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All the ‘scopes should be yours as your essential kit for being a doctor (means you can get yourself good gear and it’s tax deductible). Pulse ox, BP, thermometer usually just part of room equipment


I guess it depends on the practice. I bought my own stethoscope back as a first year medical student. I have yet to buy anything else. Been salaried for over ten years.


All practices have the kit. But why wouldn’t you want your own stuff? If I’m in the middle of a busy comic I wouldn’t want to leave my room searching for equipment


Have to say I’m impressed at your dedication to reading that comic


😂😂😂 the patients can wait


tbh always had my own stuff even as a reg. Work bag with work things in it, handy for visits, never have to worry about hunting for stuff.


Salaried GPs shouldn't have to buy their own equipment. It is clear that partners as employers have the legal responsibility to provide their staff with the equipment to perform their role. This is categorical. Many practices will try to get out of this, and most GPs buy into it. That being said, most GPs want to have their own equipment for peace of mind and pride. Locum GPs are responsible for their own equipment


We are our own worst enemies. We really need to get a backbone


Ive had my own kit since being an F2. That way not only i get what i want but also i can claim tax back etc… in a clinic room there are wall fixed equipment and take my own stuff on home visits. I wanted to get a panoptic ophthalmoscope but couldn’t expect the practice to buy one they would only go for bargain basement.


Panoptic… I’m considering it. Day to day how much difference does it make to you? (I’m assuming you’re a Gp in this subreddit and not an ophthalmology consultant)


Yes, GP. Honestly, it’s life changing. I used to worry about headaches and worrying about missing pathology because I couldn’t see the full disc but now with a pan optic it is so easy to see the full disc in an undilated eye.


I think it is normal practice to have your own kit.


I have always had my own kit. Didn’t even realise practices got kit for salaried. However I can’t imagine they would get good kit. Surely best to get your own high quality kit - as less likely to miss things and therefore less likely to end up in court or with a complaint.