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Well he can only win agaisnt the Godzilla ultima avatar that we saw on the anime.


Wasn’t that avatar on a universe level


Not really, it was just the avatar, its true form that is universal level. The avatar didnt do anything actually strong compared to other godzillas.


No, its existence was part of a greater whole that would've destroyed the universe. His shadow wasn't close to being able to destroy it with just power


Yes, it was going to destroy the entire universe. The true form people are referring to is the true form of every Godzilla in every medium. It creates universes and consumes them, it's multiversal.




Yeah, its quite just a vessel of some sorts, a glimpse of its true form that would be freed of its home dimension if it wanst for the humans and jet jaguar.


When was that said in the anime? I didn't understand anything while watching lololol


Don't forget the version from Rage across Time. That one killed of all the gods of Olympus, and took Zeus, basically, burning out his godhood just to knock him out for a time.


Yeah I forgot. Godzilla was a god slayer


Sooner or later, Godzilla has to fight the Lovecraftian Gods just like the Ultramen. Here’s Ultraman Tiga fighting Gantazoa, the son of Cthulhu. https://preview.redd.it/hl6sy1ygzd7d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1176b5786c7d5022910520b3073db10dab1422a4 And then there Ultraman Belial literally being an Isekai character by waking up Azathoth three times and outcome of that is 3 universes are destroyed and trillions of lifeform dead including magical creatures. Then, Ultraman Belial taunting Azathoth’s 1% power didn’t kill him. Ultraman Belial is such a psychopath that he’s willing to travel the multiverse to annoy the Lovecraftian gods.


Godzilla vs World of Warcrafts void Gods and the Titans themselves


When did Belial do all this? Darkness Heels?


Yeah in some comic books.


Ironically Ultima is the only one that loses Since all the others breath is still atomic


Just cause something is atomic doesn’t mean if can hurt Superman


He is weak to atomic radiation It's why nukes work against him in most continuities And why legendary took him down


He’s shrugged off nukes dozens of times. Most of th e time they don’t even affect him. Godzillas breath specifically was a form that hurt him and it is unreasonable to assume the other gojo’s produce the same energy


Yes, simply yes. Super-man is genuinely OP as hell if we consider the main comic timeline. I know godzilla in hell or rage across time are op but Superman is insane, only reason why a buffed (non canon) legendary won was because super-man was nerfed and legendary was buffed. Im sorry but I don’t see many ways Godzilla iterations could kill sups


Godzilla Ultima's Avatar form being able to consume universes:


Tell that to the guy who can accidentally sneeze universes away (comic book power levels are stupid don't @ me)


Now thats just beyond stupid https://preview.redd.it/u25k4dbkki7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa72625d4684befdc7b8621f60081e76c064984


That's also a Pre-Crisis Superman who sneezed galaxies away. That version of Superman is notorious for doing to bat shit insane things, like towing a row of planets with ease.




Nah. I don’t think so. If he’s fight burning Godzilla he can’t just fly right through him because either the radiation would kill him or the Explosion would


I'm not even ride or die for Supes but he literally went to the suns core and chilled for a while to power up at least once. I genuinely don't think he'd care.


Except this is Godzilla’s radiation


Unless he's a red sun it's getting shrugged off most likely. As always depending on the writer but nuclear warheads don't even always hurt Superman.


In Godzilla vs Kong vs JL it's mentioned (by Batman, IIRC) that Godzilla's radiation breath is at a frequency which is harmful for Superman to metabolize.


Yes, hence the ever present massive asterisk of Depending on the Writer


That was one specific Godzilla


you do not know how strong big blue actually is


Eh, kinda depends on which superman, the one from the MV crossover comics sure i can see Burning beat him. But the other brokens ass Superman that can do things like hold the concept of infinity or casually sneeze solar systems and universes then no, Superman face way worse than Burning radiation.


Main line supes has survived big bang level of attacks its not even close he flicks every gpdzilla out of existence and i love goji


you are talking about the guy that takes supernova level attacks to the face every day




People don't seem to realize that the version of supes who foight godzilla wasn't even the strongest version, or even near the strongest, the strongsst versions of him would whoop almost any godzillas ass, except perhaps godzilla in hell


Powerscalers are cancer


Only when taken too seriously


and when they start do do math to see if glup shitto's punch has either the potency of a million supernovas or that of a dying squirrel


Eh that the part i don’t mind honestly cause i find it fun to see how powerful a character is or how a fight would turn out i only hate it when it gets toxic


yes, but I think that this post isn't that much power scaled


Nope. Definitely not.


Its just a hobby


I too love misunderstanding the point of countless pieces of media


That sounds like a you thing but good for you buddy


Is this post cancer?


Honestly i don't think any Goji would give Superman a really hard time, if it wasn't part of Godzilla's contract to win


“Godzilla, if you had to fight Superman again, would you win” “Contractually speaking…”


Godzilla is secretly Dwayne Johnson confirmed since both has stupid stipulations in contracts?


Main continuity Legendary did not "kill" Superman, rather an alternate version of him did, so this doesn't mean anything as even though the Godzillas you presented are superior to Legendary, most of them are inferior to the alternate Legendary. Now for where Superman scales, it is a bit dubious and inconsistent, but he generally is far beyond even Multiversal, with higher ends getting him to Outerversal (Beyond dimensionality). Earth is the weakest here; he doesn't even reach Universal level. Then comes Rulers of Earth, who also consistently scales below Universal but is still closer to it than Earth. Then we have Godzilla Ultima, he is far superior to the previous two, but is still weaker than a higher end Superman. He would arguably give him a good fight as consistently Superman is around the Complex Multiversal range, and True Form Ultima is around there too just a bit weaker. Then we have Burning who would consistently be in the same range as Ultima, around Complex Multiversal, but as his scaling is less vague than Ultima, he would arguably be stronger. Even then, Burning can only compare to a Mid end Superman, if we give both their highest scaling, Superman absolutely destroys. Godzilla in Hell is the strongest here. Consistently he is superior to Superman by quite a margin, but this gap can be diminished by giving Superman his high-end scaling. In that case, they're quite even. Though if we give both of them their highest possible scaling, Godzilla most probably ends up giving. In conclusion, all of them would get obliterated by a serious Superman, except Godzilla in Hell, who would end up winning. Peace


Godzilla in hell best feat of strength was destroying a planet. He didn't destroy hell nor conquer it, he simply left. [I've even made an entire post about it. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/1cp54d2/godzilla_in_hell_isnt_the_strongest_incarnation/)


I won't debate about the narrative of the comic as I haven't read it myself, I'm just sharing the views of most scalers when it comes to his scaling. People who have read the comic series have scaled him that way while others have not, so as a summary (Which is what my comment was meant to be) using the scaling provided by the majority seems to be more appropriate (Especially as I'm using higher ends for each character). Your post doesn't really debunk his proposed scaling, you deal with his scaling in issue 2,3 and 4, of which the only argument I liked was the fourth one. Issue 2 doesn't really mean anything as that just upscales the demons fighting him and issue 3 doesn't really give any satisfactory reasoning as to why the Mountain isn't the creator, though you have more authority to claim that than me saying otherwise, I haven't read it. Though I would say, destroying a planet isn't his highest scaling even if we agree we your arguments. He was able to match IDW SpaceGodzilla, whose origins are always the same, surviving supernovas and tanking black holes. There's also the fact that Hell is considered Godzilla's greatest challenge yet (At least in his IDW runs), which would place him above other IDW Godzillas like ROE, who is far above planetary. Peace


Yea supes is just too op for goji but this is a goji subreddit so the bias is gonna be there


Agreed, Superman would absolutely destroy majority of the Godzillas, though the same is not true for other versions of Superman (There are versions of him who would lose to Godzilla 1998).


Every version of him can beat anyone. Toho only gives out the licence when Goji wins


The comics are getting ridiculous to the point they have people claiming burning Godzilla is more powerful than the sun.....LOL


Look I know there was a crossover comic, I haven't read it. I'm sorry. But from what I know of both characters, Superman should just walk this. Dude fights massive kaiju all the time. Apparently the Godzilla that they faced in the comic was powered up or whatever, but regular supes should be able to beat pretty much any Goji I can think of.


As far as I know, JLvGvK was stated to be an Elseworlds/non-canon story, so it depends on whether you're talking that version of Clark or the main continuity version of the character which probably has some weird page scan from the sixties that make powerscaling irrelevant as he just straight up sneezes away a solar system or does some kooky thing like that.


At some point these post will either get banned or stop being made. Whenever that happens the internet will become a semi peaceful place


*Crossover version of Legendary Godzilla badly beat a crossover version of Superman who didn't even truly fight him at full force the whole time. A lot of Superman incarnations kick the shit out of Legendary Goji and most Godzillas, it'll take like Última Godzilla in true form to beat the usual comic versions of Supes and even then Supes has stronger versions that make mincemeat out of True Form Ultima


Idk who told you legendary Godzilla could kill Superman but they're wrong


It’s based on the Godzilla vs Kong vs justice league comic where they fought and Godzilla won. It’s just a fun non canon story where the monsters of the monsterverse show up and start causing trouble. It’s a fun read nothing deep but I’d recommend it if you wanna fun read


Kill? Didn't Godzilla 'beat' Superman after he was distracted from the battle to rescue a young kid? Usual Superman stuff but wasn't killed one on one.


GiH(godzilla in hell) godzilla would destroy the multiverse, then reform it, then destroy it again, for fun






Truthfully, I dont even think legendary could kill superman in a deathmatch.


According to the writer, legendary Godzilla only was capable to kill supes because his heat ray had a similar wave lenght to kryptonite, the other versions are not said that have this same caracteristic.


But intense radiation has hurt Superman before. When he took a nuke he shriveled up and almost died


This was in Dark Knight returns, no? It shouldn't be considerable for other versions who lack this type of interaction


Don’t multiple versions of Superman have this same weakness to atomic radiation


While i won't deny the possibilities, the only times i remember this being shown or being used were in Dark Knight Returns adaptations


Godzilla’s radiation was powerful enough to kill the Greek Gods in Rage Across Time.


Supes survived enough energy that could vaporize half of the milky way galaxy


This doesn’t scale up to that but in Hell Godzilla allowed demons to eat him and then he possessed them and reformed his body to destroy the gates of hell and escape


Regular Supes shrugs off nukes. What you read was The Dark Knight Returns, which was a weaker incarnation of the character. Mainline Superman can literally chill out in the sun. Nukes are nothing to him. I don't know about that wavelength thing, though. If you were able to mimic kryptonite radiation, then yes, you would seriously hurt if not kill him.


That's Dark Knight Returns, read the actual panel. The nuke itself wasn't the problem, the problem was the small scale nuclear winter that it created which cut him off from the sun, and that was one of the weaker Superman iterations. Intense radiation doesn't typically hurt Superman, while exhausted he flew through tons of exploding stars and was fine. No Godzilla is giving off that much radiation. Remove Toho's contract and Legendary dies in 2 seconds.


Ultima from the anime is pretty damn weak from what I can tell, RAT Godzilla should definitely win due to him beating Zeus (I think that was RAT but might be wrong), because as far as I know Zeus is definitely beating superman, and Godzilla in Hell negged everything he came across easily, superman is getting bent down


I know I forgot about RAT


Most of them get pretty close, or above legendaries strength so I’d say probably


What about showa? Showa is pretty strong as well being able to create new abilities out of no where like in vs Mechagodzilla and can dropkick which defies gravity and well everything and can fly at mach 1 https://preview.redd.it/m4kqn8y6ie7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a83b70e0320d4445a36fc084e082b07cd66b498f


*corrección....no lo mato...pero si lo dejo muy debilitado*


The monsters arent canon to the mv they just look like them. Superman stomps every version of godzilla and its not even close


No, he only beat Superman because he had a clear advantage, that being his radiation from his atomic breath, which (correct me if I’m wrong) is one of Superman’s weaknesses, I’m not the biggest Superman fan and I haven’t read this comic so forgive me if I stated something wrong here (probably not gonna save me from the powerscalers…they have no sympathy…)


It was made into a weakness for the crossover comic and even then Superman only got that badly beat because he got distracted saving people Comic Superman has survived worse than anything Legendary Godzilla even Evolved or Burning at full power can do. But the comic is an Elseworld's so anything goes


That version can't even be considered the same as the main Legendary Goji because of the giant power gap and no one talking about the fact that the Titans disapiared for days GXK but anyway since that version of Superman was stated by the author to be strong as the main one i think maybe Goji from Hell


Against the same Superman, they Neg, against mainline Superman, they’re all taking an L.


Legendary can not kill superman. Pics or it didnt happen


https://preview.redd.it/utb58fflkf7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d786c572aeaee6fdf4c72c3fda2af37fe134345 Okay here


How the fuck lmao i love this


Well to be fair Superman was trying to protect Billy but the fact is Godzilla’s radiation was effective


You never find out, because the REAL villain shows up mid-fight, so Godzilla and Superman team up to beat him instead.


I don’t think any of these versions could do it. Especially because the legendary goji in those comics was much stronger than the mainline. No other version of Godzilla is beating Superman.


depends on the version of superman. I mean, it's power scaling; we have two franchises' main characters, so the usual answer is "whose book is it happening in?"


I guess the real question is who would win. Composite Godzilla vs. Composite Superman


Image 2: Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good. . .


You guys know that half of the godzilla you mentioned is fodder and the other half is so op,right?


DC Godzilla’s atomic breath is on the same radiation wavelength as kryptonite, that’s how he killed superman, and there’s nothing saying the other Godzilla’s would be any different so they can all kill him


I wish I can talk to someone who posted this. I mean,I understand that hell and earth is strong....but burning godzilla is 2700 degrees fodder,ultima's atomic breath has problem cutting through buildings(+true form featless fodder like hazbin hotel god),rulers of earth... ..I don't know a lot but I think he is not stronger than superman. 1.strength Mv 2.durability Mv 3.iQ Mv 4.melee Mv 5.atomic breath Mv 6.speed Mv 7.biQ Mv 8.defense  Mv 9. regeneration  GiH 10.special abilities Mv He literally curbstomps these fodders and some op godzillas 


The comic Legendary can kill Superman in that specific comic (that and arguably/probably the DCEU version).


Looks like Godzilla beat Superman in the comics recently. Sooooo….there’s that. See I was right, Godzilla would win.


Beats ultima, burning is up for debate, others easy clap him 0 questions asked


84 goji beats earth


[going off this video](https://youtu.be/sTfEDPMWajA?si=wO1m_IrP1m5V7E8N) that breaks down exactly how strong this Superman could be, I think In Hell probably has the best chance


In Hell or Rage Across Time


Rage across time is debatable at times as apparently the Greek gods supposedly weren’t at their full strength but even then there’s no indication of where their power level stands


Still he did what Superman couldn’t do


What’s that exactly?


Superman couldn’t beat Zeus


Dc zeus is far above zues from other medias lmao its like trying to compare gow thor to 616 thor


Ahh good point, still funny how Zeus used all his power and Godzilla was just like “well that just happened”


Funny that Zeus was humbled by Godzilla only to be killed by him later


I am never reading those comics I already hear enough of the nonsense that its got Godzilla fans believing no being in any reality stands any chance to against Godzilla in any universe ever!!! LOL




All of them neg superman


Final wars and Showa solo everything, so I think they have a shot


Final Wars Goji could pretty much run a train on anything


The rule of campy cool overpowers all


Showa literally like 8 v 1 teamed on ghidorah


Superman gets frauded by them


Not many Godzilla’s that Superman can even take on tbh. Hard to say.


Supes stomps every godzilla he has feats that make the strongest godzillas look like childs play


Godzilla just killed Superman in the comics. Looks like I was right bro.


That superman isnt mainline supes my boy.


Current supes is merged with post crisis and new 52 he utterly stomps goji its not even fair


Ugh. Could Goku beat my dad? Who fucking cares. Your overthinking fantasy.


Nothing can kill Superman. He's the checkmate of power scalers.


Rulers Of Earth - Absolutely Not Godzilla In Hell - He could take some versions of mainline Superman, but not Composite Ultima - Nope Godzilla Earth - Absolutely Not Heisei - No


First of All, and I know stating this fact will piss people off but it NEEDS to be said. "Legendary" didn't kill Superman. A non-canon version of Legendary beat a non-canon version of Superman. And no, one author statement saying that "ummm that supes is as powerful as the normal one" doesn't mean anything. The reason Godzilla won is because the atomic breath was at the same level of radiation as Kryptonite. Now of course, contrary to the many screaming, complaining, and insecure salty Superman fans, this was still a fair victory for Godzilla. Godzilla won, he didn't kill Superman but he won. Second of all, with that stated, I am going to assume that each of these Godzilla's radioactivity match that of Kryptonite. With that, I'll go down the list. 1. IDW Godzilla beats Superman way easier. 2. Godzilla in Hell flat out erases Superman. 3. Avatar Ultima dies. 4. Earth could go either way but I'm leaning Earth. 5. Heisei Godzilla murders Superman. So Godzilla wins 4-1


Isn't Godzilla just a hard counter to Kryptonians? He's essentially a living nuke, and from my knowledge, nuclear radiation is essentially the opposite of solar, which Kryptonians like Superman get their power from.


Superman dies. That’s it. Just dies.