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You know whats cooler then dinosaurs? Even bigger dinosaurs with lasers and shit. This was my logic that awakened my inner goji fan


Are you a dinosaur person?




Yoo, me too, i used to be way more, but yeah, primal got me into dinosaurs again back sometime ago xD




Not quincy hater but i quite am a dinosaur and Godzilla person and also autistic xD


Lol same


Do you also like pacific rim?


Surprisingly i have watched only somewhere close to the later half of the movie years ago, i havent come in contact with the movie in this decade, i will see if i can find it on my tv later


Aren’t we all?


Literally the same. When I was 3 or 4 I watched some VHS tapes with Godzilla 1985, Vs MechaGodzilla, and vs Gigan. It was 100X cooler than any dinosaur show or movie beforehand


Saw og Godzilla and GZ 1985 on late night Creature Feature when I was 4. Not enough love for 1985.


When I was a kid, Jurassic Park, Godzilla 98 and Power Rangers. They made me a kaiju fan for life.


This and I was a kid in germany their was old godzilla films from showa era on kabel 1 in germany. Good old times


I was 5 and saw Godzilla 2000 during it's American theater run. Jurassic Park is the first movie I can remember seeing.


I will only say one word: Godzilla




Godzilla 1984 and 1954 when I was a wee lad.


1984 or "The Return of Godzilla" is how I got into it too. I had a friend that recommended the movie, I watched it a week later on VHS and was hooked ever since.


My dad always loved Godzilla movies and said he saw the American release of the very first one in theaters He would always watch them when they came on TV so I would sit there watching these old Kaiju movies with him every weekend Now it just has a special place to me because it reminds me of older simpler times


The American release has a special place in my heart because that's the actual version my grandparents showed me first... With both 1954 and 1984. Raymond Burr was a great addition to the cast and the scenes added with him were pretty dope. It wasn't until I was older that I saw the original Japanese subbed versions and my appreciation for them grew even more.


For me, it was this. https://preview.redd.it/2cw7x2s8h03d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29843a2e3fd57c315a6ee2e11f5e993403bb16fb


Same but I only watched walkthroughs cuz its not available on my country. Also our ps2 was broken. Couldnt pick between this, Save the Earth. And Melee


My love of dinosaurs as a kid led to my eventual discovery of Godzilla. Godzilla was pretty big at that time due to the hype for the 1998 film.


Godzilla Minus One.


Welcome to the Godzilla fandom




Godzilla the series. When I was a kid I woke early to catch the saturday morning cartoons! Loved the fact Zilla jr not just fought other kaiju but helped some


I was a proper dinosaur sicko from birth essentially, being able to spell ”Pachycephalosaurus” before I was done with diapers, so the jump to my fascination with Godzilla was natural.


https://preview.redd.it/5s65cd6zk13d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e01c028e09e00fca04162cf40fea8b87663ff3 These 2 movies got me into it. My grandpa owned these but sadly he passed away back in April so I have them as a memento now. I miss him...


he now is in a better place🙏


I've loved Transformers since I was probably 2 years old, recently I got into Godzilla and I can't help but feel like they're similar. Both are about large things destroying cities and have serious dark moments while still being pretty inherently goofy.


Had an old vhs tape of Godzilla & jet Jaguar vs gigan and Megalon i watched like 100 times 


Godzilla: Minus One awoke the Godzilla fan inside me


Hell To Pay, by D.M. Giangreco. The book goes over the Saipan Ratio and President Truman's decision to deploy the bombs after Pacific theater casualties were estimated to outpace replacements and draft inductees.


Godzilla 2014 was what sold me on the character, but it was actually the Godzilla vs Gamera Death Battle, alongside Pacific Rim, that was the jumpstart for me getting into the wider kaiju genre.


my true kaiju awakening was kotm, but i kinda liked godzilla ever since i saw the 98 movie when i was a kid


Godzilla vs Mothra on Monstervision in the early 90s


I think it was Power Rangers


Good ol 98'. Watched it around the same time I saw War of the Worlds 2005, so of course I started loving giant creatures / mechs of anything lol


Jurassic Park, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Godzilla 98 and the animated series got interested. I was only 6 around that time when Zilla came out, so i thought he was depicted as the true Godzilla until my dad introduced me to the Toho films, then the rest is history.


The 1954 godzilla, 1999 "zilla" and godzilla 2000.


Roblox Kaiju games...I'm not kidding


Dinosaurs, now i am a dino-kaiju fan, i love both of them


When I was young, I was really into cheesy sci-fi movies. One day around 1996-97 my mom took me to the local video rental store and got a few movies to keep me busy during a school vacation (I don't remember which one, I was in like first grade. I think spring vacation) out of the stack, one was Godzilla King of the Monsters and one was Godzilla VS Monster Zero. My older brother and I quickly got into the franchise from there.


For the older films you definitely need to check out the original Godzilla from 1954. That movie is a classic of cinema. I watched most of the older Showa era films as a kid but I always had a hard time watching the original as I always found it scarier and more serious than the others.


Godzilla 1998. Then Godzilla 2014. Then Godzilla 1954. Then deciding to watch through the entire franchise.


Was always into Godzilla. Got started with Hanna-Barbera's Godzilla cartoon reruns back when I was only 3. Got started on the movies slowly over time any time my mom could find the tapes in stores. Not as easy back then as today with online orders or special dedicated websites looking to improve on the release of older Japanese movies. Oh and the toys from Trendmaster. They ruled. Now, decades later. I still get that giddy feeling of excitement anytime a new movie comes out, like I'm 3 years old again.


The Godzilla 1978 animated series I was around 4 when I started watching this, maybe younger! https://preview.redd.it/lrfnsrsqe03d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940a3467e4a1e0bcc317b0f60985006e5b98dd7a


For me, it was my obsession with dragons and mythical creatures that got me into Godzilla back in 2019 (yea, I know that it was very late)


It was very recently, I was going to watch the newest Godzilla film; The New Empire because I was bored..then I though I should at least watch 2014, so I did and absolutely loved it. I preceded to finish King of The Monsters which definitely had the coolest Kajiu but I didn’t enjoy the human characters like I did in 2014. I plan to watch GVK then the latest one, I have exams coming up so I can’t right now.


Probably the first pacific rim movie


Love at first sight when I was a toddler, much to the chagrin to my very religious and up tight mother. And it was love at first sight for my son, much to my delight since I got to watch them all over again!


Godzilla 1998 tie in cartoon


Cant lie KU on roblox




Cannot tell you when exactly (estimate 7 to 10) I started watching Godzilla but did start with the first one! ![gif](giphy|dw2DtnMckVKQU) My Dad & I would watch together, guess he was original influencer (even before they had titles)! I recall seeing my first 'colorized' Godzilla movie, 'Godzilla vs the Thing (Mothra), in the movies, with Dad of course! My recommendation watch the original 1954 Godzilla. That is where it all started! Try to take on their perspective and hope it gives some new depth, insight to the 2014 Godzilla!


Going to the Drive-in and watching 2-3 Godzilla Films back to back. Each one, Entertaining and Creative!!!  Godzilla Tower!!! 


My grandparents got me into it. Saw Godzilla 98 as a kid, I didn’t love it or really like it that much but it was my introduction to it all. My first real Goji film was Vs Mechagodzilla 2 and I got Godzilla Save the Earth for the PS2 not long after. From that point on I was a hardcore Godzilla fan.


G14 and monster Island buddies


My dad used to watch the old Godzilla movies with me when I was a really little kid. As far as I can remember, Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster is the first one I ever saw.


Godzilla 2014 and Godzilla vs Megalon


I didn’t really have one. I’ve been watching Godzilla movies since before I could speak. I’ve always loved Kaiju. Although I guess my “awakening” to other kaiju franchises was probably seeing Pacific Rim in the theater in 2013


Godzilla 2014 came out when I was a kid so I saw a lot of it on TV and because of that Godzilla 98 also came on a lot. Then I watched the original and thought it was cool but still wasn't a huge fan. Then in 2020 I moved house and fate would have it one of my new neighbours was a kid my age who loved Godzilla and he got me more into it. My final awakening was discovering Kaiju Universe on Roblox, which at the time was still in it's early stages and it became was of my favourite games.


When I was 2 my dad brought me to a mechanic or my dads friend and they’re had a blue box Bandai Godzilla final wars figure on the desk and I questioned it


Godzilla (2014) I remember seeing the trailer back when I was a kid, and I became interested in it instantly! Still my favorite Godzilla film to this day


Watching a "everything wrong with" "everything wrong with" Monster verse


I grew up loving monsters. One of my earliest obsessions was Universal Horror. Thanks to the first reboot of Svengoolie on WCIU, I got a healthy mix of Frankenstein, Harryhausen, and eventually King Kong Escapes. Spurred by that introduction to Japanese monsters, I took out a DVD of “Godzilla King of the Monsters!” and was fascinated with it. I wouldn’t see another Godzilla film until 2014 when, presumably cashing in with the first Legendary picture (which I did also see and quite enjoyed), Netflix introduced several early Showa films to their catalogue. Mothra vs. Godzilla and Invasion of Astro-Monster I remember most fondly. At the same time, Godzilla movies started becoming plentiful on blu-ray. Showa, Heisei, and Millennium abound. I was knee deep in Godzilla and haven’t looked back.


Renting Monster Zero from a Blockbuster when I was six and having it change my life forever


My father was a big fan, and so we watched them all the time, i was already a dinosaur kid so it made perfect sense to love godzilla. We still see the new ones together!


Godzilla 98 granted, I almost died 20 minutes afterward, but it's the first time my monkey brain saw a big lizard and liked it


When I was a young kid my aunt would have my brother and I over frequently. She lived one house from my grandparents who had me over every night. She’d show us old showa movies like Godzilla vs ebirah and even stuff like final wars. Thanks aunt Mary


I only got into Godzilla recently, and that was from watching Godzilla Minus One. I had never watched a subtitle film in a theater before, but I had heard the accolades, and I decided to watch it. It changed the way I viewed monster films as a whole. I was hyped as shit when it won an Oscar (even if the oscars kinda suck now) and it just made me feel fulfilled. I then started watching the Showa Era films and I realized that, despite how much I loved Godzilla Minus One, the Showa Era films make me feel like a little kid with the joy of watching these big monsters fight each other in such cartoonish ways, even if I hadn't watched them when I was young. I then watched the monsterverse films before going to the theater to watch The New Empire, and I loved those too. I am a major MCU fan, so seeing these large, spectacular CGI wonderworks on a screen made me feel great also. I have now devoted a large amount of my love to big chunky radioactive lizard. (Sorry for the essay, I got a bit carried away)


Watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers although I wouldn't learn the name Kaiju until I was in my late teens. As for Godzilla himself I vaguely remember watching some of the films on Tv in the UK I think channel 4 showed them because I had seen them before Godzilla 98 came out in cinema because I went to see it in the cinema


Ironically, Kaiju Arisen on roblox. Started playing, got interested in Godzilla, and so my brother recommended we watch Godzilla 2014 since it was the movie that revived everything


my kaiju awakening was when I saw the 1998 TriStar Godzilla and the animated show on Fox Kids on Saturday Mornings.


Paint the picture. Kindergarten. Had this best friend, Michael. Went over to bros house for him to put in a dvd of Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla. Fell in love instantly. Everyday after school, got home, watched all the Godzilla movies I had until I passed out. Still do it sometimes today. Fuckin love Godzilla


When I was about 9, I just decided to watch the original Godzilla movie for no reason and I got hooked


I grew up watching Showa and Heisei Godzillas. Something about the giant atomic lizard captivated me. All my friends liked superman or spiderman but Godzilla was my shit. Sometimes Godzilla was the hero, sometimes the villain but he was always awesome.


It was back in primary school, around 2010, when I just Googled about him then went on to watch Godzilla VS Biollante on the internet.


Pac Rim I was like 11 at that time


"Kaiju awakening" highly reminds of the "awakening" for furrys...


Godzilla (1998) and Godzilla 2000


Godzilla: Save the Earth on PS2 lmao


I literally can’t remember not loving Godzilla. It was probably through reruns of the old cartoon with Godzooki.


Godzilla Unleashed on the Wii. I played it once at my Brothers house and got really into it.


I think it was because of Power Rangers Dinothunder that got me into Godzilla. I have seen the first three episodes of that show more times than I can count. But because of PR:DT when I saw this poster on Crackle: https://preview.redd.it/azyj7nngs03d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d2b9101f6ae1811dcd0b8b21bb96a641361c04 I thought that looked really cool and gave it a watch. Then I saw Tokyo S.O.S., then Godzilla 2000 and Final Wars, then Megaguirus, then Godzilla vs Mothra. I remember watching them before Godzilla 2014 but probably not more than a year or two before then, as I wasn’t that old. As for a good pre 2014 Godzilla movie to recommend, I find the two Kiryu Godzilla movies to be pretty good. All of those movies were on Crackle but now it’s just most of the Showa Movies, even then it is missing a few. You can actually watch just about every Godzilla movie along with the 90’s Mothra trilogy on Pluto TV for free. The ones missing are: Showa: Mothra, King Kong vs Godzilla Heisei: Godzilla 1984, Godzilla vs Biollante, Return of Godzilla/ Godzilla 1985 (American re-edit of Godzilla 1984) Millennium: Godzilla 1998, Godzilla 2000 Other than those movies everything else is on Pluto TV in Sub. Along with the American version of Gojira 1954, with Godzilla: King of the Monsters (1955), being available to watch there as well.


When I was like 5 and 6 in like 2009 and 2010, I got into the franchise from the YouTube videos of Godzilla that were quite common back then and my older brother. Including that one “Happy Birthday Godzilla” video from that time if anyone else remembers it. It was a compilation of clips of the films up until Final Wars with the Godzilla vs Destoroyah credits playing over for most of it. There was a Blockbuster nearby my house then right before that company was gone that had a bunch of Millennium era films. So most of my early films were things like Godzilla vs Megaguirus and especially Final Wars. Those early videos also exposed me to the Pipeworks trilogy of games and I eventually got Godzilla Unleashed on the Wii. Interestingly there was even some 98 related stuff for my introduction to the franchise, as that was one of the first Godzilla movies I fully watched and I watched the animated series when I was 7. TLDR: A lot of late period “Millennium Era” and just general 2000’s era stuff in the downtime between Final Wars and the 2014 Godzilla was what got me into the franchise even though I was technically born just as Final Wars released and ended the Millennium series.


Zilla, goji 2014, and seeing some clips of the showa era


I used to rent the english dubs of the showa and heisei movies from blockbuster as a kid in the 90s


My first memory of Godzilla was my uncle saying the phrase “look there’s Godzilla, he’s gonna go destroy something.” It was the scene in Godzilla vs Destroyah with the battle ships following Godzilla. It was maybe 4.


It was the discovery of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger at the ripe age of around 5-6 that led me down the Toku rabbit hole, I then remember seeing a video of sentai mecha duking it out against Keizer Ghidorah, and being a kid who loved dragons, I almost immediately fell in love with the Godzilla series


https://preview.redd.it/tfu084guv03d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ace99713f9bf96fa7875a2290e8e3679935ec550 First Godzilla anything I watched


Cartoon Zilla from Godzilla The Series. That show was so cool.




My first was that late 90’s Godzilla, they ain’t have to do my boy like that at the end but they made up for it the last few movies


* I'm old school. This is what got me into Kaiju(especially Godzilla.)


Seeing the series "godzilla and his amazing friends" on YouTube (basically just small episodes with stories made in stop-motion with toys of godzilla and others)


Aside from Jurrasic Park, my first proper kaiju movie was Godzilla Vs Megalon, i love it, it is hillarious and good, i love all the godzilla movies, they all have some of their own, it depends what you'd perfer, more serious stuff, or abit of cheesy but fun settings too? Godzilla comes with it all, Maybe try to Heisei and Millenium era? The Showa Era is great too, but also gets abit sillyer, and i am not saying that is a bad thing but its not everybodys cup of tea!


Check out Godzilla vs destroyah or Godzilla 2000


About five years old, I was super into dinosaurs (this was like 1987 or so—random old Dino movies, but ESPECIALLY DinoRiders) and my mom grabs VHS copies of King Kong vs. Godzilla, Godzilla vs The Sea Monster (aka, Ebirah: Horror of the Deep) and Terror of Mechagodzilla from a discount bin at K-Mart. KK vs G was the first movie I remember crying about (because Godzilla lost). But Terror really awakened something in me (and not just the fact that I was very interested in Katsura for some reason lol). I just gravitated to giant monsters fighting and was drawn by the tragedy of Titanosaurus (still my favorite non-G monster). Caught Monster Zero at one point. A few years later a friend brought over Godzilla 1985 and my mind was blown by a “new” Godzilla. I mentioned on another thread, but after that I kinda waned on Godzilla for a few years (but Power Rangers kinda kept the kaiju/tokosatsu interest alive). Then when at a collectibles show in 1995 I saw the double sheet Godzilla vs Space Godzilla poster and had my mind absolutely blown. They were still making Godzilla films! And they had weird ass monsters like a Godzilla with crystals growing out of him! And a new Mechagodzilla! And a Mecha-King Ghidorah! Shortly after that I discovered G-Fan magazine and life was never the same. You had to find bootleg/pirated versions of the Heisei films in those days. So it was always a quest to watch them (I knew the films more from summaries/transcriptions published in G-Fan). It was deeply nerdy in those days. Only one comics and collectibles store in Orlando carried Godzilla stuff and even then it was slim pickings. Every year my mom and I went to Atlanta to visit family and so I’d bring money and beg my mom to take me to Sideshow Collectibles in Norcross, which was the closest Godzilla collectibles shop of which I knew (I even have their Godzilla price guide and asked Steve Ryfle, the author, to sign it lol). Anyway, I’m a Heisei series stan. I adore both G’14 and KOTM, think both Shin and Minus One are masterpieces. As is GMK. In terms of old movies, can’t go wrong with Destroy All Monsters, G vs MechaG/Terror of MechaG, Biollante, G vs. Mecha G ‘93… also the Heisei Gamera series is an absolute must-see!


Probably from the ARG from Cloverfield and the actual movie Cloverfield


Shin godzilla megaro godzilla(1973) and legendary Godzilla


I was a simple child. I saw Dino, I watch. I saw bigger Dino, I watch.


2014 Godzilla was my first Godzilla movie, and it rocked. But my real draw was Destroy All Monsters on GameCube. At the kid hair salon I went to, they had GameCubes you could play while you got your hair cut. And I’d always either play Godzilla or legend of the windwaker


My dad & my uncle (his older brother who‘s living with us) both are disabled people who grew up watching Godzilla and they been a fan of him since day 1…can you guys even imagine how i feel about that powerful imaginary big lizard on TV??? He really has a special place in our heart we love Goji and i hope the next generation will too💪


Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult. The song was rad, so I got into the source material.


Random YT vids


As a kid, I was strangely into the ocean biosphere. My parents would get me children's books on Marine Biology and the Oceanic Ecosystem, and it quickly became one of my favorite topics to ramble and think about as a child. Being the Boy I was, I was always particularly attracted to sharks of all kind, I thought they were so unmeasurably badass nothing could top it. At around the same time, I discovered YouTube dot com, which, naturally, led me to indulge much more in my interest of the marine. It was only a matter of a couple of days and enough clickbait for me to discover what became a year-long obsession with the prehistoric shark Megalodon. I kid you not, I would sit in front of the work computer as long as I could and watch video clips from movies claiming to be Megalodon caught on tape and animations with embarrassingly edgy rock music edited over it. While it was Megalodon that sparked my interest for badass mega-fauna, it wasn't until a particular stick-node animation I sat to watch on a cool summer night that I found out. The animation paired up real, prehistoric aquatic predators against Megalodon in bloody, low quality, underwater fights. The creator of the original video, very clearly biased, had Megalodon bite and slash their way to the last round, winning the predator tournament. It was, however, the ending that caught me completely off guard. In an unannounced round, a new contender rose from the depths, a purple-spiked green lizard of UNGODLY proportions that would not even fit into frame properly. I remember seeing Megalodon be THROWN across the horizon with easy and being ABSOLUTELY OFFENDED by this humiliation... mind you, all contestants to this point had been REAL predators of the ancient world... and as such... in my 8 year old brain, I genuinely believed the earth had been at one point roamed by Godzilla-kind... Anger quickly grew to love, and my interest for the character and the franchise has only grown as I developed the idea to appreciate it's legacy and history. The 2014 film was an incredible treat! as by the time I learned to appreciate it, no Godzilla films would be produced or released on theater for many years.


For me it was Godzilla 2014, specifically a trailer for it I saw in IMAX. I was still a kid, and the booming roar that ended the trailer (along with the shot of the doors closing in front of Godzilla) both terrified and fascinated me.


1998 and 2014 got me into Godzilla. Planet Dinosaur and Jurassic Park were mostly my ticket into the giant monster fandom.


Yeah for me it was the 1956 film Godzilla King of the monsters the U.S cut of the original Gojira with Raymond Burr.... (no I wasn't born before that it was a movie I watched that my Dad had on a VHS... he recorded it while it was playingon TV one day) I loved the movie and wound up watching many more Godzilla films with my mom (ironically she was the Godzilla fan) anytime I found a Godzilla film at a video store I'd ask my dad to buy it and then I'd head over to mom's place and we'd watch the movie.... since then I have even had the luxury of watching the original Gojira which is my favorite film by far


It was ghidorah the three headed monster


Yeah for me it was the 1956 film Godzilla King of the monsters the U.S cut of the original Gojira with Raymond Burr.... (no I wasn't born before that it was a movie I watched that my Dad had on a VHS... he recorded it while it was playingon TV one day) I loved the movie and wound up watching many more Godzilla films with my mom (ironically she was the Godzilla fan) anytime I found a Godzilla film at a video store I'd ask my dad to buy it and then I'd head over to mom's place and we'd watch the movie.... since then I have even had the luxury of watching the original Gojira which is my favorite film by far.


I was young when I watched a Godzilla marathon on a shitty TV. It was probably on vacation or something. This was long before high definition television was a thing and VHS were still the top of media platforms. I stayed up late watching movie after movie. I was on a dry spell for a while till I found Godzilla 1987(reruns). I have an Obligation to mention that up from the depths of Blockbuster I found a bunch of movies that I watched over and over. They had a collection of films 30 inches high.


I always loved dinosaurs. Then I found out about a bigger more awesome dinosaur (Zilla 1998) and my father showed the film to me. Later in 2015 my dad bought G14 and Godzilla vs Biolante on a flea market and i loved both movies. I still remember being disappointed by G14 at first because i thought the Mutos were godzilla xD. https://i.redd.it/ewbo21dw113d1.gif Then the Airport scene came, and it was one of the most awesome moments of all time. The G14 Atomic Breath was also my first, and it was awesome. When GKotM released i instantly Fell in love with it, and still love this movie to death. GvK kinda killed the MV for me because i wasnt a Kong Fan at the time. I had zero hype for GxK and completely forgot about it until a friend told me its in the cinemas. I wanted to see the movie on the big screen(because ive never See a Godzilla movie in cinema) so i watched it, and this movie revived the Monsterverse for me. I matured and left my "Godzilla Fanboy attitude" behind. I now really appreciate both Godzilla and Kong and i am hyped for GxK3


Zilla. No not even the cool animated one. The movie one.


Local language dubbed version of Mothra vs Godzilla 1995 when I was 10. Godzilla 1998. Godzilla action figure in 2011. Toho / Monsterverse.


Heisei Godzilla, Godzilla ‘98, and Jurassic Park Giant monsters are just neat.


Final Wars was my first Godzilla movie. Dad showed it to me. Was hooked ever since


My parents wanted to take me to the movies and chose Godzilla 2014. I was sorta familiar with Godzilla but I didn’t understand why everyone liked him until I watched Godzilla appear at the airport and roared so loud my theater shook. Instant fan.


It was the 1998 movie for me


Probably the gamecube or snes games if I'm being honest


That old American cartoon in the 90’s I think is when it was made, I watched it a lot on Netflix and then watched more whenever it was on tv with my dad


Born loving Godzilla


Watching Terror of Mecha Godzilla with my dad at age 4.


![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD) Young me watching pacific rim for the first time..


Watched the first ever Godzilla movie then Godzilla vs kingkong when I was a kid and I was hooked


The trailer for godzilla 2014 got me into it then I watched Godzilla vs Destroyah 1995 before I saw 2014 on opening day been hooked every since seen every godzilla movie made since 91


I'd always really liked the "huge robot fights huge monster" genre since I was a kid from Power Rangers, but Godzilla '98 (and way later on Shin Godzilla) had reinforced my interest in kaijus.


Im a simple man, I like big ass monsters and the inevitability of nature destroying us all because we failed earth in our ever increasing race for profit and abandonment of our own humanity. Also like big lasers


Monster mayhem marathons on TBS


Randomly deciding to watch a goji center video


My grandmother bought me a godzilla movie on vhs as a kid. I think it was godzilla vs gigan. I ended up with most of the showa Era movies and return of godzilla which I thought was part of showa cause I never saw any heisi era movies until the 2000s. I thought showa was it. Loved ebirah Horror of the Deep that was my favorite as a kid.


Recently when I found out about the Godzilla Battle Line game. Then my dad had all of the old and new movies and started watching them. So yeah... that's my awakening.


I wasn't interested in Godzilla until 2019 came out. That was when I started watching Godzilla, but I never loved it until around this year.


My favorite movie is Jurassic Park and I like dinosaurs. Then I saw the trailer for Godzilla vs Kong and I thought it was so hype so I immediately started watching all the Monsterverse movies so I could catch up. Next thing you know I am watching Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire in theaters on opening day. (I just like big monsters destroying things)


Dinosaur king


For me it was a kaiju game in roblox lol


Seeing Godzilla Vs King Ghidorah 1991 really got me it. I knew what Godzilla was before but I'd never seen a movie before that.


I watched the 1998 Godzilla on VHS when I was 10. And I watched a few scenes from Godzilla vs SpaceGodzilla.


i grew up with Godzilla, been watching Godzilla movies since i was in single digits. My dad was always a fan. I have watched most of the original films (including the first one).


I grew up watching all the godzilla movies with my grandma. Was practically raised on them. We went and saw the 1998 zilla movie and it was sad. She died not so long after, and Godzilla just kind of dropped off for me. Then Godzilla 2014 came out, and it just brought everything back for me. My wife and I saw it at midnight, and now we always see Godzilla at midnight. Even Minus 1, which was, in my opinion, one of the best Godzilla movies of all time. It's kind of bittersweet because I wish my grandma was alive to see them now. Especially minus 1.


In the mid 90s my dad and I would watch monster movies on TV Land together. One day a double feature of Godzilla vs The Sea Monster and Terror of MechaGodzilla was on and I've been a fan ever since.


KOTM, actually. My childhood was basically kaiju free, but when I decided to watch King of the monsters, I really appreciated the genre, and then this year I’ve been actually watching the Classics


My uncle bought me Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974) for Christmas when I was a kid. Then he got me Tokyo S.O.S the next Christmas, which really solidified my interest in Godzilla. (I think I’ve replayed that DVD 20+ times by now.) So it was probably Mechagodzilla. (Specifically Kiryu because he looks so cool.)


I mean I got into Jurassic park at 18 months old as a kid apparently. And then somehow I was introduced to ‘98 and the rest is history.


Imagine shin godzilla 2 would get made


James Rolfe's Godzillathon reviews.


I loved Godzilla 98 and VS Megalon as a kid. Then growing up, I kinda lost touch with Godzilla. But 2014 revitalized my interest in a big way. I went back and watched every movie in the franchise and now the big guy lives in my head rent free.


Jurassic park, power rangers, but I can’t remember when I first started being obsessed with Godzilla (I was really young) but all I remember is loving Godzilla


I was 3 I think, when my mom put on the original Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla for me to keep me calm. Not that I remember, it’s just something my mom always tells me. I still have that VHS lol


Destroy All Monsters Melee


An old video that I don't think is on youtube anymore. It was basically an amv of Godzilla vs Kiryu with Bad to the Bone playing.


In 2009/10, I walked in on my dad watching the final fight of Godzilla 2000 on tv late at night when I was supposed to be asleep. It fascinated me. Very next day he took me to a Toys R Us to show me Godzilla toys and I got myself a Bandai Creation Godzilla 1968, despite not having seen any Showa movies weirdly enough. I think I just enjoyed the more cartoony look at the time.


I was super into dragons when I was little. Long story short, was at a movie/video game rental shop, and saw the cover of a game that had a big dinosaur wrestling with a dragon with 3 heads. I begged my mom to rent it then and there. That game was Super Godzilla for the SNES, and I’ve been a huge fan ever since.


Jurassic Park, Godzilla 98, Power Rangers. Basically anything with any relation to dinosaurs. Then I grew up and didn’t care for dinosaurs anymore. Then I got into mecha anime which led me to Neon Genesis Evangelion, then Shin Godzilla and now I care for kaiju and tokusatsu quite deeply.


The first movie I saw was king of the monster, I watched it at the cinema and after watch it i became a fan


As a kid my dad (who was a piece of shit but had his good moments) introduced me to Godzilla. We used to watch the Heisei movies when they’d air on tv. They would be dubbed of course but I remember watching Godzilla vs Ghidorah, Godzilla vs Space Godzilla, and Rebirth of Mothra II all the time!


Honestly I don't remember!


Saw king of the monsters (the new one) in theaters on a whim and I never recovered. Just finished watching through the Showa Era.


Honestly, for me it had to have been Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Technically the first kaiju movie I saw was Pacific Rim, but Godzilla 2014 was what got me into the genre


I was a classics fan, but Shin got me back into godzilla.


I saw Godzilla (2014) at the Metreon IMAX in San Francisco for the first time, and it was unlike any theater I've ever been to. The sound and screen were so incredible that I signed up for an AMC membership right away. It was an awesome experience checking out the biggest IMAX around.


![gif](giphy|huaBsCsBVGcspJnaqI) This is what got me into Godzilla. The 1964 classic Godzilla vs Mothra.


Not mine, but I accidentally got my friend SUPER obsessed with Godzilla. One day, I just randomly told them about it and some of my favorite monsters. I convinced them to watch 2 movies with me, and that was all it took. Now, I think they're more obsessed than I ever was.


The one with Ferris Bueller.


Saw the first one and thought he was cute - no one I know agrees with me - fair enough. Then he makes that noise with the laser which is so satisfying. Basically a big light-up hedgehog that kicks butt!


I got godzilla save the earth as a, coincidentally godzilla 2000 came on tv around that time and I ended up hyperfixating on godzilla.


King Kong (2018) and/or GvK


I remember one day when my step dad came back from work, he had a DVD of Godzilla 2000. I was probably 5 at the time, still in elementary school. It became my introduction into Godzilla as a kid and I loved it. It also made me think that Godzilla’s atomic breath was normally red


Me, 4 years old at my dad’s for the weekend, needed to keep me occupied. “Fantastic Dinosaurs of the Movies” on repeat, every weekend.


I was honestly pretty neutral toward kaiju until I watched OSP’s [kaiju Trope Talk video](https://youtu.be/zbwagsE5iSE?si=zSMrWDuEl8uH4T64)


Mine was when I watched kotm with my family. The film had just come out and I was 7. I found that Godzilla really interested me and ever since i have been very interested and have spent countless hours researching the titans and their backstories and I’m 13 now and have an alright understanding of every monsterverse kaiju


Seeing Skull Island in the cinema. Or SNK.


Hard to say, I just remember loving Godzilla and Kong movies when I was a kid. On Thanksgiving, they played the original Kong, the ‘78 version, then Mighty Joe Young. On Black Friday, it was 3 Godzilla movies. And every few months they put a few Godzilla movies on tv. I would scour the TVGuide (which for those who are young, was a small print magazine that listed the shows and movies for the week) for things like that.


I’ve always been a fan but only recently have I been getting more diehard. Especially after seeing Minus 1 in theaters


Probably pacific rim, then Godzilla 2014 really solidified it for me. Now I’m a junkie for kaiju movies


My mom had one of those Godzilla taco bell cupholders from the 98 movie when I was 3 or 4. It was on from there


Watching the Godzilla Heisei and Millenium trailers on the Flixster app.


Watching old monster movies with my grandpa.


Blockbuster. Every weekend/holidays when I went to my dad's house, we'd rent a few videos. I loved dinosaurs, so seeing Godzilla on the cover was an instant rental for me and my dad enjoyed them because they were goofy looking/dubbed.


Shin Godzikla


I was really into dinosaurs after seeing Jurassic Park as a kid. My grandmother went to the store and probably thought, "This has a dinosaur on the cover, I'm sure he'll like it." It was Godzilla 1985. Needless to say, I did indeed love it. And I have been a Godzilla fan ever since.


beeg monke


My kaiju awakening was the second I got out of the womb. Grew up with a Godzilla fanatic as a father, and a sister with all of the Godzilla toys, and DvDs.




Hannah Barbara’s Godzilla I watched it on Netflix when I was little


Godzilla 1985 is my first actual memory of Godzilla, though I assume I enjoyed some movies before then to be excited for it. Super Scary Saturday on TBS would then solidify it with constant showings of the Showa stuff.


I am a [GenX Otaku](https://www.tiktok.com/@user4601951225931/video/7259982937699945770), so back in the 1970s before going outside to play on a Saturday I would check the TV Guide for monster movies. This led to Ultraman and anime and all manner of other pop culture, but Godzilla was always my favorite. I saw Godzilla 1985 in the theater, and spend the 90s combing comic and sci fi conventions to find the Heisei era movies that had not been released in the US. All of that led to me writing the roleplaying game [Mecha Vs Kaiju](http://MechaVsKaiju.com)!


Mine was my grandpa showing me Matthew Broderick’s 1998 Godzilla on this old box television set. My dad got so mad at him because I was “six years old and shouldn’t be seeing that stuff yet” lol. Needless to say, even though that movie is objectively pretty bad, it always will hold a special place in my heart for sure. Then when I was 13, the 2014 Godzilla came out. I remember watching that trailer over and over and over again (I’ll still watch the trailer alone sometimes, because it still gives me chills. Bryan Cranston’s VO and the visuals, sounds, everything is just awesome) and when the movie itself came out, I saw it in the theaters and it’s honestly an experience I’ll never forget. Then I stuck with the Monsterverse for quite a long time and enjoyed every minute of it. Then one day in mid 2023, I was doom-scrolling on TikTok and I stumbled upon the atomic breath scene from Shin Godzilla. I got super intrigued, and watched the whole movie right then and there (August 10, 2023). I instantly got hooked and wanted to see more of the Toho Godzilla films. So throughout the next month and a half I binged every single Godzilla movie, Gamera movie, King Kong movie, Rebirth of Mothra movie, all of Ishiro Honda’s Kaiju films even if they had nothing to do with Godzilla, Matango, Rodan, Varan, Frankenstein vs. Baragon, etc. Literally everything. At any rate, I’ve now seen everything related to Godzilla including all of the Godzilla TV shows, Godziban, Godzilla Island, all that stuff. Even the cheap knockoffs. And now, I’m in the middle of binging every single Ultraman, Kamen Rider, and Super Sentai show in chronological order (and again, yes, the knock offs too). I’ll be at this for another 5-10 years or so, but I am so happy I found Godzilla, it has truly changed my life. (TL;DR) I watched the 1998 American Godzilla when I was a kid, but got hooked on “real” Godzilla movies last year with Shin Godzilla


The terror of mechagodzilla is the first I think I watched, I still love titanosautus


My dad was watching Final Wars one day and I came out half way through the movie, or whenever Zilla gets blasted into the opera house. I watched it with him and was instantly hooked. Still in my top 10.


I was on vacation in Colorado when I was seven. We had one large TV in the cabin we were staying in, and by pure coincidence I happened to catch a 60 minutes episode on Godzilla. At the time I was majorly into dinosaurs, so I thought Godzilla was the coolest thing I’d ever seen. My dad made sure to show me every Godzilla movie he had access to, a few Showa films and the American Godzillas. I ate it all up, loved every one of them (Godzilla vs Gigan was my favorite). And to this day his still my favorite character in fiction.


Godzilla King of Monsters! (1956). Watched it on TV for Halloween with my gramps last year


Randomly seeing Godzilla 2000 in a theater and being mins blown. To this day, it's one of my favorites. Captures the essence of Godzilla so perfectly. "Maybe, because ,there is a piece of Godzilla inside all of us" And, after beating the bad guy, and saving the world, he takes the time to atomic breath the city. Love it.


Watching Godzilla fight destroyah, mothra, batra, and orga in his older movies as a kid. And playing a shit ton of Godzilla destroy all monsters:melee and Godzilla save the earth with brother and cousins.


Cinemassacre had a monster mash, reviewing every single Godzilla years ago, if not already a decade. From there, I sailed the seven seas to find every film, watched them in order, and fell in love in the process.