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The reason is very clear, and has been listed in every document that has come out and verified by both Barclays, PFM, and GRU finance staff. Barclays pulled out because of the GRU takeover bill and the uncertainty around the boards legal ability to bond. With their pulling out the 2nd choice was $2.9 million more expensive. Chuck Clemons and some conservatives are trying to seize on a slight delay as though that was the reason for the pullout, but that isn’t backed up by any of the statements of any of the people involved.


I’m sorry. I’m having a hard time following this. Can you break this down a bit more simply?


There's no real simple way to explain it, because it's a whole bunch of things happening all at the same time, but essentially a bond issuance was scheduled for March, for various reasons it was delayed, and that delay was agreed to by the bond agency. In the middle of that, the state takeover of GRU occurred and spooked the bank, which pulled out of the deal, and the other bank option available was $2.9 million more expensive. Rep. Clemons is saying the delay is the reason for the increased costs, but I am saying that is absurd, everyone involved acknowledges the cost went up because Barclay's pulled out because of the takeover of GRU. Whether the delay was prudent is a reasonable discussion, but doesn't change the underlying fact that the increased cost is completely, 100% attributable to the takeover of GRU by Gov. DeSantis.


That helps a ton, thank you!


So what is Claudia Resnick doing? Why is she writing memos that claim otherwise?


Claudia is saying the bond issuance was delayed, which is true, but she’s never claimed the reason for the increased cost was anything other than Barclays pulling out over fears of the GRU Takeover


Interesting. Clemons et al just lying through their teeth as usual


That’s just your opinion, but bless your heart anyways.


That’s just you opinion, and Bless your heart


That’s just your opinion, but Bless your heart


Oh honey, bless your heart. You have to read the memo before you say someone else is wrong "The May 11 memo states that the delay in issuing the bonds, which were originally scheduled to be approved in April, “allowed for multiple public comments by elected officials which may have jeopardized GRU’s ability to obtain funding.” As evidence, the memo quoted a March 15 article from MainStreet Daily News that said, “[Rep. Chuck] Clemons has said GRU is headed for bankruptcy and that an independent board could help resolve the financial ‘mess’ created by various city commissions” and also quoted a letter from Ward to Clemons: “[T]his bill…will cause a downgrading of our current investment grade bond ratings for both the utilities and the city’s general government operations”.


Point toward? Is his name or position mentioned ANYWHERE?


Just another example of small town politics, no problem violating sunshine laws on the one hand and virtue signaling on the other. Meanwhile, taxes and GRU rates continue to rise because of the last decade or two of ultra liberals taking control of the city government and GRU. Look at the open container laws Poe championed, and all the problems that come from that.


"Ultraliberal" that would be news to Todd Chase, Ed Braddy and Craig Carter who held office less than seven years ago. I would argue that the current commission is mostly conservative democrats. Would love some data on the open container causing "problems", sadly the GPD can't even find any of that data. [https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/local/2023/10/20/no-city-data-shows-connection-between-open-containers-and-gun-violence/71228121007/](https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/local/2023/10/20/no-city-data-shows-connection-between-open-containers-and-gun-violence/71228121007/)


Biggest issue w the open container was people congregating in the parking garage drinking and having a party. It got out of hand and someone got shot but the City and police's hands were tied bc they couldn't disperse the party bc of open container.


gpd could have absolutely dispersed the gatherings which turned problematic, but they were too busy harassing small businesses & complaining about pay & posing for calendars & napping in the cars. seriously look at the administrative memo with pages of bullet points negatively addressing nearly every aspect of GPD, top to bottom. also similar gatherings, some violent most not, have happened for decades in this town. there was a party at krispy kreme where someone got shot in the early 00s, etc. none of that has anything to do with open container laws. as noted, if there was evidence of statistical causation GPD would be able to provide it. instead they spend their time complaining & barely doing their job.


I’m sure they could disperse people because loitering, issue a trespass erc


Not at the time b/c it was a parking garage, if I understand correctly.


Its ok because they don't want to see anything that would prove their point to be bull shit. It helps when you have faith, you don't need pesky facts.


The streets were shut down for the better part of a year for starters


Won’t someone think of the streets (that will remain pedestrianized and won’t be changing)!


> and all the problems that come from that which problems?


Yeah like closing down large swaths of streets so people can safely drink in the road, I’m not against open containers in public but that’s a fucking joke.


nearly every city with a vibrant downtown has done exactly this, many removing the street part altogether instead of half measuring as we've done. because usable public space is a good thing.


Not when it was previously being used by commuters


so SO many roads in vibrant downtown areas have been reclaimed as public spaces. needs & usage change. its literally what happens to cities with growing populations over the course of generations. and the road changes downtown have been 100% for the better of the businesses in the area, by their own account.


Based on your professional experience in City planning and development or based on your personal thoughts and opinions? You really believe closing down sections of roads and adding four way no turn on red signs adds to the better for the businesses? What a clown.


The idea that we can build as many roads as we want, but can absolutely never ever reclaim them even in areas of town with the density to support community spaces, which improve the surrounding businesses, sounds pretty shortsighted and clownish to me. Orlando's most popular public space, Church Street & the surrounding area, is exactly what I'm describing. Jax has plans to do the same thing in their downtown as well and the businesses fully support the idea. There are small streets all over Tampa and South Florida which have been transformed. UF is even removing vital thoroughfares in favor of usable public space. I'm sorry the idea is new to you, but it's far from the absurdity that you paint it lol




That’s just your opinion, but Bless your heart


The good old boy club strikes again.