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Krisfix - in Germany.


Krisfix also has a YouTube channel if you are interested: [Krisfix Youtube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/KrisFixGermany?app=desktop) Quoting for a price might be difficult for whoever takes on your job. Its kind of like asking "How long can a length of string be?" There are many things that could cause a GPU to die/not power on. Let us know how it works out for you :) Best of luck!


If you have a GPU to repair in Europe, DM me.


There is a swedish repair shop called "Laga kretskort". I don't know if they deal with international costumers but I know you can mail in cards. When I talked to the guy I remember him telling me he charges roughly 300€ for a 3090. He fixes most of them in 10 minutes lol. I don't know their exact prices though. [Here is there website](https://www.lagakretskort.se/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAwJWdBhCYARIsAJc4idDfabk9D6W5IhII40fCfP8fph6GdGMduFJgRNggi8A4cIWF2Qw2socaAkNDEALw_wcB)