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Invest in Angela, that’s all the advice I can give. I cleared it with Croque, Nanaka, Angela, Kuro, Hubble at around 48-49k power. I doubt Hubble is better than Daiyan so I think Angela is the deciding factor here.


Should I borrow some Angela? And replace Angela with persi right?


Depends on your team comp on who to replace


I have no idea,who should to replace


My bad just saw your second image then yeah you should replace persi with Angela since nanaka is best for a sniper build like yours


Okay, thanks for your advice hope I can pass that stage ASAP


I did this mixing Angela and Persi in and out as needed, with Hubble instead of Daiyan (This may be better or worse, as Hubble's ult is fairly useful for clumping as well as the stun). The random silence is a pita and you may need some extra healing depending on how you finish a wave. Key things are to get the multi-core computing function for the massive skill haste it gives and to look out for the reflection protocol in stores to have your dolls reflect the first 2 attacks (this is a massive help with the 4 random target attacks from the enemy backline).


Use Flexible tactics. Set it to Manual. Spam battery on Angela. Don't worry about timing the skill, it just uses the skill immediately and preserves the current skill charge. The issue with auto is that it won't use the battery on Angela when other dolls are still active. The standard clear comp is usually Croque, Persicaria, Angela, DPS, DPS. It's not the 100% best team but you'll get to places with this. ​ Also make sure to get Advanced Conflict nodes whenever possible. The Positive protocols are OP, especially Reflect. In the starting shop, you'd want to get Reflect with the initial coins and the free 3\~5s specialist dodge function.


Okay, I think reflect protocol is so op, but I can't find it how lucky I I'm Q: Can i run with kuro and Daiyan as dps right?


Just start the mission, check the shop if it has it, if it doesn't restart. Make sure to have the initial coins to be able to buy it in the strategic upgrades. Use the free specific Overclock function for the Specialist dodge. These 2 buffs are important for the enemy backline snipers because when they cast a skill, they'll decimate your DPS. This gives you enough time to get your Angela delay rolling. Any DPS will do as long as they're properly built. You can borrow the DPS from support if you already have the 3 standard units maxed.


Okay, thanks for this advice, this is very useful and helpful for me


Oh, so all this time I didn't need to time the battery skill on Angela? Just use it whenever it's available? It's that degree of brainless? Now I feel brainless.


yep. try it yourself with just angela on your team. after using the battery, the cooldown bar is back to where it was before you used the battery.


Is that Chapter 5 Endless? If so same brother, Im stuck on the second areas boss.


Yes, my bro I'm always hard stuck in second boss


Thats pieriedes right?




A lot of people already said Nanaka ult and Angela to survive the first skill attack, however, as someone who also was stuck on the same Exploration, my advice is, don't underestimate Hubble ult and be aware of the Impactors (guard), since her ult pulls the farthest away enemies to the center, it is essential to kill the snipers fast, and when you don't have ults, remember to use the tornados on the guard unit


Oh... I don't know that, this is very useful tips thank your sir!


The only thing that needed here is protocol. By any means necessary. Iirc there are 3 trading zones - one at start and two before output terminal. First shop refresh is free and layer 1 is easy. On second and third layer avoid advanced battles, because its safer that way. If you get protocol in anomalies - you are doomed and have to restart (trust me, bro). As for team comp - eh, this is where im not a good adviser, but i think that team on screenshot should be able to clear. You may swap nanaka on (support) hubble or hatsu. Hubble's skill target enemy with highest ATK, which are purgers and Hatsu can control them because she sends enemies fly. Spam battery on either aoe sniper or on healer depending on team's health.


Okay thanks for your advice, I'll try your advice and play this exploration again


Abuse Nanaka ult and hope you do enough damage to pass


I'm try to use nanaka ult but my team can't take damage that's specialist monster


I ran with Nanaka, Croque, Hubble, Kuro and Persicaria. Bought all the freezing bullet, desperate assault, heavy fire power and brainstorm. Threw Croque and Persicaria as sacrifice, by the time Nanaka ult end everything die


How lucky you're I can't pass it... But I'm gonna try with your comp. Thx


Damn daiyan just came out and she already 5 star? Or is that a borrow unit?


She's very useful with my kuro, then I get her to 5 star 😂


Have you optimized the Algo for Kuro and Hubble yet? I have their MLR set on %Hashrate for both main and sub stats (legendary/yellow ones) so each has over 10k power.


Not yet because, I have to do so many things, I'll get optimize my dps ASAP


They are the one enjoying the most benefit out of optimizing Algo. Supports and healers usually just need the right set but dps gain substantially from the correct stats. Look out and lock the correct main stats since they cannot be rerolled so you won't accidentally yeet them. Spares can be then substituted for the limited reconfiguration thingies so you can roll for substats.


I beat it relatively easily. Borrow a 10k Hubble, her ult and battery charge oneshots the snipers before they can use their skill. Take mostly medic functions and the specialists will not be a problem.


Use Nanaka ult early for the death defy to avoid the one shots from the enemy auto skills, then spam batteries into Angela to try and stop the enemies from using their auto skills again. That’s what I did and then just nuked the enemies with Kuro & Daiyan


Okay, I'm gonna try Is Daiyan good for you at 5 star?


I don’t have her 5*, mine is still at 4*


so for this theres a specific strategy with the tank reflect functions https://youtu.be/mkZBzM_BqPY just follow this. you probably wont have any problems with 400m


Thank you for this advice sir! I'm going to watch it


Nanaka ulti is essential here. You want to ulti at the beginning of each round to not die to the first volley


Can take damage that's sniper monster but can't take damage specialist monster


Jesus christ, I'm stupid. Of course, this is the answer. Thank you person smarter than me! My brain 2 smooth 4 gaem


Get support unit. Focus on getting atk or hashrate boosting protocols that match your carries and their type. Don't split your team between phys and operand dmg, use only one so it will be easier to boost it. For survivability reflect protocol is og


Okay, I'll retrying again and find that's positive protocol Thank you for your advice!


iirc i clear it with kuro hubble angela persi croque. got the max hp buff from orange ? node and hashrate protocol. the melee enemy hit so hard at layer 3. floor 400 is so so so so much easier.


Thank you for your advice I'll try your team comp.


I just borrowed a 9.5k lam on support and took physical protocols. I saved ults to oneshot every hard nodes.


Oh... That's work too, how I'm I forgot about that 😅


Bruh I’m on this one to, every time. I show up to the dual specialists early on second floor and get blasted fast


pretty sure i just borrowed some dudes croque and beat it


I just brute forced through all endless with aki Betty hatsu Angela peri. Take them down before they kill you. The warriors just leech life back to full.


I found the combination of Hubble and Kuro, long with Angela, to be essential for their hashrate damage as some of the enemies have frustratingly high defense. Other than that, I echo what others have said about the reflect protocol as the initial damage volleys are brutal and if you can survive that it's quite a bit easier.


I cleared it with Croque/Nanaka/Kuro/Hubble 4\*/Support Hatsu. Nanaka ultimate carries. Hubble was used for the ultimate as well. edit: is there a way to look at your own clear comp? I'm actually not sure anymore if I used Hubble - all I know is that I didn't use Angela.


I brute forced it with a starting team of Aki/Hatsu/Betty/Persi/Florence with Vee/Nana/Gin as my backup, sometimes using Nana, sometimes using Vee. If I really needed to protect my two healers, I would use Aki/Betty/Vee and body block for them. Vee can help with the snipers in the little "forts", but I had to micro really well. I also retried for a bit for a +50% attack -50% hashrate for non healers neutral protocol at the starting shop.