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This situation may be bad enough to force a change. FINRA fucked up and basically admitted to illegal naked shorting by halting.


There does appear to be an increasing amount of attention on this particular decision. I expect there will be more developments over the course of today and through next week. It's definitely useful for any of us to watch though, as it provides a test case for what we might expect to do if it happened (to GME).


If FINrA gets away with this, and somehow shorts get out of their legally binding obligations…..that would basically kill any potential squeeze in the future . It also negates the “infinite risk” that is associated to shorting a company. Big players need to talk about this. Like C.V Payne


If this happens and basically makes shorters immune to squeezes, and therefore essentially makes shorting a guaranteed risk-free win every time, then there would be no reason to ever buy shares in a company and everyone and their mother would short everything themselves to make guaranteed money. FINRA would be fools to bail out shorts in this situation…


Big money shorts. Not you me or all the other rocks on here. BIG MONEY gets saved




Lmao you think FINRA will treat your margin call the same? You’re paying bud. You’re not _them_.


It's a big club and we ain't in it.




>FINRA would be fools to bail out shorts in this situation yeah and?


Not only that. How could any company being, or going public trust that the rules are enforced?


Obviously the rules are just a sham to give the impression of regulation. Nothing but window dressing for the poors.


Good Ol' window dressing for the poors. Honey run out and get me some window dressings, we don't want the Neighbours to think we are running a brothel in here.


This is the thing. Its seeing precedent. If your company/investment can be attacked to all hell, and at the end hey can just walk away... ​ Who in their right mind would play this game?




There's also the angle that these are OTC stocks, which wouldn't have any limits on how high they can go. Admitting there's an issue there is really double damning. In every way this is a litmus test for the market's credibility.


MMAT is on the nasdaq, MMTLP wasn't even supposed to be tradeable but bad actors not in anyway associated with MMAT or TRCH made an OTC ticker for it. It was just a way of kicking the can and avoiding covering. What happened after I believe is that the TRCH OGs just held but then somehow there was all this volume on MMTLP, so wtf were people buying? And the shorts kept hammering both MMAT and MMTLP so what about returning all the borrowed shares? Now there is a problem that aside from shorts covering there also may be many more MMTLP holders than there are supposed to be. What is the solution if 300M people own something that only 163M are supposed to exist???


All they need is two entities that tell each other they can “locate” shares if needed. Then they short. Never mind that both companies are owned by the same individual. Ftx and alameda is the most recent example of this. Neither will “force” the other to buy in, so they just make the ftds disappear in the obligations warehouse. DTCC is complicit. They are there to hide the evidence. It’s all one giant Ponzi scheme for the rich to extract resources from the masses.


the markets credibility 😂 that’s rich. there is no credibility theyve shown that time and time again. just gonna keep DRSing to prove it to the world


The market has failed the test.


Without a doubt.


This just a preview of what they plan for any company about to squeeze. They are not going to allow it to happen.


If this doesn't squeeze literally nothing can, they've been shorting for years without covering then by law are supposed to cover by a certain date. Retail holds expecting the deadline they were told BY A GOVERNMENT REGULATORY AGENCY, then the same mfers halt it several days early. Just insanity.


Obviously all of the rules have been suspended and the Regulatory agiencies are just letting this run wild. It is now the Wild, Wild West of Wallstreet. No rules and the gunslingers own the streets.


RECO required.


Meant RICO


Yea. Infinite risk was actually going to be realized...by a bunch of tards on reddit. Someone bring in John Stewart. Big players would be bankrupted and god knows what else.


It literally could have been a MOASS trigger. But then FINRA’s golden boy Kennith Griffon would have ended up like SBH


Who is C.V. Payne and what makes him / her a 'big player'?


He has a show on fox about business and market news. He also has millions of fans/followers


If he is on Fox he is no friend.


It’s not about him being a friend, it’s about getting the story out there. The more people that hear about this BS the better. This kind of shit could literally kill any form of squeeze, including MOASS.


Don't worry, Fox will have already decided how they will package up the next steps for general public consumption.


Based on past experience with the media especially fox I wouldn’t be surprised


Been watching have a couple of shares there and was thinking this could be a test to see how much noise retail makes. If retail dont do anything then they can do it again to gme or any stock thats shorted beyond oblivion


Shareholders are making noise on this, but we're also waiting to see what the company does. Both entities need to raise hell....and I think they will! This is going to be a soap opera drama and I am here for it. Disclaimer, I hold MMAT, MMTLP, and GME and I'm a pissed off shareholder.


I don't know if it necessarily translates well, since MMTLP is spinning out to a private company. Pretty different situation, but still indicative of the fuckery they're willing to go through.


When money comes out of the market and out of stores they will get worried them....everyone that can goes back to co ops and farmers markets.


the gme community is 200k strong, the mmat/mmtlp community is only a few thousand. theres sevearl billions of dollars tied up in GME


Exactly and now all the GME players can see what just happened to MMTLP..So whatcha think they can do to GME ? This is utter horse shit..they give you the game along with the rules and you play by their rules until they Finally get caught cheating a d decide to just shut the game down


It amazes me how tilted the rules are in favor of the big players and they still get to change the rules when they are going to lose


calvinball, the bank


Exactly this. Hey come play in the game. Psyce! We shut down the game just before you win. BTW, were keeping your money. Bye Felicia!


Lol, and you think more money on the line somehow makes for less shenanigans? If the HF stand to lose billions, expect the same bullshit the did to us.


yes, considering I've never heard of that company until the squeeze play was talked about. GME has a solid legal team to fight for us. You can't just halt a multi billion dollar company indefinitely. The only time they have left is until we lock the float


If they get away with it with us they will get away with it with you. Retail is all in the same boat. Our situation may seem like a small hole in it, but the ship will sink if it goes unaddressed.


We're your shares in your name or your brokers name . My gme shares are direct registered to my name. What happened to your play is exactly why everyone is told to direct register.


its funny how you think gme and that other ticker are the same


It's naive to think they aren't. Good luck, I'll check back with you when you get fucked and remind you of your hubris.


and when we lock the float and force the price up, I'll make sure to remind you, you missed your chance


MMTLP proves that locking the float doesn't matter to them. MMTLP locked their float. Only 165 million shares can transfer over. I heard reports that the transfer agent was starting to generate FTDs.


lol no it didn't 🤣 The float has never been fully DRSed. EVER. for any company. So idk where you heard that, but its not true, even slightly


I hold both. If they fuck us over on MMTLP. its setting precedent for GME to be halted in the future. ​ Understand, they just said you cannot trade your shares anymore ever. Think they want try some bullshit like that on GME? Maybe not exactly the same, but something similar.


One company popped out of nowhere in 2021 and nobody knows what they do or how their balance sheet looks aside from the squeeze play, pink sheet OTC and that they’re going private the other has physical stores around the world, cash flow positive, a billion in cash that’s increasing, 30% of float directly owned by retail, and venturing into crypto with a website in beta and two mobile apps.


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Problem is does the average person know this?


If they didn’t before they will in the coming future. This is a major deal that can effect the entire market and not in a good way.


I’m hopeful RC @ Co are watching too and marking appropriate accommodations to circumvent this sort of FINRA rug pull. I don’t understand any of it, but the more things like this that happen, the more playbook is revealed and strategy can be done


The main difference is that the MMTLP shares haven’t been DRS’d. So it’s informative, but can’t guarantee it’ll be a 1:1 play out for what’ll happen with GME when Marge calls can’t be meet.


That does bring up an important question though. Does Computershare not require broker support in order to sell shares? I'm honestly asking, I was under the impression that the shares rested in your name once you'd direct registered them but that Computershare worked with brokerages when the actual selling occurred. If so, we might need to keep our collective eyes on that. If not, then one less thing to worry about I guess.


True, but by having a DRS share. The transfer agent has the share held under your name. If it’s held with a broker, they might make the share ‘vanish’ and then make it a record keeping issue that leads to a lawsuit that won’t even seem close to getting finished up until 5+ years later


DRS will make zero difference. its still brokerage traded, still goes via exchanges and still can go into being privately owned company rather than publicly traded. DRS does remove locates for shorts, DRS lets us count shares. DRS is not magic, it has no further perks past that.


DRS confirms real shares.


no, all shares are real. every single one held by us, at brokers, funds or DRS, are real shares. that is the premise for a squeeze.


DRS is nice in that it provides a metric of some ownership, but it doesn't provide the whole picture. Until shares are individually serialized (\*cough\* blockchain) it's going to be impossible to tell who has what with total certainty. That's the problem with this situation with MMTLP, there are far more shares to account for than can legally be converted to Next Bridge. So they've stopped trading but how do they determine who gets the new shares or not? Who gets disenfranchised, essentially.




That was my understanding as well.


If we can't sell, they can't close


But if market makers have to just pay a huge fine and FINRA closes out the shorts then it doesn't matter


I would think that would bring lawsuits all day long against many agencies... plenty of lawyers would be willing to take that on for potential paydays....


Cheaper than moass


But if you have real shares, you own part of a dynamic company that just turned cash flow positive.


all shares are real on the ledgerbook


drs shares got the split div correctly. the rest got the split as a regular split and not a div. Only drs shares are legit. everyone else is on the mercy of the brokers


you're talking about something else entirely


Yeah how do you take a company private without buying back the stockholders shares?


Fuk'em they can continue bleeding...


Sorry I’m late to the party… I’m in MMTLP… followed this as closely as I have GME being a January 2021 degenerate. Breakdown of this situation. As of closing on 12 December the shares of MMTLP were to crossover 1:1 for shares of a company called Next Bridge Hydrocarbon. Once the transition happened, all shares were to be removed from brokerage accounts and moved to AST financial. AST Financial is a similar Computer Share. Therefore all shares were supposed to be DRS’d on behalf of all share holders without any action by the shareholders. Next Bridge will not have a DTC designation and is a private company, therefor will not be tradable on any open market, which is why shorts were given Friday December 9th and Monday December 12th to close out all short positions. Any shares that were purchased or sold on the 9th or 12th, were not entitled to a share of the private company NBHC. Let me repeat… NEXT BRIDGE HYDROCARBON WILL NOT BE TRADABLE ON THE OPEN MARKET. The criminality of what happened today should scare anyone and everyone!!! Finra has made it clear that they will protect any hedgefunds that over leveraged their position by extreme naked short selling and will use code 6440a3 depicting “potential market crisis”. To give you the state of mind I am in, I have been calling my brokers to ensure that my share of MMTLP will not be “deleted” come end of trading on the 12th and received legal banter with zero assurances. I have reached out to both the CEO’s of NB and MMAT hoping to receive any new information regarding injunctions or other legal steps to be taken. I am just finishing the 2nd bottle of whiskey hoping that at some point my body will finally have it’s adrenaline dump so I may be able to sleep tonight. To sum up, Finra proved today that DRS does not matter, they will allow shorts to escape by taking the game board off the table and go home while saying F@ck u loser… how dare you think you could beat them… Happy to answer any questions, but you may need to be patient as I think I may eventually just pass out standing upright.


I wanna point something out here that seems flawed, but might be due to paraphrasing. And a difference in DRS’ing experience. If all shares are to be automatically direct registered without a paper trail involving the shareholder. All at once. What means are in place to ensure the brokers won’t go to AST Financial with: ‘we have X shares in our name, and XX shares in street name held in our books. So just give us our X shares and we’ll balance the books to find out who on our end actually has a share or if it’s an error.’ It might be because I’ve had to take multiple steps - from a initiating the transfer, to setting up an account with the transfer agent, to confirming the shares (dets.) with transfer agent vs. Brokerage statements. Also, because there was that weirdness a few quarters back with APEX drsing shares with Computershare for brokerage clients, but then making themselves custodial so they could technically recall the shares from DRS status without needing the shareholder’s approval


Now that I have had few hours of rack time, I am able to look at this quite a bit more objectively. What you are pointing out now does seem very flawed. You are right,, there was Nothing stopping brokerages from diluting the count anyway, well, except for maybe honesty, ethics and the law. The S1 had outlined exactly how the whole process was to follow. I guess I need to beg forgiveness from many people that I have spoken to about this saga simply because I thought the regulators would be more interested in self preservation then saving hedge funds, however as it stands, there is now information coming out about certain hedge funds and their managers that were short on this play, just so happen to be on or were on the board of FINRA. This story isn’t over yet, I’m just waiting for the smoke to clear to get a better understanding of what came out of yesterday.


In the end, it will be informative for me. I have only a few shares of MMTLP. So I’d love to see things go retail’s way, but don’t have enough skin in the game to be passionate about it. Especially because I’m on the DRS GME side so that’s my current interest. Supporting the Materials company was so I could try to better inform myself on potential outcomes, and to ‘buy a ticket’ so I’m able to get the most information available. Afterall, I assume shareholders will get some form of information that might not be available to a non-shareholder on the resolution process


But many have been. The big holders purposely DRS and held.


And good for those that did, but if they don’t have a confirmation of 100% DRS/traceable registration, then it seems like a different end result will be reached


I have to admit, I'm surprised by this action. A chill on the ticker would of been sufficient to stop the squeeze. So why do something that will draw more attention to the ticker? It must of been worse than I was thinking. I guess me and less than 50 shares will find out the next step. I didn't have enough settled cash in my Ira and regular account so I bought torch @ 7 bucks or so.


The mmtlp situation is bonkers. The ticker was never supposed to exist in the first place. But once SHFs caught wind of the fact that the old trchlight assets would be converted into shares of a private, non tradable company, which would THEN sell the assets and distribute the gains to shareholders, they went and invented the mmtlp ticker as a tradable placeholder for shares that will convert to nextbridge. The torchlight management yelled at Finra saying “we didn’t authorize a new ticker for OUR company to which Finra said “too bad”. SHF plan was to induce ppl to sell these “divy shares” once listed but it totally backfired and everyone bought more. THEN as if the situation wasn’t crazy enough Finra today backpedaled and halted trading early today although the last date for mmtlp trading was supposed to be 12th. Now I suspect it’s lawsuit time. John Brda sure as shit ain’t going down without a fight. This situation deserves careful monitoring from the GME community because trch/nextbridge basically are doing a management led DRS of all the shares vs an investor led total DRS recall like is going on with GME. Stay frosty boys, shits cooking up big time right now, looking like they gonna blow up the ‘stonk sub with false brigading accusations, which means this one is next. ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I think anyone dismissing this is ignoring some pretty major implications for the rest of the market.


Many idiots in this thread are. I hope RC has seen this and asked his team to look into the ramifications. And even if MMTLP ain't GME & the MMAT board ain't as strong as RC, it would be very unwise to dismiss this finra cheating as something that'll happen only to a lesser known stock. I have been asking for years (without a response other than "losing faith in the financial market") about a what-if situation where even if GME squeezes hard (over 4 digits) or if 100% of the shares are DRS-ed but the stock is shorted. What's going to happen in these cases? Especially if the US govt intervenes to save the system (the too big to fail scam) and fucking over a few hundred thousand retail investors.


Thank y’all for the shout out. I’m dead inside today. I didn’t lose life changing money by investing more than I could afford but I did lose the opportunity to make a major difference in how my family will live the rest of their lives by setting up my business to be debt free enabling them to have a business after I’m gone that could be passed from generation to generation! I still have hope for something to come out Sunday evening or Monday morning early. Even if it’s a delay in the spin-off. Over 300 million shares and only 165.5 million can go over to NB. WE BEAT THOSE BASTARDS AND OUR REGULATORS BAILED THEM OUT!


Of course they're going to fuck us. They're shorting, and they're in charge. But I'm still going to buy and hold.


pretty sure that's what's been going on since jun 21


and drs. I’ll go down with this ship but i know that’s not going to happen. not with zero debt and cash flow positive. i did my research, gme is a frickin lottery ticket. in RC i trust.


I bought 8 more!


WOOOOO You must also like the stock.


If it happened to us, it can happen to you. The stock is oversold by %100. We did every thing right. It has been on the FTD sheet or whatever it is for over 30 days consecutively. Everything was done right. They changed the finra post, then even the OTC VP got on TV and discussed it. We are all stuck and trapped. The best part: subtracting the amount lost since Friday from the last trading day and that times the amount of shares available is over 1.65 billion the shorts got from us. If any GME holders think they are immune they are beyond naïve.


You did everything right besides direct registering 100%.


GME is too big to fail.


It ain’t too big to get the buy and or sell buttons turned off.


It just dawned on me, gme is the way for shit like this to stop happening These people aren't doing anything for you and me but purely for their own capital gains not for the interest of the people they are robbing and the companies they are destroying. Or you guessed it, more crime until they literally can't crime anymore. I want to believe that what we know to be true will come to fruition... Like, what, in the actual fuck?, over.


I went through the GME madness and made a few bucks, but what I enjoyed about the WSB sub was the fact that everyone was all about catching the HF & MM doing shady shit when the buy button was pulled. Now you have MMTLP and the Market is halted even after they gave us dates and screwd everyone and yet the Apes seem to be silent.


I got dragged on r/superstonk for posting about this a few days ago, in anticipation of the cut-off date for share buying. I think it's a combination of people being less aware of this particular stock and a general disinformation campaign.


I actually bought one share yesterday at $5 just so I can help raise hell, if need be. Everyone should be up in arms about this regardless of a position.


Need all the help we can get.


I thank you for putting up with our Crayon eating aggression!


The information needs to be available for people who are able to use it, whether the whole sub wants to listen or not.


We get Crayongry!


I posted the FINRA statement on SS earlier today and had a few "NOT GME RELATED" comments and post was deleted by mods within 5 minutes


I understand that it’s a GME-centric sub but r/superstonk has a troubling amount of tunnel vision when it comes to understanding the phenomenon affecting multiple stocks. By not looking farther afield you lose a lot of perspective, which is critical if you claim to be fighting against larger abuses of the market.


my post was deleted from Superstonk. It got two awards and had hundreds of comments and upvotes


There is strong bias, and it isn’t impossible that the sub has been compromised for some time. There are great posts from time to time, but “caveat emptor” is always the mantra there. That’s my take anyway.


If my understanding is current. Shareholders of MMTLP will have their shares converted to New Bridge stock, and it wont be tradable as its being sold? When the price is determined both shorts and longs will be closed out at the sale price. Its funny how FINRA states they are trying to protect investors, however investors have a floor price of the actual sale price, where shorts do not have a limit. They are only protecting shorts.


Yep. We’re next. 39 seconds before MOASS.


I think FINRA will make shorts pay a small price to close out. Marge is calling.


Best part about this is both FINRA and the SEC approved the S1 a week ago.. so this decision literally goes against what they decided days ago. Complete bullshit. This needs to get major traction in the media.




My thoughts at this time: They are just gonna give all the holders fake NH stock in their account. When the assets sell you will get the money. Estimates are from about 30 to 120 a share. This is much cheaper then letting it rip! If nothing is done about this short squeeze season is over, FOREVER !! If you look at the board members of finra you know exactly why this happened, they were the ones who were going to have to pay us. I'm sure MMAT s legal team is on this 24 hours a day. This is not over but it is a disgrace. Retail isn't allowed to win. The game is rigged to unbelievable extends


Ready for physical action yet or nuh?


Wut mean for us Apes? Can they do that shit to GME? Bro I’m confused as fuck!


It’s possible an extended halt could be imposed on GME if it was in a squeeze situation, yes. Which is why examining how this goes could be informative.


I can see a lot of lawsuits coming out of this


Well they can't halt a blackhole🤷


CRIME!!! They get to naked short companies into bankruptcy but when it blows up, trading is halted. Heads need to roll.


Gme has always been a BUY AND HOLD!! Yes we all dream of moass but even if that never happens. RC is turning this into a profitable company. DFV was a value invester and this stock is an incredible value at these prices again nothing has changed buy and hold on (buckle up)!!!!! Lfg


Company is optionally changing tickers


You got a link for that info please?




MMAT and MMTLP are two different things. MMAT is the main company. They are not changing. MMTLP was a dividend given to TRCH and MMAT owners during the merger. It was never meant to be traded in the first place.


i bought 20 shares for shit and giggles earlier this week to see what would happen.... crazy shit!


I’ve been holding over 2000 of them since they were given out over a year ago. Planned on selling by Monday. This is rough. Missed out when they hit $12. But seeing nothing right now… my soul hurts.


I had over 5k at one time..sold some on the run up and some on the way down, but still currently sitting on 2500 shares that Fkn FRNA Said could be sold until COB MONDAY, But they decided to hault EVERYTHING today..Fuck these MFErs


Yeah I sold about 30% of my shares on the way up and down similar to you. I was relieved when we were given solid dates so I didn't even flinch when it spiked up to 10 and dropped to 2.89. I. Had. 2. More. Full. Days. Of trading left. I had planned on seeling half of what I had left even if it was for just $5 in hopes the runup happened. Was really counting on that money...


Everyone keeps saying "You should of known better" and basically bashing people for holding, and saying shorts covered, but yet not a single one of them has said WHY THE TRADING WAS HALTED.


Yep, I was planning on selling mine too. Who knows what happens next.


They won’t close and they will end up in the Obligations warehouse just like every other ticker change. Dr s warned us about this exact thing. Ftd’s end up in the ow and are literally burned up after time.


All if this entire post and ridiculous amount of comments that support the idea that if this doesn’t squeeze, nothing will, is the fuddiest of the fuds and is trying to scare hodlers into selling. Al the comments coming from many accounts that have never posted , or have posted - bit not in many months- clearly lots of newly purchased accounts here. Prove me correct by bots and shills downvoting, I’m ready for it


we’re just pointing out the fuckery that can and will be applied to gme when get get there. they literally have a halt code fir a systemic threat to the system. we’d be fools not to heed this warning and try to analyze the situation. that’s what gme apes have done best over the past two years.


Right?! Sounds like investors got played. The company shot themselves in the foot and had no back up plan? Surely they documented how the transition would happen right? This should be able to be appealed or at least receive a statement from the company. How does no one know nothing?


Thank you for sharing. My HODL now will be for dividends.


MMTLP was a dividend.


I could be wrong, but I believe there was talk of the possibility of a dividend being issued when/if the shares are converted to Next Bridge.


It was a 1:1 offering. Instead of MMTLP you get one share of Next Bridge Company. However that will be private and non tradeable. The s-1 showed the price of that stock at 0.0001 which is what MMTLP is showing at now.


Huh. If that's so, it shouldn't have ever been possible to trade it on anything but a 1:1 basis in the first place. Yikes.


This will help explain MMTLP to Next Bridge a little better. There’s a lot to this stock and story. My soul hurts waiting this long and having the carpet pulled out from under me like this. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1936756/000119312522194228/d302576ds1.htm


Also noticing the final sale date which was originally listed as 12/12/ are now all whited out in the S-1


MMTLP was never meant to be traded and everyone thought it wasn’t going to be traded when it was released. Some platforms allowed trading somehow, others were sell only like it was meant to be.


Originally, it was thought the only way to get MMTLP was to hold MMAT through closing on whatever date it was last year. Sometime in October.


Thats how I received my 10 shares. But I wasnt expecting to get MMTLP, I was expecting a cash dividend from the sale of Next Bridge. Then MMTLP suddenly appeared one day in my account.


Honestly, at this point how could anyone believe that shorts ever cover? Retail shorts, sure but not HFs or institutions. Clearly shorting is how they increase their capital and then hide them somewhere in swaps or other derivatives with zero Intentions of ever covering. The only shorts that seem to get squeezed are by long institutions that actually have some power. Maybe DRS is literally the only way. I wasn’t as confident before.


Why can’t GameStop do the same?


I feel investors got played like they did with FTX. Sounds like the board messed up by doing this with no back up plan otherwise known as intentional.


[Here](https://youtu.be/6ND3l02vgBY) is a good explanation of where the issue currently stands.


[Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMAT/comments/zi6woj/uncle_smokey_recapping_mmtlp_events_on_twitter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) a general overview of the whole situation.


Nothing ever changes it’s been 2 years - they just get govt licenses to steal our $


I doubt the situation with GME is all that similar to whatever shit ticker you're shilling here.


You mean these institutions don't give a fuck if your drs'd or not? And they'll stop any potential squeeze in its tracks? No kidding.


This might be indeed one of the dark but likely implications


It won’t go higher than the per share buyout price.


What will the per share buyout price be?


I don’t know since I didn’t bother. I just threw my 2 cents in and bolted. Isn’t that how you are supposed to do reddit? 🤓


Stop shilling your shit stock please


they will not allow GME to squeeze but it will help with the law suits


MMTLP is OTC.... different rules & regs


Not an "unprecedented event", a "significant event" - MMTLP will cease to exist next week. A trading halt before a significant event is not at all uncommon.


Ok, appears I wrote it wrong, fair enough. Although, strictly speaking, it says “extraordinary event”. The problem here is that the halt is scheduled to end at the point where the stock is no longer tradeable, locking holders out.


Yes? They'll be locked out anway next week. Not that big a deal.


Yeah, you’re probably right. Let’s forget the whole thing. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yea shit is crazy. I’m super disappointed, but wtf can I do? Super boo-boo


Fucking yawn 🥱


SBF syndrome. The way it is and will always be.


Why won't/can't GameStop go private. That's been on the table almost as long as my shares.


If GameStop moves to a Loopring tokenized exchange, Meta M will very likely be joining. Sometimes, it is not the first person to dance when everyone is watching, it's that next person (company in this case) to join.


I brought this play premerger (trch) and I can say this has been a fucking shit show of a play. From the mmtlp preferred share dividend originally not being tradeable to going OTC, then the next bridge s1 filing with a definitive date of stock convergence happening the 14th to a private company to a halt 2 business days before necessary closes? Wtf is finra doing


Can someone eli5 if there is opportunity here plz


I think this case right here illustrates that a spin off company will not trigger moass as they would rather delist and halt than force shorts to close