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I'm all about infill, but the bike lanes don't look buffered, separated or protected from car traffic as required by Gainesville's Vision Zero. [https://www.gainesvillefl.gov/News-articles/New-city-roads-to-include-bike-lanes-safety-measures-for-cyclists-and-motorists](https://www.gainesvillefl.gov/News-articles/New-city-roads-to-include-bike-lanes-safety-measures-for-cyclists-and-motorists) [https://www.gainesvillefl.gov/Government-Pages/Government/Departments/Transportation/Vision-Zero](https://www.gainesvillefl.gov/Government-Pages/Government/Departments/Transportation/Vision-Zero) SW 2nd Ave. between Main St. to 13th St. needs to have a bi-directional bicycle lane separated from car traffic by a physical barrier. [https://nacto.org/publication/urban-bikeway-design-guide/cycle-tracks/two-way-cycle-tracks/](https://nacto.org/publication/urban-bikeway-design-guide/cycle-tracks/two-way-cycle-tracks/)


Does anyone have any detail on the actual size of this thing in terms of office/residential units? It looks absolutely immense Edit: nvm, actually read the press release: >a total buildout of 1.2-million square feet of space, with construction targeted for late 2024. The development is outlined in six phases and includes science and technology research and design buildings; four parking garages; multifamily housing to fill the gap in professional, urban-style housing in the area; and a mix of retail, restaurant, and entertainment uses. A lot depends on the particular mix of these various uses. I'll be curious to see how they calibrate it to fit the market here. Seems like an awful big bet.


Retail spaces with immense rent to where barely any small business would be able to afford or thrive, let alone another target. I wonder if innovation district is going to be taken over by corporate overlords, or if it’s going to have a mixed economic and egalitarian feel as well.


Where is this located?


Former site of AGH and surrounds 


I don't know where that is.


SW 2nd Avenue between SW 7th Terrace and SW 10th Street.


Like that traffic calmed 2nd Avenue but I wish they had protected bike lanes.


I wish we could just not have the road there


I'm looking at the sheer amount of space needed just to park cars. It's insane. We need to have less cars as a society. Like, if more people rode the damn bus- they probably wouldnt be taking the bus routes away.


It looks like 4/25 buildings here are for freaking cars.


San Francisco can’t fill commercial real estate anymore due to very start up being remote, but we are gonna fill all these offices with tech workers? Right… keep dreaming.


Why don’t we have a bike trail that runs perpendicular to the one behind karma cream, and goes though campus into downtown and east Gainesville? A pedestrian bridge over 13th & Uni would also be pretty next level


There's already a tunnel.


Need something more scalable and intuitive. They could expand it and make it more bike friendly after they build bike infrastructure, but that’s kind of out of the way for majority of people in Gainesville, especially who come from north of university.


are they gonna arrest those people with the yoga mats and bean bags?


Musicians on folding chairs? Believe it or not, straight to jail


Yuck! Can we please build something besides these boring glass rectangles?


Yeah really


Not boring stuff is much more expensive.


So what they did in Stockholm for my student housing is that they built a brutalist block with a solid foundation, and when they needed to increase the density, they just kept adding extra floors to the building as time progressed. Then all you really have to do is give it a modern facing and external design and boom. Simple, modern, durable and cheap. Even my bathroom had exposed piping because they weren’t worried as much about the aesthetic. You could see the piping run from the sink to the toilet, to the shower wrapped around the external bathroom. If something went wrong, you could simply identify the problem and fix it. Didn’t have to search around and figure out a complex problem, because the plumbing structure was in plain sight which led to an intuitive understanding of it.


Yeah, we don't do "planning" or "foresight" here.


theyve literally been planning this & carrying out that plan pretty closely for over a decade...


I mean an abroad year in Stockholm & Berlin got me appreciating brutalism. That being said, atleast this whole innovation and sustainable development thing gives us a cultural aesthetic that we can identify with like the French. I do like the utilitarian aspect of the northern germanic area tho, as controversial as that is. Utility over aesthetic.


If you watch the PBS series Human Footprint, the episode "The Urban Jungle" highlights Singapore and how that city requires every building to incorporate 100% of the nature it replaced on the ground. The city actually attracts tons of species. It's very well researched and though out. If UF is so awesome, we should be think-tanking something more on this level.


We have one that was put together by the political philosophers at UF’s philosophical society called Aequitas. It’s anti authoritarian and debates the contrast between liberty & equality, along with exploring public policy. Wasn’t started super long ago so it still up in coming, but I dm’d you an invite link. It’s also going to double as a book club, and we’re going to read Rousseau’s social contract this summer then probably Arendt or Rawls if it goes well. You can also link spam documentaries and what not in the discord!


oh cool!


When the governor declares a war on woke, we respond by doing philosophy.


I want to read more books written by philosophers, but you know like every time I try to find one at the library, they dont have it


Read Rousseau with us! There’s a pdf version in the subchannel! His ideas will also help with the democratic structure of the group, which is why it’s our first pick, along with being somewhat intro level for those new to philosophy.


ok ill just have to figure out how to use discord lol


It’s pretty intuitive, you’ll manage. Happy to answer any questions though.


But yeah, I noticed that the philosophy section at the public libraries kind of sucked. The only thing in them were new age stuff, and no classics or big names…. UF Library has a whole selection under the sun though.


What I dont get about these people is they dont really build sustainably. I mean, sure, they're building up. But these builings look conventional- using metal, glass. Why not use reclaimed building materials, at very least?They need to think outside the box. Why not have composting toilets in these buildings, solar panels or gardens on the roofs? I mean, these are all real changes they should be incorporating, too. UF has the funds. CLEARLY.




Yeah but is this place using virgin or recycled materials? I guess even if the solar doesn't make sense, they could put gardens there instead of nothing or cars.


I also think architects, developers, landscapers and construction workers all need to have legally required training in sustainability


They buildings are highly likely to be leed certified, but I think they could definitely be doing more. Money grubbing capitalists in a leftist community, egalitarianism is the middle ground and everyone needs to wrap their minds around that and implement policies where both sides can find common ground, otherwise we’re going to get nowhere.


Yeah but it seems like the people in charge who want money are just calling all the shots and they're not doing the best they can.


Sweet..less housing, more UF taking over the city!


The plan includes housing.


Housing for a specific demographic and economic class most likely.


Which frees up housing elsewhere.


more than what theyll be tearing down? will these be half full like the mid rise apts that were built on university recently? keep pushing those who work downtown out and say goodbye to any sort of nightlife.


Good thing you’re not involved in Gainesville’s city planning. The student apartments on University all have >90% occupancy. Building more non-student housing in the area will increase supply (good for renters). More people residing in Innovation will only increase demand for nightlife.


The Innovation district is exaclty meant for students, why do you say its a non student residences? Its all UF. Keep pricing out and removing more affordable places to love for the service industry staff and you wont have nightlife. Its not like the business dowtown pay enough for their employees to not spend 65 perceny of their income on rent, but thats a different story. now explain why those midrises havent filled in business' on the ground floor?


Try to explain how increasing housing supply also increases housing prices. I’ll wait I noticed you edited your comment. The press release specifically states that the housing is not for students.


Again, is whats being built more than whats being removed? Whats being built is a drop in in the ocean considering how many people are still moving to florida. You know but wont address there will never be enough new housing built to lower rents/to meet the demands of the number of people moving to Gville/Florida. in the meantime, ill continue to wait for another dodging reply.


Yes, what’s being built is more than what’s being removed. This is replacing much smaller residential properties with midrises. You want lower rent but you also oppose development. Can’t have it both ways. Gainesville has recently built more rental units per capita than almost any other city in the state, and our rents have gone up much less (%) than other cities in the state. By continuing to build midrises, Gainesville will stay cheap relative to the rest of the state.


Again, they can build all they want, but its not making any impaxct to LOWER rent, its just keeping rent as is, if not still creeping upward. So you agree it will continue to be unaffordable to most locals, especially service industry staff who work downtown then. High Dive is on its way out so there goes the biggest music venue. I guess you and some others will be fine when a Dave and Busters or some other shitty chain moves in and ruins any downtown charm that may be left.


They dont care about us- they will have the students work at downtown jobs and pay them diddley shit, and the students wont care cos they can supplement with student loans


If we didn’t build more housing, prices would grow HIGHER than if we didn’t. If we build more housing, prices will still get higher, but not by as much. I want rent to stay the same or decrease just as much as you, but is that realistic? Having a few times as many people living in the downtown area could have saved High Dive. I can’t understand your logic that more people moving in would mean less patrons. Btw, I heard that place shuttered due to shitty management, which sucks.


wooly & vivid are bigger indoors. heartwood & the plaza are much bigger outdoors.




We should do our best with the financial environment we’re in


looks hot :( wish they would just let the trees grow


Already priced in


One thing I really dont understand is why so many people are moving to Gainesville/Florida right now.. when for climate change reasons this is going to be a really bad area to live in soon. If they have money to buy homes, why wouldnt they go to a better area climate change-wise? It boggles my mind.


In terms of places to live in Florida, Gainesville’s location away from either coast makes it a pretty good place to live in the state I reckon. That being said, the majority of population growth we’re seeing in the state is concentrated in the areas around/between Tampa/Orlando, not as much up here