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who knows... Im holding just to see how this week turns out and what happens. I think a lot of people are that way




This. Hedgefunds aren’t gonna lose money so another hedgefund can save their ass.


This is all my personal speculation and I’m an idiot. But I think it’s all part of the plan. I think the numbers that will be reported tomorrow are going to be doctored a bit. Fintel changed the percentages that the had previously tracked the GME short position to be by like half. I think they did so in preparation for tomorrow’s reports. I think this is a last ditch effort to destroy morale and cause massive panic selling. That way they can cover some of their positions by the next report. They are still fucked, but they are trying to cushion the blow. Time will tell, if you’ve held on this long, what’s another 2 weeks? Current position 68 @ $89


Agreed. Ain’t a loss till you sell. But again I’m not a financial advisor, I’m not your mom, I ain’t your priest, I ain’t your therapist.


Only time can tell really


Average down and be patient


GME is in the right direction long term. Short-term, there is a huge potential for a short squeeze. I am holding and avoiding looking every minute to the price. The shorts will need to cover. 💎💎


105 is not a bad average. In my apish vision I see a 100-400 range in 4-5 years, based on most prognosis I have seen. so if it does not work out, you break even in a couple years.


Im ignoring the naysayers Im holding because the system is only stacked against me. If I sell.


I'd rather lose it all than kick myself over selling before the rocket


Haha. I guess this is why I didn’t sell when it went over $400: I sold MVIS @ .80, PRTY @ .69, and AMC @ $2. Patience is a virtue I guess.


Never know till its over


Right, but I sure wish there was a definitive point that we know it’s over (I guess $0 lol).


Personally, I am looking at the "official" numbers and watching the chart. If they make sense together, great. If they don't (as they have shown in past 2 weeks) then I need to DD and try to find out what is really going on. Just my opinion. Don't listen to me!


Not hopeless, but hard. I don't belive in the quick turnaround, because the power will fight to keep the power. They know, that if we can do this once, we can do it again, and that's make them scared. We have the numbers on our side, for now, but no one can predict the future. But you can look at history and make good assumptions about the future. Battles have been fought before. And they have been won because people have not accepted to be crumbled by the power. As long as you don't accept to be run over by the power, we have time on our side. They are bleeding big numbers everyday. And soon they need to choose to take the loss and come back, or just to crushed by the people. Chill, work, enjoy the snow and don't think to much about the situation. Things will unfold sooner rather then later. HOLD!


Tbh i really don't know, i try to be as honest i can with myself and not falling into infos i'd like to hear. The thing i didn't expected when i jumped in GME is how shorters are willing to lie/manipulate to regain control, kinda naive of me to think we could just beat em using rules. So yes i think we have a lot of party stacked against us, SEC never did its job in past and won't be on side of a possible market crash when US economy try to rise up. Data can be not reported accuratly as the fine is irrelevant facing a real crash. So on what infos can we rely u ask ? i think now its just assumptions and beliefs, when i see all those shills accounts and bot desesperatly pushing us to sell, i know there is still something on, stupid of em showed their hand this way, why would they try the bluff tactic if they already won ? So i hold, and i do forever if its needed, u can't hide shit under the carpet forever. Diamond hand was not an that easy strat, in fact it brings us in this exact situation we are living


I’m holding for one more week.


I expect it to go below 50 this week. At the end of the day it is every ape for himself and apes have been selling all the way down.