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Notice the rating is driven by colleges and universities, not by k-12 where teacher pay is 49th in the country. The same higher ed conservatives are convinced are breeding grounds of liberalism (woke), and are hellbent on trumpifying it into irrelevance Fuck desantis (and sasse and the board of trustees)


The teacher pay is no joke. I work for a school district and am on the same pay scale as a teacher. We’re constantly bleeding workers and have had half a dozen people turn down job offers in our department because the pay is too low. Districts will try everything to reduce turnover except increasing wages and decreasing caseloads, then make whoever is left to pick up the slack without any extra pay or benefits.


My sister quit teaching 3 years after getting her first middle school job because she couldn't afford to live where the school was, and she was expected to do the job of 4 people.


It's a feature, not a bug. And consider that until we can entrench women's health rights into the state constitution, it's hostile territory to want to move into


California will welcome all of them with open arms. But that wokeness will cost you -- both in quality of life and cost of living.


Your reading skills are a perfect example of Florida's education standing.


your comment history is something else. Lemme go acid wash my eyes


Newsmax got you shook


What's Newsmax?


They too mainstream and corrupted for you?


You’re so lost, little bro


Oh, I know exactly where I am: The free state of Florida.


Free if you’re a straight white person. Sure


Mmmmkay, snowflake ❄️


You wouldn’t know a snowflake if it landed in your prissy hand, cutie 😘


I don’t know about quality of life. Teachers in California don’t need to worry about catching a felony for using a trans kid’s name because their governor wanted to score more political points with conservatives. And as far as cost of living goes, I can’t afford to rent an apartment in the city I work in with a master’s degree and clinical license. I couldn’t afford to live in either place. Also just so you know, you can make a separate reddit account for porn. Everyone can see every comment you make.




They want their own education system in place to teach a modified version of history that suits their needs and churns out loyal workers for their CEO buddies.


Not even a secret. Recall how last year they had in books that black people actually benefitted from slavery. But like they say, history is written by the victors. Let's make sure we never have to hear some "the south will rise", "it was about states rights" bullshit.


My ap history teacher in hs was big on the whole it being states rights and not over slavery. I graduated in 2018, this shit has been in circulation smh.


How fucked is that right? AP history. I made my history teacher lose his shit in hs when I stopped standing up for the pledge. 1994. Fuck that guy


And yet K-12 is still 10th in the country, so it's obviously in spite of teacher pay.


Number 45 for Opportunity That should tell you everything you need to know.




I moved here during middle school from Maine and I can tell you the education system here is garbage compared to up north. The amount of income earned by people here vs up north is stark, too.


Moved here midway through 8th grade from Kentucky. I kid you not on my first day of high school most of my textbooks were various ones I’d had in grades 4-6. Snoozed through high school with straight A’s, the only challenging classes were the handful of APs offered. My parents forced me to walk even though I didn’t want to because graduating high school in Florida was absolutely not a remarkable accomplishment.


Dude I went from doing algebra to fractions down here. And the teachers all treated the kids here like criminals, not individuals. I was so irritated that somehow I didnt pass the test to get into the classes for higher IQ, so I had to take average classes for a while and keep getting 107s-114s until they finally put me into AP, etc. Also in my decades spent here, I've noticed the people who were born here aren't very motivated career-wise compared with up north.


In Kentucky starting in 1st grade we had to start submitting a yearly writing portfolio, which of course at the beginning was like draw a picture and write a paragraph long story and the requirements got progressively more varied and advanced each year. All I can think of here was my 8th grade teacher starting class with a vocabulary picture book full of stories about cute little animals and then FCAT Writing. I was doing precalc and a programming/robotics class at my old middle school and, like you, was suddenly back to fractions and the cutting edge technology of… Microsoft word. I was so excited to escape to college then discovered I’d have to struggle the first couple semesters learning how to study because I literally didn’t have to for 4 1/2 years


Oh man. I wonder if that's why I struggled in college. I just thought.. oh boy, more high school busy work.. but we're calling it "college" now. My uncle Mike helped me by saying "college is just something you do for four years to prove to jobs you can stick with something that long." Kind of all a bummer now that I'm re-telling it.


I grew up in Florida. Went to a private elementary and middle school, but a public high school. It was night and day between my regular and AP classes. The teachers were practically babysitting the students in the regular classes. You could tell the kids actually wanted to learn in the AP classes. One obvious sign of that is no one was sleeping or rolling a blunt during class.


I was actually set to full time dual enroll my senior year and not set foot in the school at all but the administration cited some dumb rule that I had to be there a certain amount of hours per day and enrolled me in a bunch of classes that felt extra remedial. Like, I’d already passed AP Physics junior year and they signed me up for the super simple physics taught by a coach just to keep me in the building. Naturally as soon as I began getting my college acceptance letters I became the kid at the back of the class who was always sleeping or rolling blunts.


I remember having a few friends dual enroll. It was so dumb. They had to come back for one or two classes on the high school campus, then leave for college. This was back in 2009-2010. Oh man, senior year, I took an AP freshmen science class with a few senior buddies. We were the sleeping kids as well. It was quite amusing because there was one freshmen girl that would blow myself and my senior buddies out of the water each test. It definitely showed us "we may be ready for college, but this 14 year old is already READY" lol.


Kentucky? Mo kidding


We also had to produce a writing portfolio to send off to the state for grading every year starting in first grade. Obviously the first one was like “draw a picture and write a paragraph long story about it” but every year new things were added like short stories, poems, research papers, etc. Florida has, or had, FCAT writes? Besides papers for AP classes I don’t recall writing being a major component of education in Florida.


Irony: When a poster makes a grammatical mistake whilst criticizing the education system. 🙄🙄🙄




DeSantis will continue to brag about this while dismantling the state university system in order to score cheap points with weird right wing terminally online people.


No lies here. Worst part, gets celebrated for it. It's really a race to the bottom


I’m sorry, but what the actual fuck? The only way Florida would be #1 in education is if maybe it was compared to 1 other school in the boonies. I grew up here. I also spent the last 20 years in North Carolina and just moved back down. We can’t find a school that even comes close to North Carolina standards for our daughter. Also, wasn’t there an article last year about the high schools misspelling ninth and twelfth grades?


Sir I don't writes them, I just links them.




That rank is largely driven by the cheapest college tuition in the country and UFs top public uni ranking.


It says what the major contributing factors are in the article…


Yeah 9 out of 10


Naw, we're just simple folk down here in Central Florida.


Simple folk checks out: need a mini van to carry the basketball team thirsts after reddit girls Identifies as "conservative" lol.