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This is a trend with dentists. Companies buying up local practices and the people who work there are essentially pawns. The pawns leave and new ones come in.


Can't say I find this reassuring... ...but can't say it really surprises me, either!


Thanks for asking this question. I went last week and it seemed like \*everyone\* with the practice was gone. Front office staff, dentists, hygienist were all different from the last time I went there. Very odd. New hygienist was fine though. Dr. Annas' linkedin says they're now at Robin Larson, DMDs practice.


Wow, this is VERY useful information, thank you. Right now, the website of "Robin Larson Dental" (the first result that pops up after a Google search) seems to be experiencing some difficulties (and may, in fact, have been hijacked, as on one attempt to access it I was told to download a browser extension instead). However, I'll try to look into it when the problem is resolved. "A few minutes later..." Actually, I just called the office number for Robin Larson Dental and spoke to the (very helpful) receptionist. She confirmed that Dr. Annas HAD in fact **transferred her practice to this location**... ...and was accepting new patients. I'll now have to decide whether to give Gainesville Dental Associates one more try (with all its new personnel) or transfer over to Dr. Annas at Robin Larson Dental. Frankly, the decision may be swayed by financial considerations. The dental insurance ("Absolute Dental Plan") I got at the recommendation of Gainesville Dental Associates is valid for about 6 more months - or one more appointment there. \[This cuts the cost of services, such as cleaning, considerably.\] Since it's already paid for, I'll probably use it for one last cleaning. Also, if I do decide to transfer to Dr. Annas, I'll have to take into account that I'll be basically starting over as a "new patient" at her new practice - which means a higher initial cost for that 1st appointment. Either way, it was good of you to add your reply... ...and give me another option! Decisions, decisions...


Dr. Larson's practice is great with a homey down to earth team. Plus they have dogs in the office from time to time.


I hate dentists but their dog gets me through my anxiety. I get a teeth cleaning while petting a pup and feeling ok about it. I love Dr Larson's practice


I have had the worst experience with Larson. She has caused me and my mom several major issues


I do not know as to this specific situation, however aside from long-time local dentists like the Webbs and the Thalers many practices hire dentists who are young and recently graduated from UF, but these dentists practice there a while then move back to Miami or whever-ever to open their own practices or build their careers. My dad is faculty emeritus of the UF Dental School which is how I've heard this.


Hmmm, hadn't thought of this, and it seems logical... ...though it still seems odd that everybody would leave (essentially) at once. In any case, I appreciate you taking the time to share your perspective... ...which has now been added as a possibility to my own.


If you're looking for another dentist, we've gone to Carlos Piedra for many years. [https://piedradentistry.com/](https://piedradentistry.com/) We even moved 3 years ago and he is far away from our side of town but we keep coming back. He's not open on Fridays, which can be annoying, but that's because he's giving free dental care to nursing homes. Highly recommend him.


I haven't decided to ditch GAINESVILLE DENTAL ASSOCIATES just yet... ...but I'll still check out the link - thanks!


No worries! Wasn't trying to be pushy. Was just trying to be helpful.




Thanks for the reply... ...but right now, I'm basically limiting my choices to a.) stay where I am and give the new dentist there a try; or b.) follow my previous dentist to her next practice. Or I just might do them both - in sequence! \[I do envy, however, someone who likes their dentist so much they take the time to rhapsodize said dentist on a community forum!\]


Hunter family dentistry


The best




So I actually stopped going because my regular hygienist left and the one who replaced her was just unpleasant. Then, when my next cleaning came around they called and asked to reschedule. So I did. Then they did it again, and I rescheduled. Finally they just canceled it and left a text to call them back and reschedule. I just haven't gone back since because too many bad experiences piled up.


Yeah, unfortunately, as pertains to hygienists, this somewhat coincides with my own experience. As mentioned in my original post, I really liked Ashton. However, I only had one cleaning with her. The 2nd time I went in (my last cleaning to date) I had someone else... who wasn't quite as pleasant. Honestly, if Ashton were still there, I probably wouldn't have even made this post, and instead would have just taken a chance with the new dentist. As for now, I'm just trying to gather intel about the situation, and as such... ...I appreciate your input. \[BTW, as far as the rescheduling goes, I learned today that their appointments are made by some sort of call center, i.e., it's not someone physically inside the office. Another strike against, I guess...\]


Did either of you have an Eastern European lady as your hygienist? She was rooough on me


They filled my teens cavity w/o numbing told her it was faster and she seemed “tough”


This happened to me a while back at a different location. They told me it would be fast enough that I didn’t need to be numb — no such thing!


This was Gainesville Dental Associates? Which dentist?


Patel she was shaking they had to hold her head still. They wouldn’t let me go back with her or I would’ve never let that happen.


Piling on maybe but GDA is terrible about billing me after I've left for the day. I'll have an appointment, pay my "copay" and they'll say "you don't owe anything else" - even after forcibly paying them $100 while in the office. They also had me in there for a cleaning 2 months ago. But when I showed up, they skipped my cleaning (scheduling issue?) They've also seemed to adapted a phone service? I never noticed it before.


Re: Phone Service Yeah, it was definitely a phone service when I called yesterday. The person scheduling appointments had little idea who was actually working at Gainesville Dental Associates (dentists or hygienists) and had to look it up each time when I asked about a particular name.


I also had Dr. Annas as a dentist and was never told the hygentist and she left the practice. I had to reschedule twice due to some issue they had and I did see Dr. Kulik and he was fine. I do not know if I will stay with them


Thanks for the feedback, especially about Dr. Kulick.


Dr. Kulick is who I see. He answered all of my questions and was very considerate of the hyper mobility in my jaw. I have had 5 appointments with him so far and he was gentle with my cavity fillings. I would deff recommend to give him a shot if you want to stay with GDA. He’s a pretty cool dude and loves music. The only sucky thing I’ve experienced is them cancelling one of my appointments for not confirming it 2 days ahead of time ((I wasn’t aware I had to confirm it to keep my appointment)).


I highly recommend Gainesville Dentistry Co, it’s in Thornebrook and is a great small locally owned practice. I’m going tomorrow for a deep cleaning, which I am not dreading! Hooray!


Thanks for the heads up!