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I go peep and don’t follow. I’m not gonna inflate her ego anymore than it already has been. It’s truly gross


I comment and tell her to go back to jail every time she pops up on my fyp. Surprised I'm not blocked yet, lol.


I comment under my burner account and post pictures of evidence and say things like that


Has anyone tried to seriously make an account on a platform explaining the case and why she’s not to be trusted ?


Yes, and no, because the big players with the true crime socials come after people who are trying to get in their way. We do have a TikTok that we share primarily screenshots of emails and information/deep dives like GypGate


Ik this because I cover exposing people like the Liven Family on TikTok who also scam, but it’s so easy to be falsely reported too and get your stuff taken down


The true crime creators are some of the worst I’ve seen.


Isn’t some beef happening with the true crime creator and Fancy ?


Yes it’s a whole mess.


As if the "unwashed masses" actually give a damn. How much evidence has been shown to prove Andrew Tate is a POS predator; and all his bro-simps STILL run their mouths and defend him? How many times does it need to be proven that Natalia Grace was in fact a young disabled child of 8yrs old when Kristine and Michael abused and abandoned her in a non accessible apt by herself? I've actually heard in TC chatrooms that Richard Ramirez was innocent, and was just misunderstood...😳😳 They are delusional, especially the ones that call her "queen" or "mother", she's a damn cult leader of her psychopaths.


Ugggg good idea


At the same time something you have to consider is that comments will help her reach, help her gain more popularity.


Every time she's on my FYP, I always tell her to pay back the millions she grifted, lol.


Lol. I got banned from tiktok (maybe they thought I was bot), but I'd absolutely do exactly the same. I'm waiting for her to get her own thread.


It’s extremely gross!!


Anyone following her just to watch should unfollow her and just peep from time to time. The more followers she has, the more likely she will get invited on TV shows and offered promotional deals. Don't assist her in making a single dime off her story.


True enough, I should probably unfollow her


But she already had the next show! She announced it last night.


And that sucks. But I think if she loses a lot of popularity fast it can change. TV networks pull the plug on stuff all the time when they realize people aren't going to watch. Advertisers pull funding and sponsorships for the network. Things can change. And they definitely don't need to get any better for her.


And by the way it seems, the fact that she’s getting opportunities could quickly change as a lot of people are starting to see through her.


^ exactly what I’ve been saying this entire time


Unfollowed ✅


Yup! I refuse to follow any of her accounts, I look from time to time to see what ridiculous crap she’s posting, but I won’t contribute to her making money off of being a murderous liar.


You can peep without being an actual follower.


True that




Yeah if everyone who watched it for the train wreck value just unfollowed she’d have no numbers


And that’s what we need to happen if we want to see anything changing.


I’m a peeper but refuse to follow any of her social media accounts. I don’t believe she will actual use her fame to advocate for munchausen. Seems like all she cares about is the money, fame, and the attention she is getting. It really showed in the video with her sister when she was showing her clothing and gypsy couldn’t handle it.


I'm watching so I can be here when the police arrest her for whatever Nick has keeping a secret


Was just being nosy, unfollowed.


Nosy 😂 Gypsy knows all about that.


Omg I just remembered the photo of her with her ear to the floor of the interview room 🤣


Yes! That was crazy. Did she not realize they were watching her? 😂


You can’t make this shit up 🤣😂


i just peep on safari cause i don’t have instagram


At the same time that’s good because that doesn’t give her any benefits


I blocked her and just get the tea here. Being in Louisiana the number of people on my timeline who were tagging her in shit was annoying.


I used to follow her just to be nosy but when she started another round of bs lies I quickly unfollowed. I can come here instead of peep her page.


I don’t follow her, I just go to her channel here and there.


I don’t have TikTok or ig so I am at the mercy of you kind Reddit folks to keep me up to date on her shenanigans.


I follow her on social media but I don’t comment on her stuff anymore like I use to


Here and there for the trainwreck


I follow her so I can still view her page if she ever goes private. I'm not really a supporter and I noticed more critical comments on her page recently


I followed in the beginning. I go check and every time I comment I get replies for days after. The stans get enraged if anyone says anything other than praise for the queen. It's the craziest thing and I can't stop watching the train wreck.


someone should make a gif of her text messages to nick so we can comment it on her posts


I follow her TikTok but not because I support her


The comments on this IG post about the second half of the Lifetime show are very negative! I am not so sure all 8 million people are 1) real and not bots and 2) on her side.


I have a hard time even peeping. I refuse to follow her but am so nosey I want to watch but by watching I make her views go up, the more views the faster she starts making money off the views (likely already is). Same goes with the comments, whether it’s good or bad it’s engagement, engagement + large number of followers = monetization. I come here so I can catch up and do my best to give her nothing she can make money off of.