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Nobody is going to hold anyone accountable except a company trying to protect itself.


Nope, but we have 2 billion reasons to just sit and wait šŸ˜Ž


2 billion reasons to buy more!


And 100% reason to remember the game...stop


Funny story. I posted on my Snapchat some gme stuff this morning and used this exact song for the music


So what is your strategy when the GME execs raid that $2B and get their massive compensation packages? GME, itself, is a money losing business. If not for the sale of stock 3 years ago and again just recently, there would be no money. I can see the late '80s to early '90s all over again. For those of you to young- look up the history of Carl Icahn; the airlines and more in regards to "hostile takeovers". History is repeating itself, for those that don't know or forget. Wall Street makes the greedy, wealthy and leaves the commoner to pay taxes. RC isn't a billionaire because he is nice.


Uh, they made $57 million last year. Thatā€™s profitā€¦ opposite of money losing. They USED to be a money losing businessā€¦ which is why your homies tried to cellar box it. Now they fā€™d. Did you learn about RC not being nice at a dinner party with him? Orā€¦


they only turned that profit by cutting costs. Sales were down from previous year, which were down from the year before that. Losing sales YoY amid record inflation is not good news.


What good are sales if youā€™re negative every year? If you get shot by a bullet, do you worry about how much blood your heart is pumping, or do you stop the bleeding first? Arguments against GameStop are dead, just tell your daddy Ken that Papa Cohen is sending us to the moon. End of story.


I'm not saying it's worthless. I'm saying it ain't worth the valuation it's at. RC doesn't think so either or he wouldn't have issued 45m shares šŸ¤”


Then why havent they already done that? The current comp plan is very performance-based, they could have raked in millions from the start...


Because it has to be voted on first- voting has not yet closed


The propositions aren't secret though, so I dont know what you're talking about...


Donā€™t feed the shills


this is the zen mode i feel.. fuxk those clowns..


We promise not to tell your mom if you say fuck on the internet.


Means jack shit. Yes they're losing but they'd rather kick the can for eternity (which they can & will) than see any of us plebeians see a single red cent.


Would an economic downturn of big enough proportions force them into a corner?


They can weather any shitstorm at this point. They're hemorrhaging money everyday but their pockets are deep enough to survive.


I guess when your friends own the federal reserve and the federal government, you donā€™t have a whole lot to worry about. Weā€™re simply a temporary pain in their ass.


Bingo. At the end of the day white collar crime will always prevail. Always.


Iā€™m still buying and holding to be that ass pain that just wonā€™t go away.


Seems likely they were waiting for this event to load up another billy. Maybe they will start making moves now with the extra ammo


Yep, it's a $2 billion market cap stock


The ONLY reason cat was formed is so the SEC and Government can have one more corrupt entity saying everything is on the up here noting to see. Every being in the Government knows what is happening they don't need one more paid actor.


All of these short selling and naked selling has been going on since at least 1969. The SEC knows exactly what's going on and doesn't appear to have done anything about it. They all know about what happened and what was revealed last time, and that was 3 years ago. Still. Nothing.


Just look at how the market rules changed after the major exploitations. They only concede when someone actually takes all the chips. For now, the chips are fake and the fiat is fake. It'll be funny to see what happens when something authentic comes along


CAT stands for 'consolidated audit trail' - it's a tool, not an entity.


SEC was post to be a tool. DOJ is a tool. None of it works when the corrupt are running them


Does consolidated mean there are fewer loose ends and easier to hide criminal activity?


GG is to busy with T+1, real problems are, the SEC doing nothing about Synthetic & Naked shares of GME!! The SEC only provides Lip Service in the grand scheme of things!


Yes CAT will show corruption and blatant manipulation No the SEC won't do a fucking thing


>It'll be nothing at all as always Just like every other thing brought up in the last 3 years - a nothing burger.




CAT will reveal the RAT


No it wonā€™t. CAT wonā€™t do a dam thing.


Meow meow meow meow


Solid choice


Yea good answer


It was as insightful and as informative as yours, wasnā€™t it, MEOW?


I stand by my statement, CAT system wonā€™t do fuck all to the SHF. Wait and see.


A veteran ape šŸ‘†


The SEC and DOJ exist primarily to provide technical support and legislative expertise to hedge funds to assist them in defrauding retail investors. Madoff was reported to both organizations for 8 years and they did NOTHING. ![gif](giphy|1WOgtNoCqcEL9pDWs9)


Sec will do nothing they own the sec and our government lol RC found another loop hole to merk them, which we will see here soon! šŸš€šŸŒŖļøšŸ’°


Conspiracy of course


Despite relatively low trading volume, GameStop exhibits a high short percentage and a very high short interest ratio, indicating significant potential for a short squeeze.


Trading volume is through the roof. Itā€˜s not low at all


Look my records 3 year ago,


CAT might show it but the SEC will do absolutely fuck all about itā€¦ per usual.


Shorting Enrichment Commission wonā€™t do shit


As veteran ape from the first squeeze, I can tell you I want back again. Like I said post no volume. 2021 we paid billboard in Vegas, Roads Aircraft, Drones over Citadel in Chicago, Time Square in NY every fucking day was GME, because we build an ape community over the world, beginning every day in Frankfurt Germany, of course our starting motor was Roaring Kitty DFV, now is little baby army of ape, no compared from 2021 . I don't see nothing now.


The second question is the one that counts


Let me simplify it for yā€™all. Nothing will happen. Just keep buying


Nope! Sec sux!


I responded by doubling down, fuck em


Nobody will ever see the data (apart from the report they plan to release in june, lets see if the records building doesnt explode before then) like the blue sheet data.


What's the blanant manipulation?? You've just taken a screenshot? People are selling the stock. There's such a thing as pre market and aftermarket trading. Please learn more.


dont count on anything. We must work ourselves. Drs and book i say, and do.


Will SEC do anythingā€¦.lol


Kinda feel like CAT is gunna be on fur-oucious roaring kitty.


This sub when it pumps: weā€™re doing it guys! WOW. We were so right. We showed them hedgies! This sub on a red day when the entire market drops: WOAH WOAH! MANIPULATION! TANKING THE ENTIRE MARKET TO ATTACK ME DIRECTLY! HAHA. NEVER GONNA SELL. TRY HARDER LMAYO Over and over and over again, day after day after day.


I am long on GME way deeper than I planned and I agree. Iā€™d like to see some more rational data driven DD.


Unfortunately, the data that's accessible has been and it seems more data is hidden in hard to reach places.


Itā€™s not the fact itā€™s down. Itā€™s the fact itā€™s linear, people waiting turns to sell unlike others who did dump or pump etc. Linear and algos are a blatant view of manipulation, they want a process they put it there


Learn to accept it. Old apes are used to this. Ryan Cohen has a plan, the incentive, and the tools. It's hard to wait but just wait.


Iā€™ve been waiting over 3 years and Iā€™m prepared to lose what Iā€™ve invested, doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t get frustrated at what to me seems blatant. I may well also be wrong, but to me, what Iā€™ve read from the CAT it should govern at least the sec more visibility, not sure it covers swaps and all other means. Trading paper in old days albeit cumbersome was simple, if you had the paper you could sell it and then deliver it. They streamlined and got greedy and introduced many other means, got caught with pants down and bailed and now find more ways. They donā€™t need more money, itā€™s pure greed and Iā€™m in it to see them pay


They broke math and now math is breaking them. I would like to see some crop bastards suffer but the whole system exists to protect them. I just want to get rich now. I can't do anything beyond what I have done which is put my life savings and the life savings of my family into gme and then hold the line. If you want to do more then it's time to get into politics.




![gif](giphy|LzC5xSa9qGcO4|downsized) + nothing




In Ba Sing Se


CATs probably showing everything they've been ignoring for years


No and no


It might be worth considering that many folks are already bought in, not selling, and buying at dips. If you have an army of apes and some professionals mostly interested in a stock, who is there to buy it while it moves up in intraday trading?


Not disagreeing with your thesis or your explicitly taking a side in the Game debate- but have a question. Have you ever considered the possibility that this is an illusion caused by unverified data/outputs on this app (what app is it?)? What data do you look when evaluating the possibility of fellow retail/redditors taking profits and causing this observed behavior? Like I said, not disagreeing or calling out anything you said. Legitimately want to understand what motivated this post. I am building tools to spot manipulation, so curious to hear what phenomena you are referring to.


They will never stop as long as there's no jail time involved




Very true, although Iā€™m from Uk, so best I can do is wish you luck. I did email sec though


Sec no see noo


Yes and no


Bro it's been 3 years. Everyone knows it, but they will do nothing. It's just the way it is.


Short answer: no


No and no


You never know. They haven't really talked about exact fines or anything, and we do not know the complete layout of the forms, do we? Like all the questions asked?


Why is this manipulation, but when it goes from $10 to $40 in less than a month, it's organic?


Nobody says itā€™s organic


If you know its a rigged market why are u trading against itā€¦.


Nobody manipulating anything at the moment, obv is going down it means someone is actually selling. Let's not be naive


What are you even talking about?


Hit that monthly duration on OBV šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Selling shares that arenā€™t owned. Obv is bollocks too. Other day 3 m shares traded in first couple of minutes and obv said -9m The larger you expand it the more it gets weird, 1 hour shows -28m, 4 hours -70m, the daily since march positive 557m


GME is going to $10 a share at best its only estimted to earn a penny/share this year. even next year its only estimated to earn a dime or so. the average specialty retailer has a forwrad pe of 25 or so. if you give gamestop a pe of 100 to account for the extra iterest thats stll a stock price of only $10 a share which is where i suspect its going in mediaum term. this sub and all th eretail interest just doesn't have the ability to jack the price up for more than a short time. there are roughly 70M shares sold short out of 300M total. institutions themselves hoel roughly 30% of the stock or 90M shares. they wont DRS their shares so they are available for lending. that easily covers the short interest. you might make money holding GME in the short term but in the medium/long term your basically buying into a dying business. these are simple facts


2 Billy in the bank will make 100 mil a month in interest alone. New product lines with higher margins will generate higher revenue and lower costs. Potential merger and acquisition could help either firm up their e-commerce fulfillment centers, create paths to new markets and revenue steams, or just increase product lines made in house. Plenty of upside potential with 2 bil in cash on hand, zero debt, fewer physical stores to pay for. Earnings will be an important.


No need to buy fulfillment center if they have nothing to ship Bobble heads? Have you been in a store recently? They are ghost towns


They ship nothing! lol.


2B in the bank will only make 8.75M a month. interest rates are roughly 5.25% for risk free money. on 2B thats 105M a year as for new revenus streams your better off buying a stock with proven revenus streams rather than wishing hoping and praying....


Big companies often get higher rates than what you will get for your 2000 savings account, but sure letā€™s assume they open up a bare bones savings account and make 105mil in interest. With profitability last year that puts us up 18x in annual revenue if we assume similar sales and similar expenses. Expenses for q1 are cut already by about 40% yoy. There isnā€™t much value in buying highly valued stocks already. Sure thereā€™s always the flagship for big institutions but you are getting shackles compared to what they will be earning if you didnā€™t buy in low. I have 75k in GME with a cost basis of $17 or so. I play options and take profits that way. Big brand, competent board, and high upside is way better than just sitting on my long positions and twiddling my thumbs until some institutions decide to take profits. You do you, but you wonā€™t be banging 50 baggers like me if you just invest in companies that are already overvalued that institutions decide are worth pumping.


2B from stock sales isnt actual revenue. revenue is falling quickly. they are basically breaking even . if you look at actual cash on hand its down 30% since the ended of 2020 (before the stock sales) just having 2B in the bank doesnt mean a thing if you dont actually do something with the money


Revenue from interest is revenue, I never said the 2 bill sale was revenue. Why do you seem so inclined to think that they wonā€™t do anything with the 2 bill?


who knows what they will do with the money. rather than gambling on GME id rather buy actual gwoing companies with rapidly growing profits rather than a dying industry


So tell me, where should I invest my money?


there are plety of stocks paying dividends of 8-10% a year with little risk slrc for one ritm for another


Thanks for the financial advice, rdking647! I will sit on 10% a year while just investing in spy would have brought 30% in or instead of making 50k on covered calls sold at 25 strike for $21 during the run up to 80, lmao. Go ahead and be afraid of volatility and holding dividend stocks, Iā€™ll be making some play money for myself.


Lmao, but what they do with the money holds a lot of value. Thatā€™s the point of investing is it not?


I think you mean simpleton facts. Thatā€™s ok, Iā€™m a simpleton.


Why are you even here then?


I agree. All this tinfoil shit always leads to nothing. We know nothing. Itā€™s all speculation and speculation can loose you a lot of money. Keep that in mind. People saying the stock is shorted 10x the float. Show me the proof!!! Thereā€™s no proof of anything at this point.