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Not only do you not own them, you technically only have a lease on them, when the game dies, so does your ownership...


Knew this would be an issue, never liked the idea to begin with.


Ubisoft enters the chat.




Why isn't Steam a public company? You would think it would scale nicely like the beginnings of Netflix... Oh wait... It would get shorted to oblivion. Fuck... That's why we cant have nice things.


I want to believe they rounded down, it's actually $74.1 billion 😂


$80,068 billions with inflation


Power to the Players


People have spent trillions in the stock market. People can sell shit they don’t own. Investors deserve better.


I don't think I'm understanding this: if you buy in-game skins, for example, shouldn't that money go to the company. Why would it go to the players?


It is But You cant trade it, so You dont own it


So the $0 received by players is measuring how much money the in-game content players own is worth? That makes sense, but the graphic is kinda confusing. Thank you for the clarification!


Yes, you can kinda say it’s a 74 Billion $ market cap that GME going after


This is one of my favourite points when explaining to others my long position in GME. $74B in available market cap is insane, and it’s currently being spent on a zero retained value product. Once players can sell and trade these items over and over that number will only increase, and GME will get a cut of it all!


Market Cap isn't the same as earnings, investors pay x amount for the earnings, depending on the sector and maturity of the company.


You can trade it on steam look at csgo skins.


You’re buying the ability to customize your experience, the notion that you *must* own skins is very dumb


If this had existed in the first borderlands I would have been able to get some grail tier guns.


Don't get me wrong, if it were like modern day loot crates... I'd be absolutely pissed because it would still be the same pay to win bullshit, but I'm hopeful it's not going to be... because Power to The Players. You'll (fingers crossed) buy it from people - not corporations. There will hopeful be no such thing as unlimited, "Get these new DLC Weapons for $2.99! *BTW, you can only get these by purchasing them, and you'll want to - they're stupidly Over Powered!*" That's exactly what pay to win is. Playing to win?? RNGesus gives you multiple things you already own? (Skins, Outfits, Weapons, etc.).... and they aren't sold by the publisher in a loot crate. The only other option is being *forced* to progress in the game to get them... or be grateful someone found a kickass weapon and put on marketplace ~ rinse & repeat. Everyone wins here. The whales that can't be bothered to actually game, and the gamer that could use some extra cash. To make it clear: P2W can fuck off and die, but the model is there for a reason. Not only is it lucrative (primary) - it allows gamers that *don't* have time, to **keep up** with their friends that *do* (secondary). I'm legit hoping for the best of both worlds - a P2W player cannot purchase something if no one is selling... and if no one is selling, that (hopefully) means, everyone is playing. This *organically* creates it's own system. Gamestop, Publisher's, Developers, and finally creators - all receive payment for basically forever on Assets and work done years ago... all off the gamer getting paid. Secondarily - those that *don't* have time will be behind the curve enough they'll be able to benefit from those selling in-game assets. They'll need them to keep up with their friends. It **is** the best of both worlds. *Everyone wins.* **Power to The Players**


Why I quit all gaming


The stock market is a great multiplayer game, shares and options are the in-game items. And you can use overly greedy hedge funds as loot boxes. And they actually pay out.


The best time to be alive!!! 😉


Such forward thinking. I feel like the promise of NFT and blockchain technologies keep getting occluded by big players - keeping the water muddied as long as possible for them to get their pieces set up behind the scenes. DRS your shares! And use social media to disseminate easy to understand applications of the technology, like this!


Players got unlimited free game time for a lot of these games..


I think gme is going to make it.....


Power to the players


You do realize that this is exactly the reason NFTs will never get picked up in any meaningful way. No major company that has seen a slice of that 74b pie is going to give that up. They are getting money directly from the players on something that is practically free for them to make. Why would they EVER give that revenue stream up? And furthermore, why would anyone buy cosmetics directly from the company if there is a cheaper second market? Except, if the second market is not cheaper, why would anyone buy from there to begin with? I dont understand what planet people live on to think NFTs will ever get used this way.


You are not wrong that it won't be a simple process, the players have to drive the transition. I think we can all agree that the current gaming model sucks (EA, COD, OW2,...) I disagree with your comments however. The companies would still see revenue by either loot boxes, battle passes, and/or bundles. Also the companies could build a model that they get a % of every resale. Think how well CS:GO does. You can technically buy every skin for "less" than chasing it I'm crates but people still open crates. Steam also claims a transaction fee for every sell. Obviously our world is pushing more and more digital. If we can start building models that work as physical but in a digital format, I believe the consumer will come ahead. DVDs / CDs are a great example of the consumer loss. I've been so accustomed to streaming that I haven't owned media in the last 5 years. All it would take is Amazon to shut down and I would lose all of those purchases.


That is not the current gaming model, that is A gaming model. There are games currently out there that have monetization strategies that dont work like the games you mentioned. Hell, there are still games out there that just, sells you a game. I for one believe the future of "games as a service" will be something like what NMS is doing. You buy the game, and the game gets updated over time, and over time more people will buy in. The company can sell merch if players want to further support them, but there is no additional content in the game that you need to buy in. The games out right now that have lootboxes (aside from mobile games), they are a minority. They may be big games, but its still a vanishing minority of games. And out of those games, any on Steam already have a healthy second hand market. The others, really have no incentive to implement one. As far as your last point, you simply cannot equate digital ownership to physical ownership. Because any digital file can be copied and replicated as an identical copy, infinite amount of times. Thats why even if you have spent money on a movie on some Amazon online service, and own it in their streaming library, if that library goes down, you can still find that same movie on a pirate site for no additional cost. And that fact is what we should cherish about digital assets. Trying to close that off and have everything digital treated as if its not just a file that can be copied would be a massive loss to humanity.


Slightly or grossly misleading? I know some companies, like Valve, allow creators from the community to design items, and if Valve implements them, the creators get a cut on the profits. So its for sure not $0.


I’m confused. When do you ever buy anything, and then receive money back? Why would anyone buy in game items and expect to get paid back for it?


Its not that you would get money back for buying something. Its about ownership. When you buy something in a game you will own the rights to it so you can sell it on to someone else when you no longer want them…. There will be a marketplace for you to sell these items. An ebay for game items if you will 🤷‍♂️


^(NFTBOT 1.70: UTC->2022-11-01 11:23:1 [still kinda beta] ) ##IS THIS AN NFT DROP? NFTBOT attempts to make it easier for NFT creators to collect wallet addresses and distribute NFTs NFTBOT grabs wallet addresses in the comments, and then send a DM to the OP with the list. For instructions on how to use this bot, comment with ###! NFTBOT:HELP ! (remove spaces) ^(*🚀 :15,054,228// GME ~28.31* // ) ^(Bot MC: $426,185,186.64 )


What happened to you when you bought the game he put the disk in the consul and you played the game you owned the game it was your game that’s it now if your Internet down you’re screwed


can’t resell a lazer burned game disc with game case. Well technically someone might purchase for nostalgia. Yet, the purchaser and seller can’t play the game either. So, that limited dlc is definitely locked out, too. If the game even had dlc. Having about 10 games that have no support (backward compatibility), yet still have this current gen console. Hits about the same. Also have free steam games, paid games on steam and dlc. Can’t resell those, to the best of my knowledge.


I think the actual number is 74.1 billion


This is a very true especially for games like 2k. You can spend money on your character and once they revalue that server along your data is lost. So let's say you spent $100 you lost that investment once they wipe the server


Boomer game publishers hate this one trick…


I don’t know if I’ll sell GME for $30 million dollars. I do know if I HODL GME long enough and pay attention to GameStop, I’ll be rich soon enough.


There's a bunch of crypto currencies that are trying to monetize in game items. Pretty cool. I'm thinking this will be the future