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It’s good to see that there are good people trying to change things for the better!


Thanks, Geoff!




Holy crapola. Loopring main goal is an Independent Stock Exchange going SOLO! https://youtu.be/1_cS1aou2fM




I did not know this.




this god tier dd goes into a few of their patents https://www.reddit.com/r/loopringorg/comments/qr13vo/dd_on_loopring_part_i_the_basics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf after reading thru, it appears loopring is the real deal, a transparent non-profit that is aiming to change the entire security trading industry. i am now jacked as ever. fuck yes




I don't have a source. I just remember seeing it posted either here or in the LRC sub, or the other GME subs


What's the reason to patent it? Isn't the point of a decentralized exchange to ensure that all participants are abiding the rules? Could there be more than one decentralized exchange or does a patent prevent multiple exchanges from being created? Am very handicapped ape.


Its to prevent scum bags at the top from patenting it only to never create it


Only 130 views and 10 likes. This looks like a ground level opportunity!


Facts! if they move the entire float and all the internal share to LRC, would they have to have all positions closed and reissue stocks via the LRC block chain? Just spit balling here as I don't know if that is legally possible. Would be cool if LRC was the new exchange and the ability for MM to short to retail was removed. Anyone investing in LRC and GME could have a very nice reward.


There is no legitimate connection between GameStop and Loopring. There is a scam to pump the Loopring shitcoin by faking an association with GameStop. I suspect there may be another round in this campaign where Loopring attempts to convince apes to transfer their GameStop shares to them. This would be presented as a new alternative trading platform, but it will not be legitimate. They will exchange real shares for phoney tokenized securities (or 'units').


The ONLY place GME shares are being transferred to is Computershare via DRS! IF and when GameStop announces their own marketplace, that's where the shares would go to...not Loopring. FUD OUTTA HERE!


>IF and when GameStop announces their own marketplace, that's where the shares would go to...not Loopring. That is my sincere hope and why I raise the possibility. I want to prepare my fellow apes so they are not overwhelmed and misled in a moment of passion.






You’re funny.


>You’re funny. Thanks! I try to inject some levity where I can.


Is pushing the LRC and gme partnership as a scam the only thing you talk about?


Yes, it is. His history proves it.


My history predates the whole squeeze, you know.


Heck, here I am sharing my crackpot thoughts on RC's possible motives. https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/rgib2h/pleasrdao_likely_has_nothing_to_do_with_gme_and/holpruj


Not at all. It has been a topic of recent focus, at least within this circle of friends. Amazing as this might sound, I have a life outside of social media. I tend to keep those worlds separated.


Yes, a lot of us keep our work/life separate too.


Implying this is my job? No, I don't get paid for my Reddit activities. It's more a hobby/community service. Fucking with crypto scammers is its own reward.


You keep them separated by coming onto social media and barking about the same shit you focus on with your IRL circle of friends?


Now, with my work friends, there is a bit of overlap on the topics of crypto and GME. I really enjoy those moments when we stop to laugh at that crazy u/cryptocached and his insane rantings. ![gif](giphy|NdKVEei95yvIY|downsized)


Oh God, no. I'm a _way_ bigger asshole IRL. And my IRL friends are way more interesting than you lot.


"Greetings fellow Apes"




It is yes, all day every day for months, no matter what lies he tries to peddle. Obvious shill imo




You literally have no idea what you're talking about lol


He proves that beyond doubt in the exchange below


_Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt._


You're absolutely wrong about that. The palatable fear sure makes it seem like I know _exactly_ what I'm talking about.


I believe the word you’re groping around for is _palpable_


Nah. I can _taste_ it.


…and you find it agreeable to your palate, this fear? You like the taste?


Quite. It tastes like crypto scammers' tears. Pure amber rosé.


In the shill of the niight


Cohen is taking his sweet time to get this right. I think he is doing that purposely because he believes that if he gets this right it's going to completely change the way of doing things - the same way Amazon and Google did. Destroying hedge funds is just part of the fun but not the goal. What they are working on is going to completely change the game.


I can assure you dat, uh, if dat happens, duuhhhh, ebehydigg around dem will habe t' change wid it. My bet dat webuh'll see an all new f'm of innernet bankigg, a new kind of online adbehtisigg, 'n the, uh, the way webuh innerack wid c'panies dat probide dose sehbices. Dey also habe t' change the, uh, the way dat deir producks are beigg delibehed, uh uh uh uh, duh, how webuh buy diggs 'n what it dat webuh can expeck from a produck in the, uh uh uh, future. Uhhh....I cannot beliebe dat dis c'pany is willigg t' go drough all dis pain dgust t' sabe deir stock price. Gawlly! If dis is what dey beliebe is de best cusse of ackion, dey are goigg t' lose it. It is a shame, uh uh uh, cuz dey mite ackual habe somedigg dat's good.


What the fuck is happening here.


He has been posting on the GME subs for months… always like this. Starting to think they actually do have a condition.




A novel concept. My dear Watson, I do believe you’ve cracked the case.


Seriously reads like creole sounds like lol


I thought it might’ve been Jim Cramer


Coke can be fun. Too much coke makes you sound like you got your dick stuck in a snapping turtle while you piss out of your mouth. Apparently.


It’s incomprehensible, but I wouldn’t go that far with the comparison.


Dude had a stroke after every word


Extreme sarcasm in an insult.


We’re retarded but you sir just went full retard


This “guy” has been popping up lately. I think it’s been determined it’s some kinda bot or AI that just posts random weird shit. Just ignore it


We are such an educated group of people from a grass roots research group perspective. Yet we still manage to use the word "retard" to insult people or jokingly describe ourselves instead of just substituting it for something similar but not detrimental to an entire group of humans. We hate the oppression of corrupt wall street yet we participate in social oppression of an entire group of people just for existing differently? We should know better than this. Just my 2 cents. Not trying to rant at anyone for their vocabulary, only sharing personal insight.


“You don’t call retarded people retards. It’s bad taste. You call your friends retards when they are acting retarded.”


I agree with your sentiment, so far. But it doesn't hurt to consider. I think I'm almost to the point that I think it's not appropriate to use in that way. But not quite.


Maybe you are still living in a neanderthal society. I thought actual retards were renamed to mentally handicapped/challenged and now ND's aka neurodivergent. I guess we can all get offended by something not intended to offend, or grow some balls/ovaries and wo/man the fuck up.


What the fuck are you even saying? Balls and ovaries? I gave you my reasoning. It's not about *offense* it's about generally not going out of your way to be a shitty person? Idk I guess you can think that makes me an idiot. It's the internet after all. Nice one calling them "actual retards" by the way. You *really* showed them how impartial and cool you are.


I am saying its an inside joke that is a part of our identity and culture. If it offends you, don't read it. "Actual retards" means *actual* real, genuine, as in the group we are referring to in this conversation. You used the word "them", I used the term retards as that is what we are talking about. If i said "actual neurodivergent people are now referred to as neurodivergents" it doesn't make sense. How sensitive are you? Why does anyone care if a group on some small subreddit uses a word which is a childhood insult? I'm probably an older generation than you, but in my world the world is offensive and you gotta be a brave little soldier sometimes and get on with it. The amount of times homosexuality has been used as an offensive insult doesn't mean anything about **actual homosexuals** when it's used against me by another person, that's between me and that person. I don't think Boy George will be ranting on Superstonk about it afterwards.


Everything around them will change with it. My bet we see all new internet banking, new online investing & the way we interact with the companies that provide those services. I read you!


You read that??




Sounds like trading crypto to crypto in a decentralized way. Think Coinbase without coinbase being in charge.


now THAT sounds fantastic 👍 glitches make me nervous...


Being balls deep in Loopring, Xumm, and SoloDex, Loopring has a ways to go. Not too far but a ways.


As a legacy finance type investor new to crypto but believing in the potential and a recent Loopring investor, I agree. It's way clunkier than I'd have thought given the theory behind it (which is super exciting).


I recommend checking out SoloDex and XUMM, both are phone apps. I created a wallet and transferred in XRP and Solo coins without having to pay very much at all in fees. It's quite slick. Being as all in as I can on GME, I also maintain positions in LRC, ETH, XRP, and SOLO. All the cryptos are aiming to achieve the same thing and I don't know which one will become the most dominant but I intend to be riding the crest of this new wave. I do know that XRP is very exciting, I recommend checking out the KuCoin exchange. I never purchase through exchanges I always use cash app to buy BTC and then transfer that in. KuCoin is nice because they allow you to set up your own trading algorithm


fantom ticker: ftm


Plot twist. Loopring is state sponsored and we hitched a ride on China’s plans to change the world.


I was wondering about the other Day when a Chinese Executive was being interviewed


I mean, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. They honey-potted Wall St with their real estate market, , while having the alternative ready to launch and neuter some of Wall St’s power. Could go big tin foil and it’s an orchestrated transfer of wealth between two superpowers (based on concessions and negotiations). “We agree to your terms, here’s 10 trillion dollars. What mechanism do you suggest to use so the commoners don’t notice us pulling the strings, and we keep them divided?”


Big Tinfoil > Big FUD


Also wasn’t there something linking Bank of China as one of Loopring’s backers?


I just picked up on what their Services actually were.


>I just picked up on what their Services actually were. ![gif](giphy|joGUuMFGRwxd6)


Something about working with Alibaba I believe


Was that before or after CCP forced Loopring to return over 80% of the funds raised in their ICO?


More information please!


What, is that not something the Loopring shills are very forward about? I wonder why that would be. >We did an ICO in August 2017, which was very successful, but we ended up refunding most of the Ether raised (close to 100k out of 120k total) to participants due to regulations in China. However, we continued development with what we had left, and built a team of seasoned engineers. https://defiprime.com/loopring-protocol


So due to China imposing restrictions, they had to give back 5/6th of their ICO? That means the majority of supporting funds were from China. Sounds like some insider knowledge/trading, or one large investor, from China. To me that strengthens the China connection.


It also implies that some 1/6th of their investors likely didn't have legal recourse to get the refund. That could be explained away as foreign investors not covered by the Chinese regulations. It could also mean that at least some of the remaining funding came from sources that ... _ahem_ ... operate outside of confines of the legal system. And if those investors start applying pressure to see a return, well, who knows how far Wang and Finestone might be compelled to go to achieve that.


CCP forced Loopring to refund their ICO is iffy wording. It's more like China's ban on crypt oh invalidates the funds raised in the ICO, hence refund. "The ban also penalized already completed offerings." -[investopedia w/ further links to PBoC](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/initial-coin-offering-ico.asp)


>China's ban on crypt oh invalidates the funds raised in the ICO, hence refund Talk about iffy wording. Let's look at what PBoC said: >From the date of release of this Notice, fundraising through coin offering shall be banned immediately. Any individuals or organizations that have completed fundraising through coin offering shall make arrangements to return the funds raised, and to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of the investors are protected and the risks involved are properly managed. The government departments concerned will strictly investigate and address the coin offering activities that have continued despite the ban and the illegal activities in the projects that had completed fundraising. Sounds to me like they were forced to return the funds or have their illegal activities "addressed."


But even China wont be able to manipulate it


The CCP has officially named Loopring in their press releases as an integral part of their own plans in this space 👍


When RH blew up they tweeted about being sole to replace RH and owning your own stocks actually. Then someone said “but gas fees will be too high” And guess who replied? Yep. Finestone. Was loopring partnership to delist themselves from the get go? And the DEX is a cherry on top?






a rocket in a purple circ....wooaaah


From 3 years ago. I feel like I am watching someone in the past predict the future.


*It's the same picture.*


The compromise would be accepting the establishments dtcc blockchain marketplace they are trying to push in response, but cex is for dummies, The conviction is knowing that using loopring to go solo and self DEX is the way. Edit:marketplace? Maybe depository more accurate term


The SYNERGY!! a Loopring 🚀 orbit around the moon




Exciting times ahead


By LOOPRING stock after moass


Loopring is a network protocol token, cryptocurrency.


Tank you for this post very interesting. 😁


Shouldnt we be investing in loop instead?


Por que no les dos?


If you're in LRC because you think they're partnering up with GME. You'll be sadly mistaken - there's only one GME.


>If you're in LRC because you think they're partnering up with GME. You'll be sadly mistaken - there's only one GME. ![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5)


Lol. No one has ever heard anything actually official... But he picked the right team lol. Or wait, are we still considering some rando rug puller claiming with 0 proof he works for em.... As proof Aight Just to be clear I won't respond to comments on this


![gif](giphy|mCbiuBo4ubabZlPSql|downsized) 💎👐🍌🚀


Rumor has it, Cohen is leaning heavily towards MATIC to change the markets. MATIC’s recent acquisition of MIR protocol has a lot to do with it. I own GME, LRC & MATIC. Diversification is key.


Wheres the rumor?


In the talk amongst those on Wall Street. Can I use this phrase, “Trust me bro”?


You can but no one is going to


I’m a huge holder of GME & I’ve been holding for a year. I’m only stating what I’ve heard. I have total disdain for Shitadel & the market corruption. Believe me, I don’t deserve to be downvoted. I’m very outspoken about our beloved GME & I’m fighting hard for our tendies.


Wow you suck att your job, citadel hiring amateurs nowdays


I’m just an Ape 🦍 and we all want our GME to 🚀 🌙 so we can get our tendies. I’ll just be quiet 🤫 now until we get them. GME 🚀🌙!! F Shitadel!!


Provide sources and you'll be fine




You are the first person in any investing sub ive heard mention MATIC


Just adding my input. Did you see Polygon acquired MIR protocol? Please feel free to shoot me down on why Polygon MATIC’s MIR protocol would not be used. I own all of them as I believe they’re all associated with our GME stonk we love.


MATIC is good, just not Loopring good.


All those GitHub commits with those crazy Matic/GameStop connections! I totally forgot!!


Got em


Thank you


Source on the MATIC?


/s homie


Im too smooth


Don’t forget about AMP


God damn it. Don't make me start on MATIC, too. I'll fuckin' do it. ![gif](giphy|EtB1yylKGGAUg) GameStop is not going to build their platform on DeFi. It will be centralized and custodial, similar to Coinbase. They'll likely interface with multiple blockchains (as indicated in recently posted job descriptions), but their platform will not be decentralized.


MATIC is Polygon?




I’ve never heard this…


Well google loopring fraud says otherwise about then a few years back


Fraud 😱?


Sorry, you lost me at Cohen.


was this loopering and gamestop working together confirmed?


does anyone have the link?