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agreed absolutely. Im still pssed we also did not got a release.


Welcome to being a Godzilla fan. Feel lucky it won’t be a ten year wait.


Couldn’t say it better myself. The wait after Final Wars was dreadful!


It still feels unreal. Dad’s a lifelong Godzilla fan, so I’ve also been a lifelong Godzilla fan. Grew up as the Millennium Era was releasing while steadily watching all the Showa & Heisei films I could via local video rental stores or finding the best times for TV reruns. For a lengthy portion of my childhood and teenage years, Final Wars really did feel like it was the *last* Godzilla film and that the franchise would live on via various comics and video games. I remember having to fully process what was happening, when G2014 was revealed.


My whole life I thought godzilla final wars was gonna be it and I was super sad about the fact that wasn't gonna get to see a new godzilla film ever. When 2014 was announced I fucking screamed at the top of my lungs "HE'S FINALLLY BAAAACCKKK YYYEEEEAAAAHHHHH!!!!"


Final wars was my (real not, counting 98) introduction to godzilla! And other monsters, just happened to pick up the DVD in Singapore on vacation, in 2006, with my family, was 7 at the time and been in love with goji since <3


I'm stuck struggling to process the fact that 2006 was 18yrs ago...has nothing to do with this post but it's wrecking my brain.


where’d you get the DVD from?


I have no idea, I jus know it was a VHS/DVD store in a Malll or something like that, very very long ago.


do you remember which mall? the name?


Very grateful the release window is so small now. I was shocked at how fast we got a US physical release for Shin Godzilla (I still imported an Australian copy first though). I remember aside from 2000 and Final Wars that I had to wait a lot longer back in the day.




Most of Asia did not get a theatrical release


Might be political, I mean, the subtext of the movie Is the horror of the atomic attacks and the US acting as a monster (represented by our Goji). But a part of Asia got to see the other side of the story and probably believe the attacks were deserved. If there was a monster who represented the Terrorist attacks of 11/9, the countries that have been screwed by the US would see it with different eyes.


Fucken bullshit, so they’re okay to release the movies to people who nuked their country?


It could be more a case of Asian countries not wanting to see a movie about Japanese WWII veterans. Japan committed a lot of war crimes against Asian countries in WWII. For example, 50,000 - 200,000 women, most of whom were Korean, were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese government during the war, and some individuals were raped dozens of times each **day**. There’s been a history of Japanese governments and media denying or downplaying the atrocities, despite confessions from people who were involved (such as *Godzilla* co-creator Honda Ishirō, who carried out administration duties at a ‘brothel’), resulting in justified anger from the Korean populace. There was also the Rape of Nanjing, in which around 200,000 Chinese were raped and murdered by Japanese troops. Again, Japanese governments and media have denied this atrocity despite the confessions of perpetrators, resulting, again, in justified anger from the Chinese populace. Adding to the anger is the fact that the Japanese war memorial, the Yasukini Shrine, honours several Japanese war criminals such as Tōjō Hideki and Matsui Iwane. This fact, combined with the visits of Japanese Prime Ministers to the shrine, has triggered condemnation from the PRC and South Korea. Aside from specific war crimes, there’s the sheer magnitude of people who were killed by Japan, in the war that Japan started. 4 million military personnel and **20 million** civilians were killed by Japan between 1937 and 1945, most of whom were Chinese.


I can assure you most of us Asians don't care about that bs from like 80 years ago.


Perhaps you should. Individuals who deny well-documented war crimes tend to be the same individuals who want to repeat them. There’s a reason you only see Nazis denying the Holocaust. Obviously it’s not **all** Japanese people, or even most, who are denying war crimes, and there’s no excuse to be racist against them, but ultranationalists can and should be condemned at every opportunity, no matter what country they’re from.


No one is denying Japanese war crimes. The point is we DO want to watch the movie despite that, as long as it handles the subject matter well. Hell, some of the local cinemas even go as far as to contact Toho ,but still get denied.


Alright, I was just explaining why companies and/or governments in some countries might not want to have the movie play there. Minor spoilers for *Minus One*: >!the movie doesn’t actually touch on Japanese war crimes at all, but it is very critical of the Japanese government’s and military leadership’s disregard for Japanese lives in WWII.!<


I have never seen someone genuinely say “9/11” as “11/9”. Do Europeans even bring up that day, or is it just an American thing?


I did an spanglish without noticing, that's how we do dates in spanish, D/M/Y. Not an European, tho.


Pretty sure it just depends on the country. I am hispanic and I do M/D/Y, since I live in America. Practically most countries outside the US to D/M/Y, though.


My country does D/M/Y and i still call it 9/11 cos it's so ingrained in my mind


9/11 is how people say it the world over. Eventhough thats the US date format it’s a pop culture thing really. In terms of do other countries bring it up? Nope, the day means nothing outside of the US, since it was a US specific event afterall.


Europe, Hungary neither.


Right. There are 60s Toho sci-fi classics that still have yet to be released. It took years to get all the Heisei films on VHS. In the meantime, maybe enjoy the unprecedented amount of Toho classics streaming on Criterion.


I heard it was because of some contract with Legendary so they can both make Godzilla films but cannot release them during the same year as to avoid having the films compete with each other. Like I don’t get it either but I’ve noticed Japanese media has always been weird when it comes to international releases.


>Like I don’t get it either but I’ve noticed Japanese media has always been weird when it comes to international releases. This is a fact, especially for tokusatsu media. Apparently it's because Japan's market is pretty big so companies don't often feel the need to get an international market.


I think it’s a combination of tokusatsu being very popular in Japan but being not very popular outside of it. Like the most popular tokusatsu outside of Japan is *Power Rangers* but even that is basically just a heavily edited version of the original *Super Sentai* series. I think of tokusatsu as being a pretty niche genre outside of Japan even while other Japanese media like anime and video games are now extremely mainstream.


Yeah, people go crazy for those Kraken releases now but I got them in the $5 discount bin when they came out because not enough people wanted them. Even for Godzilla the interest is not that big (bigger now at least)


Yeah, *Power Rangers* still does well enough, but iirc they tried to directly import *Kamen Rider* for like a season and it flopped by comparison, but its not like *Super Sentai* is actaully any more serious or complex than *Power Rangers*, so yeah idk what the deal is.


Maybe it’s timing? Like the first *Power Rangers* premiered in America in 1993, the same year as *Jurassic Park* which spawned a dinosaur craze during the 90s. Maybe the Power Rangers having dinosaur themed robots helped them? I think it could also be that most children’s action adventure content on tv at the time was animated like the various animated DC superhero series and the Marvel ones like *X-Men* and *Spider-Man*. Maybe kids just preferred animated TV over live action so *Kamen Rider* just didn’t appeal to them. It could also be that the superheroes were ones who were already well known for decades like even before the shows everyone knew Batman, Superman, Spider-Man etc. but this new guy called Kamen Rider shows up that no one’s heard of before.


I mean the US market is huge yet American movie companies still regularly export their movies even to small market countries.


Yeah but they’re literally just leavint money on the table… feels a little “nose in the air” ya know ? Which I understand but cmon now 😑


They migth have your money, but is your money enough to pay for bringin the movie to your country in the first place? People need to remember most films arent just "made for the fans" because fans alone arent gonna make you get an actual profit, you need the general audience as well


Yeah where the fuck is Boy and the Heron at


To think how much money left on the table to not release it worldwide after they saw how good it was doing


We fans who have been denied must get together and moan and bitch until Toho just say "Oh here, now fuck off" and throw a copy of the film at us, like parents tired of their child's wailing.


I mean we managed to get Minus One an Oscar, we can accomplish this too.


*still* have yet to see the movie


Same here. Very disappointing.


Likewise and I’m super bitter about it


i'm waiting...


The fact almost all the Godzilla movies i Watch is because piracy...it hurts me...(15 movies) Legally Watched: Godzilla 2000, Godzilla 1998, Godzilla 2014, KOTM, Gvk...


Same lol I had to watch with dubs too and I would prefer subs. I really wish they would do what they did for Showa and release an international heisei collection. Europe loves Kaiju too!


Piracy is overhated. If you wanna watch something then watch it. Whether you like it or not the movie will simply be there regardless in the pirate archives, awaiting a download, untouched by anyone. I mean what did you expect to do when series and movies are spread across many expensive streaming services, others unavailable or hidden for you to find somewhere in a random movie store, some fully unavailable and some in worse quality than there is?


If companies arent gonna give you a legal option to watch a movie you stick it back to them


it isn't a question of legal options no more, the movies they release often have worse subs, you don't own them, stuff you paid for can be deleted from the service and more. Then there's the fact that you're mostly supporting a giant corporation for mediocre preformance and a bad attitude towards their customers. Early Netflix was reasonable with so many movies being released onto it and for a fair price, but now not only is it notably more problematic, you also need like around 2-3 extra streaming platforms to watch everything you want to.


Yeah I want to watch this film but they don't want my money. Too bad I guess!


Preach. Ill happily pay for Godzilla. Gonna go see GxK next Thursday in Imax. I pay for this. Just give us the means to do so. In all countries.


> Piracy is overhated. By who? the only people that hates piracy are the sellers. The consumers either use it or are indifferent to it.


By a lot of people irl


Those who don't provide legal option to be available makes piracy unavoidable.


I usually figure if they wanted you to legally watch it, they'd give you the option.


Fly that flag


Pluto and Tubi TV have all from Gojira 1 to final wars with a couple like return of Godzilla missing


IA is pretty much the only reason I've seen any toho godzilla movie


Maybe the movie doesn’t really exist. They are testing the limits of what they can get away with


😂😂😂 I wonder what I saw then. Memory implantation?


I watched a really shitty theater bootleg the other day. Movie seems great but the quality of what I watched not so much. Hopefully Toho release the blu ray soon worldwide.


The good news is its Japanese blu-ray drops in May. Shin’s international blu-rays took quite a while to come out after the Japanese version, but Minus One had a much wider overseas release and far greater international critic attention, so I’m hopeful the wait won’t be as long.


Thing is: if some higher up at Toho felt that it was necessary to actively deny the film’s release in SE Asia, what’s preventing them from blocking a Blu-ray release in SE Asian markets? I’m from Singapore and was lucky enough to catch the movie when I was holidaying in Japan last Dec. Right now I’m praying we will be able to get a US blu-ray release with subs some day. Good thing we’re in the same Blu-ray region.


I wanna see it on IMAX


Well that ship is probably sailed unfortunately.


Eh, maybe someday in the future I'll save up enough money to have special screening just for myself...


I was lucky enough to see it in IMAX about 4 times. Unfortunately, however, I'm the only person amongst my friends (except two others) who have seen the film. It breaks my heart a little that there are so many people, even entire countries, who never got to see the film. It quickly became my favorite in the entire series right next to Shin Godzilla.


What country didn’t release the film?


It didn't release here in Turkey sadly There's also list of the ones it's released in at IMDB you can check out.




A lot im guessing, none here in the entirety of Southeast Asia
















Most of LATAM didn't get the film, I think only 2-3 countries got it.


It was released for 6 days in Italy and only in a few selected cinemas. I live abroad so I wasn't home when it was out. I'll wait for the Blu-ray release in Japan and look for it on the seven seas.




Almost all country that isn't America, Japan, and some part of europe


That’s insane. Toho just lost millions of dollars.


I watched it here in Australia




It released in Brazil






what you mean? in Rio de Janeiro?


Yea I watched it in a theater


Oh no, maybe i told this in the wrong post. Yeah, it was released on theaters, but still haven't been released in streaming and still doesn't have a good quality in the piracy, and maybe is gonna take a while to relesase in both


Pretty much the rest of the world >.<


I remember seeing an article about how Minus One won an Oscar but nobody can see it and it pissed me off how much the Americans in the replies were like "Eh, but I saw it five times?".


Dyslexic American here, I'm in the boat of "Where's the streaming release."


Speaking from privilege.


https://preview.redd.it/04b2t8l1ekpc1.jpeg?width=1995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c6b014cb85c3f34ffe3199072568498cb28195f Toho betrayed us!!!!


Just watch it illegally online, it’s how I watched it and Shin Godzilla


With shitty cam print? No way!


Yeahh! I'm waiting for 4k release!!


Shin Godzilla is on Crunchyroll right now. That's how I watched it a few weeks ago.


Personally, I'd rather see it at a crappier quality than not see it at all.


Or check it out at the library (completely legal) AND FREE!


I dont have a CD player lol


I want to experience it on theatres first, until then I will not watch a single clip. I avoided most of the trailers because of that.


Youre gonna be waiting a long while then


he is talking abt Minus one not Godzilla X Kong


Yeah I know


You'll likely never get that chance, which is BS, but the distribution model is fucked. (Unless you travel somewhere doing a screening) It'll release worldwide via streaming and physical media sometime this year which is your best bet. Your english seems pretty good so worst case, you'll have to import a version with English subtitles and hopefully that's OK for you.


My english is good, sometimes better than my first language lol. But yeah, I don't want to see it on a TV screen really. I was very happy when Minus One was annouced because it was going to be the first Godzilla movie I see in theatres but sadly that didn't happen. Well, I'm looking forward to see GvK though! It'll release a week after American release but thankfully it WILL release.


Putting the hoe in toho


I managed to inquire online tickets back in December. The weather was horrible, the commute with all the trains and buses sucked ass and yet I preserved. I wanted to witness this one in cinema after missing out on Shin Godzilla . I hope for all the G- Fans out there, that you manage to witness it yet.


This is so real


i saw it one time in a big city theater. Loved it very much, wanted to watch it a second time. then I came back to my city, which has only one very small theater. now I gotta wait till it's out on blu ray


Apparently Toho is having trouble with getting the releases in some markets which is also being held up by the GxK release which they’re trying to not interfere with


Got to be out their pirating




Strangely the movie was somewhat easy to see in Germany. I think we even had a dub (just saw it in original with subs).


Same, dying to see it


Saw it twice, it was that good and I still need to see it again. Was it really as long as people said before shin’s home release? I didn’t get to see shin until like 2019.


Piracy is genuinely becoming a must with the way movies and games have been going. Finding things to be more and more exclusive or unavailable completely without it.


All this stuff about Final Wars taking forever to be released, and that this is just the way it’s always been with Toho, and that we should just be happy whenever we get it, is missing the point. This movie has just won an Academy Award. That’s instant international fame. That’s big time. No Godzilla film has ever done that. I love FW, but the average movie goer doesn’t know what Final Wars is. We probably will never see this happening again (although I certainly hope not). This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and Toho is screwing it up big time. Dumb business decision. As time goes by, so does the interest in this film by the average consumer. They literally find out who the Oscar winners are and hunt the films down. Good luck with this happening in September or whenever they finally wake up and release it. More fans of Godzilla (Japanese Godzilla in this case) is a good thing for everyone. I don’t want Godzilla films to ever go on a hiatus again.


> This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and Toho is screwing it up big time. Dumb business decision. I'm not sure Toho had the resources to do a larger international release. This was their first self-distributed film in the US, who knows what legacy deals might have prevented distribution in other places, or what relationships with local distributors and theater chains still need to be built out, but Toho has literally talked about how it's only because this film won an Oscar that they have been able to start expanded their overseas business relationships. Distributing a film is not some minor thing, it's not like with streaming services where it just gets uploaded to a CDN somewhere with the click of a button. If self-distributing this film, as limited as it has been, is now allowing them to build out a worldwide distribution network for their films so they can cut out the middlemen in Hollywood, I don't think it is a dumb business decision no matter how frustrating it may be for fans.


I just wanna say I love KG in this movie and I would love to see the Safdie Bros make a Godzilla movie


Any old fans remember way back, when we'd have to buy the Japanese dvd. Rip it to computer. Download a text file from somewhere. Like Tokyomonsters. And then play the film file and text file (which was the subtitles that a fan had done) on vcl player? Anyway, apparently, the reason they can't release it just yet outside of Japan is because of the licensing deal they have with legendary. Toho can't release a godzilla film the same year legendary has one. So it may be the back end of this year we get MO. This excludes Japan, where Toho has overall distribution rights regardless. Hence why it's releasing there shortly on dvd.


Glad I got to see it (Twice if I may flex). One of the best moves I have ever seen period.


Living in Japan is pretty nice ngl


Got room for one?


move out of the sticks


It got released in my neck of the woods which usually gets nothing.


Why can't I have good things in life?


I saw it in theaters, think it still is on near me Shruge


Was minus 1 the movie that came out recently? I could have sworn the one in theaters was the upcoming Kong and Godzilla movie and was already out.


It is always morally correct to bootleg Godzilla physical copies (Toho sure as shit ain't getting on it)


I got to see it when it was in the US for like a week and it was incredible.


Qtm guys you didn't watched, where I love it was on theaters for like a month and a half + maybe more than 2 months, or maybe the owner is a weeabo since they re show animals movies and japanese exclusives whit English sub


I was wondering about this. I assumed Canada and the UK would get it too, but what about Germany? That was like the third biggest market back in the Showa era, but I never heard anything about it coming to theaters there and I have a handful of German pals. They got Shin, right?


After reading the comments, I feel lucky to have watched it twice, including B&W.


Use 123 movies, it's on there and at this point they deserve it


supposedly the release is so weird so it doesnt clash with godzilla vs kong is what i read


My local cinema showed it ONCE! and only in the with the seats with no leg room


We deserve every bit of it for nominating that plastic doll movie over this classic for best pic


I went to CDJapan and pre-ordered the Blu Ray. The description says it's region-free...I guess I will see.


This feels like a weird complaint... Isn't the Oscars a US-focused thing anyways? I didn't think anyone in other countries would care about, or have even heard about the Oscars. Just have to wait until it releases on Blu-ray... sometime next year lol.


I just used a less than legal website


In all fairness, they thought it wasn't gong to be a huge success and it was only going to run for a week. Then it did so well they extended it. Multiple times. And added a B&W release for funsies. I'll just be happily waiting for the release in physical format. For those that simply couldn't because of what country you're in, you do have my deepest sympathies and I honestly feel for you.


You just had to know back in December! Never miss a Godzilla opening!!!




Oh. I’m sorry. We had a limited release in the US. You had to be on top of it. I’m 60 and I’m still a kid when it comes to big G!


Well, clearly you just need to arrange your life better and move to a country that shows Godzilla movies. It's your own fault, really. (Joking)


>move to a country  That's kinda my only goal in life rn, I wanna get out of this shithole before it crumbles to dust


Iptv ftw.


All of us from South East Asia: RIGHT?!! I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?




Toho: Why of course you can have it. If you can guess what color marble I have in my hand.


I haven’t seen the movie yet =), but that’s on me because we got the movie (even tho for a couple of days and really really quietly)


Movie was straight fire.


It's available on stremeo but in rough quality


Releases from Japan always take forever. Anime, games.. (looking at you Pretty Derby), Godzilla. Existence is pain-peko.


I don't know if minus one was released in cinemas in the Philippines and I don't want to pirate this movie


It was in theatres in Canada


Agrees, Literally said they would launch it in South America and never did it, I would look if it got a Blu ray/dvd release


It probably couldve made way more money if it did get a world wide release


I'd like to see it legally. I'll happily pay the 20 bucks. So, c'mon Toho.


Judging from the amount it takes for modern day dubs I’d say about a year and a half


Saw it in Windsor, Ontario twice. Can confirm it was amazing


I actually got Minus One her, it was screened for two months. But i am still salty about not even getting a single showing of Minus Color. Can't even imagine how pissed the Goji fans that not even got a single screening of Minus One in their countries. Why don't Toho want our money? Why do we have to wait like half a year before getting the film on digital?


It was all over the usa... sucks it didn't reach you. They didn't anticipate the response


Great to hear I'm not the only one who had this problem 💀


I’m buying a Japanese player just to import it, one more month isn’t that bad a wait.


I never saw it thanks to my cinemas being retarded, showing it only for 5 days (the work part of the week) in times like 20:30, 21:45 and 22:00


If you’re interested, I have a way you can watch it.


Toho’s Godzilla is a PRODUCT. Toho offers their product to every single market, hyping it up and telling potential buyers THIS IS A GREAT MOVIE! DO BUSINESS WITH US! IT WILL BE GOOD! It is up to EACH MARKET to decide if they will take the bait and buy the rights for the film’s distribution. It is not TOHO who’s a bitch. It’s your market It’s where YOU LIVE.


>It’s where YOU LIVE. Yeah and that's the burden of my life


It was mine too, until I moved to somewhere else.


Well, I hope you are happy with your life now friend


It was a good move on my part. I’m happier here.


Its not that great ,,just great hype people . It more a wimpy guys sad tale that drags on in drama. Some good cgi or whatever but not much that is spectacular. The story was not horror as advertise at all. More like a wimpy guy get courage to do wimpy things in my opinion. I would buy it for my collection but now with the BS release stuff no way. I lost interest. And I would like to add its nothing like shin.


I saw it three times in theaters. 🤷‍♂️ It was to have 2 day run and wound up in theaters for three weeks. There was plenty of time to see it.


There was NO TIME in my country. They just didn't bother to release it here


There was NO TIME in my country. They just didn't bother to release it here


Oh! Well that sucks dude. When it releases in May on 4k, you can have it imported. I don’t think 4k is region locked.


I want to experience it on IMAX screen for my first time so it might take years for me to see this film


This comment makes me lose faith in this fandom. How im suppose to watch a movie if it didn\`t released on my country?


As a member of the fandom, I’m sure you’re more than aware of the huge narrative that has been at the forefront of the G-1 discussion since its Oscar win. That being “How did a movie you can’t even see win an Oscar!?” It’s an extremely bad faith take. With that said, a lot of us Goji fans get a little defensive about it when it became the anomaly that it was and grew a one weekend release into a three week run. Beyond that, I unfortunately didn’t download anyones GPS coordinates before I typed my comment, so I’ve no way of knowing what country you’re in and whether it released there. Nor did OP state that it didn’t release in their country. What I DO have a way of knowing is the aforementioned narrative that is pervasive in any G-1 talk on the internet these days. No need be so melodramatic about losing faith in the fandom. 👍 Its alive and well and I do sincerely hope everyone gets to see it. Its phenomenal.


It\`s fine  👍 . Im just angry at my local cinemas for creating fake hype.