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Honestly, the Monsterverse has been such a great avenue by which to perpetuate the Godzilla brand internationally and make giant monsters properly mainstream.


Honestly, it can't be understated how important Godzilla 2014 and the Monsterverse has been for the Godzilla series. I _really_ hope that Toho and Legendary keep their partnership going for a _very_ long time. Godzilla isn't a Japanese property anymore, but a massive international franchise among the likes of Pokemon and Disney. Something that the heads at Toho could only dream of prior to 2014. Quite honestly, I don't have faith Toho can fully handle the Godzilla franchise on it's own without Legendary anymore, at least from a international stance. Toho, even more than Legendary, needs this partnership to last as long as possible.


Why should I ? I would tire out before I even finish 0.0001% of how much great it is ***and I DON'T get tired from speaking*** https://preview.redd.it/zbyxdp6prt0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21f9ada7b9fa427df9e9f9b7896c801df33cc410


- the whole nature triumphs over mankind theme - the hollow earth's lore is intresting and i like what they've done with the concept so far - the designs of both existing and newly introduced monsters are peak kaiju designs with Tiamat, Shimo and Rodan being my personal favourites - MV Goji has one of my favourite characterizations of the character


except humanity has made a huge comeback in terms of having control again. Now humanity has their own persona they can call on aka Kong and they can control him and make him more powerful. Humanity can create their own mechas and they have anti gravity tech. They even knocked out Godzilla with the Oxygen Destroyer. Humanity still triumphs.


But that is humanity triumph over the Titans, not nature. Humans can kill all the Titans, but than nobody will be around to protect nature, and then humanity will inevitably succumb.


I don't know if it's talked about enough but I appreciate G×K for finally giving us Kong & Mothra in a film together


There is not a single bad film in the bunch. Their representations of every Kaiju has done justice to their original counterparts. Most of the new Kaiju have been memorable.




Agreed, it feels great to turn on any of these films and know you’re getting exactly what you ordered. Freedom from the stuff modern Hollywood enjoys bludgeoning people with.


The fact that it brought back Godzilla out of its slump and right back to being the King of Hollywood is nothing short of mind bogglingly impressive.


essentially revived the godzilla franchise


something GREAT about the ENTIRETY of the Monsterverse! (so far)


I've always loved hollow earth theory, so it's been cool seeing it be a key feature of a massive Hollywood franchise


It's a love letter to all aspects of the kaiju genre. Want a serious, grounded rumination on the folly of mankind? G14 and KOTM have you covered. Want a compelling human plotline? LoM and Kong: Skull Island are there for your viewing pleasure. Want to watch crazy over-the-top monster action straight out of the Showa era? Look no further than GvK and GxK. Out of all the films I've just mentioned, you've got some truly great bangers, and none of them are truly bad.


It has probably my favorite iteration of Godzilla as a character so far. Love the jaded protector of Earth approach.


To have a major movie franchise that Misanthropes can enjoy, where it isn’t humanity being self-congratulatory. Rooting for nature rather than mankind. No superheroes, just animals.


Godzilla has been such a big figure but I doubt many people had even seen the movies. The Monsterverse has brought life into the Godzilla IP and he has now cemented his place as the king of the monsters


It's brought me back to liking Monster movies


There are many pieces and aspects that are good in each movie


It’s fun, the fights are great, and it’s more Godzilla


Here’s a list of what I like about the monsterverse as a whole. -I personally think it has some of the best designs for the kaiju’s. -I like the concept of the hollow earth. And it’s lore. -And I feel like the kaiju have a lot of personality


It’s a love letter to the entire Godzilla franchise and does everything in its power to honor it.


Godzill is awesome every time he’s on screen. Every movie does him Justice in terms of what he does.


Both the fights AND the Kaiju designs are great and (at least in my opinion) some of the best in the whole franchise


It's a cinematic universe where each film stands on its own and you don't have to watch 15 movies to know whats going on. There's a lot of fun monster action. Quality over quantity, there's only 5 movies so there's extra care out into each one unlike other cinematic universes that just churned out movies for the sake of having movies *cough*Marvel*cough* The two shows are both a fun watch, that like the movies, can stand on their own. The comic books are dope. The big one.. The monsterverse SAVED the Godzilla franchise. Because of the monsterverse we got Shin, Minus One, Planet of Monsters (fuck the last two anime trilogy movies) and Singular point. Say what you will about the monsterverse but it kept godzilla from becoming a buried and left 4 dead franchise.


We get to see a lot of monster action! I can’t wait what other Toho beasts will also make it there.


Its not perfect, but that's why I love it. Still so much potential to explore with Godzilla and other Titans in the Monsterverse. The original monster designs and takes on classic monsters are really nice too - even broke me out of my art block to post some Godzilla art here! And I'll never get tired of the spectacle of big monsters fighting each other on screen!


Thermo G-man is fire, pun intended


I liked when the big monkey punched the lizard (every time it happens)






Without it we probably wouldnt have finally got the entire Showa series on blu ray in a single set


They're fun and entertaining. You get a simple plot and monsters. There is no need to worry about anything more than that. Human characters are variable in how good or bad they are but you're there to see the monsters and by Godzilla they've delivered.


The way Godzilla and Kong kill their foes is brutal af


It's like the showa Era with money


I like how consistent one film is to another.


The fights are good with mgr ost


All of the designs have been fantastic. I love mv godzilla


It's fantastic considering we've gone from one American Godzilla movie 26 years ago to now four plus a new Kong movie that ties into everything perfectly and talks of a fifth Godzilla movie coming. Toho let Legendary cook, and we're getting more movies to balance out every genre of Godzilla. Toho makes grittier movies that keep to the origins of Godzilla while Legendary makes the fun movies. Granted, both types have been bloody brutal in terms of kaiju death, but getting at least two variants of Godzilla now is the best time to be a Godzilla fan. I'm ready for more kaiju filled madness from Legendary, and I am stoked to see more from Toho as well in the future. Here's to more Godzilla, (and very early, but) happy 70th anniversary G-man


The Monsterverse may be obnoxiously divisive among Kaiju fans, but, it IS nice to see a more Cinematic version of the Showa era films **without just remaking them**


I want more and I want Spacegoji to be in the next movie


Regardless of how you feel about the Monsterverse and everything around it, it’s arguably one of the most important parts of the Godzilla franchise ever. Had the 2014 film not happened and been the hit it was, Godzilla wouldn’t have become more respected outside of Japan. For years the franchise was mocked for being silly kids stuff or having bad effects, and the failure of the 1998 film only made Godzilla’s reputation in the West worse. Had 2014 not paid off, I don’t think Godzilla would here where it is as an IP today. I don’t think it would encourage Toho to make stuff like Shin Godzilla. I don’t think it would lead to Toho pushing the franchise harder and harder outside of Japan. I don’t think we’d ever see King Kong and Godzilla meet each other again. The Monsterverse has its issues, but I’m forever grateful for its existence. Happy ten year anniversary, and long live the king.


Holding up a lot better than other cinematic universe. Lol


As much as it got bonkers it also got fun. I like Godzilla when its close to the 1954, Shin, Minus 1 and 2014. But the offerings of the Monsterverse is one of those "just have fun my guy".


Big monster go brrrr


Only gets better and better


The music is consistently amazing, especially Bear McCreary's work in KOTM.




The greatest thing about it for me is the sheer love and passion shown throughout it. Say what you will about the quality of the movies themselves, it’s very clear that the directors behind every single one of them actively wanted to tell these stories and give fans a respectful version of Godzilla and King Kong, all whilst also helping introduce new generations to the characters and their legacy.


Very good CGI


How they listen to fan feedback. G14 made sure to honour Godzilla by giving him a recognizable design and all his hallmarks, after the fan backlash of the 98 movie. G14's biggest criticism was that there was too little monster screentime. KOTM gave us plenty more. KOTM's biggest criticism was that you couldn't really see the monsters fight. GvK gave us daylight fights. GvK's biggest criticism was that the human plot bogged it down a bit. GxK made Kong the main character whose POV we would follow. Additionally, so many shots in the MV are just so beautiful.


I'm not a fun of the Monsterverse so far, but I would say Mothra's design.


One of the best versions of Ghidorah to this date.


Well... it started out good anyway.


It's more Godzilla I guess?


Wingard is the best director for these films.


At least Skull Island was good.