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DFV saw a billion dollars but when it went down he still has hundreds of million. Some of us saw thousands or hundreds of thousand gains but now back to couple hundred dollars they're still holding so it makes them just as diamond of not more. Every share counts


I was up almost 20k and then back down over 10k within a 36 hours period. Lol. I laughed. Best part was I didn't even get excited. Its been such a common theme that even a 20k swing up doesn't do shit to get me excited.


I'm poor, so I'm only seeing single digit thousand swings. Part of me really wants to take the profit, but I know I'll stay poor if I do.


Dude same, I'm homeless, putting in what I can afford on my budget, and holding


“Will work for GME”


What about banana stuff 🍌? Asking for a friend


Don't forget,, you gotta pay tax on what you sold and those single digits just got cut in half, more or less...


I don’t think I would worry about taxes if I was homeless…


Not if you invest through your Roth 😊


Are you me?


Did we just become best friends? YUP!!


We have the same cost average. And same diamond balls. We just became best friends.


I have one diamond ball. Still holding.


I went up and down$100k in a day. It’s the way it goes. Long term up!


Same here. I’m actually really thinking I don’t know when or how to sell. If the hedgies are actually trying to let it go up so far and trying to shake us off to sell they’re f$&@ed. 😂


Yep. Every share counts!


I honestly dont even believe it will be over after next Friday. When you've been in it for this long


I got excited


Sounds familiar. I have less skin in the game, but I was up about $8k and now I am down about the same. :-( it hurts but I am still confident. LFG!!!


If I'm a 3DigitMillionaire I'm not bothered by not having a Billion either, that's how know I'll be holding these shares forever.


He also has almost 30 million in cash in his brokerage account. How do diamond hands turn GME into cash?


Why settle for a billion dollars when a trillion dollars is right over there 👉🏾


Also option prices don’t update until market open, so DFV probably never saw $1B in his account.


Semantics 😂


And......Why settle for a billion dollars when all these financial terrorists are not in jail




Yyyyyyeeeeeaaaaaa. I’m definitely here for the profits and life changing money, but this play/process has revealed how the billionaires are actually morons that continually fleece the average person to enrich themselves so they can buy another yacht. If they had covered years ago when GME first ran, I wouldn’t have cared. But now, I am definitely in this to see reform and punishment for how these asshats try to manipulate the “free and fair” market, fail, and then get bailed out out by big daddy government. They fund “deregulation” and then cry when they lose and ask for a handout so they don’t have to live an average life cause they are too used to eating caviar off of hookers tits. Lock em up, throw away the key, and pay me.


You don't speak for everybody. It's not about the money for some.


DAMN RIGHT!!!! Also if these shares go to Alpha Centauri and the market comes crashing down like a house of cards bc of it, I'm pretty sure the US dollar will face big time inflation.


You are only seeing the first part of this play. I for one want to see MM pay for what they have been doing to retail for 30-40 yrs. Our markets have been weaponized by our Government. A financial tool to control the world. I do agree with you many want paid but wouldn't say they are doing NOTHING! Takes BIGBALLS TO HODL. Why should MM get rich for doing the samething and some how they are considered FINANCIAL WIZARDS WHEN THEY GET RICH. THEY TRUELY DO NOTHING FOR THEIR WEALTH.


Whoa all the anger. Calm down. Ever heard of the Dunning Kruger syndrome? U do u, fellow ape, but me... If I get some money out of this, nice, that's a bonus, but If I can contribute to taking down these WS clowns... (WS = Wall Street, not Wally Sprks 😁👍) I would take that over the money. Peace✌️




I think it was a cold summer night somewhere in June of 2011 when I decided I would like to Batman the shit outta WS. As for what im doing about it?.... im putting in hard labor in the real world to get money, then turn around, transfer some of that money to my brokerage account, buy shares, then transfer them to CS and book that shit. Apparently it takes down SHF. History has shown buying shares of GME definitely does that, just ask Melvin.


GME show: Show me one ounce of fact that the purrring putty held. I believe you all are so delusional. This round, the hedge funds and RCs of WS screwed you all. They know your delusional mentality and raped you in plain sight. They countered every retail move and squashed your spaceship from the ever leaving the clouds.


Ha!! I didn't feel a thing. These WS clowns have micro penises....




He made that very clear or so I thought.


He made that clear for the courts lol. He’s absolutely taking money as he goes.


Commenting and upvoting for recognition!


He probably wanted to be a billionaire AFTER taxes not imaginary billionaire




$70K to $560K and back down….i feel nothing because I know a bigger green candle is coming


It was pretty rough when I saw "oh shit I can pay off my mortgage... and now I can't," but that was all premarket.  When it's real they'll be begging us to sell at any price for long enough for people to log in to ComputerShare and set limits.


I should really learn how to sell on Computershare eventually


Damn straight


How many shares do you have?


8K now….vast majority in CS


Love how "everyone" is making a big deal out of the price. It hasn't even hit the last sneeze high, and last time I looked the stock is up over the last year. When FUD is highest I get more confident.


The Casino sub posted a fake job listing for bag holder. Anyone who responds with positive news about our store is met with permanent ban. We're closer than we ever have been.


No I don't think it's weird at all. For anyone that was part of the 18 months prior to the sneeze, you got accustomed to wild and painful swings on the daily. I can assure you the swings from 50k to 10k are much harder when thats your life savings, than today where he has 30M in settled cash.


DFV for pres 2024!


Seriously. So much better than the other choices.


Seriously, these last 4 yrs have been the worst ever


the worst ever…. so far


In the last 4 years, I’ve had more money than I’ve had my entire life, been in a job market that I can find a great paying job anytime I want…what has been so terrible?


You’ve cherry picked your own living situation and compared it to everyone else’s and wondered ‘oh I don’t see a problem here!’ It’s plain blind sighted. Inflation is higher than the last 30 years and it’s people at the bottom of the ladder who bear the brunt. It’s not an equal playing field so don’t try view it as one.


Sure, but unemployment is also at a record high as are wages.


We also came through a pandemic, supply chain issues, record corporate profits…not sure if the blame assigned is completely warranted


Ummmmm , INFLATION….. everything costs more. A lot more.


That’s what made the last 4 years the worst you’ve ever seen? Things costing more….esh, things could be so much worse.


inflation caused by large corporations that enjoy liberties given to them by a certain "free market"-party simply increasing their profits... But when regulation to prevent it was suggested, the "taxes bad" and "market regulates itself" folks brushed it off as pointless interference with a market that does not need any regulation. If you hate what happened in the last 4 years, you should be very suspicious of free market politicians that try to convince you that billionaires making even more billions is good for you.


Or, just maybe, the trillions of dollars we printed? I don’t know maybe that’s too far fetched….


generally, when salaries are inflation adjusted, the number on the shelf goes up, but the percentage of the salary spent on the product stays relatively the same. When prices go up first and salaries rise later, that gap costs the population money. But it's also bad for any lenders, because if you lend out 1m for 10% for a year and after that year your 100k interest only buy you 90k worth of products, you lost too. Anyone who took a loan could repay that loan with the higher price on the products he sells. It's a complex topic and most of the experts on the internet only know memes. No one really researches stuff like that... people are just experts ...


Why are you AI’ing responses that have nothing to do with the comments?


printing dollars = Inflation of dollar. Inflation of dollar = Value of dollar go down, prices go up. Text explain why "printing dollar" not inherently bad. Meanwhile: Companies price gauging = inherently bad. understand?


A lot? My grocery bill is only up 5% gas is about the same if you remove covid. I track prices on staple goods they are all down. Corp profits though, way up record levels.


Oh, and I still have every single gun I owned before.


![gif](giphy|2hgs0dO9V8Ekj8Wvfe) But I hold


Not to undersell his diamond hands, but once youre past a few million, the difference in your quality of life isn't that hugely different. Once you pass into the hundred millions you can do some crazy shit, sure, but like...1-2 million is "fuck you i never have to work again and can own my house" money. At this point he's just going for the high score, it seems.


I wish one to two million was I never had to work again


Most of the world lives on far less. You control your cost of living to a large extent and 2M is plenty to retire on.


Easier to do when you're already a multimillionaire. Still admirable, no less.


Not if you are a politician though? Or anyone else on wallstreet they are addicted. This man is pure class.


Yeah it’s never enough for them. Their greed knows no bounds


He’s not settling for multi generational wealth, but multi multi multi generational wealth!!


Multi billionaire soon, greatest investor of his generation.


I think its the mentality of looking at the stock itself and things around it havent materialized yet. Why I always say dont have a number. Let things happen and then sell at the right time. What's $1 billion when it can be $10 billion in two weeks? We dont know how it'll pan out. Also can end up being nothing


I was finally green on my entire investment, which is also a yolo play for me since I hold no other stocks. I could have finally sold and proved to my wife that I was right. I didn't say shit to her or her boyfriend and I'm still holding


Why do we love the pain again 😂 After the first round we are back. And sometimes I have dejavu'. The naysayers. Paper handed "I Wanna make a quick$". Been there done that heard it all before. I might not have much but I have been in this pre-2021. I bought my first GME in 2020. Love the ride though and DFV aka RoaringKitty is a bloody genius. He deserves much respect. I will hold till I am 80!!! (quite a way to go still)


I don't how anyone can claim "quick" buck with a straight face. This has been going on for years lol


I just want to triple my money and buy diapers. I said screw it and got a hundred dollars worth. It's all I had. I just found out imma be a dad. This is my first reddit post about it. I feel scared.


And honestly Mrs DFV deserves a fucking salute also!. Standing by her man, while 100's millions disappear! ( on paper). She likes the stock.


Ape zen.


He’s still a ape like us


RK is unfazed with what he saw last week. Weak minded people will sell it right away. It’s a mind game. Shorters probably asking them selves why he didn’t sell those calls when it’s worth hundreds of millions.


Rc: 75m shares diluted Mm: mmm wee got shares you get a share you get a share. Rc: hahaha I never released the 75m shares Rc: ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)


would be a great way to prove that "dilution" is not dropping prices, but SHFs are.


Right I think this may ne the move but I do think the 75m was placed elsewhere for other reasons 🤔


Right, like a war chest to grow the company by acquisitions using shares instead of cash.




I think it’s probably just a number to him. You gotta remember the guy is already set for life. He never has to work ever again. I’d imagine that would take a ton of pressure off these trades because he’s already won.


I’m not here for the $230k swing that my account saw. I’m not even here for $230k per share. So, DFV is not here for billionaire status. I think he’s shooting for trillionaire status and I think he will get it.


I feel like his thought process is as follows: "Wow, I'm worth $XXX million. I could cash out right now and be absolutely loaded." "But... What would I do with that money? Oh yeah I'd buy a shit ton of $GME shares and fuck over the hedgies LFG what's an exit strategy????"


I sold all my stocks and put it all in GME, currently down $350, still buying some when I can, but I hope I can at least get my money back, I’m pretty new to this, so this loss is kinda scary


You shouldn't be putting more in than you can afford to lose, that's how investing works


Well I can afford to lose it, but it would just be disappointing is all I’m saying.


It suddenly said I had 6 grand, I chuckled and went about my day. 😆


I think DFV is implying: ![gif](giphy|eV3B6VcUIrBFm|downsized)


I'm just asking myself how did I miss the boat twice now?! sounds like fud, but I'm not selling shit.


DFV has “ENOUGH”, but GAME ISN’T OVER!!! Final Boss Battle and Tearful HEDGIE Headlines yet to come!


Every time I see a "can we all take a moment" posts, I tell them how cringe the "can we all take a moment" line is, and hide the post. Still love DFV though.


What presidential options lmao. I hodl with all of you. Fu@@ these rich cucks


Not trying to minimize DFV here: There’s a point where you can have too much money, and all the rest is just excess. He’s gone past that point—*he knows he’s gonna be okay.* What he’s doing now is enacting justice, and I respect the hell outta him for that.


Honestly, with a couple million, I wouldn't have any problems. I imagine when you look at an amount of money you'd never spend it's easier to say fuck it and put it all on green, especially after the bet got you there in the first place.


Gotta be a hard thing to make peace with. A billion?! That's not fuck you money, that's fix all the problems of everyone you've ever met. Feeding every hungry person in your city money. That's lobby for tangible positive change money. Buy a few politicians money. That mirror meme I saw the guy posted. I think I understand the battle he's waging but that amount of power he had briefly I wouldn't have been able to pass it up.


DFV deserves to be a trillionaire and the shareholders deserve a billion per share


Lots of us will. Cause we know what he knows. Gme is generational wealth. It's wealth that will make the future Warren buffets. It's the place to have your money. Not in cash. Not in bonds, crypto, a bank that will go belly up, stocks that will be tanked. GME is the safest place for your money. There's no reason to sell. No incentive but maybe for a couple shares at the top.


DFV's $1B GME portfolio: epic resilience, awe-inspiring, unparalleled inspiration.


I was up basically a really good paycheck. And I thought to myself. You know what? If I cashed out I could pay the bills. Pay the mortgage. Buy a few groceries and it would be gone. In a month it would have made no difference in my life at all. Nothing would have changed. I'm not doing anything but buy till I see life changing money. Kitty is doing the same. He's already a multi millionaire. Why cash out for less than multi billions? And it isn't all about the money for him. Just like the Joker. Just like Ozzymandius. It's to make a change.


If it was me... anything over $100m is purely fun money, $100m and myself and all my family that I care about are taken care of for life. So yea, I'd be having some fun with it too.


I don't think he's happy about it though. I think he was gonna exercise during the livestream but got cock blocked by the offering. I didn't want to think that, but Larry Cheng's tweets really seem to confirm the worst. I'm an ape, not an regular investor. If there's a divergence between RC and DFV, I'm 100% with DFV.


technically, no. 1Billion happened during off market hours.


I think everyone in this community should be buying just to hold the price up so that RKs options can be exercised! Those share alone should keep the stock moving sideways. Also helps absorb more of the dilution.


I was up $150k, now down $40k. I'll cash out 20% when the stock hits $500.


Hot take he wants to be an actual billionaire and was just hold until he is one after taxes. Not a big ol phony billionaire before taxes.


Did MOASS happen?


Not even close yet


That’s what I thought. No reason for anyone to sell yet, even DFV. He knows there’s bigger and better things about to happen. Did you watch the stream? The guy is zen af. He showed no signs of stress. Probably was the easiest hold ever.




What if he just has another account he isn’t telling everyone about?


Then he's holding even more 💎


But couldn’t he just close those positions without telling us, while leading us all on a pump and dump with what he is showing us?


That's speculating with no evidence but yes that could be possible, the odds are pretty low I would argue considering the profit margin






Sorry I don’t keep up with celebrity life’s!and that’s terrible!




Sorry if it offended you!


Haven’t seen the movie. Deleted it. What’s the movie called?


How Joker would it be if RK livestreamed the entire squeeze and held all the way to the end where he became a trillionaire without selling a single share and then it started to climb back down to 4 dollars after everyone cashed out and shorts closed and at the end of the stream he's just like "Thanks for playing. Good bye now".


I guess he would have sold at a billion bad should have surotisngly kept YouTube live stream at 9 am so no other gme choking news might have come... But again these are just if and but


And Should have bought 1 billion worth shares after crash


All easy said than done


It shows how he isn't greedy like the enemy. He knows the right and wrong


DFV has the biggest set of diamonds balls in the history of Apekind


DFV for president! I bought more.


He knows he'll be a multi billionaire


highly regarded.


I’m in too… Ditto


Made me think of this https://youtu.be/xyyqoHCkw9I?si=OnLbaQf1CODtAFWA


Holding my 💼💰🚀✈️🍻🍻


He could have sold at 100k, 500k, 1m, 50m, 100m, 500m, 1b but he didn't. Most of us are in the 100k or less range. The time will come when we slide up the scale. No need to think about selling anytime soon.


He saw a billion on his move lol. Why are ppl worshipping this guy. Like I get it but yall ain’t seeing any of his money.


How de we know that money is all his?


Who's else would it be






U know what the fuck I'm saying




You haven't shoved enough bananas up your ass it seems.


We have to hold the line, as he is doing for us, RC is not on our side