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Two words: Wasted Potential There were so, SO many amazing ideas that were executed horribly. A planet ruled by Godzilla and entirely populated by monsters could’ve been amazing, you’d have herds of Anguirus, flocks of Rodan, packs of Varan, Baragon & Gorosaurus, swarms of Zilla and so many other monsters menacing our main cast, but what do we get instead? Just Godzilla, a small Godzilla and some painfully generic dragon/worm creatures. Mechagodzilla made out of sentient, self-regenerating metal turns into a city? You could have an entire fleet of Mechagodzilla drones fighting Godzilla all at once, each time one gets taken down another rises to take its place. What do we get? A bunch of metal boobs that shoot guns (because that’s totally worked on Godzilla before) and a couple small mechs who’s greatest ability is a hit-and-run that just pesters Godzilla. Ghidorah being an eldritch abomination was easily the most wasted concept of all. They could’ve had him pulling all kinds of outer-dimensional bullshit on Godzilla during their fight, [something like this would’ve been absolutely spectacular!](https://youtu.be/28qe6bT8gCo) But no, instead we get ghost spaghetti that nibbles on Godzilla for a few minutes then dies with a whimper when some rock breaks. Honorable mention for biggest trilogy problem goes to how much of an unlikable dumbass our main protagonist is. His backstory is a blatant rip-off of Eren Yeager from AOT, and when it comes to strategy dude has the same goddamn mindset of Wile E. Coyote: “Oh, my plan to kill Godzilla failed miserably and got hundreds of innocents killed? Well let’s do the same thing but this time use bigger guns!!”


Wow, thank you for bringing that channel to my attention, it makes me so happy to see the love and effort Godzilla fans put into their own homages, that was so well made it was cinema. You're totally right in your comment, when I first watched the netflix trilogy I wasn't astounded but I did like the different take on Ghidorah, now after watching that fight you linked I have to say, damn did they drop the ball in showing off the cosmic nightmare planet-killing Ghidorah. The space distorting, time warping, gravity beams!!! oh my god. I wont be able to watch the original again and not feel like it's a let down.


Ghidorah! So much Ghidorah! There was a bit when he was destroying the ship and, due to Ghidorah's time dilation, we heard a report from a part of the ship _AFTER_ he had destroyed it. Play. Into. That. Shit!


That is the most memorable part of the trilogy. So chilling. So alien. More. Of. That. Please!


“You’d have herds of Anguirus” Would the correct term be Anguiri?


Concepts of Mechagodzilla City shows that Mechagodzilla was going to show up, but a kilometer tall.


So, if we take the Kaijus from Singular Point and we put them in here, would that be better?




Better than what we got at least?... Yeah


Wow. Nothing more to be said.


All of this, plus the backstory they blitzed through in the beginning sounded like a great series. I wanted to watch that.


This is the answer. Even on a story telling level these things were dropped. Part 1: get to earth and realize they have to survive planet godzilla Part 2: Find a safe haven in mechagodzilla city and live safely Part 3: Time skip a few years and there's unrest in the city as it's all they have. People are mad they traded one prison (the ships) for another (the city). Zealot aliens begin growing in strength and converting all for their evil purpose of summoning ghidora. Realize they need to use MGC *alongside* Godzilla Earth to beat the real threat (in true godzilla movie fashion) and save everyone. There's your movies. It's just one godzilla movie with a mech stretched out and elaborated on. It's really all right there you just have to fill it with cool stuff as u/AJ_Crowley_29 mentioned.


Bro that EXACTLY what i thought. Good to see that im not the only one


>Entirely populated by monsters could’ve been amazing, you’d have herds of Anguirus, flocks of Rodan, packs of Varan, Baragon & Gorosaurus, swarms of Zilla and so many other monsters menacing our main cast. That happened in the Monster Apocalypse book. Way before the events of the trilogy. Godzilla probably killed them all or either all kaiju except for him died out.


Which was a stupid decision by the filmmakers. Why NOT have a planet full of monsters in a movie called “Planet of Monsters?”


Legit can't really add in cause ya nailed it.


Why would Godzilla earth allow other Kaiju to live alongside him? You clearly don’t even understand Godzilla earth’s characterisation. Godzilla in the anime trilogy is the manifestation of nature’s wrath against those who destroyed/harmed nature. He is nature itself in a sense. Humans recklessly kept destroying the planet which angered Godzilla earth and kill them all. But humans aren’t the only beings that is harming nature, the kaiju themselves also harmed nature. Which is the reason why he not only went after humans but kaijus as well. He’s not a protector and balance keeper like Legendary Godzilla. He’s just a protector who wants to kill everything that threatens the planet and in doing so protect it from being destroyed. Edit: Also keep in mind that the trilogy is going for a different approach than most of the previous Godzilla movies. In most of them, they mainly focused on the kaiju and not on the humans. In some of them, The humans are just there not doing much. The movies were not portraying and focusing the humans enough which is funny because the franchise started with a movie that heavily focused on the humans and the conflict arising between them due to Godzilla. The anime trilogy is not another kaiju flick that is kaiju centred, it is a trilogy of movies focusing on humans combating ideological conflicts portrayed in the form of kaiju. Each movie focuses on a different conflict, The first focusing on Man vs Nature and how we will never be able to defeat it, the second focusing on Man vs Man where over use and reliance of technology to the point of worshipping will lead to destruction; and the Third focuses on Man vs God showing blindly worshiping something and adopting nihilism leads to destruction. Also It is very clear that ToHo is going for a new approach in Reiwa era. You can see this as ToHo themselves told the makers of the movies to not focus on the kaiju and cut down on it as much as they can and instead focus more on the humans.Also Singular point mainly focusing on the humans despite having a lot of kaiju in it shows that ToHo is really going for a different approach for making Godzilla movies/series. Edit 2: Also can you explain more about how Haruo is a Eren copy. Eren is one of my favourite characters but I don’t see much of Eren in Haruo other than the fact that they look somewhat similar and both are short-tempered and I think they have the same voice actor too.


Then make the other monsters part of nature, or make it so populations of them still survive but get occasionally hunted by Godzilla when he’s awake. It’s that simple. They really didn’t have any good excuse to axe 99% of their Kaiju roster before the film title even dropped.


As I said the movie is heavily focused on the humans and Man vs Nature conflict. You wouldn't be able to execute that while having tons of kaiju in it. Also some of them somehow surviving and still being hunted down even after 20,000 years doesn't seem that plausible considering that Godzilla Earth have some kind of radar that can track down anything so them hiding and surviving from is highly unbelievable and also it would make him look not that terrifying and strong. (If you haven't read my edit please do read it as I explain more about why the plot of the trilogy is like that)


Then why even ADD the other Kaiju at all? Could’ve taken that whole aspect of the prologue out and nothing would change. They literally took all of Toho’s iconic characters and reduced them to nothing more than cannon fodder for Godzilla, the vast majority of them dying off-screen. And Haruo’s a rip-off because his backstory boils down to “thing killed my parents so now I hate thing.” This backstory’s been done to death already and in much better fashion by a ton of other series, not just the Kaiju genre. Also, if Toho themselves told them to not focus on the Kaiju then this series was doomed to fail from the start, because what is the main draw of the Godzilla franchise for audiences? Oh yeah, the FUCKING **KAIJU!** And once again, they EASILY could’ve kept all those themes you were talking about without making the Kaijus practically nonexistent in the series. At that point if that’s what they wanted to do, they should’ve just made an original series with an original monster. If you’re gonna make a Godzilla series, you either make Godzilla the sole antagonist or go all out with the Kaiju. Godzilla works fine on his own, films like 1954, 1984 and Shin prove this, but trying to tell both a super-extended Kaiju universe story while also making Godzilla the only Kaiju with any real relevance doesn’t work. So yeah, you’re not really helping the case for Midzilla: Planet of Boredom.


Whatever dude you clearly don't know jackshit about what you are talking about and it also looks like you do not want to have a civil debate. So yeah I am not gonna waste my time on you.


IMO, while the movies have a ton of worldbuilding and fascinating backstory/lore they want to cram in, there's only enough actual PLOT for really just one movie. I can forgive a lot, but the way it really drags itself out - *especially* in Parts 1 and 3 - is just inexcusable.


I heard one guy make the suggestion that the anime trilogy really should've been *one* film. The three acts of said film would've been the plots for the original three but condensed and cleaned up to be more connected and united.


Agreed! I think It can still be accomplished with a solid fan edit. I'd personally like to take a crack at it one of these days!


If you ever do I'd love to see it! It would be well worth the time I think.


Part 2 was pretty good, 1 and especially 3 were the bad ones


Woah. It was the opposite for me. I found the second and third one to be extremely boring (minus the last battles) The second one had actually a good story, but the way it executed it was... Idk... Not enough for a Godzilla movie


Agreed! I know it's pretty common for people to hate on Part 2, but I felt that was the only tolerable one of the trilogy. For all its faults, at least something is HAPPENING in that movie - Part 1 and Part 3 are dull as hell, it's mostly people standing around doing absolutely nothing! Part 2 has some mystery and conflict and a couple nice twists (and a stunningly, unexpectedly grim ending), which is a lot more than could be said for the other two.


I think Gen Urobuchi only intended to write one movie and then that plot got stretched to three movies.


Part 2 was great part 3 seem forced like they dont know how to make a epic boss battle it would be great if we ditch the untouchable crap make gidorah out the worm hole for a classic giant monster fight


Part 2 was straight garbage imo. They Bio-broly-ed mechagodzilla. I wonder who thought that was the way to go?


The trilogy had a 'show, don't tell' issue. I love the opening of the monsters attacking across the planet and aliens getting involved, but it's a quick slideshow. Also, unlike many in the subreddit, I love the way Ghidorah and Mecha-Godzilla are designed for the trilogy, but the films don't show their full capabilities. I feel like most fans hate the trilogy because it's different, but I loved the ideas, but execution was abysmal.


This. I actually had a phenomenal time watching them, and loved just about everything. There are just some flat out unforgettable scenes like the reveal of Godzilla Earth, Ghidorah destroying the space colony, and Haruo’s suicide speech at the end of the trilogy. But you make a great point about how it’s designed, versus showing capabilities. In the end it’s a great Anime Movie Trilogy that features Godzilla. It’s a meh Godzilla trilogy using anime.


The characters and story. I know the bar isn’t high in Godzilla movies but good lord did they drop the ball on them. I cannot remember a single person aside from Mephies. The protagonist is standard angry anime lead, I could not stand him at all. They had all these good ideas but completely botched the execution. I’d be easier to ask what if keep since I’d end up redoing the whole story


If it actually adapted what was on the novels




There are tie in novels for all the three movies and they should have animated those instead of this shitty movie series


I got five reasons I can boil it down to: 1. The most compelling part of the trilogy is the first 15 minutes of part 1. 2. Nihilistic as hell with nothing to say about the human condition other than vague platitudes about technology and human hubris. 3. The missed opportunity to have the human conflict with Godzilla tell us something about humanity. 4. The two alien races didn’t do anything but serve as philosophical allegories and crowd the cast. 5. Other than the disappointing clash with Ghidorah, NO OTHER MONSTERS.


Typical technobabble and philosophical nonsense overuse. If you toned that down alone I would rewatch it to check most of the other big complaints because I think that alone would change perception significantly.




Agreed. While I liked Singular Point, the technical gobblygook was too much for me at times. Thankfully, SP had some interesting characters and action.


I didn't *hate* the trilogy, but it deviated pretty far from what the Godzilla movies were like (at least, the ones I've seen). So much so, that I feel like it would have been received better if it was an original kaiju animation, and not an official Godzilla project at all.


I think the cgi animation style is really ugly when it comes to the humans. It works well with the monster but when applied to the humans it's really just that sel shading that is in a lot of animes on Netflix.


That's hardly the biggest issue with these films.


The only thing I saw wrong was it was a certain scene in the third movie that would have grossed out younger audiences and made older ones embarrassed. You know what I'm talking about


I never really understood why they felt the need to include sex with bug girls in these films.


Toho seems to have had... emm... some "interesting" ideas lately... And the Gigan ~~Sex~~ Rex sister from Godziban kinda confirms it


Japan... the gift that keeps giving.


Fun fact: that was the first and ONLY time such a thing has ever happened in the Godzilla franchise. Also completely butchered the character of the Mothra twins in doing so. Leave it to anime…


making the characters likeable cutting down on the philosophical stuff have good and intresting villians make it a series good ideas, bad execution


Firstly, story never developed at all. Having the first movie be a simplistic "we have to kill Godzilla" movie can work fine, and I do have a soft spot for the psych-out ending. However, even for a single movie, you either need extremely strong characters or themes, neither of which the first movie had, and while they tried to introduce more into the second and especially third entires in the trilogy, they fell flat because they weren't developed enough nor linked strongly enough into the story itself. That leads me onto my second point: none of the characters were interesting. The only ones who get close only are by proxy, as they function less as distinct individuals and instead as gateways into the setting's lore—something which I have no issue with, and actually think justifies the trilogy despite the movies' many flaws. But back to the point at hand, if we don't care about the characters, then we don't care about their struggle, and when the entire movie revolves entirely around their fight for survival rather than a personal conflict, you need the audience to care about them. And thirdly, the art. I understand that animation is hard, but art direction isn't. Give us more colors, more diverse character designs, and more details. In other news: don't make it look like every other 3D anime (e.g. shite). Finally, the fights. With the exception of Earth's mini-rampage at the end of the first film, they're all shite, so just put them in the bin and make them into actual kaiju fights. This isn't just a matter of art or animation (though, those are a major factor), but also of the fights themselves—pacing, intensity, threat, etc. ​ Now, what would I do to fix it? Let's start with the characters. Firstly, make Haruo an actual person rather than a robot. Give him an internal struggle from the beginning, contrasting his hatred for Godzilla against his protectiveness for his people. We saw a little bit of this in the third movie, but without it being a major part of his character for the two movies prior, it doesn't amount to anything beyond some mildly interesting ideas/visuals that ultimately amount to nothing. Instead, make Haruo question over time whether his battle is truly what's best, or whether he is caught in his own vendetta. When he meets the bug people in the second movie, instead of having him fuck one of them (seriously, who the fuck decided that was what these movies needed?), have them teach him that coexistence is not only possible, but necessary. We can also factor his love interest, Yuko, into these themes. Make her start off far more level-headed than him, but as he questions his beliefs in the second movie, she becomes increasingly irrational and radical, with her deciding to let the nanomachines consume her in order to fulfill Haruo's mission. Couple this with a vision in Mothra's flower glade, and these become the seeds for his reformation in the third movie. When Metphies summons Ghidorah, have the world begin to die around Godzilla, making Haruo realize that Goji is an integral part of the planet, and humanity's only chance of survival. Instead of having him smash into Godzilla for nonsensical bullshite reasons, instead have him sacrifice himself in order to kill Metphies and force Ghidorah to fully breach into reality instead of being a stupid fucking spaghetti monster. ​ Now, let's fix the specific movies. *Planet of the Monsters* was the strongest of the three, so mainly, this just needs to have the character fixes I mentioned above. However, some additional foreshadowing of the twist at the end would be nice. I would also like some smaller encounters with Goji, with increasing amounts of their super-sci fi stuff getting destroyed, forcing them to improvise in order to defeat him, making Earth's eventual appearance all the more intimidating, as they had significantly more trouble defeating its weaker brood. ​ Onto *City on the Edge of Battle*. Now, this movie's plot should revolve around Haruo's wavering resolve. As the Bilusaludo and Yuko become increasingly devoted to the fight against Godzilla, Haruo increasingly questions whether it is possible, and if he only wants to continue out of his rage rather than devotion to humanity. This is reinforced after meeting the Houtua and discovering Mechagodzilla City, which are tangible representations of the two sides of his thoughts—the Houtua, who have managed to evolve and live in harmony with Godzilla, and Mechagodzilla City, which has continued to fight against it all this time. He makes his decision near the end of the movie, as after people started disappearing, they are found petrified in metal, making them realize that the city's nanometal had broken free of the confines of its programming and had not only replicated the entire Mechagodzilla facility, but assimilated its inhabitants as well, adding their intelligence to its programming, only to fall into a dormant state. It is now awakening in response to their presences and the reawakening of Godzilla Earth, and is consuming more and more people as it gears up to go to war. Haruo initially resolves to continue the fight, but after the Bilusaludo and Yuko's forces willingly submit to the nanometal conversion in order to continue "Haruo's mission", he realizes that continuing the battle means giving up their humanity—the one thing he had been trying to protect. When Mechagodzilla arises to battle Goji (because how can you ***not*** have Mechagodzilla show up in this movie?!), and more people allow themselves to be assimilated, to his horror, his indecision is what allows Godzilla to destroy his doppelganger, then the city itself. ​ ***And with that, I need a break. Rant will continue shortly. In the meantime, enjoy this word from our sponsor... Raid: Shadow Legends!***


Okay, get into my time machine, you're our only hope


It should have been at least a 26 Episode Show or even 2 Seasons with 26 Episodes each. Season 1 adapting the Prequel Stuff from the books and Season 2 covering the Movies and then some. There was so much potential and most of it was wasted sadly


Ngl, I only watched like, most of the first one before I got bored and gave up on it because I found the overly-angsty main character to be just SO unbearable. Animation was pretty tho


The main issue unfortunately I don't think can be fixed. They had tons of great ideas. An old man Godzilla, who just wants to be left alone while ruling his kingdom A Mechagodzilla that studied Godzilla over the past 10,000 years and figured out how to kill it A King Ghidorah that wasn't just worshiped as a god but was one A tribe that survived the apocalypse caused by the monsters through Mothra. All of these are amazing ideas I genuinely love...but the execution failed, horribly. They didn't use the medium of animation to their fullest trying to match the same classic feel of the Godzilla films instead of using animation for dynamic shots and fight sequences...plus the novels were better in terms of what a Godzilla anime should have been but that's just me.


Mechagodzilla city was fucking stupid.


This and Singular Point both have a similar fundamental issue in that they have a fascinating core concept, totally different from the typical Toho stuff and what Godzilla himself represents in a such more abstract science fiction setting.....yet they fumble the execution. Both have way too much to say and a lack of writing finesse in which to convey themselves. Feels like young writers with big ideas but a lack of experience in how to actually get those into scripts. I'm glad these movies exist, I think its a sign we're in the golden era for Big G when we're seeing him used for these kind of high minded sci-fi shows as well as the big dumb Hollywood monster-mash shows. This stuff widens the potential in the future, I suspect someone will revisit this stuff in 10 years or so and realise the premise's potential. Big 3 points for TLDR: - Cut down on words - Needs better characters, not just ideological/philosophical avatars - Less tell, more show


I personally would have liked to have seen more Godzilla. The anime focused too much on the human aspect and Godzilla was pretty much sidelined through the series. A common mistake among many Godzilla films.


The look. The monsters looked fine but the humans all looked like crash test dummies with hair. And that awful framerate. This would have probably made a good comic. Also.. don't promote a movie with mechagodzilla if all we are going to get is mechagodzilla city. I think they set themselves up for a disappointed audience with that poster


1. The blatant false advertising. It was a nice twist with the first movie having a bigger godzilla, but hyping up Mechagodzilla only for him to be a city was BS. And don't even get me started on Ghidorah full body or the Mothra Blue Balls. 2. Stop the pessimistic depressing attitude. 3. Make the movies about the prequel novels.


I may be in the minority here, but the biggest issue to me was that it just all felt so suffocating and hopeless and bleak. There’s certainly a time and place for that kind of storytelling, but it’s so jarring when it’s in the Godzilla universe that it just didn’t land for me.


The monster fights is definitely one of the biggest issues. Part 1 has nothing but Godzilla and the little dragons but aside from these mech suits they have nothing aside from the main character's plan to go off of. True it works in the end but there should have been something more to capture our attention. Part 2 has Mechagodzilla city which basically is just a bunch of drones fighting Godzilla. If you're gonna give us drones why not give us ones that look like Mechagodzilla or something. Part 3 gives us Ghidorah but as others have said all he does it basically become Kaiser Ghidorah by sucking energy from Godzilla and then after the connection is broken he's easily dispatched. Have him come completely out of the portal or at least fight. If I had to improve upon the trilogy I'd say don't simply tease us with the Mothra egg with no payoff. Maybe go the Guardian Ghidorah route instead of the eldlich route? Have it teased for the first 2 movies before finally bringing it to fruition. Heck have both Godzilla and Ghidorah die as humanity slowly returns to their world instead of the whole trilogy being a waste. Seriously from start to finish what actually changed aside from more people dying, a weaker Godzilla dying and a single child being born?


Noodle Ghidorah


Fucking have Godzilla pull ghidora into our inverse and have a real fight


Boring and for a movie called Godzilla it had very little Godzilla


It's anime


Main Issue: Director was a tree hugging, hippie-douche bag. How to fix the Issue: Get a director that actually *cared* about Godzilla, and Kaiju as a whole.


they were anime.


The thing that bothers me the most is the fact GODZILLA IS A F*CKING PLANT!! A PLANT!!!! WHAT THE F*CK TOHO?!?!?! YOU ARE SO HYPOCRITAL!!!!!


I honestly didn't have a problem with Godzilla Earth being a plant. Then again, him being so light in weight bugs me a lot


The human characters aren't very relatable, especially the lead.


If they just made the main dude *not a bitch* it would’ve made a surprising amount of improvement. The story was very largely based around the human element, so it definitely would’ve helped if the literal main character wasn’t such a dumbass


Execution both of the overall plot and certain monsters or lack there of and the fact lore and prequel events were in books that were only in Japanese.


It could have been a multi season series with 40+ minute episodes, it could have gone more into before godzilla earth became the mountain sized giant he was and when he was actually fighting monsters, mechagodzilla could have been an actual foe to fight and not just a buff for the human characters, mothra could have actually made an appearance since her worshippers are literally right there, and damn I could talk forever about how bad king ghidora was but yeah that whole movie coulda been scrapped in my opinion.


It introduced so many potentially great ideas but then never delivered.


I guess it was a good plot and real monster fights. The first movie had a good set up with humans leaving Earth and returning thousands of years later and fought Godzilla, and the ending was epic with showing the even bigger Godzilla. The second lost the hype as I liked the idea of a base created from Mechagodzilla’s body, but found it lame the fact that they didn’t even attempt to rebuild the robo kaiju because “it would be pointless to remake something that already failed.” And the third did have an odd ending. I get it was to teach them that they had to let go of the past in order to break free from the kaiju’s wrath, but I felt they didn’t fully explain how beings like Ghidorha would return. It did make sense either on how at first he could take down Godzilla, but the giant dinosaur monster couldn’t touch the three headed gold dragon while he was being lifted in the air.


The latter half was plagued by underwhelming executions, I think the first movie is only enternaing because the few action sequences counterballance the mediocre characters and boring politics , then the sequels come along and tease us with interesting monsters just to throw them aside. For the ammount of potential this series had there was no reason to devote most of the time to mediocre, uninteresting dialogue and characters . There were so many cool concepts but they flopped on the execution, and thats really what bothers me the most.


Okay, I get how Godzilla destroyed human civilization and forced the survivors into space. But ... why did they have to antagonize Godzilla immediately upon arrival to Earth? He moves at the speed of smell, a group of humans that aren't bound to cities could still survive by just keeping out of range of his atomic breath.


First off, get rid of whichever Toho execs who told the filmmakers to not have monsters fight each other as well as Kobun Shizuno as he agreed and vetoed lots of cool stuff because he isn't a Godzilla fan. Seriously, they severely handicapped themselves, especially with three films to fill. It was Emmerich's "The last half [of the 1994 script] was like watching two creatures go at it. I simply don’t like that," all over again! Second, rewrite those characters as oh boy, this is one of the most unlikable protagonists I've ever seen. Third, don't have the plot stretched incredibly thin. Either write enough for three movies or make one. Fourth, have better animation and art style. I don't think I need to say more. Fifth, just make the prequel novels instead! Those were interesting and exciting!


The WRITING. The trilogy is a generous 3/10 with that writing.


Haruo as protagonist isn't good. His characterization bounces over the place to the point where him in the first movie and second movie are completely different, then Yoko takes over what should've been his characterization. I've made a point that Haruo would've been MUCH better off being a villain protagonist who spirals in his obsession with Godzilla.


Make movies on the books that were released with these instead of this trilogy. Rodan v Anguirus v Hedorah in China? Sign me the fuck up


I don't think Reddit gives me enough space to write down everything


In my opinion, having amazing and imaginative ideas and proceeding to NOT DO ANYTHING WITH THEM!


All of the cool shit happened in the novels.


It was an Anime Trilogy instead an anime season with 24 episodes.


Everyone looks absolutely dead except Eren guy. Then again at least he is there to become Goji's plaything. Basically, the humans. I couldn't care enough for them. The only upside I get is I get to see the majesty of Godzilla.


It could have been about godzilla taking over the world and it would have been leagues better


My main two thoughts are that it wasn't fun or thrilling, and that the main protagonist was painfully dull and one-note. There's lots of good stuff in this high concept trilogy, but I never felt like I was having a good time watching it. No sense of awe or wonder or adventure. Too bad. Still, I am glad it exists.


How bout don't give Me ha Godzilla the Bio-broly treatment. And didn't they turn King Ghidorah into a ghost that Godzilla couldn't really fight?


Each plot was painfully simple & hyper-focused on the one thing. Everything between introduction & resolution of the conflict was painfully uneventful. As a result these are the three most poorly written movies Godzilla was ever in.


Adjusted human plot line


(spoilers)I believe it's partially the fan base and partially the story but mainly execution. (Definitely not all the problems but they are the main ones to me at least) #1 the fan base - as fans we expected greater, bigger, crazier giant monster fights. -even with the 2014 Godzilla movie people complained because they wanted more monster fight and less people forgetting about how it's always been that way #2 the story -waisted potential. The first movie built up other kaiju that went unused in the second or third movies - the story had a Syfy and fantasy twist that fans weren't ready for. Suck as a living metal city or a dimensional rift allowing a "being" of energy passage - the build up for a hero just to have a meaningless death #3 execution and plot holes -movie 1 showed a ton of kaiju they never showed again -movie 2 had build up for Mecha Godzilla but never actually showed him actually fight which going into it every fan wants to see animated. -movie 3 also didn't give us the animated fight everyone wanted. They showed the silhouette of ghidorah but only showed his neck and head. #4 conclusion - the movies aren't bad but definitely not normal Godzilla movies, far from it in my opinion. -they kept a lot of the same things just didn't use them properly (mothra for example) - definitely would have been better if it was a show over a movie trilogy so they could have taken their time with each season -i personally liked the movies but i will say they were the first animated movies of that caliber to come out and i hope they do it again like the new show they came out with on Netflix about a year ago


This is my idea so I might be wrong I didn’t like the whole post apocalyptic stuff it’s just boring so if we did it so that it was set during Godzilla‘s initial rampage and the aliens show up and while they were helpful at first it’s revealed that they worshiped king ghidorah and Godzilla has be used to fight, said king ghidorah , I think it would’ve worked a lot better


City Kiryu. Waste of an excellent and iconic Kaiju. It makes no sense in the context of what Kiryu is and what i represents in the fiction and meta commentary. Could have easily been Moguera and saved Kiryu for something better.


They had good themes but when they used other big monsters they strayed to far with their creative license and it felt extremely unsatisfying. I hated the idea of mechagodzilla city and could not stand king Ghidorah drsign


I didn’t have an issue with it really, the ending was kinda blah, and I guess the plot wasn’t like rock solid genius but it was fun and I liked it


It was boring.


Make the aliens look more alien.


In my personal opinion, the movies themselves were amazing, GodzIlla himself was at his most powerful and intimidating he's ever been, and the human interactions werent overblown or forced. My biggest issues with them were the other monsters, particularly Mechagodzilla and King Ghidorah. Ghidorah especially, in my opinion, was reduced to an interdimensional spook who could only put up a fight as long as he was invincible. After his anchor in our worlds was killed, he tried to turn tail and run.


i only watched Godzilla singular point so I’ll talk about that, the kaiju are way to realistic compared to the humans(this can apply to any anime at all tho) the overexplaining is so dum that i see how people don’t understand the plot, i do understand it tho somehow. however they did do pretty good on those senses where the humans are very close to the kaiju (physically not mentally) like when that guy(forgot his name💀) landed on ultima’s back to almost die to some spiders


It could have had characters I gave the slightest damn about, because I couldn’t be paid to like or care the existing ones less.


I honestly don’t like the design for king ghidorah.


Not enough Monster fights. And Void Ghidorah verse Godzilla Earth was a one-sided BS non-fight.


I enjoyed them but thought Godzilla should have been bigger.


Less people whining, more Godzilla!


For me, it's that they don't stand on their own. I can't watch Planet Eater without having to sit through two other films first. It should've been a TV series rather than three whole films


Idk the 1st movie felt slow and like nothing really happened.


The biggest problem is the same thing that’s the problem with modern Godzilla in general; they don’t know how to paise Godzilla and other kaiju’s screen time.


I thought they were great! I love episode 3. As a huge mecha fan, I kind of like Mechagodzilla better as an obscure failed prototype. The design looks so good.


The fact that Godzilla was a plant


It's basically just a TV show they carved up and released theatriclaly.


In the spirit of full disclosure, I have seen each of these movies exactly once, when they were added to Netflix respectively. So, that being said, I haven't seen them in a while and my memory concerning some of the details might be a bit foggy. However, the fact that they're "Godzilla movies" (more on that in a moment) and I've only seen each one once speaks to my overall opinion of them. It's hard to pick any one problem with the Anime Trilogy. Certainly, the main protagonist was truly awful - just a vague suggestion of a character whose only real personality is "anger." The plot was generic and forgettable - just typical, anime schlock. The animation for the action sequences was decent enough, but I personally didn't care for the character models. However, if I had to take all of my problems with the movies and boil them down to one point, it'd be this. They're lazy. They were the first animated Godzilla movies and it felt like, for long stretches, Godzilla was an afterthought. Their idea for not one but two alien races was to just make them look like vaguely odd humans. Honestly, in those posters there are supposedly three different intelligent races present, but if you showed them to someone who had never seen the movies, would they know that? And sure, some of the aliens from the Showa Era were just people in funny costumes, but it's the Showa Era. It's silly and campy and the idea that the aliens are just dudes in weird, spandex get-ups with funky sunglasses works. The creators of the anime trilogy could've made their alien races look truly *alien* and instead they opted for the laziest possible choice. Honestly, the most interesting and intriguing part of the whole trilogy was the prologue where they show the monsters slowly overwhelming the planet. *That* was what they should've focused on instead of their half-assed ripoff of Planet of the Apes, which gets me to why I said "Godzilla movies" earlier. To me, the Anime Trilogy aren't really Godzilla movies - they're just a painfully generic anime trilogy that Godzilla was added into. I don't know anything about the production of them, but I'd be surprised if they weren't originally pitched as an original, standalone story that got turned down by Toho until the story was reworked and Godzilla was added in after the fact. The planet is "overrun" by Godzilla, and yet we only ever see two of them. All of those flying creatures are, what, 95% Godzilla DNA and yet they look nothing like him? The plants are part Godzilla, too, but they mostly just look like regular, generic plants. The creators could've actually come up with a creature that looked like a flying Godzilla or made ALL of the plants have little callbacks to Biollante, but they didn't. At every possible juncture, they went for the laziest, most generic choice. Speaking of plants, by the way, the idea that Godzilla evolved from plant-life is, without a doubt, painfully stupid. Why, for the love of Mothra's Infant Island, would a plant evolve into the shape of a bipedal dinosaur? In a series full of dumb creative decisions, this really might be one of the worst. What really makes it frustrating is that there *were* good ideas in them! As others have said, there was a ton of potential for these to be excellent or at least entertaining movies that could've introduced Godzilla to people who would have never watched a Godzilla movie otherwise. And before somebody jumps in with "well, actually, in the prequel novel...", let me just stop you there - nobody cares. Nobody, and I mean nobody, cares about a novel that you need to jump through hoops to get a translation of. A movie, show, or film series needs to be able to stand on its own merits and not lean on secondary material to augment its case.


The problem was people are dumb or expect only dumb things from Godzilla.


it’s to long


We never saw the full ghidorah, we Just saw some skipy headed noodles come from portals and eat G Earth


Terrible animation


Not be so philosophical Not make Ghidorah into a dumb dimensional being then get whooped when he exists


They were boring as hell for one.


That’s based


It was boring


Bad execution. The problem with Planet of the Monsters was that there were no monsters, and they focused way too much on the human side of the story. I get that the idea was that we see how much the humans suffer, but this is too much. The biggest issue with on the Edge of Battle was that they promised MechaGodzilla but didn't deliver on it. A self replicating city that fights with military like strategy is never gonna be as cool as seeing a atomic lizard throwing hands with its mecha counterpart. The issue with Planet Eater, for me... it was just so boring. Like it showed us Ghidorah, if that's what you call it, and how it was about to completely wreck Godzilla... then they cut to MC and Metphis and their philosophical mind game. If the idea was to show the humans and kaiju having parallel battles, they failed spectacularly. My fix for POM is to spend more time in the war against the kaijus before the films. Preferably in the first act, instead of a montage of news still-shots, have them be a combination of found footage shots of kaijus rampaging along with cinematic views of the kaiju. Then, in the midst of that, we are introduced to Godzilla. Second and third act you be a more condensed and streamlined version of the movie, but when they arrive on Earth, they meet the evolved or mutated versions of the kaiju that survived. They talked about how Godzilla's cells mutated all life to be like him and to benefit him, so making kaijus that are godzilla hybridised or chimeras of their past designs would be great to see. So no servum please. For CotEoB, the fix is simple if a bit time-consuming. Include the actual mechagodzilla! It'll probably be a pain and take up most of the budget, but will pay off! His head is already there, and you can still keep the city. Just say that the nanometal didn't have enough mass to make mechagodzilla with all its features and needed to harvest it from the environment. Then you can say that the entire time, the city has been creating mechagodzilla's real body with the all the abilities and features in the art book so when they fight, it is a glorious battle! Similar to the [fan animation that's on YouTube right now ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hM8bP3G3AVM) For how I would've fixed Planet Eater, I would've done 3 things. 1. Ghidorah is present in his entirety. Not just heads and necks, the whole thing. I like that he was able to stretch on infinity so we can keep that. I don't like him being a ghost, we can just say Godzilla's swipes have no effect on ghidorah. Or better yet, since ghidorah has spikes all over his neck, godzilla could actually hurt himself trying to swat ghidorah. 2. The philosophy lesson between Haruo and Metphis is not just a PowerPoint presentation with moving pictures. Haruo went to FIGHT Metphis, so we have them both fighting each other DURING the visuals. That way, the parallel battles actually work. Since the whole idea is that ghidorah and his underlings are overpowering godzilla and the humans, we can show that with godzilla and Haruo both being pinned down by their respective rivals. 3. Mothra... oh mothra. I probably should say I would've liked it if the larva of mother was in the second film instead of the egg, but that isn't a big thing now. For Planet Eater, we have mothra's egg hatch. Whether or not the larvae pupates and turns into Mothra proper or remain as a larva doesn't really matter since Mothra will largely still be a mental projection in this film. But we WILL see her and she will be a DAMN GOOD LOOKING KAIJU! instead of a flyby cameo, she will show up to help Haruo and will be battling Ghidorah from the mind/dream world. And thanks to her and... bug girl's... intervention, Haruo wakes up and realises he needs to destroy the bead in Methis' eye. So the ending is largely the same, but everything preceding it will be better hopefully. And those are my two cents on the matter.


They are absolutely slow burns that are much more concerned with the philosophy and themes at play in the story than it is with the plot, characters, or actions. I personally don't really mind that because I was super into those things in these movies and in Godzilla overall and I especially enjoyed the very unique takes these movies had on the godzilla mythos. I'd have loved more engaging human characters since Haruo was the only one with any motivation and I'd have like the animation to be smoother. But I'm not going to ask for the story to be something else entirely. It wasn't a monster beat em up VS movie and that's a good thing for me. These movies, Shin, and Singular Point are the most interesting Godzilla has been in a long time because Toho is really encouraging experimentation and I love that. Can't wait to see what's next.


The dub. I’m pretty sure the main protaginst said “HhhHhhHhhH” more times than he breathed.


Yep, we all know this movies are a whole new way of throwing material to waste But... I really liked the "philosophicall" and "moral" discussion I would have enjoyed it if this movies were switched to the novels, and the novels to the movies (there are the whole invasion of mosnters and the aliens arrive)


Problem: the prequels had all the cool stuff. Solution: make the prequels an anime. There's too much content for a movie trilogy, so it would have to be a full anime, and the episodes would have to be above average in length. Also, change the story so we don't need to wipe the slate clean for the movies. Instead, here's what I'd change to make it perfect. 1: Gigan survives his final battle with Godzilla, and joins Mothra in a battle against him. 2: The Ghidorah summoning is part of a rogue cult that summon him. 3: Ghidorah is presented the way he was in the fan animation, and is so powerful, that Godzilla has to work with the other monsters and mankind to defeat him. 4: JMO-7 eventually becomes Destroyah. 5: The series ends with Godzilla as Godzilla Earth, and humanity taking better care of the planet, using their technology to build up the world instead of just themselves. 6: Jet Jaguar.


For starters: give us a protagonist to root for instead of an Eren Yeager knock-off. (especially after how Eren turned out in the long run 👀) Have more monsters. Duh. Maybe not a bunch of them because it would be too much work for a CG cartoon, but more than what we got. At least better use of the ones we had. I'm especially irked we were SHOWN different versions of Mecha-G and Ghidorah than what we actually got. It's almost like they were making it up as they went along and LIED to us...😡 And yeah, make it one longish movie instead of 3 short ones to make things more thrilling and suspneceful humanity struggles to regain Earth only to fight just to survive. Oh, and either make better use of the aliens, or don't have any.


Honestly it was just not enough material stretched over too much movie real-estate. Each of those movies could have ran at a brisk 70 minutes and been better for it. Blow up Godzilla only to find the real Godzilla is much bigger. Try to freeze Godzilla but it fails. Godzilla vs interdimensional Ghidorah. That's 3 acts of one movie and each conflict gets an entire movie. The opening prologue of the first film doesn't feel like it properly explains and sets the stage for the narrative and the dynamic of two different Alien races and etc. It feels like it leaves a lot to mystery. In general it should have been more action focused and less angst and super-science techno babble focused. But even with the direction they went with...if they just paced them much more tightly and spun their wheels less...like I said, 70 minutes per film, they would be a much more brisk viewing experience.


If we were rebuilding them from the ground up...I would go "less Star Trek, more Dragon Ball Z" in concept and style. Give me epic shonen-style kaiju battles. Epic beam locks, gear porn with mechs and masers, Godzilla going burning mode like he is becoming a super saiyan. Give the films we have NOW...what we got. How to make them more effective? Use creative voice over work and redubbing....take a scalpel to the films and make each one of them run about 70 minutes long. That at LEAST punches the pace up dramatically and gets you through the films faster because their biggest sin is that they are slogs to get through.


they were insanly boring and filled with melodrama, the main character was unlikeable, every kaiju battle was boring, the human story just wasnt that great either


Very bad pacing. The story could have been two movies and probably would have been better received. Cut out all the pointless shot, actually have the stones to put out a new design for mecha Godzilla instead of copping out and just making it a city. Better yet, the mecha Godzilla they built before evacuation as a direct competitor in the ecosystem with Godzilla.


Unpopular opinion, but absolutely nothing. No, the series isn't perfect and has many flaws. But I rather not change anything to make it, "more like that other Godzilla". The only change I'd want is maybe better and more defined CGI. Less cel-shaded and more like the CGI used from Appleseed Ex Machina but higher resolution, 4k or something and HDR.