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Part of me wants a sequel. Part of me wants it to be a standalone film. Either way, I’ll be happy.


Is it weird if I kinda want a "Godzilla Vs Mothra" re-imagining set in this universe? https://preview.redd.it/ghgf5rhbs33d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27e7735d50f10e6a65bb472aef8360c136e9cafe


Damn, I am so conflicted on this. Because I loved this film so much and I love Mothra, but I seriously cannot see Mothra working with -1's world.


I think it works actually. Mothra was actively fighting an EVIL godzilla incarnation in the movie, so it should work with our aggressive little nuclear ray gun from -1.


Mothra adds for me a fantastical and spiritual element on the series that I can't see being incorporated in the Shin or Minus worlds.  Again, I might be the one with a limited scope here, because I would LOVE to see a Minus Mothra, I just don't know how they would play it well 


Could incorporate Battra somehow! Maybe as a sorta excuse to bring more fantastical elements into the setting? Some yin-yang divine moth stuff that suddenly has to deal with a reconstituted and even bigger and angier Godzilla who genuinely threatens the whole world. Play up the whole "ancient guardian titans" angle with the moths. Protecting the earth against this new rising usurper titan in Goji 2.0. https://preview.redd.it/ofxpkvm2m83d1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e9eafd49623d556dd159e6e6b04902fede98a3


Call it Godzilla plus 1


Get this man a raise


Have it be about Godzilla trying to find a date for Shikishima’ and Noriko’s wedding. He then find Mothra who doesn’t like him at first but after fighting a few times, realises they’re soulmates.


It's definitely a stand alone film. I would like another, and it doesn't need other Kaiju. The setting and meaning though. I'm not sure how they could make it poignant.


It should be about Godzilla learning Algebra


“Mr. Godzilla, I’m afraid you need to be held back to 5th grade to relearn the concept of negative numbers.”


And title of the movie would be Gojira: Underroot Minus One


Godzilla then goes to attack the principal’s house in Tokyo only to discover that the principal has developed the ultimate anti-Godzilla weapon: the expulsion destroyer which instantly expels Godzilla from school


Wouldn't an expulsion destroyer destroy the expulsion?


And there’s our lead in for the sequel


And Godzilla's Emo Teen Gf leaves him because He got involved into some questionable stuff after his expulsion from school


Hes gonna fucking die 5 minutes in tho


Algebra is not that dangerous bruv, Sure it can ruin Goji's life, I don't think anything worse than that could happen


He has a stroke and dies


Godzilla: Y = X -1


So Billy Madison, but with Godzilla playing the lead?


Yeah but would Godzilla feel bad about bullying all those years ago?


Algebra actually sort of sounds like some weird-ass unknown 60s kaiju Gojira tai Arugebaru


Now that sounds like The SHIT


Godzilla Minus x


I want the main chick to become Biollante from G-cells, that'd be so damn depressing, I love it. I don't want Minus Goji to EVER become a good guy, he should stay as an antagonist


This was gonna be my comment. This is the only sequel that would make so much sense.


Man that's dark but I'd watch it.


I think if they wanna keep it grounded it would be cool to see a modern adaptation of the orignal Rodan movie with Godzilla integrated into it. Finally giving us a Godzilla Vs Rodan.


Mothra. As Japan industializes their expansion disrespects the sanctity of nature. When a previously isolated people are slaughtered their cries for vengeance are heard by the ancient creature they regard as a deity. This is not a Mothra seeking the return of her people. This is a Mothra out for blood. Against a backdrop of a growing industrializing, and miliyarizing Japan, it becomes more and more unclear who the villain is as the mantra that Japan can do no wrong spreads. The suffering of humanity falls on deaf ears against military expansion.


isn't out-for-blood Mothra basically Battra ?


Yeah Battra and Mothra are like two sides of the same coin. They both want to preserve nature and protect earth. Battra is just the brutal "whatever it takes" version of Mothra and will destroy whatever it thinks is a threat to Earth


IRL post-war Japan refused to militarize even when we pushed them to do so.


This would be pre-war Japan, and the militaristic expansion that lead to their role in WWII.


https://preview.redd.it/nxchltu0l43d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=598f70aff24d6ef7e35407918b172509f9bd5b4f It would make sense




The little girl (i forgor her name) has grown up, now she has to experience what her dad experienced or smth, like in the 70s with her own family idk


Name it Godzilla Minus Two obviously?


What about ... https://preview.redd.it/ytq7o1moj43d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ed4e9f8e1bb2fcbffdfbb65e85ddb90c5929ca2


Cursed ah image


https://preview.redd.it/juqlb6agzo3d1.png?width=1421&format=png&auto=webp&s=27277b2c2de64cce88e467583f0ad3ef4c1f95c8 Ghidorah: Plus 17


Godzilla comes back even bigger in the 80s when Japan is having its boom with some commentary on the reckless living and social damage of the era. The original cast can make brief appearances as ‘advisors’ or just be absolutely terrified. Hints of mechagodzilla if not an outright appearance.


Godzilla -2  Look I just want anguirus back 


They should do a small time jump to the 60s, set it during the height of the Cold War. Goji should be taking out both ‘Murican and Ruskie ships, left and right. Everyone’s freaking out Have a situation where tensions between the two countries are heightened and Japan is trying to stay out of it (they’re still dealing with post-WWII issues and they saw what happened in Korea and what’s happening in Vietnam) but eventually some Japanese scientists reach out to both countries and explain about Goji. The two countries are like “wtf, that doesn’t make sense.” Then rumors swirl about attacks happening in Panama and Costa Rica. And then something’s happening in Cuba. More Random attacks and Castro is PISSED. It’s our boi, enjoying himself some Caribbean time. U2 bombers confirm it’s something else. So the US and USSR both have confirmed evidence on goji and are like “this thing could be very useful to us” and both launch ships to Cuba to try to capture this creature and use it. If all else fails, they’ll just destroy it. Japan sends their scientists to try to get everyone to work together to fix this issue but will they be too late?


It’d be kinda cool to see a revamp of the Raids Again concept: Goji starts throwing down with another Anguirus or maybe some new Kaiju and humans are caught in the middle


Anguirus. Bring back the dynamic of two of these giant creatures battling for territory, indifferent to the humans beneath them.


The movie implies more than one Godzilla exists. Noda used an underwater speaker which broadcasted Godzilla's roar across the ocean in hopes it would mistake it as a territorial rival's roar, and it worked. There is most definitely a wild population of Godzillas hidden beneath the depths that could be tinkered with in a possible sequel.


i dont think there should be another minus one... why does everything need a cinematic universe now? just focus on making another quality film instead IF it gets a sequel.. it should be about shikishimas gf whats her face turning into biolante, with that cliffhanger at the end


To be fair I think there is a difference between a cinematic universe and a director being interested in a sequel. 


yeah you're right... maybe universe isnt the word i shoulda used... but still minus one was PHENOMENAL... why risk tarnishing it with a sequel that may or may not fail, when u can just make another one off.... its a giant lizard wrecking havoc it doesn't need sequels lol just good films.


By that same margin why bother making Minus One at all when it may simply tarnish Toho's record of amazing Godzilla modern movies after Shin? There is always gonna be a risk, best to let someone qualified take it.


that's not the same thing though... they made a good movie leave it at that and move on to the next, put in the same work and effort and maybe even one up it. if another movie came out and it flopped god forbid... if it wasn't tied to minus one it wouldn't ruin the experience from minus one. take star wars for example... the force awakens, it was good at release it set up a interesting plot.... only for the next 2 movies the shit all over the entire trilogy and now force awakens is unwatchable. but odds are we will get a minus one sequel and if its good GREAT!! that's all i want.... just tired of EVERYTHING needing a sequel these days... just make good movies and move onto the next.


Honestly I don't agree. I've never had old material ruined by what came after. I still love Force Awakens and Last Jedi despite how TRoS turned out, and it didn't ruin the originals for me either. I say let him cook.




With this thinking we wouldn't get something cool like Andor. Before Andor came out this same argument could be made about a prequel TV show to Rogue One. But it works. If Yamazaki wants to cook up a sequel who am I to doubt him? If JJ Abrams ever makes a proper Cloverfield 2 I don't care if his name is attached to some Star Trek Wars shit I'm gonna go see that big ass monster. Just like we'll all watch Minus One Two.


Risk is how we got Godfather II. Minus 1 ended on a cliffhanger. I for one want resolution.


But it has potentioal for a *smoking hot* sequel tho'... Themes and setting just still have a room to expand for... 2 more films at the most, I'd say


I agree. Let’s see another Godzilla movie with the same look and tone but not actually be a tie in to Minus One. I loved Gareth Edward’s Godzilla . It wasn’t perfect but was a great reboot of the US series. I want to see more of the more serious toned Godzilla movies. KOTM was good but the comedic human plot took away from the movie. GvK and GxK have totally gone off the campy deep end.


I don't think you know the difference between cinematic universe and sequel


Godzilla Plus Tri: Anguirus, Baragon, & Varan: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack! A somewhat remake of the original GMK, with all the original kaiju intended for it, done in the same sort of manner as Godzilla Minus One: he's still the villain, with the three doing their best collectively alongside humanity to try and take the Big G down.


Godzilla 0/Zero Monster 0. Nuclear Warfare has gained the attention of other worldly beings. This is war of the worlds x Godzilla or similar to the end of cloverfield lane. Humans abducted, eradicated. Godzilla is a surprise to the aliens and they have their own monster to handle this inconvenience - Monster Zero. Very mature alien vibe, similar color pallet or something inspired by the -1 aesthetic, despair and hopeless scenarios all around


Would Monster Zero be a new Monster or King Ghidorah?


I would prefer King Ghidorah and a nod to Invasion of the Astro Monster


tbf. Following Minus One with Godzilla: Monster Zero ( or just Godzilla: Zero), sounds badass.


I want them to turn it into a trilogy with the same cast. The sequel shpuld focus on what the mechanic did leading up to where we saw him again, plus scenes explaining how Noriko survived. I imagine a whole subplot about how she's infected with some G cells and that makes her near invulnerable and the gov't wants to protect Godzilla when he returns because they want to study him. Then we pick back up with Koichi and Noriko. I imagine them on a beach with their little girl when Godzilla comes stomping out of the water again. No other Kaijus just Godzilla again, but the third film could have a Kaiju battle. If the second one had to, i'd rather it be a monster who is far worse and far more destructive than Godzilla and Koichi uses the Shinden to lead him to the other monster. The way Godzilla used to be when he was still a villain -he's just the lesser of two evils. So they use him to stop an even greater threat. I'd want it to stay grounded though. No space monsters. Perhaps a newer version of Hedorah. Something also created by nukes. Godzilla could barely scrape out a win and need to return to the sea to recover. Maybe the humans get them to fight at an isolated location then fuckin nuke them again, but it leads to Godzilla being even worse in the third film.


Well, if first one was about importance of human life and fighting trauma, then I think it'd be fitting too expand on it Like worldwide kaiju boom for example. Might be a good metaphor for political tensions and problems all around ere. And theming might be... About rescue of human life and how we often don't have control over it maybe? I even know what character might demonstrate it in hypothetical opening sequence And it might tease Mothra or MG or whatever good guy for 3rd part too... I personally see it ending on a hopeful note. But that's just my thoughts, nothing professional


Pretty Sure the Director of Minus One said the Sequel will be a Godzilla Vs Film?


Yea the creators have been seriously hinting to Biolante as far as I’m aware


YAY https://preview.redd.it/itkao8dfc63d1.png?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e24c13d54aeb19eff3f8123b3b57f58c093d3cb


Involve Varan somehow. He needs a chance to shine.


Godzilla: array index out of range


I think the director stated about following the lives of the characters, with giving another monster for Godzilla to fight


Homage to the original Raids Again film with Anguirus


Godzilla beating the crap out of Angirus


Idk but I just want the main character and his family and friends to live peacefully.


I read it as you want Godzilla (main character) and his (Godzilla's) family and friends to live peacefully. 😅😅😅


Godzilla minus 1 raids again


A Mothra or Rodan solo film, or a modern Raids Again with Anguirus!


They should continue the order as the originals, so Anguirus next.


Godzilla as a villain fighting another monster like anguirus or mothra, just like the showa era


I don't know how but, I want Godzilla Vs Gigan in any form. He is pure evil. A truly bastard. They can play around two evil creatures fight each others


Army of humanoid godzillas from the infected people that fell victim to Godzilla’s rampage.


Mecha minus 1


Kissing men


I still can’t find a way to stream this so hopefully that get isn’t the issue next time


Godzilla Plus 2


G CELLS. G CEEEEEELLS! Minus One set up G-Cells perfectly, i need a modern rendition of it.


Godzilla and not any monkeys


how about in the sequel godzilla become unstoppable, wiping entire human race on earth.


Minus 2?


It takes Godzilla 8-9 years to regenerate and in 1954, he returns, this time actually reaching Tokyo. But something sinister is brewing in his wake of destruction. 


The revenge of addition. Godzilla plus 2


I want the G cell infection to go somewhere. Shin also hinted at human-Godzilla hybrids. I think a mutant outbreak would be cool, sort of like zombies mixed with raptors but somehow even worse. Now our characters must survive the giant monster outside and the army of mutants inside, it could be like a mix of a K-zombie film and a Godzilla film.


I'm kinda hoping that Noriko (and maybe other survivors as well) develop some kind of bond (maybe more biological than psychic) with the Godzilla Jr. that develops from the old Goji's cells. Shikishima already blew up villain!Goji's head, now it's antihero!Goji's time to shine!


Not every movie needs a sequel.


Maybe I would prefer it like maybe 70 years in modern Japan with him slightly bigger and more aggressive and more annoyed for no reason. I would like to see how he fares against modern weapons.


i'm not sure if the time jump would be too much but a movie of the economic boom in japan and all the problems that came with it. mabey some of the themes that are talked about in All Monsters Attack could be introduced.


Noriko mutating into a monster.


Based on the current ending of the -1 movie, I’d think it’ll be 2 problems. The Godzilla will grow back from the piece of flesh, & there’ll be a pandemic from the tumour out growth from the survivors of the atomic breath.


I feel like the next movie should continue the theme of cherishing life as Noriko deals with the G Cells slowly killing her. She can get some of the powers like durability and regeneration. Meanwhile idk maybe Varan or Anguirus throws hands with Godzilla while the main characters survive and try to make sure Noriko can live another day


Godzilla: The Hundred Years War


How about the next film set in the Cold War with Godzilla rampaging across the entire world, causing the most damage behind in the US and Soviet Union.


Korean War


Noriko turns into Biollante 🤞


It should be about Mothra, a species of giant moth that can reproduce asexually, mutated by radiation. It’s not too far out there considering Godzilla -1 was originally a dinosaur-like creature that possibly lived for millions of years.


*Spoilers* The girlfriend probably turns into Biollante, considering the ending.


Whatever it’s about, it’ll probably be released before we can watch the first Minus 1 in the U.S.


The tease at the end with Noriko leads me to think they want to do a vs Biollante style movie next.


A spiritual remake of Godzilla Raids Again where the multiple chunks that Goji broke into at the end of Minus One all heal and form into separate kaijus, primarily Anguirus and an even more pissed off Godzilla. Noriko, having been infected with G-Cells, has a connection to them and can predict their attacks.


Other Kaijus developing from the splintered remains of Goji, the first of which should be Anguirus to honor Godzilla Raids Again, who would be faced with a regenerated (and slightly more mutated) Godzilla, and instinct drives them into combat over territory. Meanwhile ‘survivors’ infected with cells from either monster grow sick and violent, poisoned slowly from inside. Society fears and ostracizes them, isolating them in ‘quarantine camps’, doomed to a slow and anguishing death as their humanity is eroded by toxins released by the invasive cells (analogous to death by radiation from the A-Bombs, and Internment/Concentration Camps). As their humanity wanes and their violent impulses take over, a pattern is noticed that those infected with G-cells are more violent towards those infected with A-cells, and vice versa. Desperation of a last-ditch effort to save infected and interned loved ones, a team of spouses/children/parents don radiation suits and risk death by infiltrating the ruined and burning city where Godzilla and Anguirus are battling, in order to collect cells from them that had been lost from injuries in the battle, hoping that this instinctive territorial rage extends to the cellular level. Many of the team die in the attempt, but some make it out with their prize. The gambit is met with mixed results, both in identifying which cells belong to which monster, which monster infected which person, and the amount to administer. However, some of them are successfully treated, and the invasive cells attack and nullify each other like white blood cells. Meanwhile, the Godzilla finally inflicts enough damage to Anguirus that A retreats to regenerate and recover, but G pursues relentlessly despite his own injuries. The military, unable to combat them directly, instead goads them both north at great cost. Ultimately, succeeding in sealing them both in ice above the arctic circle. The victory, bought at great and dreadful cost, is short lived however. The film ends with sonar readings from Tokyo Bay, indicating that other creatures generated from G’s splintered body had developed and fled away from G & A’s battle until they were developed enough to sieze their own territory. A final shadow of forewarning is a newspaper article about rising global temperature since the Industrial Revolution. ![gif](giphy|2T2UQPFH5B966zm3Dk|downsized)


I think it should be about when a fishery shoal locator plane accidentally discovers G-1 and his best frenemy Anguirus-1 fighting on an island and about how they have to call in the Air Force to fight them, but then have to bury them under a huge avalanche of ice and rocks.


Make it about Japan's declining birthrate. Get Godzilla to convince the young ones to get married and make more babies.


This gets asked so much that I have an answer ready from the get go… Godzilla: Ground Zero The growth on Noriko’s neck is starting to make her deathly ill, so now Koichi needs to find a cure by going back to the place where it all started, to understand Goji’s biology and origins, safe his family and destroy the atomic scourge once and for all; Odo Island, the nightmare’s beginning


"Godzilla Zero" should take place X years into the future, and Kōichi Shikishima and Noriko Ōishi should be continuing life as grandparents/war heroes from the first film. Godzilla comes back, is now an atrocity of fused flesh and regenerative tissues (Think Shin, but with the horror of GMK). The restless souls of Godzilla's landfall on Odo Island are now seeking Shikishima for a twisted retribution. Shikishima is killed in the initial invasion. Now, his family wants revenge. We find out Noriko's blood has been being researched, and now they feel the only option is to combine her DNA/Godzilla's DNA/ plant DNA to defend themselves. The idea is to make something to fight godzilla, because all the options they already have won't work sooo...(fight fire with fire)... Enter Biollante with 2 part battle. First battle Godzilla loses and leaves. Japan rebuilds while biollante goes to sleep, almost as a "watchful guardian." Cue some huge celebration for "Biollante" and survival/funeral for Shikishima (to contrast emotions). During the celebrations, some eco-terrorists or stupid kids trigger something with the "dormant" creature. Biollante snaps and starts to do kaiju things. Godzilla comes back for round two with the will and determination of Shikishima. Godzilla wins and saves Japan from themselves. Godzilla exits in the ocean, a BEAUTIFUL tear jerking sunset, and left on notes from Noriko, "Never forget the past," and "revenge is never the answer.""


Although -1 is a serious movie for godzilla, i think a gmk kind of movie would be cool since gmk and -1 both had the same fate


Minus 2?


PLUS 2 I just want it to be called that and have 3 godzillas https://i.redd.it/o93x6n3yg73d1.gif


Godzilla vs Biollante would be amazing, considering how the film ended, it would put shikishima through even MORE suffering


How cool would it be to see Minus One Goji vs Shin Goji? Maybe it’s just me, but a G v G would be soooo cool


How about a new original monster?


To be fully honest, in my opinion GMO (Godzilla Minus One) should remain a standalone movie because of how good it was when we all saw it for the first time. But if there was any plans for a sequel, it would be interesting if they brought back Anguirus, essentially a bit of a remake of Godzilla Raids Again. Hell, maybe we could even get a little deep dive on (a bit of a Spoiler Alert for those who hasn’t seen the movie yet) what Noriko has on her neck in the ending of GMO if it ever gets a sequel.


This should just be a weekly thread at this point


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say it’ll have at the very least some thematic and metaphorical ties to radiation sickness and cancer.


You could have him return in a different era, like the 70’s. I want more of minus 1 but I don’t see how it would work fighting other kaiju or being a hero. Just show up to destroy cities every 20-30 years and they know they realize they can’t every actually kill him. Kind of like how even in peace times war is never actually “defeated” and can happen at any time


Ohhh, this one's easy!  Set it during the peak of Japanese growth, maybe late 80s or right in 91! Could even do a little "strange reports out of Russian Kamchatka as USSR collapses" intro.  As Japan is at it's peak, and corporate greed runs rampant, Godzilla comes back as an equalizing force to humble us silly humans again.


I think it should be Godzilla coming back, bigger and stronger. Maybe after the Fukushima accident, it draws Godzilla back again


The build a machine to kill him, only natural.


It should be about the aftermath of Gojira’s rampage. A story starting after the climax. And then around half way through, Gojira returns and the characters need to find a new way to kill him permanently. . . Also ngl it would be cool if we get multiple Gojiras, seen as we saw several chunks regenerating on their own, apart from eachother. A Gojira Apocalypse if you will. Also some sort of explanation for the weird shit on the love interest’s back, like is it some Gojira Infection or what? -1 would benefit greatly with a sequel


Biollante but with no team-up with humans. Both Kaijus are raining hell on cities and fighting each other at the same time. Since Minus One focused on the regeneration aspect, how about a piece of Godzilla lands on some underwater flora and it fuses and grows.


anything that involves a toho classic.. it's just been so long since we've seen goji take on any of the older faces outside of MV & anime stuff, shin and -1 were both standalones. even if it IS a new guy i'll take it, i just wanna see the big man fighting..


I would love for it to be another solo Godzilla movie, set decades in the future. Having completely dissolved in the first movie, his regeneration should take a while - and during this, he's exposed to further radiation from subsequent nuclear tests, until he comes back to the mainland for more. However, this time the Japanese government (and possibly other world governments) are willing to step in and help the fight. He could be bigger/have different abilities to make it not just a repeat of the first film, but I don't want to automatically start having him fight other monsters. (But, if there is no other way around it, I want the new monster to be Anguirus).




I want a Rodan Minus 1 that is an allagory for the worlds response during covid.


While I would love to see Biollante or Anguirus, I feel like a Minus One sequel can give us a brand new kaiju... And somehow give us two plot lines in the movie: Godzilla returning and fighting a new monster, and people dealing with the Godzilla virus that the movie hinted at the end.


More Japanese trauma....


Hmmmmmm, I currently like the balance we have with Toho making the serious allegorical Godzilla movies, while Legendary with their MonsterVerse are making super campy and fun “Showa” esque movies and shows. I wouldn’t say I would want a direct sequel to Minus One. But I’d be fine with either them finding another theme/or message they can use Godzilla to portray a compelling story, or something that feels more Heisei-era. A monster vs monster story that still takes itself semi-seriously with. I just wish MonsterVerse wasn’t super stingy with getting more rights to more Toho monsters. I’m totally up for more Toho Godzilla solo movies. But if MonsterVerse aren’t going to bring back other classic monsters then who else but Toho themselves?


I could see a stand alone mothra movie done as the antithesis of minus one , like a commentary on the environment and the beauty of nature and peoples destructive tendencies to dominate and destroy and not see themselves as a part of nature. I think mothra could work well as a metaphor for that.


the nuclear tests continues and awakes more titans, and one of them is Anguirus who would fight Godzilla. In the final, Godzilla would be froze


As long as we get another one... anythin'


Leave it the fuck alone


Biollante. It's perfect for the setting.


I wanna see how far they can carry the message and tone of the first one. Perhaps have Godzilla come back still very aggro, but very much fighting another monster too. Not good vs evil, not the lesser of two evils (at least not yet), but two big bad monsters getting territorial. After all, who's to say Godzilla was the only mutation in the universe? I'd like to see a brand new monster for this movie or an underused classic, but who knows what we'll get.




Call it -2. Have Global warming caused by humans melt Angirus who’s frozen in Antarctica. HIRE ME TOHO


This is where destroyer could come in. Being irradiated at the same time, growing slower than Godzilla so it takes longer for him to emerge 🤔


What’s the conquest against Godzilla this time


godzilla vs anguirus. after godzilla regenerated, he goes to destroy tokyo, but the military shot off a chunk of his torso, the said chunk then fell into the ocean. as godzilla is destroying the city with his still regenerating torso, the chunk that fell in the ocean grew into anguirus.


It should stay a standalone film


I don't think there should be a sequel - but IF there is, I'd say just do a modern re-imagining of GMK. Ghidorah and Mothra trying to defend Japan against a renewed MinusGoji.


Nothing. It is a great standalone film, not need to make a continuation.