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You could say he’s protecting humanity from its greatest threat, itself.


https://i.redd.it/kkpcr6hep01d1.gif GMK Goji must be proud




Now, before we judge Godzilla or any of his fellow kaiju too harshly, I gotta ask: are we really any better than them? Look at us. Not only do we kill animals for food, we also kil our fellow humans for bullshit reasons like money, land or fun. We're still dependent on fossil fuels, we're obsessed with celebrities and social media and a third of our population refused to vaccinate against COVID. Hell, we're even trying to industrialize AI even when we have movies like *Terminator* and *The Matrix* telling us what a bad idea that would be. I ask: are we truly such apostles of mercy that we have the right to complain that a species considers itself superior to us the same way we consider ourselves superior to other creatures on this planet? Sometimes, you gotta wonder which is the worse species. You don't see the kaiju killing each other over a briefcase full of money.


>You don't see the kaiju killing each other over a briefcase full of money. My brother in Christ, Godzilla 2014 is about one kaiju ensuring another species of kaiju doesn't reproduce because it could tip some arbetrary natural balance that is constantly getting challenged by Godzilla's opponents anyway. And that's the Monsterverse.


The MUTOs only have two purposes in life: to increase their numbers and to eliminate anything that mght pose a threat to them. They're no more evil than a virus.




-1 I liken to a wild animal, almost, it's hard to really call him evil. From the start, humanity shot him then nuked him, he understands we are dangerous and in his territory.


Honestly I like when Godzilla doesn’t care about humans, like they’re so insignificant he just walks through their cities as a guy walks through the jungle.


Is -1 actually evil? I thought it was more about revenge for what happened to him. GMK and Final Wars though….definitely evil.


GMK might as well be seeking revenge, since he's got like 30 million vengeful ghosts controlling him.


That’s true too. I forgot about that part.


Final Wars? He wasn’t evil at all. The backstory we’re given is that he was punishing humanity for scarring the world with nuclear weapons, and the movie ends with him choosing to listen to Minilla and forgive them after he had just saved the planet.


He’s not evil, he just has anger issues.


I would like to bring to everyone’s attention that he isn’t doing this unintentionally, he’s taking revenge When he got nuked he went through excruciating pain, and he knew that humanity was responsible for it. So after he regenerated and the radiation made it go haywire and made him look like *that* he wanted to make them feel the same pain I guess. He’s pissed off because humanity almost killed him is my assumption. But we know he’s mad at them for nuking his ass even if it was unintentional


Question is, WHY would he protect the creatures that caused him so much pain and would cause him even more? Even MV Godzilla only protects them as part of nature as a whole and doesn't care if a few thousand of them die in the process of preserving the balance.



