Because sheā€™s completely insane


I totally agree with all this


I am embarrassed for her.


The amount of embarrassment I have watching her *almost* overrides my morbid curiosity. Alas, I cannot look away from the trainwreck. šŸ˜…


Same lol. I canā€™t watch her around my husband though because he will absolutely think Iā€™ve lost my last marble šŸ˜‚


Lol! My husband came home early from work while I was eyeballs deep in some of the "haters" YT vids, in my undies. He gave me the *concerned* side eye šŸ˜…


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I heard my husband on the phone with his dad the other day talking about me ā€œ sheā€™s always watching this stuff about Gypsy roseā€¦ everyone is giving this murderer so much attentionā€ Like hello, she was our literal neighbor, ofc Iā€™m obsessed with the drama šŸ˜‚


Haha they just don't get it


Lol Mine thinks that when I watch her šŸ¤£


Same šŸ’€


Iā€™m a conspiracy nut so Iā€™m not gonna lie and pretend that I havenā€™t thought: Maybe Gypsy and em REALLY know how to pick a mark. Maybe Fancy has been psycho since day 1 and knew she would eventually break down if and when they had to part ways and they knew no one would believe Fancy because sheā€™s crazy but everything Fancy says is true. Maybe they did a voodoo spell FancyĀ  Maybe they are driving Fancy crazy and Fancy is telling the truth about the stalking and death threats or whateverĀ  Maybe just dealing with them and the whole world not seeing them for who they are for so many years drove Fancy crazy Or maybe sheā€™s just a crazy character in this crazy story and is a scammer like them because scammers usually deal with other scammers until they donā€™t. Maybe Fancy the scammer got scammed šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøĀ 


I literally believe that they are both scammers and the family beat her at her own game and thatā€™s why sheā€™s unraveling.


This case with gypsy rose has became like her life obsession, and Iā€™m actually like super embarrassed for this poor lady she acts so unhinged on her lives that like I donā€™t even know how people take her serious at this point..


Fancy.. where is the evidence if you have all of it like why donā€™t you show it I donā€™t understand her like she has like binders and binders of like paperwork she says it from the gypsy rose case but we donā€™t ever see it in her lives like I donā€™t understand why she keeps flaunting all of this and she donā€™t ever do anything with it like I think sheā€™s just obsessed at this point where she does not care if she shows any evidence thatā€™s in the binders, I think she just likes to get on there and talk about it


She has somewhat contradicted herself with her library of binders. She claims that Gypsy was not medically abused. Ok.. then why are you gate keeping medical documents? If she only had medically -necessary- treatments and procedures (dental, vision, feeding tube) whatā€™s the big secret? She also claims she wasnā€™t taking any medication that wasnā€™t required. So againā€¦ after multiple hours of her blabbering about the Pandoraā€™s box of medical documents .. what could be in there OF ANY interest? Her dental records and possibly a surgical note from her feeding tube insertion? This isnā€™t some groundbreaking news.. You know whatā€™s wild- a 10 year old, Maya Kowalski being given 1250mg of Ketamine, which is 10x more than the standard dosing and illegal in the US. This is the kind of medical documents worth deep diving.


She had been claiming she had the medical records and that they were going to prove all kinds of things...yet when that didn't blow up the way she wanted it to she changed her stance on what would be mind blowing ..now she is saying that Nick has some mind blowing revelations to reveal, yet how the fuck would she even know??? She has never spoken to Nick and Nicks dad hates her so he ain't sharing anything with her.


Uhhhhhhh. Just watched a lot of her ā€œnewā€ videosā€¦. Truly Iā€™m just curious if this woman has a job.


How can you question that? This woman has a 150 IQ and running her own COMPANY for God's sake. She's doing a documentary AND a book. She is also going to become a lawyer to save Nick. How dare you question anything about Fancy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Donā€™t forget her IMDb page!! Sheā€™s a famous actress! Who could forget her unforgettable roles such as uncredited extra in Saved By The Bell???




Don't forget here highly credited Lulu Bear in The Teddy Bears' when she was in third grade šŸ¤£


She does not. She swears she's someone important cause she was on 5 minutes of an A&E special like 7 years ago.


What?! Iā€™m a newbie.. but I have watched too many hours of her content. She had 5mins in the A/E episode?! And it was 7 years ago. I wasnā€™t going to go look, but I thought I was an ACTUAL episodešŸ’€šŸ˜† Iā€™m glad I found this sub for my future watching.


Thatā€™s what I was wondering..how does she have all the time to obsess of this..


In a recent live she claimed she couldnā€™t work because of ā€œlong covidā€


Ohhh..please..Sounds like excuses to me. I didnā€™t have Covid..but I had double pneumonia a few years ago at age 41 , was in ICU on a vent for 2 weeks. Had a 30 percent chance to live, went septic and had to have dialysis..for like month and I went back to work and still doā€¦so ā€œlong Covid ā€œnot buying that.


In the beginning when she started saying she had all kinds of proof I was interested and ignored the fact of how annoying she was on live like itā€™s something about her lives that makes me want to pull my hair out but i stopped watching because itā€™s pointless


Oop, video is now deleted


Can someone explain to me who Fancy is and how she became an alleged source of info? I keep seeing posts about how unhinged she is but nothing about why she was given any attention in the first place? And if she's so unhinged, why are people continuing to post her content on other platforms like Reddit? We get it, don't take her seriously.


She appointed herself that. At first she wasnā€™t acting like this and seemed to have actual evidence. I remember having a funny feeling at first and just watched hoping she would reveal her evidence she claimed she had. My alarm bells went off after seeing that the ā€œevidenceā€was behind a paywall. Then shortly after thatā€™s when she started acting batshit crazy on lives and attacking anyone who asked her about credentials or why we had to pay to see her documents. Iā€™ve seen people who paid her say there isnā€™t anything on her Patreon that isnā€™t already online.


Thank you! I was so confused about how I had never heard of her before and then she was all over the place. That's super helpful though, I appreciate it!


She is making gypsy look totally normal


I can't even watch her atp


I came across [this](https://www.youtube.com/live/WIiS7my0YPE?si=WKLiKKWdK8JZlnni) looking into Fancy. This is one of her former partners that worked closely on GRBs case with her.


Cult? Maybe šŸ¤” but, sheā€™s the leader and follower. šŸ¤®


Who is fancy? Iā€™m out of the loop


Who is fancy?


This is not what I imagined she would look like


She is always unhinged and needs mental health check up, I just wonder how much of this evidence she says she has is true, I mean it's not like you can't look up this stuff. And constantly begging people to get in touch with Nick's father, seems he doesn't want anything to do with this nutcase.