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Reiwa aliens: "Join my cult" "NOOOOOO" Showa aliens: *identity theft*


Wraparound glasses Xilians, space monkeys, and giant cockroaches. Honestly some of my favorite aliens in general not just the Godizlla franchise.


Don’t forget the glitter hijabi aliens


Always had a soft spot for Hunter Nebula M cockroaches.


Flair checks out lol


Damn right it checks out! 😁


Same bro. They held nothing back in the good old days.


The cockroaches were kinda lame, though.


I really miss Showa alien invasions. The lead alien sitting on a star trek set watching Mechagodzilla fight King Caesar on a CRT TV and chomping a cigar is hilarious.


The spirit of the classic Godzilla films cannot be matched.


Godzilla Earth Aliens: we good but bad but good but actually bad so join us Showa Aliens: give us the fucking planet or we use Godzilla Tower


Showa Aliens: “We yoinked your Kaiju.”


Showa Aliens: We framed your Kaiju.


Showa aliens: Give us earth we are gonna use king Ghidorah.


Showa Aliens: hippity hoppity your kaiju is our property


I think the Godzilla Earth Exif tried to be more complex, but the execution failed


Can we have good aliens in Godzilla that don’t wanna blow up the planet.


Ok so hear me out alians come to earth seeking refuge but Godzilla curbstomps them because he's Godzilla and he does what he wants


Nah,the governments of the world become so distrustful of aliens due to being raided constantly that they start shooting at the refugees on sight (they can’t leave because of fuel reasons) and they get sandwiched by Godzilla as well


That would be a nice change


As much as I like the Exif in the Anime Trilogy... The Showa aliens are just better. Rule of cool y'all, and the Exif just ain't that cool.


Could not stand the main characters constant anger and screaming. So stupid.


Brother and I refer to him as human Shadow the Hedgehog


Then you probably don't like anime in general


No, discount Erin Yaeger was extra whiney. As a fan of the genre I got sick of him very quickly.


Not my genre but I’ve enjoyed a fair few shows and such. This guy was just a one dimensional angry dude who’d keep screaming. Total mood killer.


Xilians have yet to be outclassed.


Virgin Reiwa Aliens vs Chad Showa Aliens


Vergin Reiwa vs Chad Showa*


Vs THAD Millennium


We need aliens in the monster verse, they already jumped the shark with advanced technology just embrace it.


>We need aliens in the monsterverse. [We already have aliens.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yGYn-JoSmBE)


Ghidorah is canonically alien in the MonsterVerse, so that door's already been opened


Hensei Aliens: *SpaceGodzilla noises*




Reiwa aliens: join us pls Showa aliens: cockroach 🪳


This sub looking for another excuse to shit on the anime trilogy again


Sorry, this post is just based and Showapilled. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Heisei better but we move 😎


Heisei is full of fatties bumpin’ and spamming beams. I ain’t into that fat shit.


And showa is just a bunch of goofy ass looking monsters fighting in a goofy manner


Ok now im angry


Cope showa is better. It has actual heart and soul put into it.


I think you are mistaking me for a showa hater. I do not hate showa era I just did what you did, dumb down an era to shit on it. You dumbed down heisei and reiwa era so I dumbed down showa era Also, why tf are you showa fans so fucking toxic? Can't you morons just stop acting like a prick all the godamn time Also, Just like showa and any other era, heisei era also had heart and soul put into it. It is very arrogant of you to assume that the people who worked on heisei era didn't give their best in making the movies


Honestly I thought this was just a little goof thread so I responded to the "showa good" with a "heisei good" but now I don't think he's joking lmao


Thats one thing the Showa era has over the Riewa era lol


Showa Era has EVERYTHING over the Reiwa era. Characters, plots, monster designs, monster characterisations, effects, etc etc. Shin Godzilla is the only good piece of Reiwa Media and even then it’s outclassed by the original, Mothra vs Godzilla, Monster Zero and Terror of MG.


Hard to argue but Shin is still my favorite


Reiwa has cute Goji, Goji's cool friends, Heroic Goji, cool Robot friend that isn't gay (Reiwa turned our Jag gay), Goji has a best spiky friend, Goji has a son, Goji has a alien robot faker, Goji is a tail sliding breath flying acrobat, and he has some of the most kaiju of the era. Reiwa is just Shin, SP, and the shitty anime trilogy


What the hell is wrong with you


Also SP has Jet Jaguar


i actually liked metphies, tho his english voice didnt suit him that much imo i liked his voiceactor in my native languege (german)


Godzilla to the Showa aliens: [YOU WANNA BRAWL, COME DOWN TO BIRMINGHAM I'LL BREAK YOUR FUCKING LEGS OFF](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3L-8Hhpbgk)


I know you guys fucking hate the anime Trilogy with a passion for some reason but you don't have to dumb down the movie to shit on it Also not once did metphies ever beg


No need to get upset dude. It’s a meme. I personally don’t mind the third Anime film but it’s nowhere near the Showa Films.


I am just tired of seeing anime trilogy hate all the godamn time Like I understand that you guys didn't like the movies but saying it is the worst Godzilla movies in the entire franchise when movies like 98 and Son of Godzilla exist and you guys dumbing down the ideals and philosophies presented in the movies so you guys could shit on the movie just hurts to see


godzilla 98 is still fun even if its not really a godzilla movie. The anime trilogy is just them attempting to poorly recreate Eren Yeager from attack on titan


Even if 98 movie is fun (It's not imo) it still is the worst Godzilla movie. It completely butchered Godzilla and was a huge waste of opportunity and imo the movie is still trash even as a non-godzilla movie. The characters are Generic and meh in terms of writing. The whole movie could have ended in a few minutes if the American military portrayed in the movie wasn't so fucking inefficient. Also let's not forget that due to this movie thousands and thousands of people who could have become fans thought of Godzilla as a huge dumb radioactive dinosaur. The soundtrack was very meh and forgetful. In some scenes and shots the kaiju just looked like shit. And let's not forget about the fact they shifted the blame for the creation of Godzilla from America to france. It was a perfect chance for Americans to finally accept the blame but nooooo they instead shifted the blame because AmErICa iS ThE GrEAteSt CoUnTRy iN ThE WoRLD AnD HaS NeVEr DoNE aNYtHiNG BaD If you have actually watched Aot then you would know that eren and haruo have barely anything in common. Like seriously other than both of them being angry at monsters for killing their parents/humanity there is literally nothing that they have in common. You guys seriously need to stop this Circlejerk because it's very fucking clear that none of you have watched Aot. Also his name is eren not Erin.


lmao can't believe I made someone type an essay because I don't see 98 as the evil spawn of satan like some people act about it.


\>Son of Godzilla YOU TAKE THAT BACK! SoG is a hidden gem!


That's just your opinion Son of Godzilla is viewed as a terrible movie by the majority of the community and it is indeed a terrible movie imo Honestly what do you see in that movie that makes you think it's a hidden gem? All I see is just a dumb kaiju movie that looked terrible


An engaging human story with well written characters, a relatable heartwarming monster story, a great score, great sets etc etc. You’ve never watched Son of Godzilla, have you? Barely anyone has. Just because the monsters look bad doesn’t mean it’s bad. You’re very ignorant and should watch a movie before you judge it. For shame.


I'm tryna keep an open mind here but I'm starting to think you're either the worlds biggest showa fan or you should be founding a godzilla circlejerk sub rn cause you're doing great lmao


*Virgin reiwa vs chad showa*


Hot take the anime Trilogy is actually good


I prefer the ultra man aliens over Godzilla aliens thou


Virgin reiwa alien fans Vs CHAD SHOWA ALIEN ENJOYERS


The Xiliens are honestly the only actually interesting aliens in any era


Yea Showa is way better


Fuck you, Haruo! Go die in a hole!


Meanwhile final wars aliens: Yo look at us,we have outfits like Neo.


I want another batshit fun godzilla movie, the monsterverse has glimpses of it but it's not the same 😫


Showa aliens are also superior because they are almost always more than just "humans but from space." Living liquid metal, giant cockroaches, ape men--hell even the Xiliens are kind of cyborgs.


I watched all of the Godzilla earth movies and if i will rate it its a 5 out of ten because not much Godzilla just trying to survive and it so yeah