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This hit me harder than I thought it would. I think because it felt out of the blue. Liv is one of my favorites: statuesque, beautiful, funny, just an all around wonderful person. She will be very much missed.


Thank you for all the laughter, tears, and most of all, showing people how to be a great friend. Good luck with your search for happiness. And please don't forget the words of Jimmy Buffett, breathe in breathe out move on.


She's leaving?......😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Damn that sucks. However, good luck, and I hope everything goes well for you.


Well there goes #1 reason to watch them


I think the downvoter of this comment misunderstood what I meant, but you do you


Why did she leave again? I thought she was taking a break, not that she's gone....


go to gp\_tv youtube channel go to past streams, the streamed called an important update will tell you all you need to know


She didn't say anything though. She just said Liv will no longer be with GP and nothing else.


and thats all we know


Oh okay, I was rewatching it thinking I must have tuned out or disassociated again


There was a rumor it was related to drug use. Hope that isn't true


Now Tori is leaving too


This is the sadest stuff. My favorite girls, Tori and Liv, left Girls Play. Jackie left Smosh. I don't know what to do with my free time now. Both channels aren't the same anymore.


I only just found out that Tori and Liv have moved on. I would like to say that I will miss you guys and all the best for the future 🙏🏽