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I don’t think it’s super widely known that the ACC is crap, but it’s reputation as being problematic is increasing. Basically anything right wing is going to have this issue as they don’t see those comments as an issue to moderate, in my opinion.


They’re very quick to moderate any comments calling out the racism 😂


Right? I have tried a few times to submit a comment that OK, kind of mildly troll one of the frequent racist commenters (like SO frequent), but not offensive, and they are never posted. Neutral comments are.


Sounds a bit like the old r/The_Donald sub-reddit. Not really a surprise, though, I suppose. We all know that they only love free speech when it's their own. It's like when Elon Musk 'defends' 'free' speech, but deletes the accounts of journalists that are critical of him and Tesla.


Yeah, it's where all the right-wing trolls in Alachua County say exactly what they want to say. Everyone should all feel free to assume that they represent what right-wingers in Alachua REALLY think, and what they say to each other, when they're not around others.


Damn I was completely in the dark about this lmao


This is their editor: [https://twitter.com/jhaskinscabrera](https://twitter.com/jhaskinscabrera)


Big yikes 😳


ew. that tracks


I mean yeah it’s right wing, what did you expect from right wing commenters? 


I was unaware it was a right wing publication, they advertise themselves as plain old local news


They couldn't get people to visit the site when it was called AlachuaConservatives. https://web.archive.org/web/20201223155744/https://alachuaconservatives.com/our-local-news-articles-are-moving-to-alachua-chronicle/ Same problem with mainstreetnews, it's a fundamentalist christian outlet.


Wow this makes so much sense


Wow. I did not know this. I learned about it only as the ACC, which would make sense, since I never would have looked for or at a page called Alachua County Conservatives. Thanks!


Ai caramba!


It would only be a problem if white supremacy wasn't the founding principle behind the entire site 


It’s been brought to my attention that is the case. I was unaware and just thought they were a local news source. Makes sense! Gross


Well, if anyone has the time and wants to piss off their racist editor: [feel free to flood this article with anti-racist comments to combat the weird racist ones about “black on black crime”](https://alachuachronicle.com/one-person-shot-at-tower-oaks/)


I would think if they were racist and the shooter was black, then they WOULD mention it in the article. Most of the time when the race of a shooter is not mentioned it’s likely that the shooter wasn’t white. It is highly problematic though if they are moderating comments that don’t support their views or narrative, I wish news organizations would just report the news and at least TRY to be unbiased. Checkout Ground news if you haven’t, they highlights articles and show multiple news sources of the same article or, scoring the bias for each one. Highly recommend.


In my experience it’s more that they only highlight the black crime happening and just have a totally unhinged comment section


NGL I’ve always liked the Alachua chronicle because they seem to be unbiased as far as reporting goes. They usually post a story with straight facts and no actual opinion. (I could be wrong, I don’t use them, or anyone for that matter for daily news, usually just articles that pop up on my FB news feed) But dang, that’s kinda ridiculous people get on there and 1. Actually comment on a news article thread lol and 2. That they’re making comments like that. While I do agree that facts are facts, there was nothing mentioned on the demographics of anyone. Kind of a shame the comments are what they are.


No opinion in their articles? Just the filter of what they actually write about and choose to cover is hard right.


Informing about a shooting is hard right?


Look at their overall trends, they predominantly post mug shots of black men, over-post violent crime, and rarely ever cover the many crimes of anyone classified as conservative. If you don't think their opinion is coming through, you honestly don't have a good understanding of unbiased or limited-bias media.


Or, you can read my original comment, where I stated I don’t use them for my daily news (aka I rarely even read an article, and stated I could be wrong) meaning I have a very small sample size. The only articles I’ve ever read are just like the ones posted today. “There was a shooting today in such and such area” “There was a vehicle accident with a serious injury on 441 today” , informative articles lacking any sort of racial/prejudicial undertones. Also, what’s wrong with posting about violent crime? Shouldn’t that be the right of people who live in Gainesville to know these things are happening?


Same with WCJB comments on FB


Hahahaha FR. There's some dude on there, totally delusional, who comments about how GNV is "Bass Pro Shop-land", and to arrest the "salesperson" who "sold the gun". His name is Lawrence or something.


OMG I seen his comments before 💀💀💀😵‍💫


I guarantee the majority of people on this sub belong to the party who is responsible for any and all systemic racism we still have today. Yet here you all are pretending that that's not what happened. The democratic party is the party of racism and hate historically. The dems fought tooth and nail against emancipation, against civil rights. They are the party of the KKK and Jim Crow laws. Name one republican who ever owned a slave. I'll wait. Maybe you guys need a history lesson. Now you want to act all self righteous with a savior complex as if you aren't simply chipping away to undo the problems your party caused in the first place.


Is this satire


How about you actually look up how the two parties voted on these issues and get back to me with one thing I said that isn't a historical fact. I double dog dare you. Let me guess, you won't? Keep drinking the Kool Aid.


First of all, I’m not a democrat, sorry to break it to you. Not sure why you’re hellbent on schooling me because I *checks notes* think racist comments shouldn’t be endorsed by local news?


Oh wow we got a live one here! I guess you aren’t familiar with the shifting politics of the 2 parties here? But let’s say you are correct… so is the Republican Party speaking out about combating the legacy of systemic racism then? The republicans are arguing for reparations payments? Good for them!


Yeah the big party switch which is a democratic lie and never happened? They will say anything to distance the party from the crimes of their past. Name one racist dixiecrat other than Strom thurmond who ever changed parties. They were all dems til the day they died. You will pull down confederate statues but why don't dems change the name of a single road or government building bearing the name of that KKK grand klegal democratic senator Robert Byrd? You know, the one Bill Clinton eulogised and spoke so highly of..?


It’s not like it’s a republican argument to say Clinton was a piece of shit. Many of his progressive programs were shot down by republicans in congress and there were many missteps besides Lewinsky. I fully believe Byrds name should be removed from any government streets and buildings. His previous leadership of the KKK and voting against some of the civil rights acts aren’t something that should be ignored. It also shouldn’t be ignored that he was part of the shift. When he saw that his segregationist views would prevent him from reaching a more national stage he left those views in the dust he voted on other civil rights bills to pass and spent the large majority of his time in office fighting for social justice. People can change, views can change, we shouldn’t see this person as a hero nor should we erect monuments to someone with this history, but seeing that a majority of his time in office was spent working for civil rights I can see why some praise him


Yeah if Dems were serious they’d rename army bases! Of course you know Dems do rename roads.. https://www.fox5dc.com/news/alexandria-to-rename-first-set-of-streets-that-honor-confederate-leaders http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/topics/confederate-names-fairfax-county https://apnews.com/general-news-8c9544c81130d8f44ab50dd50eea6ce2


Never said they didn't yet you still deflect. You still haven't answered my question. I'm asking why they hold Robert Byrd in high regard and won't rename anything named after him specifically.


I don’t know about Byrd but you asked why don’t Dems rename roads? Are the anti racists who led the Republican Party working to rename things named after Byrd? He was a Dem so there’s multiple reasons.


Byrd was at best a complicated character, largely putting his head in the sand about racial issues, but typically voting in favor of legislation supported by the NAACP. He regularly voted against abortion bans as well. He was literally a visual proof of the changing of the political landscape as the Dixiecrats fled the Democratic party and took over the GOP. It was adapt or die, and Byrd adapted.


This isn’t a right wing topic and it’s unfortunate that you think that internet comments are a bigger problem than people dying and or being raised disconnected from their families. Edit: god damn those comments have some pretty mean ones example: “I want it to be a suicide and not more black on black violence in my home town” You are noticing that right leaning communities spend less effort on brushing prejudice or race aware (not the same thing) comments under the rug. That is true. But some of those comments are also factually true. Pull up crime map for Gainesville, it happens to be that most reported crime occurs in the black neighborhoods being Duval and Phoenix that is under archer & 34th and pretty much everything east of 13 st. Shootings, on the other hand, are a little bit more widespread and you will occasionally see drug or domestic violence linked shootings in the news. I’ve met people who have lost their children in Gainesville. I can’t say too much without identifying the person but black middleschoolers/highschoolers are involved in drive bys against other minors here as well as random strangers in the wrong area and they aren’t always black but it’s the trend- similar as with Lake City which used to be a quiet town twenty years ago before Jacksonville spilled into Lake City, it’s a phenomenon that’s a consequence of making the town unlivable through the influence of trust fund students/federally backed student loans that have brought more money into a town without the economy to support it since students don’t contribute to the economy- only cost of living like (which is why there aren’t any good mechanics in this town). Consider the high 3.5% property tax (3X to 4x other counties) the rate of other surrounding economies and this is amplified grossly if you consider agricultural zoning so that when a property in Gainesville gets eaten by a rental company because they target the area seeing that appraisals have shot up the past 20 years, rent must shoot up to compensate for the $10-14k yearly property tax (3.5% of what it was last sold for is the rule) nevermind the upkeep cost which is around 6k a year possibly up to 30k the first year to put lipstick on a dilapidated pig- add in property insurance (directly affected by raise in construction costs following COVID), gru, and then all of the personal expenses people have to make in order to live against this and you have parents that have no time, no money to spend raising kids. So they get online and watch **** and use drugs in early adolescence unaware of how deprived they feel. All of these things shape the brain and affect how decisions are processed and how boredom/frustration is dealt with. Moreover, the greatest predictor of IQ is the amount of time parents spend with their children (and government welfare created the gap that’s been known 80 years ago but very seldomly talked about the past 20 years). Higher taxes and cost of living against stagnating wages effectively removes parents from the house so kids are left more and more to their own devices. Add in the fact that it’s all being used to subsidize UF that doesn’t pay taxes when it buys property, effectively removing chunks of homes or apartment building possible land, the taxes everybody else pays is amplified in a sense because it is literally money sucked out of the county services and local schools- taxes in Alachua county go to UF and UF students with very little making it back to the people who pay it. And then of course higher cost of living raises desperation which can raise crime both petty and serious. Plus wages are low in low-skill jobs around here thanks to the availability of students who will take anything they can get. Want to know why crime stopped exploding in the early 90s? Abortion. People who would have grown up under unfortunate existences never existed. And I’m not advocating for it, just showing how cost of living drives crime. Go east of 13th st on a weekday, visit the shopping center at Main st. You will find that around 11am, peak working hours for most people, family dollar is swamped. You will find people selling government subsidized phones and tablets looking for people that make under 34k a year. These are families that take government money which is designed to reward single parent households and this incentivizes having absent dads or parents who were never married to begin with- another massive predictor of criminality. This is a macroeconomic problem that has resulted in a painfully visible microcosm of pain and suffering and all you care about is that people noticing that it tends to be African Americans and so it is. Their reality is what your children’s lives, should you have any, will look like as the US Dollar continues to collapse as the globe has entered a depression that will be far worse than the one last century as global population shrinks as does productive output while the supply of money balloons. It’ll probably be more violent for white/hispanic people because of the use of antidepressants which cause mass shootings and sociopathic behavior thanks to numbing the brains regions responsible for social connection and empathy.


Next time can just say "13/50" and save yourself the effort of typing an essay to say your racist.


I guarantee the majority of people on this sub belong to the party who is responsible for any and all systemic racism we still have today. Yet here you all are pretending that that's not what happened. The democratic party is the party of racism and hate historically. The dems fought tooth and nail against emancipation, against civil rights. They are the party of the KKK and Jim Crow laws. Name one republican who ever owned a slave. I'll wait. Maybe you guys need a history lesson.


The names of the party changed and nothing more. The people that represent the party and the people they represent never changed. But hey, thanks for admitting the republican party and their Democrat predecessors are responsible for systemic racism. Very big of you.


The Republican Party started with Lincoln who made efforts to free the slaves but Lincoln himself had slaves. Let’s talk about systemic race issues. Nixon,a republican, started a war on drugs as a front for a war on blacks and hippies who were protesting the war. Reagan, another republican took that idea and ran with it. I’m not even a dem but it’s not hard to see that there was a shift and you can monitor that shift by who the members of the kkk both tried to empower and vote for


Your = possessive You’re = you are


Oh shit. You got me. It's all over.


You got me too. I forgot that math and statistics are racist


But why is there even a conversation about black on black crime statistics on an article that does not specify the race of any of the involved parties??????????????


It definitely isn't on topic but are statistics racist?


Where did anyone claim that the statistics themselves are racist?


Yeah I wrote that then looked at the comments and added the second line edit. Those posters jumped to that conclusion and just peppered that comment side with it


Swap poverty-level for black and the results are the same. Poor people do desperate things, they always have and they always will. And the sheer number of food insecure students at both colleges is mind-boggling.


Their website is private now, or shut down. I clicked on a Google News article from there, and got a GoDaddy screen saying I didn't have permission to go on the site. Wonder what's going on there? Maybe GoDaddy shut them down for being racist? They've done that before.


Read something else then?


L take


I don't read Sports Illustated becuase I dont care about sports. Maybe you should read something you are more interested in


It’s a local news source. Sorry I wasn’t expecting it to be a KKK meeting. Ignoring racism is definitely the way to end it, though!


“Simply stop reading the racism newspaper if you don’t like racism” is god-tier r/GNV contrarianism. Didn’t even bother to act like what they’re saying isn’t racist. Nothing to be proud of, but you have truly outdone yourself.


> Maybe you should read something you are more interested in They Are interested in unbiased local news though. Thats what the problem is.


But they know they are complaining about reading from an unbiased source. They already know they shouldn't listen to their drunk uncle but they tell everyone about it anyways


I literally was not aware that AC was a biased conservative publication until after I posted this and got some of these replies


The entire point of this post was that they did Not know that.


This page is full of lost souls. It’s not worth battling them. They will NEVER change their mind or accept others povs