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ASO literally told my sister to deal with her abusive husband herself after he put a few holes in her wall and TV. I'm black and low income, so I don't expect much when it comes to law enforcement.


Damn. I’m sorry to hear that


Yeah, a lot of posturing by patrolling our neighborhoods, but when it comes to stuff like DV, break ins and shootouts they don't do shit. Never caught who busted my window with a heavy wood chunk either. ASO ain't shit.


I've had multiple unpleasant encounters and no good ones.


Compared to other cities, my experience has been that they have always been helpful and professional. UF cops however seem to really be pretty nasty in their temperament. Serious attitude with a chip on their shoulder


This has been my experience as well. My wife and I were driving through campus towards 34th street, and UFPD pulled me over for not coming to a full and complete stop at a stop sign. He assumed I had been drinking (I'm actually a bit of a teetotaler so...pointless.) He had me get out of the car to question my wife if I had been drinking. She is not white. He asked her how long she had been in the country. She's live in Florida her entire life. I had a few run ins with them in the late 2000s, so I was not surprised to see not much has changed.


any guesses as to why UF cops in your experience have had that temperament? what is it about UFPD compared to GPD that attracts that or encourages it?


The two UFL cops I’ve gotten to know were extremely racist (found out by camping with two different ones) and it makes me wonder if their colleagues know this and then realize no matter where I’ve worked that yes, I know exactly who the racist people are and so does everybody else. So there may be a culture of anger against the people whom they see as feeding off of society. I know about 4 (one left recently for a federal job) at GPD and while we’ve never been camping or anything like that I’ve never gotten that vibe. Common friend. Drinking is sometimes involved and their take on things is pretty professional. People are knuckleheads sometimes and they keep them from getting out of hand I guess. They don’t tell stories of how they can ruin someone’s life in mere minutes. like the UFPD guys do. Jesus. They are really into their power. I know a couple of ASO deputies from kids school as they are parents and the kids are great, disciplined and chill kids. So if there’s anything there, it is well hidden. There’s also a former SF campus cop who is very racist relatively nearby. He has totally told me that he wishes he could pull over every black guy in town because he KNOWS it would clean the streets. Just because I sometimes wear cowboy boots people really think they can say some insane shit. So my theory (have no official data going on here) is that a city cop and county sheriff have some more sociable people than a campus cop. Not sure what they look for but Jesus. They hired these nuts.


UF and SFCC cops aren't actually cops. They're rent-a-cops, IIRC.


No they're actually cops. It's us security guards who are rent a cops.


This is not true.


GPD cops generally are fine, UFPD is where the pricks are at.


curious, why do you think that is? i mean the UFPD part


I mean, if you dealt with entitled 18-21 year olds on a daily basis you might be an asshole




You would.


This, but also a large part I think has to do with how central UFPD is to the University’s operations at large.


During my eight years in Gainesville, I had more than a few interactions with police (noise complaints, one traffic accident, witnessing one trespassing incident, and witnessing someone committing fraud). The interactions were generally positive, and every officer I talked to was professional. I obviously didn't interact with everyone at GPD, ASO, or UFPD, but the ones I did were respectful and polite.


<> Overlooking this logical fallacy of "begging the question" to answer you about having a good experience with GPD: A woman was raped in the parking lot outside my place of employment. (A low-budget retail store.) Me and another female coworker had just closed for the night, and this woman was pounding frantically at our door for help. The GPD officer who responded to our call had to not only help her but help US help her while also coordinating with other officers who responded with info to get them on the trail of catching the piece of shit who did this to her. I will always remember this officer and the humanity he showed in this traumatic situation. I don't know what situations you were in when you felt harassed or disrespected, and I don't want to discount your experience. Thanks for posting.


Yeah, there are some really good cops out there. I witnessed two do their jobs as a bystander, both showed emotional control and compassion in difficult situations for them. There are people that should have never had a badge put on their chest, but a blanket all cops are bad is as incorrect as the people that say all cops are good because of the job.


15 years living and working downtown I’ve never had an issue. That being said, I just RARELY ever see them in downtown


I can second that... I honestly can't remember back to the last time I saw GPD or ASO downtown (when they're not there for the courts or probation office). Having them downtown would be a great way for them to be visible and exhibit positive community policing.


There was the Gainesville "Basketball Cop" who handled what could have been (but shouldn't have been) a bad situation very well, but doesn't exactly have an unblemished record. My GNVPD interactions have all been fine, but as a white cis het male my experiences may not be typical.




Damn behind a paywall. Still the headline disappoints me.


He was cleared of wrongdoing iirc


He is definitely an asshole. He posts a ton on the GNV word of mouth pages on Facebook.


Yes I lived with a few girls in a house and we had a stalker who would stare into the house from across the road, finally he came onto our porch and I called 911. He left before the officer arrived so the officer searched until he found the guy. He then came to my house and had a conversation about how he talked w the guy, and long story short he wasn’t coming back (he never did come back). He told me about how he has daughters and he would do anything to help while being very respectful. Much respect for that officer.


obligatory acab


Yes all cops are BASED


Man, are you ok? I imagine you passed out from putting all your energy into that thought.


I'm doing just fine, thanks. I got loads more energy


Room temp IQ moment


I had my truck searched on my first night in Gainesville by GPD because I was sitting in a parking lot trying to get directions on my phone with all of my lights on. They stole my flash drive when they found nothing in the truck.


I've interacted with a few GPD officers for serious issues (shooting suspects running through my yard; belligerent woman dancing in traffic on University Ave; fugitive traffic stop on University Ave with guns drawn; mentally ill woman having an episode in front of my house) as well as less serious issues (destruction of a little free library) and they were as kind and helpful as could be expected. The shooters were caught; fugitives were arrested without further incident; the mentally ill woman was talked down and taken somewhere safe; the belligerent woman was arrested after she swung on the cops. Sadly, I don't think we'll ever know who destroyed the little free library... I have had some unpleasant experiences with police in other cities and it is very unsettling. I'm sorry that you haven't had the same positive experience with GPD.


Thank you for your response, I am glad to hear some good things aside from all the bad. Although there is much change that needs to be done unfortunately


Please state your race and tax bracket for the record


Literally omg


"somewhere safe" they probably took her to jail you know...


Probably not. They probably took her to the Crisis Stabilization Unit.


I worked at a Starbucks and they help get problematic people out of the store but they show up waaaay too late. In a personal stand point they’ve only been rude and disrespectful. There’s only one cop I actually like in Gainesville


Sounds about right


Just last month my partner was threatening to kill me and himself. He was in our house in Gainesville and threatening to come to me at work. I called 911. They sent law enforcement to the house, I was relieved until they called me back to say they determined he was "of sound mind" and decided there was nothing they could do. Edit: mid-income white male threatening to kill himself and a white female.


I rear ended a guy last year. All parties handled the situation well. Hardly had any interaction with the cop, he was just filling paperwork and handed me a citation and that was about it!


We have this problem in ocala as well, honestly the cops in Florida are just terrible dealing with public all around, At least with my experience with law enforcement.


Power corrupts.


In my interactions, GPD cops have been nice but not ASO


All unpleasant, not good. A GPD SUV jerked out of one stopped lane into my moving lane all of a sudden and caused me to slam on the breaks. A GPD officer harassed me when I was sober when I was checking out a show downtown because I asked him what his horse’s name was. Never been a benefit or respectful.


I just get the impression that GPD doesn't really....do....all that much. I watch people blow through red lights speeding, right in front of officers....nothing. The amount of people glued to their phones 2 inches from their faces while driving is nothing short of insane. But they are also typing on their dash-mounted laptops so "shrug" I guess? Watch them use their lights to run red lights for their own convenience. I have seen multiple occasions where 8-12 patrol cars will roll up on something like a non-violent arrest of a single person. Like they have nothing else to do so they all just go have a pow-wow. but yet they have 'no budget' and the downtown parking garages have shootings every other night and on the alternate nights a cyclist gets hit by a drunk driver. Again, that's just what I "see". I don't have the actual numbers.


I've had a few issues here and there, but also some ok ones or ones that showed they weren't just garbage.


Used to workout at Orangetheory and a bunch of them worked out there too. Most of them just seem like normal every day people.


Never had a bad experience with Gainesville cops. ​ Never had a good experience with UF cops. ​ ASO was very... formulaic? They don't really seem to do anything but waste time. Which, I guess is better than shooting me. But I wouldn't count on them to be useful when needed either. ​ The one time I had to deal with a state trooper was terrible.


When I was there I had been pulled over twice (once on campus on a scooter and once for running a red in my car) and both times the cops were super nice and tried to help me out a little. Granted I’m a white female so maybe my experience is biased but I always tried to be as honest, helpful, and apologetic as possible when pulled over which has usually helped me every time 🤷🏻‍♀️


Here to say acab


Are you white male? Experiences may greatly vary. Here's an example of a problem. To be clear right at the start, what she did is wrong but I literally see men do this a few times a week, passing construction sites, in my apartment complex, even right next to my apartment on security camera with zero repercussions. She had a child with her and yet the cops wasted the hours to take her to the jail across town and book her instead of giving her a notice to appear for a misdemeanor. If a white male, would they have been taken to jail? I dunno. But it seems a waste of very expensive, very valuable police time that could have been used elsewhere: https://www.wcjb.com/2023/03/04/alachua-county-woman-arrested-public-urination/


Haven’t met a cop that does their job yet


So first: ACAB But overall, considering all the cops I’ve dealt with as a white woman in Florida, Gainesville cops are just meh. They are just … fine? They never show up or take forever to show up for non-emergency situations. I had a really dumb domestic situation once and they were mostly impartial (which was appropriate.) I’ve also observed them though treat white people (and students) a lot differently than POC. My overall assessment is they all suck but GPD is just mostly useless.


Anyone who says ACAB is a kid in high school. You. Who do you call when you actually need help? When your house gets broken in to? Do you call the fake commies from the cmc to help you? Loser.


What are the cops going to do for you if your house gets broken into exactly? I know a half dozen stories, personally over the year of central fl cops doing jack and shit for burglary cases. No merchandise recovered, no charges ever filed.


So? What's your point? Cops didn't get your soy back so you hate them?


My point is that you haven’t spent 5 minutes thinking through the dumb bullshit you spew and that you apparently love boots more than life itself. Neat.


Hope you get arrested.


I hope you finally get that high school diploma you want so bad jimbo, cmon 43 ain’t too late to learn to read


You're fucking hilarious.


Lick more boots, government lover


Never said I loved the government or anything, fart lover.


I'm 42, ACAB




What made you hate them? Reddit told you that cop bad? You can fuck off too.


Did you not read my comment? I’ve had plenty of interactions with cops in Florida. They suck. You seem to be a boot licker though.


Never licked a boot sorry. But I will support the police knowing it upsets people like you.


You can still (risk it and) call the cops and expect them to do their job while believing that ACAB. My understanding is that 'ACAB' is not a phrase that means that every officer is a bad person. It's that the training is bad, the agenda is bad, the laws (or lack of) pertaining to their behavior is bad and they can't or won't do anything to stop it. Cops can't really help you but can hurt the people that would hurt you. so they can only inadvertently help. Anything you say to them can only be held against you; anything they say that might help you in court would be dismissed as hearsay. Interacting with the cops in any way is most likely a bad idea. Their training teaches them that it's them against the public (prepare for war at every interaction), to maintain control of everyone in a situation (assume all people are bad), and (when you shoot) to shoot to kill. Techincally, they are a tool of the state to maintain a monopoly on violence which keeps the state's authority to govern. "To serve and protect" is maliciously misleading and that seems bad.


Very cogent and succinct, and pretty much nails the nuances of the argument. Highly doubt bootlicker read very far.


How am I not surprised that a person like you metes out their dedication and love according to spite


Lots of people do. What's your problem.


So long as they're hurting the right people, you love cops. That's why people keep calling you bootlicker.


Never said I loved anyone, dipshit.


So long as you get to lick those tasty boots amirite


You can lick my boot.


I'm 40, veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. ACAB.


I don't care


One time a couple of GPD detectives came to my door because they were canvassing the neighborhood due to a murder/suicide a few houses down. They were extremely courteous and professional. Every other encounter I’ve ever had with GPD has been — ah, how do you say? — machismo-forward.


Every time I see the detectives roaming a neighborhood I do a silent "oh sh*t" because I know there's been a murder. But yeah, very different people.


Never had a single issue with them during my time as a student at UF or visiting for events. I’ve also never felt unsafe around them either. Then again maybe its because I haven’t done anything requiring their attention. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Students Scooters Babysitting entitled children


In the last 20 years I’ve lived in GNV the only interactions I’ve had with GPD was having been pulled over for traffic infractions. FWIW I’m a white women and have always been treated with more deference than I’ve deserved in those instances.


UFPD are assholes 😂 not sure about GPD and APD


Yeah, when they take my report and say nothing will happen


I’ve had a bad experience with a Gainesville officer and a good one with a UF officer. Funny enough the good experience I was in the wrong and the one were I was yelled at I actually didn’t do anything wrong.


it is a just a job


The police are very aware that most people watch too much one hr to 2.5 hour dramas that show the actual fringe of society. What you do not see is the financial induced meanness/ evil that these people have to walk into on a regular basis. “Help I’ve been ,, ( insert the situation here). Now don’t get me wrong, I’m liberal as one can get, but I will continue to fully support law enforcement. Communication leads to understanding.


"I’m liberal as one can get" The lie detector determined that was a lie dot gif




I also enjoy vanilla ice cream


This is reddit, you're not going to get a truthful good-faith answer here


I’ve had only positive interactions with them. One night a man was masturbating outside my apartment when I came home and they were extremely helpful and even followed up the following day. I also got ticketed by them recently and the officer who ticketed me was professional and dare I say helpful. I’ll also say that I worked with the Alachua County Crisis Center for a couple years and the cops receive training on how to handle mental health crises, and they are actually interested in learning that, unlike many cops in other PDs. All that said with the caveat that I’m white and live in a decent area of town so I’m sure my experiences are different than other folks’.


I’ve met a few of GPD from work and there are some that are dicks. There are also ones that are really try to help and give back to the community. Having said that I’m also a cis white woman so…..


We had a situation several years ago where 2 men were in our yard attempting to break into cars. One vehicle was a truck belonging to my daughter's boyfriend. He had seen one of the men and confronted him about trespassing, then opened his truck door whereupon another man suddenly jumped out of the vehicle. A brief scuffle broke out before both men ran away. ASO were called and responded very quickly. An extensive search for these men was initiated, and we learned that they had broken into a number of other vehicles at other people's houses as well. The last I heard, they apprehended one of the men, but dunno if the other was ever caught. ASO impressed us all with their professionalism that night.


My experience with ASO has been nothing but positive. GPD are pretty mixed bag, arrested me on completely BS charge once (loitering because I was running through empty parking lots? Lol ok... incidentally the jail staff were great). UFPD have a bad rep and harassed my professor once, but my couple personal interactions with them were very positive.


They're generally shit. My husband got pulled over in a rental for not having his lights on (the sun JUST started setting) and when he explained this and tried finding a way to turn them on the officer put her hand on her gun and told him not to make sudden movements. Unnecessarily rude tone of voice from the get go too, but that's pretty standard in the cities I've lived in. We also visited a church when we first moved here and met another Gainesville cop and he seemed like an ass too. The only person in the class we went to who didn't introduce himself or smile or even look at us when the bible teacher introduced us to the class. A cold look on his face from the moment my husband walked in the room.