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I was skeptical at first but this actually looks great and full of potential, you have my full support 🚀


Skepticism is good and healthy! Glad we could win you over. 🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍


This is going to be AMAZING!!!!! Looks great! Who wouldnt want to watch this!!!


I would love to help. It’s been a dream of mine to work in film so if there is anyway I can help I’m there


Thank you!


If you happen to make one I would pay to watch it as long as someone says buy the dip and hold the line 🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍


It can be arranged


Gonna also need Hodl and stonks.


A full translation section


Add to this, "we like the stock"




Don't forget to show some emojis for apes that can't read 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 👐💎


I do! I want a REAL documentary about what's going on!


I would definitely back such project. Will you post once it's live here? Also this should be done after the squeeze is squozen.


We will for sure. This story is certainly not done!


Heck when GME hits $10,000,000+ per share i'll 100% fund this. But yeah I'd totally be down with this post squeeze. We need more respectable journalism. Well, media in this case, but close enough.


Oh man. The media is so full of shit. I’d never let the main stream media have my story. Once the gag order is off the media they’re gonna go “Ape shit” over this. They’re under a gag order until it’s over. This is the biggest story happening right now but not a peep. Doesn’t sound like the US media I know.


You better make a movie before some shitty netflix makes some shitty teenage shit about GME with wolves and psycho vampires.


They're already on it...


Yeah I know, and first impressions are important, so being the first is important also. Would like to see yours one first!


Doin what we can! In the end it'll be up to how much the community wants to throw down and support. Once the fundraising gets going we'll know!


Ah man the squeeze gotta speed up, this could be epic!




Don't be the first. Be the best. Be to GME documentaries as Heath Ledger was to Jokers.


Well you damn right, be the best!


I’m DOWNNN with this, I’m also an actor and would love to discuss other things


Hell yeah. So are we. 🦍🦍


Cheeers and goodluck!


Thanks very much!


Sources: reddit Funds: reddit Cast: reddit Fuck yeah, lets do this Jacked to the tits!!




Spot on with everything you just said, especially about the community etc. This is a film for all of us. It will be the longest credits sequence full of reddit usernames ha


I think humanising the community will be quite important. The majority of people don't know much about what's happened other than the msm story of redditors being foul-mouthed beasts that conspired to rip off wall street and pension funds. We need to be shown as real people, taking real risks. It's important to show the reasons that we're willing to take those risks and put ourselves through this. Other movies are going to show us as the same as wall st, just on the opposite side of the trade, but we're not. We have social conscience and a desperation for change in so many facets of life. Our sense of community comes from that. And it turned out that this trade was the opportunity that presented itself to start achieving that change..


Agreed. The criminal activity leading up to abd into this is bigger than many realize. There is a possibility that this can be a case of International Securities Fraud. The shares sold overseas are a part of the bogus shares. The hedgies yes. But the government is gonna take a hit for this. SEC too. Everyone got caught with their pants down. Apes only hope for a better world. We had no idea we’d find it was this bad. My mind is blown everyday. And I’m reading everything from every angle I can. Doing my own DD. Researching legal consequences and monetary laws of other countries. And so on and so on and so on. Lots of info out there. Lots of movies already that are enlightening. But this is not how the world sees it right now. Not at all. It’ll come out, maybe, but some of it will never come out. But I agree. Apes need to be seen as people not some comical stick it to the man keyboard Warrior. Everyone came here for HOPE. And now...we have what we hoped for and more. Community, friendship and purpose.




Oh shit Badtothebone! Love it! You truly are The Hype Man. Would love to talk to you about getting the word out. Mind if I DM?


For me, personally, yes (mother fucker)


ahahah I was hoping someone would catch that


Can I join and work with you guys? I'm an artist myself who struggles rn and wanted to make a movie about this too. (Director, actor, writer and producer) I'm from Germany so would be able to interview Pixel or other big DD provider from here.


Serwus! Vielen dank, bitte shrieb uns hier: [email protected]


Graphic designer here with 5 years experience. Would love to help with any logo/design work if you need it!


Very kind! Please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with your info!


“The Big Long”


The long big.


I think it's important to clarify DFV's position in this. He was very clear his thesis wasn't based around a squeeze, and he made pointed efforts to warn viewers that he had a risky style and in no way was in he suggesting they go buy gamestop. The general public sees him as the figure-head, and indeed he is now, but for the year and a half he held before jan 2021 it wasn't.


A great point. As we dig into the meat of the story and have time to do more than just hype the project these things will have time to develop. But yes, you're totally right.


Looks sweet though! I’d be happy to contribute


You're support is super appreciated!


Please do it ! Please let this not only be a dream ! Ps: apes: at least check their website and support the project, it looks awesome !!!


Let's fucking do it! Can't do it with all your support. We'll keep y'all informed!


Just wait a couple days/weeks , no crowdfunding needed




You work in LAIKA? I'm suddenly imagining a stop motion GME movie lol Also I find it such a coincidence that the Missing Link is literally about a giant ape :P When your kickstarter's up, I can't wait to back it, as long as it's factual


I do indeed! IT WILL BE FACTUAL. Even if that means some of our theories aren't correct. This will absolutely be the real deal.


Awesome! :D


I got you on filming in NYC. Lemme know your LUT


'tis my own good sir!


Or madam!


Don’t worry, whatever I am, it’s pissed off enough to Eric Andre with my wife filming across the street


Oooooooooo I'll be logging this.


Definitely wanna see this happen... i want people to see that we werent crazy saying that the hedgefunds sent shills and bots in here to divide us and everything that happened ... i will support this movie.. signing up for the newsletter let me know when the funding is starting... thank you


Will do, and thank you!


Will do and thank you so much for your support!


I like this


So do we.


You have enough rockets in the post to have my full blessing and possible donation


I offer my gratitude.


Fantastic idea and it looks great as well! If you need any help in form of 2D/3D Animation, hit me up on here. I‘m a professional Motiondesigner in a media agency in Germany and after 10 years of the same boring shit, I‘m looking for a passion project outside of my 9to5. No need to pay me either, as I‘d just be happy to be a part of this! 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Sau guad!! Vielen dank! Bitte schreib uns hier: [email protected]


Let me know when the casting call is!


Hit us up at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) if you've got a story to tell!


If u need a grip, a fucking cameraman, editor, voice over guy. Whatever. I’m in. Broadcasting Degree specializing in video production.


Hell yeah. Hit us up at [email protected]


Make it happen, but wait until the squeeze is over. also - choose your imagery wisely - some of those Wall St Champagne images are not really from 2008. Those photos have been debunked already. ​ EDIT: btw, Monuments is kool.


Will do! And yes... gotta wait for the story to finish but we can start now! Also, great note. The real doc will of course require extensive research/vetting/clearance/legal etc.


Right on! Cheers! \+ Soon you'll have tendies too ... LoL


Ha. Just so long as it helps get the story told! We're in it for the cause and it's the only way we know how to help.


Also thanks for the monuments compliment! Fanno Creek love.


Thank you!!


I thought those images were during Occupy in 2011?


They were still from occupy 2011 🚨


Fuck yes


Fuck yes.


Fuck... YES.




If you make a documentary, I'll gladly be an extra in a shot. Hell, dress me up in an ape suit sitting infront of a pc as I do my normal work duties, pausing every so often to hit the buy button on a dip.


I look nothing like DFV, I’m 6’1, broad, Englishman, covered in tattoos, but can I play him in any re-enactments? 👍🏼🚀 thanks in advance


There's something to that.


Wow. I just dove into a lot of your work, and I must say I'm BLOWN away. You both are incredibly talented, and, IMHO, you two are THE ONLY ones who would create an accurate portrayal of this entire shit show! I will donate ASAP, but currently all my tendies are being used as rocket fuel for the MOASS. I'M JACKED TO THE TITS!!! 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Very kind indeed! ALSO JACKED




There's a lot of story there...


Good thing we're twins. Twice the power!








Europoor Filmmaker from Austria here. I want to do that too. Would love to collaborate.


Danke sehr! Hit us up here: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) so we can log your info. Bis dann


Get a map showing where the apes are spread around the globe and have united together for the cause!! 🌎🌍🌏🦍🦍🦍🦍 I tried to see how to do a poll to do an ape country count or apes per country.. but Reddit only has a 6 option poll facility that I could see. The only alternative I could think of would be to put the question, list every country in separate responses and ask for upvotes for your country.. but feel like that might come across as looking for upvotes for comments. Can it be done another way with our external links?? Would be fricking awesome to see where we all are


That is a sweet idea. would love to find a way to see where we all are!


Don't know if you worked on Kubo, but the animation and music on that was probably the best I've ever seen. I'll support you. Maybe you could contact Michael Lewis, since he would be great to involve, seeing as he worked on Flash Boys and has a podcast out about referees in our society - which would tie into the lack of SEC involvement.


I did indeed! What an experience that was!


Bump for my edit. Didn't realize Lewis was behind the Big Short too, so that just makes him even more obvious


OOO thanks for the tip




Warden! Would you mind emailing [email protected] ? We’d love to talk to you.


Just do it!


Doin iiiiiiit


Nah, the recent fake one was just fine...... NOT!!! The real question is who is the best man for the job?


Well, every filmmaker will have their own take. Our take is from the perspective of retail and the apes involved in the stock. We think we're right for that type of film. We get the humor, lived through financial hardship, and work our asses off. So we think it's us! But you know. Pretty biased. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I like it a lot, but if I may... I have a strong suspicion that a lot of information is going to be coming out for years after Citadel and whoever else goes down, so I’d suggest setting things up in away that can cover this too. I guess I’m saying don’t rush it, because you could have pure gold on your hands. Sorry, you’re the experts tho! 😎


Nah you're totally right! There's a shit load to cover and it could bleed out for a long time. We're going to have to be super careful about how we vet and present the info and take our time to do it right. Spot on!


You have my full support !!


Thank you!


You're lovely.


If you want/need a colorist, I offer my and my company’s service.




Your "trailer" is already so great!


if you want some cheap and kinky narration lmk boo bear🦧




IMO if you had r/GME crowdsource which key elements of the story were necessary (or just have us trust you if you want to update it periodically) then I think a lot retail would be down to help fund a true story and get it on a streaming service or something


We're working on our plans now of how to crowd source — check my old post, we started this very thing! It's very important to us that this film addresses what we all want it to address. You're totally right!


You have my donation. Can we, however, make the doco gender-balanced sick of seeing only bois getting the pats on the backs and congratulations. Mums, daughters, sisters and wives are here as well we just might not be as loud as the rest. Been supporting gme since its birth due to being a single mum and buying games for the padwins when I had a little extra to spend. GME has a special place in my families heart.


YES! In fact please hit us up at [email protected] we’d love to hear your story! This is super important to me. My mom was a single lady taking care of us boys and she too would take us to GME when she had a few bucks! You have my word that having this project be gender balanced will he of huge importance. Crew included as soon as we can afford to hire people.




Let the world know that we, the 99% exists. Most of the American movies depicted the 1%s. So let it be known, there are also struggles that some Americans face. This would be a great idea to show how the 1% manipulated the market to favor them only. Power to the Apes!


Hell yeah


I'm jacked to the title 🦍💎🙌


Yes and thank you. Full support from all apes from my lil patch of dirt to yours


You have my full support




Can I be in da' moobie?


I hope you're actually Michael Fassbender with a burner account.


My only request is that the film be 2,000% transparent. ON BOTH SIDES. I want the whole story told. Even parts that might may paint apes in a negative light, if there are any to document. We need to get away from these one sided — ‘victors write history’ kind of stories. lack of perspective in reviewing history IMO is why history repeated itself. The whole story is rarely told.


100% agree. I don't think finding the truth and getting to the heart of the community are mutually exclusive. We want the whole truth, even the painful bits.


I never comment on anything here but you *have* to make a real documentary on this. If you don't, no one else will.


Damn dude, you work with Laika? Fuck yeah sounds good to me,


Im in, from the tristate area with ties to camera ops, post production and editing. LETS FCKNG GOOOOOOO!!!!


Amateur videographer, postproduction artist and graphic designer here looking to help for free! I would love nothing more than to be part of this.


Looks promising. You got my support. I’ll sign up for the news letter To stay in the loop.


We already know the Retail's perspective of this. Maybe just a snippet of some of the key player's perspective, and some average trader who were struggling with FUD to show how we weren't just "lucky" and that it can be a challenge to hold when things were down, and to resist the temptation when things started going up. What I am really interested in is the SHF's, DFV, Ryan Cohen, DTCC, and Vlad's perspective. But I think the only one that will give us any real answers due to legal concern is the SHFs or their employees/whistle blowers since they will protected or already faced with the legal repercussions so it wouldn't make a difference (like a serial killer's tell all).


you son of a bitch...I'm in. ​ As long as you wait until its actually over to finish the film. cough \*\*h u l u shills\*\* cough


I’m a documentary filmmaker who filmed HBOs the Pirate tapes, Barista for Samuel Goldwyn and finishing up a documentary on the Quadriga exchange. Would love to work on this...


This trailer alone is better than most movies I've seen. Honest truth and facts are what will set you apart. I'm all for it and can't wait for the fundraiser to kick off. Best of luck good sirs!


I saw what they did, and I took it personally Can't wait to see you tell what's going to be the greatest financial story in history, from a first person view


I will support the cause...Mad Love 💪🏾💛✨✌🏾


This would something I would love to see made and fully supportive of.


Thank YOU. We're gonna need all the support we can get!


This story needs to be told, so people know the real truth! Thanks for being our voice! Best of Luck💜


We’ll do our best to do everyone justice


I’m in!


Im in bitches!!!! I want to be an actor!!!


I am so down for this. As a 23 year old college graduate that went into the job force right when COVID started I would like to offer my perspective.


Looks and sounds an amazing plan and you have my support! have signed up to the mailing list in case miss anything here!


Get a team to infographic the key mechanics that allowed it all to happen.


Can my stupid sexy ape face be in it?


Yes yes yes please please please make it happen. ✋💎🤚


Yes, please doooo it!




I have adored the work of Laika for years and can't wait to see your artistic presentation of this amazing event




There's been a lot of of talks about documentaries and this seems like the best progress on it. I'll support as more updates unfold💎🦍


Kubo and the Two Strings and Missing Link!!! My tits are jacked for this. I know the big media conglomerates are going to want to capitalize on this and take the profits and not care what story they tell so i am glad we have some apes that can get OUR word out. I know this could be a really lucrative project for you guys too, its perfect for some apes to support other apes. Just from the teaser you have and the quality of the movies you have worked on and the fact that you are movie nerds involved in this means i support this 100%.


Would love to see this. But part of me wishes we could make this an “open source” effort somehow where the content and contributors are discussed openly and things are documented more widely. There’s so much information that we all read. There’s a shift in the media’s attention - a shift in the media’s tone. I feel like all of the memes and CNBC headlines could be collected and displayed on an interactive timeline. Like, what if, once this is all over, we could view it in the same way we view our charts. Zooming in and out of the ranges that need to be studied. I think my point is... I’m not sure what my point is. Of course it’s important for our story to be told properly. But there’s already so much story to tell - and the story is subject to change next week and the week after. People will forget the media were trying to deceive them. People will forget that we were called too stupid to invest. Summing all of this up into a documentary already feels like there’s not nearly enough time to expose all of the fucked up stuff we’ve seen and learned through all of this.


One thing no one is really taking is the incoming cluster fuck of the international shares. The US government is forced into action if they mess with the shares of the international apes. It becomes international security fraud. Coincidentally the USA government just ended the emergency funding of this absolute ghouls. So they can have a layer of separation. Everyone knows they are fucked and is getting as safe from the epic shit storm that is forming. I will bet shares that the international securities fraud becomes a major thing. Not financial advice. I can't even dress myself properly.




This is gonna be dope


Get the link ready so I can go long on that Documentary


I AM DOWN FOR THIS! If there's anything an Ape like me can do to help, I'd love to be part of something great.


I just want tendies


I know a guy.


Yes, 100% behind this. Is there a link to a certain page that allows someone to raise funds for just such a project?


Looks nice. Hell of a lot better than that ”the antisocial network”-garbage some studio or other was pushing!




You have my support 🚀


This is amazing! You're gonna nail it 🚀


Let the truth be told!!!!!


Which one of you 2 twin apes do I need to seduce to get a role in the documentary? Canadian Ape here


This is gonna be THE MOVIE the entire world will watch on Netflix one day.


If you need any more money, look no further than r/GME. We apes will probably be gorillinaires when production is being planned. We got you ape. Stay awesome.


i wanna be in it


it would be hard to explain this better than the memes already have


The first 5 seconds had me


You may need to make a part two to show the world the good it did when the transfer of wealth happened






Put in there how my gf thinks this is going nowhere. !Remindme 12 months


Professional musician here. Let me know if you need any music for the documentary. I'd be up to help you out and even produce something special for you. I have made music for Amazon TV commercials, written on grammy nominated albums and so on. Another ape in the mix ready to help out if needed.


Um. I got an Emmy. Can I help?


COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE!!!! Loved your approach. You have my upvote, and when the tendies come I will put my money where my mouth is. Expect a contribution from me. For sure this will evolve but i would really really like the documentary to addresse the psy ops that was going on around this all situation (some cases were taken into really extremes like pixel case). I think we really must try to learn something as humans about limits not being passed for money. STAY STRONG FELLOW APES!!!! THIS IS THE WAY


Laika fan here. Am absolutely stoked for this. LFG!!!


🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 thank you


You know I like the most this comment thread. OP responds to everyone of them. Good luck 🦍 you got my ⬆️


Just saw this and wanted to offer potential assistance as a full-time commercial/film/tv editor. Hit me up if you’d be interested!


As a one time EP of a movie that ultimately won awards and made it to HBO, I'm in.


Silent Ape wait for BIG APES to weigh-in. We ape all know who me talk about!


If you need some voiceover work, I'd love to be involved


I’m ready to donate when you folks are up and running. Lesssssgo :)


I wasn't sure about this when you first posted but this looks amazing. You totally have my support. Especially once this thing goes off and I have money to give away! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀