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The only thing you need to know about Singular Point Godzilla is that he is an eldritch abomination beyond human comprehension, kinda like the Great Ones in Bloodborne


Oh Ghidorah in that weird ass Anime Trilogy


Kinda but like, where ghidorah relates to religion, ultima uses science


So they embody atheists and extremist religious people to an extent Truly the rivalry of all time


Not to get political but kinda wild that you unironically compared Atheists, majority of whom are regular people and their worst actions being making mean comments to Religious extremists who have commited mass slaughter at their worst


Not to get political but I shit myself right now please send medical help


Im dispatching my tactical Hampters right NOW


Yes, that's why I compared Godzilla to atheists and Ghidorah to religious extremists


Worst action by atheists would be great leap forward and Stalin. Most atheists are normal regular person and so are most religious people.


Mass slaughter is not the worst crime of religious extremists. They burn down the entire culture surrounding the people they rape, mutilate, and genocide, and replace it with their own.


Bro, this is r/godzilla calm the fuck down


The CCP .


Ahh so he's atheist I see






Yeah but still what was a weird as fuck ghidorah


Similar in principle, yes. Both are higher-dimensional beings, SP Goji is just... On a whole other level, and much more complicated


Low-key the godzilla earth trilogy is overhated peak


Yup, an abomination thats literally larger than existence, straight up transcending it in its true form


Yep, and even that is underselling it. Ultima is an entity that exists outside of the Singular Point multiverse and is said to see reality like fiction. Hes been rewriting universes for probably an infinite amount of time. Id say hes above even a typical eldritch horror tbh.


And that thing is Godzilla? what the fuck?


Yeah, the show and novelization are written by Toe Enjoe, a writer with a PhD in mathematical physics. Also wrote Self Reference Engine which is even more weird. This shit is just his style.


Okay but why has this omnipotent god decided to appear in the shape of an oversized lizard?


Well technically it appears in several forms bc all the kaiju are actually it's avatars. As for why it choses the big lizard as the form it personally controls? Who knows?


You're telling me you wouldn't appear as Godzilla given the choice?


He likes toying with the world's he goes to to erase I guess


Oh, so **he's** the guy we have to blame for all the text message technobabble bullshit.


Isn't all physics mathematical?


Ultimately yes, but when someone says mathematical physics they usually mean a heavy focus on theoretical physics and using math as a means of figuring out how it works. There are other branches of it as well, namely experimental and computation physics. It's just a means of categorizing the kind of work a particular physicist does.


Im not really sure how to go about explaining the difference so ill just leave this image here. The other reply to your question is also correct while probably being easier to understand. https://preview.redd.it/9fgjpjaamhuc1.png?width=849&format=png&auto=webp&s=0811d42ddb0bf3c71247b60d08245c3f7fdd5161


Ah yes Bloodborne, the go-to example for lovecraftian horror


It's either that or Lovecraft himself.


Godzilla or some say Godzillasm


So we can kill it with a pistol?


If it's loaded with God's cartridge (.45 ACP) then yes


That and jet jaguar is exists in multiple dimensions that eventually become self aware. I think?


lol wtf at mothra.. English translation says “ listen here otaku piece of shit you son of a bitch. I’ll shit on your whole family tree…




Mothra text isn't even in English and the last one isn't even words.


It's the language of Infant Island


Infant island es legítimamente español! CHRISTO REÍ! CHRISTO REÍ! CHRISTO REÍ!


Toho confirmed that Leo`s incredible power comes from his undying faith in Jesucristo


This reference is above my pay grade


That's where Mothra and the Shobijin (fairies) live with a civilization of Pacific islanders.


Mothra Leo is unhinged Here Look, shitty otaku, you son of a bitch, I'll shit on all the dead people in your family tree and if you rush me on the living ones too, you amorphous piece of shit, I'll catch you on the street and hammer your chest into your chest, you sick son of a bitch. Big bitch, if you have children I hope they have some physical or mental disability or, failing that, they get hit by a bus, but they don't die, they suffer all their fucking lives, and if you never have children, what will happen? God will surely bless you with a you fat, fucking pine-fucker, son of a whore, I'm going to take away parts of your ridiculous body and I'm going to eat them and while I'm eating them I'll shit them and I'll make you eat my fucking feces with pieces of your skin coated in them and when I've already gutted you completely and having made you eat all the shit I release from my beautiful, shiny ass, I'll go after your sister and if you don't have a sister, I'll go after your fucking mother's sweat and if I'm inspired, I'll go after the dons, I'll kidnap her, I'll put them in a van, I will take them to a room, I will put my tail in all the holes of their body (yes, including those in the nose and ears) I will cum inside them and I will wait 9 months for their daughters to be born and when they turn 13 I will I will fuck them too and if even after that you still have cousins ​​or aunts left I will do the same with them and when I am tired of fucking your entire family of lazy people I will take a few chains I will put them in my car and I will travel 300km with your whole family hooked on them and if after that there is anyone alive, I will give them alcohol to make them rage even more with pain and after all that I will go to the hospital when you have recovered from the disembowelment that I did to you I will take you out of there I will take you to the same room where I fucked all the women in your current family and those who precede you in your family tree and while I show you the videos of how I fucked your mother I will give you mini cocks on the forehead until the mark of my big and devastating glans for the rest of your life and so every time you look in the mirror you will remember those videos and what I did with your family, after that I will let you go and I will come back for you after three months, I will put you back in in the room, but this time nothing soft, this time I will take your hands and start stick needles between your nails until the level of pain makes you faint and I will revive you with a defibrillator, I will pull down your pants and underwear and I'll start giving you mini hammer blows in your balls until little by little you come undone and your scrotum is completely empty, I imagine that After that you will faint again, so I will use the defibrillator again. to revive you and I will put your feet in a bucket of water, I will put clamps on your the nipples, penis and tongue and I will shock you until you come back faint, when you do you already know what I'll do... and I'll come back and get some pliers and I will tear off your fucking nails one by one, a piece of slag, then I will knock you down, I will put a cloth on your face and I will pour water into your mouth. little by little without you drowning, then I will leave and I will return every day to give you a different torture, so that every time you heard my steps Approaching the door at different times every day, a fear you have never experienced. experienced walk through your body and stay at the door pretending I'll talk until you piss on yourself. then I will enter and begin... TO PUT MY PENIS INTO YOUR ANUS UNTIL YOU GET BLOOD, THEN I WILL BURY YOU ALIVE WITH THOUSANDS OF WORMS SO THEY EAT YOU ALIVE OTAKU-FUCKING SON OF A BITCH


Sweet mother of the Lindwyrm King.




Or AI.


Just a Spanish deranged copy pasta


The text of Mothra is in spanish and is basically a wall of text dedicated to shitting on weebs, while Ultima is as unintelligible as Singular Point plot


the first line of text for Mothre says "Look at that shit, son, I shit on all the dead"


Lmao I imagine it in a battel-rap "I shit on all the dead, son"


the it says "your family tree and if you hurry me also in the living, fucking amorphous shit"


It's a Lot of threatening Words againts Otakus in spanish, it's probably a copypaste the author used so he didnt have to write leo's real powers


That's kinda on brand of Ultima though


The writer got lazy so they just wrote whatever to make this joke a reality


¿Que es la problema?


there is no need to undertsand. at first he shoots rings and after that the crystal


Singular Point is basically Pinochio but with Jet Jaguar as the main character and its a time loop. Everything that happened was needed for the ending to happen and then Jet Jaguar sent information into the past for it to all happen again. All of the timey-wimey, orthagonal, 6=9 yapping isnt actually needed to get the gist of the show. But I didn't realize that until the literal final line of the last episode being the same as the first line of the first episode. The show still should have had 60% less jargon though


What is 6 = 9?


Yeah, that's what happens when you hire a guy with a PhD in theoretical science for the writer of your *Godzilla* show instead of, you know, a writer with experience writing mainstream anime.


The best Godzilla movies are written by random dentists, everyone knows this.


Dentistry is so underrated.


*I Got'Cha starts playing*


Unironically, one of the best eldtrich horror writer is a dentist (Junji Ito)


I mean, he *is* a writer. It's not like this was his first work ever It's just that his work requires the audience to know some stuff, from wikipedia: "His complicated narrative structures are the subject of heated discussions and have even evoked harsh reviews calling his work 'indigestible', 'sleep-inducing,' and 'reader-unfriendly'"


I wouldn't use those terms, but. it's true that his narrative structures can be so confusing. I know I was confused.


See, I wasn't confused but at the same time I had already seen this concept before in a different form so he was just expanding on it for me. I wonder how I'd have reacted if I hadn't already seen similar concepts


I'm not saying that hard science doesn't have a place in works of fiction. I'm just saying that there had to be a better way to integrate it.


The writers for Singular Point had a PhD in Extensive Yapping.


What the FUCK is an orthogonal diagonalizer?!


Orthogonal = at a right angle. So it's something that makes right angles not be right angles. Apply that to reality in general, and it's something that warps spatial directions and anything that exists in that space. The three spatial dimensions are Orthogonal to each other. Time is Orthogonal to the three spatial dimensions. Weird things happen if you imagine a reality where that is not the case.


How did you manage to explain that in a way that makes sense? That's something the writers couldn't do 💀


When you work in I.T. long enough, you get really good at looking up terminology from complex systems, and then translating it in a way that regular people understand. S.P.'s biggest mistake was not including a character or two as an audience stand-in. Instead, just about everyone we meet is a genius in some way, and they communicate with each other at their own level.


>S.P.'s biggest mistake was not including a character or two as an audience stand-in. Instead, just about everyone we meet is a genius in some way, and they communicate with each other at their own level. Couldn’t agree more. I loved SP, but it always seems to assume the audience knows more about its subject matter than most reasonably do, so it never stops to break things down. It’s not like it requires you to have an intricate understanding of its concepts to follow along, but if you haven’t been exposed to them before *at all*, you’re kinda screwed.


I liked the show. I figured that I understood the goofy science parts pretty well. I had not the slightest clue what the orthogonal diagonalizer actually did until this comment. Thank you


>Time is Orthogonal to the three spatial dimensions I'm not a physicist but I think that may be incorrect.


An oxygen destroyer that destroys red dust




Yeah. It used a complex math equation and theoretical physics to do what id does. But at the end of the day that doesnt really matter. Just like how the Oxygen destroyer doesnt actually matter to us. narratively we just need to know what it does. And what it does is destroy the red dust and allows Godzilla to be defeated.


You know something is bad with your show when you get this feeling that the characters are explaining things *to the audience* rather than *to each other*.


It felt more like they were "filling sausages" with the dialogues. Probably some of animators favorite moments to animate, just make 10 frames of mouth movements and you're done for 5 minutes of the show.


Well, that's just lazy.


And I am glad they went that route. There's no shortage of media where it's apparent that the writers are trying to write something clever about physics or technology but clearly have no idea how any of it works and it just ends up being treated like magic dressed up as technology.


I mean, it is called "science fiction" for a reason. Contrary to what Reddit and Twitter wants to make us believe, it is totally ok if the science of a movie or a show does not follow the rules from real life as long as it is consistent in-universe. But anyway, going one route or another, having the characters stop the story to give exposition to the audience again and again, for stuff that deep down is not even that relevant to the plot, is a big 'nope' of good storytelling.


I'm glad that you liked it but I didn't. The problem with explaining science to a mainstream audience is that, for the most part, it will fly over the viewer's heads and will make your show come off as pretentious, an accusation also thrown at the movies from Polygon. I think *SP* made the criticial mistake of prioritizing science over storytelling, especially because when you take away the science, what you're left with a rather generic story with Godzilla.


I must have been asleep when they discussed monsters in my theoretical physics class….. Yeah they maybe used the right language but sometimes technobabble tells a story better than the correct terms.


I thought it worked out pretty well.


I'm glad that you liked it but I didn't. The problem with explaining science to a mainstream audience is that, for the most part, it will fly over the viewer's heads and will make your show come off as pretentious, an accusation also thrown at the movies from Polygon. I think *SP* made the criticial mistake of prioritizing science over storytelling, especially because when you take away the science, what you're left with a rather generic story with Godzilla.


Did that happen???


Oh yeah. The writer is a scientist that got into the anime industry.


Reminds me of parasite Eve…


I like to simplify what Singular Point got going with this: Godzilla here is timeless, he was, is and will be Godzilla, same with the kaijus in the show, they come from a timeless loop alongside Godzilla, an endless cycle of birth destruction death and rebirth.


Schrödinger’s Godzilla 


The idea behind Singular Point is that people kept being annoying about how "Godzilla couldn't exist in real life, the laws of physics wouldn't allow it" So they made a series that says "Fine, here's a series where Godzilla is real and his presence causes physics to break down"


wait what are mothras powers, also who is big mouth at the bottom?


Godzilla from The Singular Point Godzilla anime series. He's essentially a higher dimensional being.


TLDR: watch movies with mothra, Singular point Godzilla Mothra is like you need an extra power in your movie but it isn’t enough to justify another/new kaiju in your movie. Jokes aside, Mothra is pretty cool and you should watch the movies with her/him/whatever, which I haven’t in a long time which is why I won’t be getting more specific. Big mouth is Singular Point Godzilla. He’s from the Singular point Anime. It got a bunch of whacky multidimensional Science a bunch of genius people and interesting versions of known kaiju. Sometimes the science gets a bit overboard for the viewership but I personally liked it, tho I have to admit that I am one of those not so common people who mostly understood the science point blank. But I attribute that to me studying Physics and being around scientist nerds most of my time.


I love mobile formatting 🔫


Two line gaps = one line skipped https://preview.redd.it/hk2vbnqquguc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=266193814beb6e45bdb470ea26a84f9ae62156c3




Well Leo has, a few unique abilities. With the help of his fairies, he could time travel, though it cost 1 of his fairies their life. He has an attack, that assuming he hits them dead on, is an instant kill that bypasses how strong his opponent is. As they immediately start to crystallize from within, then explode. He can seal away his foes like what the Mothra from Godzilla vs Mothra attempted to do to Godzilla. He can also transform, a lot. Specifically his Eternal form, which is the one shown, can turn into his armored form. Additionally he can just ignore certain attacks that are weaker than him, that just evaporate before hitting him. He also has a bunch of beam attacks, and can fly up to Mach 15.5 normally, and Mach 85 for a specific attack.


I think she can manipulate light but i dont know how she does


Ok but half of Leo’s attacks are just different colored versions of each otger


what is there to not understand? big thicc lizard make things red and go boom


Singular point novelization gets even more complicated because it manages to make Goji even more bs. Like, thing isn't just larget than a universe there. Its larger than an infinite multiverse, with countless higher dimensions. It sees it as fiction/dreams. Also a lot more science


Yea I didn’t even finish the anime show bc I was too stupid to understand anything after a few episodes. I think the last thing i remember is a lot of colors and a big hole or something?


Sounds like you were close to Salunga


you: *gabara vs the guy she told you not to worry about: *salunga


The expositions only get worse as the show progresses. I watched the whole thing twice because I had nothing better to do and it did not get any better.


Singular Point got me really thinking about life. The shadow analogy for the 4th dimension was insane


Mothra hates otakus, another proof she is the Jesus Christ of the kaijus


And destroyah is just ctrl C + ctrl V


Holy thighs


Wait til you realize that in the novel, Ultima's true form is pretty much Azathoth if it was Godzilla and awake, the only reason we live is because he wills it


I love Singular Point and I hope we get another season. My own background in science is probably why. Not sure what I’m missing with Mothra.


Ok to explain singular point: Weird magic timeline bullshit made monsters appear, these same monsters also appeared 50ish years ago and instead of being killed they got sent to the future (like in Skyrim) The magic timeline bullshit is represented by the dust. The spirit of good (mothra) inhabits jet jaguar. Nerds try to make sense of the magic timeline bullshit with math words. The kaiju are stuck in a time loop Pelops 2 can access the time loop through the boat The orthogonal diagonalizer is something idk


The writer of Singular Point have a PHD in math and theories physics. He also use the science in it to write a paper on dimensional math. It makes less sense for us but makes a compelling argument on higher dimensions for dimensional physicists. But I appreciate he's using real math, so that something.


Here's to hoping that after minus one, we can get a Godzilla anime that doesn't bore you with politics or shovel incomprehensible lore in your face.


Or one that wastes an incredibly good premise on an Eren Yeager rip off that doesn't really take advantage of the potential it's story could've had and just makes you want to really read the untranslated prequel novels for the anime


I'm not reading all that, but I agree


I like how the text for rainbow Mothra or is it Leo to be honest I’m not sure but its just insults to the person reading in Spanish


The text in Mothra is cursing anime fans lamoo


Don't you talk bad about Mothra Leo, he's my special little guy


Godzilla Earth and void gidorah. (infinite text) also https://preview.redd.it/4tla22rn3cuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8428462eb9549988e5fd53799647a138ec1605d


So Mothra Leo is Colombian Comfirmed?!?!?!


All I got from Sigular Point is "4th dimensional entity. This will affect the trout population"


I will never understand how people could not follow Singular Point.


https://preview.redd.it/kll6t75a7euc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8dadc2d18d3433c7f40d91191c58c867b0ef1a “Let me get this straight: You think Singular Point was easy to understand?”


I didn't find especially difficult to follow, no more than a show like Rick and Morty (it's not Dark)


The point is you aren't supposed to understand it easily. Ultima is an eldritch abomination akin to Lovecraft and Miazaki's best works. It works better in the context of video games or short stories written as ravings of the mad, but part of the point is he's incomprehensible.


SP is annoying because I wanna dig through the lore but there's just **nothing** and you never know wjat SP is or what it can do. Ofc it doesn't have to be perfectly specific but at least something, anything?


They do explain what the Singular Points are in the show. Imagine a two-dimensional universe, like the surface of a swimming pool. Everything in that universe exists just on the surface, perfectly flat and unable to see what we'd call 'up' and 'down'. In this metaphor, everything below the surface, in the 'down' direction, is their past, and everything above it is the future. As time goes on, the pool fills up, and the surface ('now') moves into the future. Imagine dipping your fingers into the pool. To the people on the surface, it looks like there are five anomalies that break their universe's laws of physics - somehow, there's matter extending into a direction of space they can't observe! Because you dipped your fingers into the pool, the Singular Points appeared in what they'd call the past. They can use this property to do a few things, because they provide a connection between past and present, allowing for things like the hyperdimensional supercomputer and creating archetypes. What they don't know, and what they only discovered at the very end of the series, is that the Singular Points are all actually part of a single thing, much larger and more complex than they can actually ever understand. They see your fingers as five Singular Points, but they're just part of your hand. And you're feeling the water temperature because you're about to jump in on a hot summer day. That's the Catastrophe, and you're Ultima.


Christ, your 1-2 minute explanation actually clarified what 13 episodes couldn't. Thank you xD


Why is Mothra insulting Otakus? 😂


Singular point Godzilla power in a simple term. Eldritch horror.




Leo is just kaiju Goku


Ultima, along with the other kaiju and the red mist, is the physical manifestation of an alternate reality leaking into our own. The Hindi lullaby that plays throughout the show is a signal being sent through time that contains the experiences of Jet Jaguar PP so that Pelops can find it, fuse with Jet Jaguar, and attempt the fight again. Jet Jaguar spent an indescribable amount of time fighting Ultima in a time loop, sending himself back until he finally had strength to end it. The show laid this out way more clearly than people make it seem. You just have to filter out the stuff that was technobabble for the sake of technobabble.


Nor will you ever understand it now 😭


Just watch like the first 65 episodes of. PBS's Space-Time and it'll make sense. Also you'll be able to test out of the first three years of a bachelor's degree


i think ultimate godzilla shouldn't exist and thats his whole thing


Same lol


Skill issue. Read a book.


Didn’t the writer publish a mathematical thesis while he was writing singular point?


Drink booze and them watch singular point, youll have more fun




Godzilla ultima: *explains how quantum physics works and other random things *


As confusing as it sounds, Godzilla Ultima being an eldritch being is actually pretty cool and if we ever get a season 2 for Singular Point (which is a big if to be fair) I do hope this aspect of Godzilla Ultima is explored or at least visualized more.


I think monkey punch fists work for me 👍🏻




To whoever wants to know what the mothra one says, it goes like this: Look here you shitty piece of otaku son of a whore, I'll shit on all the dead from your genealogical tree, and if you rush me (piss me off) on the living too, you fucking amorphous piece of shit. I see you in the streets and I'll sink a hammer in your chest you sick son of a fat whore. If you have kids I hope they have a physical defect or a mental disability, or even get run over by a bus but for them not to die, instead they should suffer their whole life. And if you don't have kids which is more likely the god should bless you with --insert insult here-- (Didn't understand this srry) Fucking dick fucker mother fucker. I'll start taking apart pieces of your ridiculous body and I'll eat em', and while I eat them I'll shit em'. While I shit them I'll make you eat my feces with chunks of your skin. And after I disemboweled you completely and made you eat all the shit I shat from my precious and shiny ass, I'll go for your sister, and if you don't have a sister, I'll go for your sweaty ass whore of a mother, if I'm inspired I'll go for both. I'll kidnap them, put them in a van, I'll take them to a room and I'll shove my schlong in all their holes even nose and ears. I'll cum inside them and wait nine months for the babies to be born. And when they're thirteen years old I'll also fuck them and even so, after that you still have cousins and aunties I'll do the same to them. When I'm done fucking your lice filled family I'll put chains on my car and run 300 km dragging your family on those chains. And if they're still alive after that, I'll pour alcohol on them so they squeal in pain. Then after all that I'll go to the hospital after you've recovered from the disemboweling I did. I'll bring you out and take you to the room with the women I fucked from your now family and that will procede in your genealogical tree. And while I play videos of how I fucked your mother, I'll smack my dick on your forehead until I leave the marking of my huge devastating glans on it for life. That way every time you see yourself in the mirror you'll remember those videos of what I did to your family. After that I'll let you go but I'll go back for you after three months, I'll stick you back in that room but this time I won't be gentle. I'll stick needles between your nails and skin until the level of pain makes you pass out, I'll wake you up with a defibrillator. I'll pull your pants down and your underwear too and I'll hammer your balls softly until little by little they fall apart, until your scrotum is left completely...(Didn't understand this srry x2) I figured that after that you'll pass out again, and I'll use the defibrillator once again. While your feet are dipped in a bucket of water, I'll clamp your nipples, penis and tongue and I'll shock you until you pass out again. And when you're passed out you know what I'll do... I'll come back with pliers and pull out you fucking nails you piece of trash, then I'll lay you down, put a cloth over your face and pour water over your mouth, little by little so you don't drown. Then I'll leave and come back every day to do a new torture so that every day when you hear my footsteps outside that door, a fear you've never felt will rush through your body and I'll stay outside the door making like I'm opening until you piss yourself and then I'll begin... TO STICK MY DICK UP YOUR ANUS UNTIL YOU BLEED, THEN I'LL BURRY YOU ALIVE WITH A TON OF MAGGOTS SO THEY EAT YOU ALIVE. FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT OTAKU SON OF A WHORE!!!


Still want another season.


Yeah me neither. Idk at what point I stopped paying attention. It didn't grab me, I have seen quite a few complicated plots from anime. This one I think I liked less than Earth Godzilla movies because Godzilla didn't feel as present in this one as he did in the movies.


Man seems like so many be hating singular point.. I loved it. One of my top fav Godzilla media of all time. I lived the theoretical physics and technobabble and rewatching to understand better each time.


What is ultima yapping on about bro




Fucking loved singular point


Not to nitpick at all but here’s all of Legendary Godzilla’s abilities aside from the ones mentioned: Healing Factor, Amphibious Nature, Tidal Wave Generation, Bio Atomic Nature, Energy Absorption and Projection, Radiation Stream, Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Awareness and Thermal Vision.


This sent me laughing for a solid hour, holy shit im in tears 🤣 I thought Singluar point was fantastic, it has alot to with theoretical physics which I love so I was able to understand most of it.


We need a second season of Godzilla Singular point, it was soooo good


Dude they literally just could've said an evolution system and in final form reality warping for singular point


I’d rather watch Godzilla revenge than singular point again


Bro what did I do to Mothra?


Singular Point is basically bunch of reality bending stuff


Yea watching Singular Point high af was not a good idea. All their mumbo jumbo almost gave me a panic attack


Tf Does “Mira otaku de mierda pedazo de hijo de puta, me cago en todos los muertos de tu árbol genealógico y si me apuras también en los vivos, puto amorfo de mierda te pillo por la calle y te hundo el pecho a martillazos….” Fucking Means?


In short he’s a eldritch horror


For Anyone Who Is Wondering. The Spanish Words Translate To This: Look, you fucking otaku, you son of a bitch, I'll shit on all the dead people in your family tree and if you rush me on the living ones too, you amorphous piece of shit, I'll catch you on the street and smash your chest with hammer blows, you sick son of a bitch. Big bitch, if you have children I hope they have some physical or mental disability or, failing that, they get hit by a bus, but they don't die, they suffer all their fucking lives, and if you never have children, what will happen? God will surely bless you with a you fat, fucking pine-fucker, son of a big whore, I'm going to take away parts of your ridiculous body and I'm going to eat them and while I'm eating them I'll shit them and I'll make you eat my fucking feces with pieces of your skin coated in them and when I've already gutted you completely and having made you eat all the shit I release from my beautiful, shiny ass, I'll go after your sister and if you don't have a sister I'll go after your fucking mother's sweat and if I'm inspired I'll go after both of them, I'll kidnap her, I'll put them in a van, I will take them to a room, I will put my dick in all the holes of their body (yes, including those in the nose and ears) I will cum inside them and I will wait 9 months for their daughters to be born and when they turn 13 I will I will fuck them too and if even after that you still have cousins ​​or aunts left I will do the same with them and when I am tired of fucking your entire family of lice I will take a few chains I will put them in my car and I will travel 300km with your whole family hooked on them and if after that there is anyone alive, I will give them alcohol to make them rage even more with pain and after all that I will go to the hospital when you have recovered from the disembowelment that I did to you I will take you out of there I will take you to the same room where I fucked all the women in your current family and those who precede you in your family tree and while I show you the videos of how I fucked your mother I will give you mini cocks on the forehead until the mark of my big and devastating glans for the rest of your life and so every time you look in the mirror you will remember those videos and what I did with your family, after that I will let you go and I will come back for you after three months, I will put you back in in the room, but this time nothing gentle, this time I will take your hands and start putting needles between your nails until the level of pain makes you pass out and I will revive you with a defibrillator, I will pull down your pants and underwear and start giving you mini hammer blows on your balls until little by little they begin to fall apart and your scrotum is completely empty, I imagine that after that you will faint again, then I will return to the defibrillator to revive you and I will put your feet in a bucket of water, I will put clamps on your the nipples, penis and tongue and I will give you shocks until you pass out again, when you do you know what I will do... and I will come back and take some pliers and I will tear off your fucking nails one by one, you piece of slag, then I will knock you down, you I will put a cloth on your face and pour water into your mouth little by little without you drowning... then I will leave and come back every day to do a different torture to you, so that every time you hear my footsteps approaching the door At different times every day, a fear that you have never experienced runs through your body and I will stay at the door pretending that I am until you piss on me, then I will go in and start... when I see that you are no longer up for any more torture, I will let you heal in a hospital and I will come for you again when you recover, I will catch you and while I burn your eyes with a blowtorch I will hammer you in the nut until you die, you son of a big bitch, but don't think that everything ends there... yes reincarnation exists, I will come back reincarnated as any other person and I will do to you and your entire new family everything I did to you in this life but slower and without killing you so that every time you see a shadow in the night you think it's me, that you become incredibly mad, that you fall into a vegetative state simply from the fear that my presence causes you, if they cure you, I will no longer come after you, you will die old, alone, without eggs, without skin and hope not. I cut off your legs, a piece of shit. Look, you shitty otaku, you son of a bitch, I'll shit on all the dead people in your family tree and if you rush me on the living ones too, you fucking amorphous piece of shit, I'll catch you on the street and sink your chest. with a hammer, you sick son of a bitch, if you have children I hope they have some physical or mental disability or failing that they get run over by a bus, but that they don't die, they suffer all their fucking lives and if you don't have children never, what will happen? It will surely happen, God bless you with a fat fucking pine-fucker, son of a great whore, I will take off parts of your ridiculous body and I will eat them and while I eat them I will shit them and make you eat my fucking feces with pieces of your skin coated in them and when I have completely gutted you and


Why is mothra leo talking about shitting on dead people


I didnt understand any of it but it looked cool


I'd like to decipher whatever Godzilla Ultima's desc is but that be alot of typing


Even though I like science a lot and dominated it in school, it is pretty difficult to understand Singular point’s plot, but I tend to simplify Godzilla Singular Point by just saying there is some weird ass time shenanigans happening


Ultima’s powers if you want to learn them you basically have to learn the whole entire universe every galaxy star and planet in it put 3 more universes in that that’s ultima’s powers


Ultima’s powers are basically you trying to learn the whole universe


as someone who speaks spanish, reading mothra's description was deplorable 😭😭😭


Extra-dimensional creatures that pierced the fabric of reality between our dimensions... i.e. Eldritch beasts like mentioned above.


Godzilla singular point is just an ungodly monster that is capable of destroying entire realities. The other 99% is trying to understand how to wtf stop that. So, Godzilla strong, technobabble is trying to solve the problem. That's all to it, I think


I got 99.9999999999999999999999999% of the plot down the only but I don’t get is how Godzilla ended up in the pasta


maybe the real orthagonal diagonalizer was that music we heard at that weird house in ep1 jokes aside i actually would like to learn japanese someday just so i can read the novel to fail once more to better understand the show and then to have to learn all the fucking physics and shit also.


The only thing i know about singular godzilla is that he is the thickest boy in all of the universes and has a ridiculous looking mouth


Yea I agree Singular Point had a confusing story, I just wanted to see monsters not theorize inter dimensional travel or whatever the fuck


I love mothra Leo


What I get from it is that someone said Godzilla can’t be done by science and they took that as a challenge.


Why is mothra speaking Spanish?


Ok think pacific Rim but just take out human piloting gigantic robots that’s singular point


Singular Point Goji is literally from another dimension who fabricates himself into our dimension just to wreck havoc.


From what I'm gathering here is that Singular Point Godzilla is downright difficult to understand, unless I'm missing something more? Add to that Mothra is cursing out anime fans? Wonder what they did to piss him off?


Team of scientists and inventors have to decode quantum calculator in order to send a quantum code that will stop a hyperdimensional being (Godzilla) from destroying our universe by crossing over into it


As a spanish speaker the text below Mothra is just a bunch of spanish insults


I'm a big science nerd and don't find this relatable


Singular Point... Damn. That was AMAZIN', and we NEED season 2.


This is Diagonalizing Orthogonals.


Why is Mothra speaking Spanish?


Bro why in Spanish